
Ghanima - Harshlands
Ghanima - Harshlands Posts: 54 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)
Okay time for another poll...

People who play veno/nix lack PvP skills.. yes or no...
Post edited by Ghanima - Harshlands on


  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    flame thread, open troll door.

    also another pointless thread because sending a nix with buged bleed isnt pvp skill, every1 no's that, its just a e-peen raiser for other veno users that think it is pvp.
  • IRNoob - Heavens Tear
    IRNoob - Heavens Tear Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Venos definatly lack in PvP skills. and Meca....................... please............ stop copying peoples sentences....... ''it just an E-peen raiser''
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It's almost impossible to tell whether venos have skill or not, because of how ridiculously over powered they are.

    One thing is for sure, veno's do not have justification in bragging/trash talking about killing anyone.
  • IRNoob - Heavens Tear
    IRNoob - Heavens Tear Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    One Thing Is For Sure, Veno's Do Not Have Justification In Bragging/trash Talking About Killing Anyone.

    +10 .
  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Veno pk is a joke.


    this entire game's pk is a joke.
  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Meca....................... please............ stop copying peoples sentences....... ''it just an E-peen raiser''

    other ppls sentences? so what ur saying is by that, every1 can use it but me? cos u said so? go back to the school of noobs plz.
    Veno pk is a joke.


    this entire game's pk is a joke.

  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The ones who let the nix do all the work yes, which is the majority. I give mad props to nix veno's who will throw in some attacks as well. Especially those who stand there all brave and nuke.
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I wouldn't say it's brave since without a shadow of a doubt their target will die before they reach you regardless if you kite or not.
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    There is no argument when it comes to the OPness of Venomancers.

    Putting PvP aside for a second, Venomancers are GODS of PvE.

    When it comes to grinding, they can send their pet in, heal a few times, and kill it without ever having to repair armor or anything. They can do this with bosses as well. As long as their pet can keep aggro, and they can heal it fast enough, they can solo whatever they want. On top of that, you can have multiple venos all spam healing the same pet, making it able to tank much higher level bosses then you normally would be able to.

    They also have the best money making skills! They rarely have to pay for pots or repairs, and even a charm is sometimes unnecessary. But on top of that, they can farm HH all day long and make millions off selling mats. Usually you need a whole squad to run HH and even then, people sometimes die, and you split mats. Not nearly as profitable.

    As for PvP, they have the advantage of having the Phoenix, with the bleed skill which can drop a player in a manner of seconds. There are people who will just send the pet on you and then fly away, assuring that you will be bleed to death by the time you catch them. Then there are the Venos who send the pet in and then Purge => Amp Damage => Lucky Scarab. You die either way. They can also easily wear Light or Heavy Armor, making it even harder to kill them.

    Now, I'm not going to cry every time I get ganked by a Nix, thats just part of the game. But when Venos start trash talking about how they are amazing at PvP cause they killed a few people, it pisses me off. Any idiot can make a veno, spend 200 bucks to get a Nix, level it to 60 or 70, and then go around killing everything in sight. But that's not PvP in my eyes.

    So sum this up: Yes, I think that Venos are OP when it comes to both PvE and PvP. But I think the solo reason for that is because of the Cash Shop Pets. If it weren't for the Herc and Phoenix, Venos would be a LOT more balanced. They would still be very powerful, but not broken anymore. Those two pets are why 90% of Venos wanted to play that class.

    Now, the important thing to note is that if I had rolled a Veno from the start, you better be damn sure I would have gotten a Herc and a Nix. But that would have been exactly why I rolled a Veno, which is why I feel they make the class OP.

    Sorry that turned out a lot longer then I thought.
    Flame on.
  • Waterboy - Lost City
    Waterboy - Lost City Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    half the venos with nixs on this server suck b:laugh

    cmon u gotta know not to jump in the water and folo us b:cute
  • Desiree - Harshlands
    Desiree - Harshlands Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    In my books, whether or not a veno'nixer is a good PvPer or not is if they stand or run. A bad PvP veno'nixer is one that just throws an Ironwood then turns away or drops out of the sky if the target uses Bloodclot or starts flying toward her. Such a veno'nixer relies on the phoenix too much. A veno'nixer that knows how to make use of stuff like genie skills (i.e. Extreme Poison) as well as stuns (i.e. Lucky Scarab + Air Strand + phoenix stun + Stunning Blow if they can) is a decent one. A veno'nixer that can 1v1 barbarians at the same level is a good PvPer (unless the barbarian was ganked, unbuffed, AFK, or just sucks). Veno'nixers who just never run (unless you're being 1v4'd of course or 1v3 with another nix or two archers) are, in my books, true PvPers.

    As for PvE, phoenixes are indeed a great help but it doesn't make them overpowered to the extent some people think. I tore through butterflies much faster when I was a lvl 80 cleric than I ever can right now. At lvl 80, butterflies were 4-hit to me with only a +1'd lvl 70 weapon and 3-hit for a friend of mine with a +5'd lvl 80 weapon. On average, it took me 15 seconds as a cleric to kill a butterfly and pick up the drops. As a venomancer, it takes me 20 seconds. The advantage though is that, as a cleric, I burned through MP hiero much faster while as a veno, I hardly care about either hiero usage or equipment repairs. As a cleric, I had to pick up drops to cover hiero usage. As a veno, I often don't bother. Nevertheless, a cleric can solo grind faster than venos - it just costs a lot more.

    To Waterboy - only silly venos jump in the water. Smart venos stay above water and just keep hiero ticking the target to annoy them b:cute

    To Maddrox - except for Rome, Siva and other BMs with +veryhigh XSs, barbs and BMs can't kill me 1v1 - I have over 4k HP and more pdef than light armours b:cute

  • Meca - Harshlands
    Meca - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    killing 1 butterfly takes about 5 seconds lol, dunno where u got 20 from

    theres barly a point in trying to say veno's arnt over powered when they realy are in this game compared to other classes, ive used WB/EA/WF up to just about level 80, and wf just takes the cake from how easy it is to do everything.
  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    In my books, whether or not a veno'nixer is a good PvPer or not is if they stand or run. A bad PvP veno'nixer is one that just throws an Ironwood then turns away or drops out of the sky if the target uses Bloodclot or starts flying toward her. Such a veno'nixer relies on the phoenix too much. A veno'nixer that knows how to make use of stuff like genie skills (i.e. Extreme Poison) as well as stuns (i.e. Lucky Scarab + Air Strand + phoenix stun + Stunning Blow if they can) is a decent one. A veno'nixer that can 1v1 barbarians at the same level is a good PvPer (unless the barbarian was ganked, unbuffed, AFK, or just sucks). Veno'nixers who just never run (unless you're being 1v4'd of course or 1v3 with another nix or two archers) are, in my books, true PvPers.

    As for PvE, phoenixes are indeed a great help but it doesn't make them overpowered to the extent some people think. I tore through butterflies much faster when I was a lvl 80 cleric than I ever can right now. At lvl 80, butterflies were 4-hit to me with only a +1'd lvl 70 weapon and 3-hit for a friend of mine with a +5'd lvl 80 weapon. On average, it took me 15 seconds as a cleric to kill a butterfly and pick up the drops. As a venomancer, it takes me 20 seconds. The advantage though is that, as a cleric, I burned through MP hiero much faster while as a veno, I hardly care about either hiero usage or equipment repairs. As a cleric, I had to pick up drops to cover hiero usage. As a veno, I often don't bother. Nevertheless, a cleric can solo grind faster than venos - it just costs a lot more.

    To Waterboy - only silly venos jump in the water. Smart venos stay above water and just keep hiero ticking the target to annoy them b:cute

    To Maddrox - except for Rome, Siva and other BMs with +veryhigh XSs, barbs and BMs can't kill me 1v1 - I have over 4k HP and more pdef than light armours b:cute


    When I hit 80 (Real soon) let's fight, sounds fun ^^

    I won't have an XS, just a +8 FireFlow.
  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If I ever die to a non-nixer 1v1 I want to cut myself.

    That's why I hate aeanes so much.

    How can a cleric kill my 200 dollar qqmachine while I slumber then my 200 dollar unbuffed qqtankmachine while I slumber then force me to let him kill me.

    **** you sir
  • KrisLexi - Harshlands
    KrisLexi - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i dont wanna get flammed or anything just thought i'd give my opinnion im a lvl 24 veno but at this point without a nix or herc i can solo most anything ecept fbs. im neither light or arcane or heavy im going for a complicated build the heavy+arcane which is complicated but im getting it right.

    now as a begining veno some hav no idea bout the nixes or hercs so its unfair to say some1 would only choose veno cause of that. So anyway just thought i'd put that upb:bye
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    now as a begining veno some hav no idea bout the nixes or hercs so its unfair to say some1 would only choose veno cause of that. So anyway just thought i'd put that upb:bye

    I did not mean to say that 100% of venomancers choose to play that class because of the legendary pets. But the majority of players who pick that class do so.