Have socket stone, now what?...it's not working.

chelseacraft Posts: 8 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
So now I have the socket stone & equipment what's a gal gotta do to get some slots?

Please don't just say take it to the PW Boutique NPC. I've read that many times. And... Been there/done that... nothing happens. What the heck does it take to convince her to do her job & put the slots on the equipment? Did I miss the button to kiss her posterior before getting what I paid for? b:chuckle b:kiss

Please someone tell me how to sweet talk that hussy into pimpin' my sword!


(yeah I know the blacksmith imbues after the sockets are in)
Post edited by chelseacraft on


  • BladedZero - Sanctuary
    BladedZero - Sanctuary Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    do you have the right amount of socket stones? each equipment has a different amount required.
  • Xymantha - Dreamweaver
    Xymantha - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    it can be expensive to socket your equipment. you may want to wait until you have equipment that comes with sockets already (level 19 call to duty reward weapon - level 30 rank 1 military armor - some rarish drops)
    I'm a man
  • chelseacraft
    chelseacraft Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well I bought the ONLY socket stone the PW boutique sells. It says 15 beside it so I assumed it was 15 sockets that could be applied to a weapon or armor. But let's say I did have something that could take exactly 15 slots... that still doesn't tell me HOW to apply the sockets to the item.

    I think it was just real life money wasted now that no one can tell me what to do with it & there is no way to do anything with it it seems.

    And FYI... around level 10 venomancer you get a sword with one socket in it from the starter box given to you when you started the game. I put a citrine in it & that sword was the best weapon available to a magic user until level 15.
  • Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary
    Thelas_Carr - Sanctuary Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ...It says 15 beside it so I assumed it was 15 sockets that could be applied to a weapon or armor. But let's say I did have something that could take exactly 15 slots... that still doesn't tell me HOW to apply the sockets to the item.
    I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the most number of sockets an item can have is 4.

    What exactly is the name of the Boutique item that you bought, because I don't see anything that looks like it would be used to add sockets in the list here: http://pwi.perfectworld.com/store

    Edit: I found an Ursa Major blade while killing stuff. It has no socket. When I brought it to the PW Boutique Agent, I dragged the blade to the Agent's slot and it looks like it would take 15 "stones" to put just 1 socket in this weapon, but I've no clue what a "stone" is in this case. *shrugs*

    Edit2: Nevermind, I see there's a "Socket Stone (quantity 15)" under Misc / Gifts that's not on the web-site. :)
  • Minta_ - Heavens Tear
    Minta_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Well I bought the ONLY socket stone the PW boutique sells. It says 15 beside it so I assumed it was 15 sockets that could be applied to a weapon or armor. But let's say I did have something that could take exactly 15 slots... that still doesn't tell me HOW to apply the sockets to the item.

    I think it was just real life money wasted now that no one can tell me what to do with it & there is no way to do anything with it it seems.

    And FYI... around level 10 venomancer you get a sword with one socket in it from the starter box given to you when you started the game. I put a citrine in it & that sword was the best weapon available to a magic user until level 15.

    after reading this i would guess you need 15 socket stones to make one socket. it is not really worth it to add sockets till endgame or really high level(for PK, TW reasons). For higher level items you will need even more socket stones to add socket
  • chelseacraft
    chelseacraft Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    All I needed to know was that the sword has to be taken off before it can get a socket put on.

    Once I took it off & went to the NPC & chose the right selection then it took 10 sockets to make one socket on my sword. Then I left it in inventory went to the blacksmith & he imbued it with the gem.

    To the person who said it wasn't worth it... you are probably right. But on the point about it being easy to find a weapon with sockets already in place... that has not been true for me. I've found ONE weapon so far with a socket in it. And I've found a ton of useless weapons that don't deal magic which I need for my veno. Still out of all the many weapons, only one has had a socket. Today as I hit level 18 I got socketed equipment on the battlefield.

    But the odd thing is... now that I'm getting stuff with sockets I never get any gems dropped. Maybe I just have bad luck! b:laugh
  • Lady_Satsue - Lost City
    Lady_Satsue - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Just a hint. I have been making my weaps and armor from like lvl 5-24. It has proven to be a good way of getting equip w/ sockets and extra bonuses b:laugh
  • Thrill - Dreamweaver
    Thrill - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    From reading the PWI website, weapons can have upto 2 sockets, armor can have upto 4.
  • Dioica - Sanctuary
    Dioica - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If you visit a pwi boutique agent and tell her you would like to be socketing your gear, she gives you a little dialog which you can drag your equipment into so she can tell you how many socket stones you need for another socket.

    But in the upper right hand corner of her dialog box you have a small yellow icon you can click which gives you a table showing how many socket stones you need for any possible piece of gear.

    But my image may expire in a few months, so:

    If you want to add your last socket to a piece of equipment (your second weapon socket or your fourth armor socket) you need 10 socket stones for each level of your equipment or, for equipment higher than level 10 equipment you need 100 socket stones for each level your equipment is above 10.

    Your first weapon socket would cost 50% of your second weapon socket. Your first, second or third armor socket would cost 10%, 20% or 30% of your fourth armor socket.

    So adding one socket on a level 1 armor would need one socket stone (and you could only put a shabby stone in your socket). And adding a second socket to a level 12 weapon would take 2000 socket stones (but you could put level 12 socket stones into your weapon then).
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    (but you could put level 12 socket stones into your weapon then).

    good post except what does this part mean, lvl 12 stones(if thats what you refer to) cost a few bil to make