Dear GM: Why are clerics so much slower?

WindMaiden - Sanctuary
WindMaiden - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Suggestion Box
Dear GM's I cant tell you how many times ive clicked to farm something and a rider on a panther or some such mount who is several meters away while im standing next to the willow stake or maganese iron mine that ive already clicked on gets it instead of me....I clicked it first shouldnt i get it? Why do clerics get booted out of the way of mining something continuously? And also the base running speed. If we(clerics) die so easily why are we the slowest class. We are the ones who need to run away more often. Please give us clerics a slight speed boost so that we are not always slighted whether its in trying to stay alive and not lose exp. or when trying to mine a material that inevitably gets stolen from right under our hands? I'm speaking up for myself and for other clerics who have voiced similar complaints or who agree with me wholeheartedly. Clerics as a class would deeply appreciate your regards in this manner. Thank you,
A Concerned Cleric,
Post edited by WindMaiden - Sanctuary on


  • MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands
    MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    in my opinion based on how you described the mat gathering situation, it doesnt sound like it has anything to do with class, that wouldnt make sense. To me it sounds that they have a slightly faster internet connection than you if they are able to gather a mat that far away. Or have an IP address closer to the server.

    I agree with the running part tho. I love how we get blamed for some class dying when they decide to run off knowing we run slower.
    I R NO ALT >:O
  • WindMaiden - Sanctuary
    WindMaiden - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I am currently on a pc that has quad processors and runs incredibly fast.....there is no problem with that. Also the internet connection is great, never have to worry about being dc'd and all that....And the problem is like this.....i click on mat , split second later panther who was further away is next to me and then it tells me "item being used".. I have a cleric, and archer, and a veno that i use often....I tell you what, my cleric is so much slower than they are to bend over and start digging a material or herb. That is how i know that for some reason(i have no idea if run/walk speed plays a part) clerics just dont mine as fast....This is the reason why i posted this with "Dear GM" as the first words, they are the only ones who can address the problem truely.
    Otherwise i will just have to mine with my other chars and spend 500 coin each time to send over to my cleric, to me that is a load of BS. Either that or pick some absolutely remote place(which is harder than you think on sanctuary server)to drop and quickly switch characters so the other can pick it up...
  • MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands
    MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I am currently on a pc that has quad processors and runs incredibly fast.....there is no problem with that. Also the internet connection is great, never have to worry about being dc'd and all that....And the problem is like this.....i click on mat , split second later panther who was further away is next to me and then it tells me "item being used".. I have a cleric, and archer, and a veno that i use often....I tell you what, my cleric is so much slower than they are to bend over and start digging a material or herb. That is how i know that for some reason(i have no idea if run/walk speed plays a part) clerics just dont mine as fast....This is the reason why i posted this with "Dear GM" as the first words, they are the only ones who can address the problem truely.
    Otherwise i will just have to mine with my other chars and spend 500 coin each time to send over to my cleric, to me that is a load of BS. Either that or pick some absolutely remote place(which is harder than you think on sanctuary server)to drop and quickly switch characters so the other can pick it up...

    K your not getting the point. I dont care if you have the best pc out there. the IP address could make all the difference. I constantly changed my ip to gain advantages in my other games. Also, speed of bending over and start mining is a total seperate thing from the game reading you clicking the mat. Bending over = just animation it has nothing to do with how the game processes when you click the mat.
    And the problem is like this.....i click on mat , split second later panther who was further away is next to me and then it tells me "item being used"..

    btw.. that sounds like one hell of a lag to me. People dont suddenly apear next to you like that unless your lagging.
    I R NO ALT >:O
  • WindMaiden - Sanctuary
    WindMaiden - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ok you're the one not getting the point....yes i see the panther coming over it doesnt disappear and appear in front of me...I am NOT an idiot..I wouldnt be asking for a GM to change the speed of clerics unless it was something important.....Maybe I'm just not explaining well.....And if you change ip addresses to gain advantages in games are you not also capable of other illegitimate bannable offenses? Please dont respond to this thread anymore, i will not further read anything you post. Please just consider it a waste of your time and leave it alone....This post is for a GM to answer.
    Thank you very much for your time,
    A Concerned(& now very frustrated) Cleric,
  • MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands
    MyNameIsPooh - Harshlands Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well sorry for trying to help, obviously someone doesn't know how to submit a ticket. Forums are for the general player community, not for GMs. I rarely see GMs respond to threads asking for their opinion.

    And for not being an idiot then you must know GMs have nothing to do with what the developers make the game to do.

    Stop complaining about things you dont understand/ dont know how to explain.

    And btw I have 0 problems on my cleric and this is the first ive heard about any mat gathering speed **** lol.. so obviously its on your end thats having the problem.

    You wanna try getting rude with me kid? Youll find I can be rude right back atcha.
    I R NO ALT >:O
  • WindMaiden - Sanctuary
    WindMaiden - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yes, I know that I said I wouldn't read anything else you posted but curiousity and boredom got the best of me. I was shocked at what I saw posted next.......Here is my reply

    Where have I been rude to you?,Nothing I said here was meant in a spirit of rudeness and please do not patronize me by calling me a "kid". I am a grown adult. Yes its been awhile since I read the forums. Sorry I was busy with a little thing called "Life"...Right now I'm dealing with chemo treaments for cancer and I do not need you mouthing off at me.....I have tried being as civil as possible. I am sooooo glad your cleric doesn't give you any problems. Lucky you, or perhaps you have just picked at the game code a little too much..........who knows?
    I realize you were only trying to help but this has gotten way out of hand. As I so civilly requested before, please leave this subject alone. I would greatly appreciate it.......

    To other readers: Sorry, but I will no longer be reading/posting on this thread as the nature of the content gets me very frustrated and is not good for my health. As stated above I am in chemo treatments and have been for the last year and a half....This is stressing me to the point where it is taking an (unneeded) extra toll on my body...I have to be very careful and know when enough is enough...Doc's orders.............good news though is that the chemo is working and doing what it is designed to do but in the process leaves me weakened...oh well, at least I am alive.....b:bye
  • Valdea - Dreamweaver
    Valdea - Dreamweaver Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    You're both being rather immature. I think Pooh was more or less right when he said it was your ip thing. I've had it happen to me multiple times and I've seen the difference from one computer to another. You're not always as far ahead as you think you are on other people's computers. Chances are that these people on mounts probably beat you to the resource because they are closer to the server's location and their signal got there before yours did, and they seem to have gotten there after you because of the lag the signal takes to go from your computer, to the server then back to your computer.
    To put it simply
    Your character arrives at the mine, your computer sends the signal to the server to tell it that you're there and ready to mine the resource, the mounted player still looks far away because the signal hasn't yet traveled from their computer, to the server then to you. The other player also arrived at the mine and their computer sends the same signal, however because of the distance it may need to travel to get to the server, it's signal may be recieved sooner than yours, therefor they get the mine, and to your computer it appears as though you were there first.

    On a side note; keep fighting. I pray the chemo works well and you get better so you can play more Perfect World. ^^
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Firstly, why the delay in harvesting to begin with? When I get to the mat an have clicked on it to harvest I should start harvesting immediately. Secondly, why can we not jump or fly in FB's? If we could then the Clerics would not have such a problem. They are WINGED ELVES it is their birthright to fly and that makes them safe Vs. most other enemies. As for the jumping...Ok...So the gravity above ground is moon-like but the gravity inside of FB's is more like twice Earth? What the heck makes FB's have such harsh gravity compared to the outside? I understand that the closer you get to an object the more it pulls on you but the effect is not that dramatic and some FB's are even out doors (FB 51 for example).

    As for mounts, considering they cannot fight from their mount why can they harvest mats on them to begin with? Even past that why do they seem to always get priority on the mats without question? I have experienced the same thing with all my characters (Veno, Cleric, BM) where I would be standing right ontop of the mat when a mounted person who JUST came into sight a fair ways off starts running towards it. I click on the mat to harvest it and run over, get to the Mat and stand there for a long moment before harvesting and then in this long pause the Rider gets to the Mat and suddenly they get to mine it and I do not. This happens even though I clearly got there first, clearly started to harvest before them, but yet they get it anyway.
  • FlameOfRebel - Sanctuary
    FlameOfRebel - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ok iv just read most of this, and i think it got taken by the wrong end of the stick. i thind wind i trying to say, blades, veno's, barbs, archers, and perhaps wizards (never played 1) has speed boosts. such as summer sprint cloud sprint and the barbs tiger form increased % speed. where as the clerics are healers (medics of the game) but we dont get a speed boost at all!.
    ok i may understand that we have the healing ability, but so does every other class as far as i no. maybe not as good but they still have the same skill as a cleric. all we have thats different in the revive skill ( which is more of a curse than a gift if u ask me). so we arnt really that much of a special class with better abilities that the other 5 classes. so i think we desreve abit of a speed boost my self. b:victory
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    she just had to revive this thread -_-

    You were rude by telling me not to post on a public forum. You don't have that right, you are not special. If you want a GM to respond send a ticket like they ask 99% of the time. Otherwise you will just get the player base's help most of the time. Which sometimes is correct, sometimes it isnt. I was only posting based on my previous gaming experiences.


    (btw yes i know i didn't help kill this thread by bumping it with this post, so don't bother pointing that out..)

    -Bob a.k.a. Pooh