What Is The Griefing Rule

NinJaXXX - Harshlands
Posts: 26 Arc User
can someone tell me what is the (rule) griefing that CAN BANN ppl in places like QQme as my alt can still not do his darn quest and i wana we sure i can do my quest without QQme pking lowlies as they are unable too deal with their own ppl saying they have like 200 ppl to look over bla bla bla so my only chance is to knew a good rule i can knew like what i understand griefing so plz tell me what it means b:kiss
Post edited by NinJaXXX - Harshlands on
You can get a good explanation about the "Griefing Rule" here ->
http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1310 -
look and yes i knew my c9onduct isnt any good right now but where is the griefing set off rule and do i report that ppl and how i am sick off QQme camping sp all day long i dont need to knew why they are anybody do so i just wana knew iff i can let my alt obiosly we able to quest in peace without some qqme pking there for fun its plain **** iff they are 60++0
why dont u just go to a PvE server if u dont wanna get pked[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]you have just meet death
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
- Frank Outlaw
credit to ForsakenX for the sig0 -
cos he wants to play pvp maby?
the rule is if some1 is unable to enjoy the game, level up ext but cant cos ur getting constantly pked by higher lvls, which stops you doing both of the above, it wud force players to quit if they cant do anything, hence the grefing rule...0 -
yes and yes its my alt a barb lv47 and still have quest at sp cos each time i go to sp QQme are there pking.And is it really my foult i cant do quest or what . What off the high lv QQme what are THEY there for not a quest that i knew so really why blame me when i am there questing when high lv shouldent
its not like i can fight back or anything,so that is why i am asking for griefing set off rule,As there own member off QQme cant handle their own members i am really pissed a few player make whole guild rotten but WHAT would u we iff u cant finich a quest so high lv stop camping sp damn it0 -
If u get attacked or pked one time, and u think that is preventing u from enjoyment of this game... Report it...
If u are happen to be where PK is going on and get hit by AOE , and u think that is preventing u from enjoyment of this game... Report it...
After all, everybody wants to have PK-Free-Questing-Grinding Exp form this game even u are on PvP Server.. Until u hit Strong lvl and better Gears, then PKing should be different story...
If all those things Fail.. then my friend... move to PvE server.. Ive heard they are having fun Killing mobs, FBs, HH and World BOsses without getting pked..
If u dont want to get pked.. or going to pk.. why bother playing over here..?
I know i know... getting pked by High lvl suck.. but my man.. Take it in.. Just take it Like a Man... U be okie..
** maybe I see u on pve sever.. yes..?0 -
on my all pw experience in my 4rth year now i never played on pve and i wont either and i wont quit either BUT i will hold the guild responsible for having bad ppl in them . i wont put more massages as ppl dont get it i dont mind rpks iff they are betwen their own lv.ANd i will hold QQme responsible responsible for its members even iff ppl say i shouldent judge 1 whole guild over a few apples but it is more their own probelm iff their own member do as they please and therefore they 2 are responsible for lacking on their own rules enuff said now go QQ somewhere else i wanted 2 see iff ather felt the same but i guess i was wrong well i wont QQ anymore as i will prepare my alt to pk QQme let the WAR start noobsb:kiss0
I don't think PWE has given "Griefing" any specific outlines yet, instead leaving room for the TOS enforcement staff to make their own interpretations when users submit complaint tickets.
It is best to use your own judgement, whether you are the PKer skirting the TOS, or the person being PK'd, whether or not what is happening can fall under "Griefing."
My personal opinion:
If you are PK'd once, by one individual, that is not griefing. It is life on a PvP server. Respawn, move on.
If the same individual PK's you two, three, four times or more within a short span of time, or perhaps over time - say, every time you come across them in the game over a period of weeks - that reeks of griefing. Or even stalking. That you should document with SS and submit as a Ticket as the behavior is habitual and detrimental to your gameplay. When one person focuses on you that strongly it's certainly cause for complaint. (Of course, if your guild and their guild are KOS with each other, that's bad luck. The both of you might just be questing in the same areas. PK 'em back!)
If you go to a specific area, and always see members of the same faction there, and they always PK you, document it thoroughly. Is it the same names? Be SURE that the faction is the same one every time you are PK'd. QQme does not have exclusive PK at Safe Passage, for instance. It could be a no-guild or another guild that's getting you. If you find that it's always the same guild, again, document and submit a ticket. Since the people doing the PK will vary, the disciplinary line for the staff might be tougher to figure out - it's more straightforward when it's just one individual slaughtering the same newbies over and over. But the staff has their ways.
On the other hand, if you're all over the map, and tend to get killed by a certain faction (multiple individuals), chances are either you or your guild are on their KOS list. Bring it up with your guild, it may end up being a mutual KOS.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Harshlands || Lareish (Wz), Enraged Executor || AKA Howl Leader Garmr
~~ ~~~ The semi-sane, optimistic cynic with a light heart. ~~~ ~~0 -
I'm going to resist the urge to just post QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ lololol and post something mildly costructive instead.
Everybody has experienced being pk'd at one time or another, and on a fairly regular basis in certain areas at certain times. You think the current 3x 4x 5x generation are the first to be pk in fb? When I was level 30 it was the same story, I was pk over and over in fb29 by the same few guildless high levels such as ayekim. The only diffence is I didn't go to the forum and start a thread QQing about it because I'm not that lame.
I just did the sensible thing and went to quest somewhere else for an hour or 2 and go back later. The worst thing you can do is stand around QQing about it because its hilarious and they will just do it more.
So in summary you want to be able to PK other people but you don't want to be PK'd yourself. QQmoreIRNoob - Funny, 20 votes for crimson in like 10 min and then no votes at all for 30min.
Seraphim - So u admit that even in forums KD gets owned by Crimson?0 -
if you are getting pked by them in SP tell one of their officers. they will go in and pk their own guildies for even being inside SP.Staring at the wall is much more rewarding than playing PW.0
I'm kinda tired of hearing that line, there's no way everytime someone from QQme is ever in SP that your officers will come kill them. They would never leave SP.
If you are getting griefed in SP, just go somewhere else. Seriously, what are there 3 total quests in SP? It won't kill you to go do something else. Go do your SP quests during a QQme TW. Use your brain.0 -
That ban happened because it was reported that people were asking for a fee (50k) to pass through SP. It's not because of the PKing, necessarily. Whether it was a joke or not, that was why.
Were it due to the PKing, we'd all have been familiar with it from LC (because there's a crapton more of it there), rather than the surprise that was had in the thread stating that around 6 people had been banned for "griefing".
You'd see people like d5fun in LC getting banned for PKing lowbies, and Ascii in HL if it were just the PKing, also.
Oh, and for people that don't believe we'd go PK our own members, try reporting some to us and find out.Formerly /Haiku/ of Lost City.
Still cognitive atrophy at its finest.0 -
I think many ppl here still think this is a PvE server...
Don't kill me pl0x i want to grind in peace b:surrender0 -
Wait wait wait. Rein, are you saying that wasn't a teaparty over near Orchid that I passed earlier? The pink names seemed to be having such fun playing ring around the rosie, with the red name playing the rose O.O
I'm going to bed now. I make very little sense after midnight XD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Harshlands || Lareish (Wz), Enraged Executor || AKA Howl Leader Garmr
~~ ~~~ The semi-sane, optimistic cynic with a light heart. ~~~ ~~0 -
4 ur information i aint playing ninjaxxx but my ather character so try pking me as u dont knew who it is. secondly as i alredy have done it i intend to take this war to QQme very soon and any QQme i care less 4 who is pking lowlies or who isnt the WHOLE guild is responsible. and plz QQ more as i can always post my opinion over forum on whatever i want....... NOW I AM COMIG FOR QQME AND I WONT STOP UNTILL U ARE DESTROYED ENTERLY NOW **** OFF KIDS b:angry0
I want tickets to that teaparty[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Harshlands || Lareish (Wz), Enraged Executor || AKA Howl Leader Garmr
~~ ~~~ The semi-sane, optimistic cynic with a light heart. ~~~ ~~0 -
Tryagain - Harshlands wrote: »I'm kinda tired of hearing that line, there's no way everytime someone from QQme is ever in SP that your officers will come kill them. They would never leave SP.
If you are getting griefed in SP, just go somewhere else. Seriously, what are there 3 total quests in SP? It won't kill you to go do something else. Go do your SP quests during a QQme TW. Use your brain.
every QQ r should read this post until they have it memorized.
this is a PVP server.
there will be KOS's
there will be epic pk wars that last for hours
there will be people that run out of dolls and drop everything
there will be times you might have to port to get away from someone
there will be times a higher level will pk you, sometimes more than once
if the above doesnt sound like fun, maybe try PVE?the good Starr0 -
NinJaXXX - Harshlands wrote: »and plz QQ more as i can always post my opinion over forum on whatever i want.......NinJaXXX - Harshlands wrote: »NOW I AM COMIG FOR QQME AND I WONT STOP UNTILL U ARE DESTROYED ENTERLY
Director: Right... Now!
b:shockedNinJaXXX - Harshlands wrote: »NOW **** OFF KIDS b:angry0 -
I'm going to ramble for a bit, so I'll apologies now.
I started playing this game for the first time 3 weeks 6 days ago. I'm level 68 and hopefully will make 70 within the next couple of days. Leveling at first was amazing as until level 30 no one can touch you. But then the unthinkable happened! I turned level 30 and suddenly my protective bubble of blue named goodness was over. I didn't think twice of it till....secret passage b:cryb:surrender it was unreal! I got repeatedly killed entering secret passage and outside while trying to kill the mobs outside for a quest. It was really frustrating but then I thought in true comic fashion to create a list. The next time I got PKed I told the guy who did it.
"You've just made my list"
They asked what I meant and I said:
"I'm just like Nixon and you my young fellow have just made my list"
This spurred some strange responses, confusion, unable to comprehend what it meant hell I'm not even American and knew about Nixon's enemies list some people really should have stuck in at school! I can even remember one guy almost showing a bit of remorse and fear at the thought of me catching them and PKing them. (Don't worry I've got your name wrote down you were only level 54 ish at the time and I will be finding you and paying you a nice visit shortly)
I wrote their names down, guaged approx level and class by looking at their items and that was that.
Two weeks down the line I'm leveling like you do and someone else gets added to my grind party. I see the name and think to myself, hmmm that rings a bell and out comes "the list" it just so happens their noted down as repeatedly killing me, making fun of me for dying in one hit at level 32 (them being in their 60s with TT 60 weapon) and stopping me from enjoying the game.
This person added to my party was now three levels lower than me oh how the tables had turned, it was my first PK (yes at level 67 the first time I actually PKed someone else) and the feeling of getting my own back on this guy was amazing.
Moral of the story? Remember the guys who give you problems earlier in the game. Play hard, level hard and embrace the daily grind. They will spend too much time messing about in secret passage and not enough time leveling, before you know it you'll surpass them and then get your own back from them picking on you as a newbie.
b:laughDimental - Little bit dim, little bit mental
Celestial - b:victory0 -
Dimental - Harshlands wrote: »I'm going to ramble for a bit, so I'll apologies now.
I started playing this game for the first time 3 weeks 6 days ago. I'm level 68 and hopefully will make 70 within the next couple of days. Leveling at first was amazing as until level 30 no one can touch you. But then the unthinkable happened! I turned level 30 and suddenly my protective bubble of blue named goodness was over. I didn't think twice of it till....secret passage b:cryb:surrender it was unreal! I got repeatedly killed entering secret passage and outside while trying to kill the mobs outside for a quest. It was really frustrating but then I thought in true comic fashion to create a list. The next time I got PKed I told the guy who did it.
"You've just made my list"
They asked what I meant and I said:
"I'm just like Nixon and you my young fellow have just made my list"
This spurred some strange responses, confusion, unable to comprehend what it meant hell I'm not even American and knew about Nixon's enemies list some people really should have stuck in at school! I can even remember one guy almost showing a bit of remorse and fear at the thought of me catching them and PKing them. (Don't worry I've got your name wrote down you were only level 54 ish at the time and I will be finding you and paying you a nice visit shortly)
I wrote their names down, guaged approx level and class by looking at their items and that was that.
Two weeks down the line I'm leveling like you do and someone else gets added to my grind party. I see the name and think to myself, hmmm that rings a bell and out comes "the list" it just so happens their noted down as repeatedly killing me, making fun of me for dying in one hit at level 32 (them being in their 60s with TT 60 weapon) and stopping me from enjoying the game.
This person added to my party was now three levels lower than me oh how the tables had turned, it was my first PK (yes at level 67 the first time I actually PKed someone else) and the feeling of getting my own back on this guy was amazing.
Moral of the story? Remember the guys who give you problems earlier in the game. Play hard, level hard and embrace the daily grind. They will spend too much time messing about in secret passage and not enough time leveling, before you know it you'll surpass them and then get your own back from them picking on you as a newbie.
That's pretty awesome. But not awesome enough for me to give up my "protective bubble of blue named goodness" on my safe cushiony carebear server. b:pleasedInStyle is the greatest faction on Dreamweaver! b:victory
Feito is...
[x] Still a LA Cleric
[x] in possession of a BURNING TIGER SPIRIT b:angry
[x] Sipping some F--KING tea
[ ] Totally KICKASS
[ ] Extremely wealthy
I've got some ways to go!0 -
ive only been playing this game for a couple of weeks now, and i dont mind being pk'ed, hell i dont even mind dropping items. It is a pvp server
But the last few times ive been pked it has been whilst ive been fighting mobs. This has happened a few times, that they have hit me a couple of times, not 1 shotting, but taking about a 3rd of my health, then when i realise its not the mob damaging me and look around for the player, they stop and let the mob kill me. This has pissed me off a bit, i dont mind losing items, but losing xp to? it has wasted a lot of my time from the loss of xp.
can this be dealt with this griefing rule?
i might start taking names of people who have pked me too and get them back later lol0
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