Trade thread. New.

Posts: 481,800 Arc User
You've gotten the general gist of the earlier trading thread.
Follow these rules. Again, if I see account sales, you're being reported to the overseeing party. If you're looking for real money, don't bother posting. This is the final warning to anyone considering.
oawesomenesso wrote: »The Blacklight Trading Thread!
!Note: Please respond to trades Via PM.!
This thread is to make finding and posting trade EASIER by making it into one thread. Not to prevent trading from happening or endore this 'trading'. Alright? If you get scammed, don't blame me. Until there is an official way to trade, this will stay here for a while.
How to post:
1) Copy and paste the template and fill it out
2) Post it and just wait
3) Once your trade is complete, just edit your post. Its that simple.
Item(s) exporting:<Item>
Item(s) importing:<Request>
Availability: <Time spans you can be reached in PST | Forum PM/Ingame PM>
(Scroll down to the bottom and look at your time in PST)
Are you on the reliable traders list?:<Yes/No>
Have you read the forum's disclaimer and guidelines in the OP?: <Yes/No>
Trader's message: <Text here>
The forum's Disclaimer and guidelines
Management does not support "trading" without an official trading system, IE, this is give and receive, not trade items at the same time where both parties accept. Management is turning a blind eye to trading threads, but will not tolerate kerfuffles or help those scammed.
If real money is involved in any way, the thread will be imminently closed.
-Real money should not be exchanged for anything in-game. If we decide we want players to be able to trade cash for items, we'll implement a full-on trading system, with ZEN as a currency for use.
-Officially, the item gifting system is one-way. In practice, of course players are going to be trading... no way around it. Since it's such an easy system to scam, though, we can't afford to provide any official sanction to trading. Official policy for the moment is to turn a blind eye to trading threads (except when they need moderation), but not sanction them, which means we won't be having a sub-forum.
Follow these rules. Again, if I see account sales, you're being reported to the overseeing party. If you're looking for real money, don't bother posting. This is the final warning to anyone considering.
Post edited by rinkyushi on
Blessed is thy will. Righteous is thy fist.
IGN: PrincessCelestia
Server: US/AU/BR
Items Exporting:
-BCL Camo Sets
-Slant X2 Bomber
-Gold Betahead Trophy maybe
-Ragnarok T-shirt Pack
-Astro Graffiti -Armor
-Astro Autumn -Weapon and Armor
-Robot Voice Pack
-Astral helmets: Red, Gold, and Damaged
-R5X Ghost Stangman helmet
-R5X Ghost The Veteran
-Bonebreaker Clown
-Bonebreaker Black
-Slant Target
-Damaged R5X
-Permanent Incendiary AR ammo
Items Importing:
-Platinum Pack
-Gold Pack
-Slant X2 Camo
-Slant X2 Bomber
-KBmod Camo
-Extra Life Charity Camo
-Veteran Pack
-Astro Camos
-Prototype Helmets
-Metallic Orange armor camo.
-Gun Pump taunt (Non-digital)
-Dragon **** huehuehue
Reliable traders list?: Yes.
Prefer you contact via forum PM. If you're a super serious buyer and need to grab hold of me, steam is fine. Won't be in game too much; playing Stalker CoP soooo sugoiii~~desu
If you're asking for money in exchange for your items on my import list don't bother; I'm not a money buyer.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
IGN: MrMoneyBags
Server: EU
Items Exporting: >> Screenshots <<
Platinum Packs 5x (US&EU), Gold Packs 3x (US&EU)
Zombie Veteran Packs 3x
Level 11 to 17,21,20,40 Reward Bundles
2 Years Anniversary Packs 3x
RET-3 Astral GOLD
R5X GHOST Stangman
Bonebreaker - Black
Damaged Allied R5X US
Prototype Helms US&EU
AmetX Retribution
ArmetX Beta Veteran
Battle Damaged Hunter
Any zen camo
Science Armor
Extralife 7days EU (lots)
All Astro Camos Set
BCL Full Set
Purple Heart
Golden Beta Head Trophy
Seananners Voice
Prize Fighter 2x
Loyalist 2x
Battle Hardened 3x
Rotten To The Core
Beta Tester 2x
Deep Pockets
Beta Tester & Beta
30 days
Troll Face 1x
Loadout Slots 5x
Zen Items :
Electronic Warfare Chronos 2x
Survival Suit Ghost
Importing Items:
KBMOD Weapon Camo
Contact me with in game mail or Steam[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
IGN: NWOwnsBigAgrctlr It's in my sweet Tribal Sig!
Exporting: Platinum Pack, Perm SMG Incendiary Magazine, Chronos, Viper, and Temperate Duchess Heroes, Battleaxe, Red Astral, & the entire set of Prototype Hemlets (no single deals on Proto Helms sorry), and a Seananners Voicepack. I can obtain many items, just ask!
Importing: Hatchet Helmet, Purple Heart Trophy. That is all....
Available: Everytime, anywheres, so long as you have an inter-dimensional, time traveling sofa. Agrajag gonna get his...
Server: NA/AU
I read those guidelines and the disclaimer, and I am on the reliable traders list, so unless you are as well, you will be sending items first. DunnadunnadunnadunnaNATMAN
Trader's message: I believe the value listed in the pricing scale for Legendary nodes to be undervalued based on: 950 (GP/rare node CP) X 6 (nodes needed for level 1 purple) X 6 (Nodes needed for level 1 orange) X 5 (to create level 5 orange) = 171,000 GP (not including failures, nodes higher than level 1 blue, or fusion percentage increase GP). I'm NOT crazy, node fusion "percentages" are.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
IGN: DeepPocket
EU: Exporting: armor camo Powder Puff camo Trollface Taunt permanent Loadout Slot
Screenshot of camo-->
US: Exporting: Atago 9 prototype helemt Recluse b-1t3 prototype helmet
Looking for : Extralife Weapon camo perm
Importing: If you are really interested in some of my items contact me on steam[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
IGN: SgtRazr
Item(s) exporting:
Permanent Items-
Blacklight 2 Year Anniversary Bundle
Arc Camo Pack
RET-3 Astral Red / Red Alien Helmet
Black Bonebreaker
Armetx Jolly Jack Dark
BoneBreaker Helmet
AK470 x2
Black Armor Camo
Metallic Gold Weapon Camo 30-Days
Metallic Gold Armor Camo 30-Days
Loadout Slot
29400 GP in tokens
82000 XP in tokens
Silver Crowbar x2
Duchess 30-Days
Crane 30-Days
Tea Bag 30-Days x3
Roar Digital 30-Days x2
Rainbow Digital 30-Days x2
Hush 30-Days x4
Weapon Tags:
Astro Logo
Astro Blacklight Retribution Headphones
Astro A30 Headset
Astro A50 Headphones
Any GP Item up to lv 50.
Item(s) importing:
Need Loadout Starter Pack available for $9.99 on steam here:
Tell me which items you want.
Date: 06/26/14
Server: US/AU
Are you on the reliable traders list?: Yes. You go first unless you are on the reliable traders list.
Have you read the forum's disclaimer and guidelines in the OP?: Yes
Trader's message: Send me a PM or send a friend invite on steam. My Steam name is SgtRazr. I would prefer to chat on steam.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
IGN: raycon125
Item(s) exporting: Grendel k. morau, Pink, Red HS camos, Astro graffiti all camos, Crane digital, camera digital, ret 3 astral gold helmet,trollface taunt, epic movement speed datanode, any reciever, 35k of gp item ... any everything else from my inventory ( i have 1030 items, 200k+ exp, 50 3day katanas, hrvs for hs and much more)
Everything permanent
Item(s) importing: items worth 2000 zen for main items, 3000 for everything i own
Date: 25.6.2014
Are you on the reliable traders list?: i was , but i havent played for more than a year
Have you read the forum's disclaimer and guidelines in the OP?: Yes
Trader's message: I will not go first, but i assure you l will hold to my side of the deal, if your interested add me on steam (same name), i have trading permit and will send you all you want
Everything sold[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
rokjurkovsek wrote: »IGN: raycon125
Item(s) exporting: Grendel k. morau, Pink, Red HS camos, Astro graffiti all camos, Crane digital, camera digital, ret 3 astral gold helmet, seananners voice pack, epic movement speed datanode, any reciever, 35k of gp item and some more
Everything permanent
Item(s) importing: items worth 2000 zen for everything
Date: 25.6.2014
Are you on the reliable traders list?: i was , but i havent played for more than a year
Have you read the forum's disclaimer and guidelines in the OP?: Yes
Trader's message: I will not go first, but i assure you l will hold to my side of the deal, if your interested add me on steam (same name)
Add me im interested.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
rokjurkovsek wrote: »IGN: raycon125
Item(s) exporting: Grendel k. morau, Pink, Red HS camos, Astro graffiti all camos, Crane digital, camera digital, ret 3 astral gold helmet, seananners voice pack, epic movement speed datanode, any reciever, 35k of gp item and some more
Everything permanent
Item(s) importing: items worth 2000 zen for everything
Date: 25.6.2014
Are you on the reliable traders list?: i was , but i havent played for more than a year
Have you read the forum's disclaimer and guidelines in the OP?: Yes
Trader's message: I will not go first, but i assure you l will hold to my side of the deal, if your interested add me on steam (same name)
Added you.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
how to annoy people in QuakeLive:
bind A moveleft; say huehuehuehue
bind D moveright; say huehuahehuahue[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
So here is my trading list, If you are interested either hit me up on the contacts below!
Steam: benHUNT3R | SCAR
In-Game: benHUNT3R
I am on US/AU servers
My Export List:
-Silver Crowbar (3)
-LMG Recon
-Titan Uls1 'Fire Blast Premade Award Shotgun
-Allied Warzone oX9 -Chestplate
-Guardian ColossusRC6 -Legings
-RET-3 Astral Gold -Helmet
-RET-3 Astral Damaged -Helmet
-RET-3 Astral Red -Helmet
-RET-3 Astral Black -Helmet
-Bonebreaker Clown -Helmet
-Bonebreaker Bloody -Helmet
-Bonebreaker Black -Helmet (2)
-Slant X-2 Stealth -Helmet
-Slant X-2 Target -Helmet
-ArmetX Jolly Jack Dark -Helmet (14)
-ArmetX Retribution -Helmet (2)
-ArmetX Yin and Yang -Helmet
-R5X Ghost The Stangman -Helmet (2)
-R5X Ghost Skull Knuckle -Helmet
-R5X Ghost The Veteran -Helmet
-Damaged Allied R5X -Helmet
-Volk 34R Prototype -Helmet
-Black Armor
-Metalic Toxic Green Armor
-Digital Blue Armor
-Emergency Releif Armor
-Astro Graffiti SET
-Astro Graffiti Black SET
-Astro Autumn SET
-Weapon Tag Chance Packs (7)
-Level 45 Reward Pack
-50% Self GP Boost 3-Day
-100% Self GP Boost 3-Days
-ALOT, Mail me to get a full list. Many Legendary, Epic, Rare
-Loyalist (2)
-Battle Hardened
Emblem Components:\
-Piggy (4)
-Soon! (3)
-Corporate Logos Emblem Pack 1 & 2
-Urban Leters Emblem Pack
-Roar Digital 30-Day (5)
-Paper Digital
-Scissors Digital
-Rainbow Digital 30-Day (3)
-Troll Face (3)
Voice Packs:
-Robot Voice Pack
Weapon Tags:
-Astro A-30 Headset (2)
-Destructoid Tag (2)
-GameSpot Tag (4)
-MMOBomb Tag
-FPSGuru Tag (3)
-Bro Team Pill
-Astro A-50 Headphones (2)
-Astro Blacklight Retribution Headphones (3)
-Astro Logo
-Around 40 From Chance Packs
Other Misc
-Lilith - S Karalis
-E.Y.E Divine Cyperemacy
-Dead Island: Epidemic
-Payday: The Heist
-Afew meh CS:GO skins,
My Import List:
Rare Camos: BCL, ELC, Secret Silver etc
Rare Helmets
ANY Trophies
Lover Bundle
Seananners Voice pack
Veteran Pack
Beta Items: Titles, Emblem, Trophy, Helmets
OFFERS, I am NOT looking for items buyable with GPI DO Have all 5 videos for the reliable traders list, but i need to get around to editing them together.
So Until then, I WILL ONLY send first to people on the list, Everyone else will send first or we will use a middle man.
Im also looking for someone to make me a sick SIG, unpaid xD msg me
IGN: Ashxu
Server: US/AU
RET-3 Astral - Gold x2
RET-3 Astral - Red x1
ArmetX - Retribution x3
Battle Damaged Hunter x1
Damaged Allied R5X x2
Hardsuit Pilot Orange x1
Camera Digital Emote x1
Raptr Tag x1
Astro A30 Headset x1
Destructoid Tag x1
Gamespot Tag x4
MMOBomb Tag x2
FPS Guru Tag x1
Bro Team Pill x1
Astro A50 Headphones x1
Astro Blacklight Retribution Headphones x1
Astro Logo x1
Zen (PM me for details)
I'm on the reliable traders list.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
All prototype helms x2 (7 day)
Atago9 x1 (perm)
Jolly jack dark x8
Bone breaker bloody x1
Bone breaker clown x1
Red astra/alien x1
Stangman x1
Bsmg x12
Tsmg x2
BAR x1
Silver crowbar x1
Camera digital x1
Over 30+ 7day assorted
HS camos, orange,red,purple,blue,green
ELC 7day gun
22 assoted tags Mail for list!!!
6 Legendary nodes of use
Any rare helms,camos,taunts,items basically
SERVER: US (i will not take EU items)
IGN: Atwhatcost
Message: Im not on trusted traders and will NOT send first unless you're on the list!!!!!!
IGN - MasterColeX2
Servers - US
Exporting - Troll Faces
Importing -Server Tokens (must be 1 day tokens at least )[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Offer up! I'll consider any reasonable offer, in-game or cash.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
theonerussian762 wrote: »
Offer up! I'll consider any reasonable offer, in-game or cash.
Aren't you the guy who got banned for cheating?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ban was appealed. Simply put, someone was spoofing their GUID and it came up as mine.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Someone was spoofing their GUID and happened to be of another BLR player's ? O.o[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
iamprem1234 wrote: »IGN: MrMoneyBags
Server: EU
Items Exporting: >> Screenshots <<
Platinum Packs 5x (US&EU), Gold Packs 3x (US&EU)
Zombie Veteran Packs 3x
Level 11 to 17,21,20,40 Reward Bundles
2 Years Anniversary Packs 3x
RET-3 Astral GOLD
R5X GHOST Stangman
Bonebreaker - Black
Damaged Allied R5X US
Prototype Helms US&EU
AmetX Retribution
ArmetX Beta Veteran
Battle Damaged Hunter
Any zen camo
Science Armor
Extralife 7days EU (lots)
All Astro Camos Set
BCL Full Set
Purple Heart
Golden Beta Head Trophy
Seananners Voice
Prize Fighter 2x
Loyalist 2x
Battle Hardened 3x
Rotten To The Core
Beta Tester 2x
Deep Pockets
Beta Tester & Beta
30 days
Troll Face 1x
Loadout Slots 5x
Zen Items :
Electronic Warfare Chronos 2x
Survival Suit Ghost
Importing Items:
KBMOD Weapon Camo
Contact me with in game mail or Steam
Added :- Seananners Voice and Beta Veteran Helm.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Hey guys just a quick question, i have this video of MrMoneyBags asking me to do a fake trade, i.e i send him something and he sends me something then we give it back after he finished recording it, is that a problem or anything? Becuase i remember him asking for 'proog' for stuff like that? I would gladly put it up if you need it?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
undeadpug1999 wrote: »Hey guys just a quick question, i have this video of MrMoneyBags asking me to do a fake trade, i.e i send him something and he sends me something then we give it back after he finished recording it, is that a problem or anything? Becuase i remember him asking for 'proog' for stuff like that? I would gladly put it up if you need it?
LOL you again:p
such pain'very tryhard[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
undeadpug1999 wrote: »Hey guys just a quick question, i have this video of MrMoneyBags asking me to do a fake trade, i.e i send him something and he sends me something then we give it back after he finished recording it, is that a problem or anything? Becuase i remember him asking for 'proog' for stuff like that? I would gladly put it up if you need it?
Post it[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
IGN: socomranger
Exporting: Extra Life Charity (ELC) armor camo perm
Name Change
Astro Autum Armor camo perm
Gold Astral Helmet perm
500 Zen
(pm me ingame if you want me to take screenshots)
Importing: Offers
Reliable traders list?: Yes
I prefer to be contacted trough steam, but go sure to send me a pm ingame too.
Exporting EU
Troll face taunts
Re - skins of helms
Hs camos
Gp items
Cs:Go skins
Looking for p250 franklin, sg553 pulse, deagle Cobalt distribution etc
Msg me on steam[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ok ill post the video, ill put the link on this and reliable traders and scammers list...and also MrMoney its nothing personall, but you did ASK for proof, so your wish will be completed![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
undeadpug1999 wrote: »Ok ill post the video, ill put the link on this and reliable traders and scammers list...and also MrMoney its nothing personall, but you did ASK for proof, so your wish will be completed!
yeap i asked you for proof months ago and finally you got proof that i scam ?
alright im waiting.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
iamprem1234 wrote: »yeap i asked you for proof months ago and finally you got proof that i scam ?
alright im waiting.
No..not that you scam read what i said, just me recording some gameplay and you whispering me saying things about faking a trade and sending and returning items.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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