Why does everyone hate GZ?

Rickrollled - Heavens Tear
Rickrollled - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
Just curious as to what some peoples reasons are...
Post edited by Rickrollled - Heavens Tear on


  • meaangirl
    meaangirl Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think ppl are more mad at themselves for not being ally with conq b:chuckle
  • Hidden - Lost City
    Hidden - Lost City Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    if everyone was allied with cq this would be a pve server :/
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Because Polter is a ranked member of GZ and because they KoSed my guild while they should've been defending their territories.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Because most of GZ are from lame **** guilds who did random pking and talked ALOT of trash....although some of the members in GZ now came after they had land and have ZERO memory on how some of their members where back when the server started. Also Polter still talks trash but he stays out of world chat now. He sticks to pming me hate threats and attempts on my real life!
  • Arravis - Lost City
    Arravis - Lost City Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    if everyone was allied with cq this would be a pve server :/

    Again, your logic baffles me. GZ isn't "everyone."
    Because Polter is a ranked member of GZ and because they KoSed my guild while they should've been defending their territories.

    PK and TW are rather different. You can also blame your guild leader for the KOS, my friend.
    Because most of GZ are from lame **** guilds who did random pking and talked ALOT of trash...

    Sounds a lot like BLT to me.
    Also Polter still talks trash but he stays out of world chat now. He sticks to pming me hate threats and attempts on my real life!

    I like how you keep referring to Polter over and over again. Has he made you THAT butthurt?
  • Kathya - Lost City
    Kathya - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I like how you keep referring to Polter over and over again. Has he made you THAT butthurt?

    That might be it Arravis..
    It's ok Biggyluv, dont be b:sad no need to b:cry

    I'll ask Polter to be more gentle next time!.. poor little thing!

  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Arravis, Hidden was responding to meeangirl saying people are mad they're not allied with cq. And you're right, gz isn't "everyone", they're "no one".

    The only way I could respect GZ is if after they lost all their land they still remained a guild with the same core.

    We'll see.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Rickrollled - Heavens Tear
    Rickrollled - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    When I read these forums I fear for humanity.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The only way I could respect GZ is if after they lost all their land they still remained a guild with the same core.

    Your respect seems pretty hard to earn then. b:chuckle
    The state GZ is in right now baffles me.
    I really hope they come back together soon so that there would be a fun war to look forward to =p
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    PK and TW are rather different. You can also blame your guild leader for the KOS, my friend.
    You're right, but GZ still fails at TW.

    And I don't choose to blame anyone for KoS, I've actually been enjoying killing GZ.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Arravis - Lost City
    Arravis - Lost City Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You're right, but GZ still fails at TW.

    Funny, considering how Nostalgia gets rolled every TW they're in. Oh, except for that time you guys beat Ohmydays because it was a fake guild.
    And I don't choose to blame anyone for KoS, I've actually been enjoying killing GZ.

    Coming from a level 71 MG, this is pretty humorous. Believe me, I've killed way more Nostalgia than you've killed GZ b:cute
  • Mt - Lost City
    Mt - Lost City Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Coming from a level 71 MG, this is pretty humorous. Believe me, I've killed way more Nostalgia than you've killed GZ b:cute
    The question would be did he even kill anyone in GZ? As I believe the lowest level inside GZ was 80?
    I think he is either dreaming or talking about another guild.. Poor little MG b:surrender
    . . . . . .
  • meaangirl
    meaangirl Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You do have to admit the reason GZ is on the map is because CQ. If GZ wasn't here, you'd all be crying about total territory domination.
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The question would be did he even kill anyone in GZ? As I believe the lowest level inside GZ was 80?
    I think he is either dreaming or talking about another guild.. Poor little MG b:surrender

    Because I have to kill everyone when I PvP? Mages are so totally a solo class, you know.

    And Arravis, we have lost all TWs so far, I don't deny that. But all things considered, we haven't had any help from CQ.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ok. Personal feelings aside. I will answer the op's question.

    GZ's action from a long time ago to now, has been down the path of self-destruction.

    I'll put it in point form, so Arravis can quote easily later , after he finds some 5yr old logic way to respond.

    1. GZ asked BLT help to take down RQ. Blt complied on the condition that GZ help take down CQ. Shinzoko agreed. But as u all know. After rq was torn from the map. Shinzoko went back against his word and turned on BLT.I'm sure he has spun a colourfull yarn to cover this, but i believe senior members in GZ are blushing now. So that explains all ex-BLT hatred.

    2. GZ was originally formed to "take down RQ" but instead, they formed an alliance to take down BLT + after BLT disbanded to secure and safeguard their lands. A truce with rq was still in effect. So that explains ppl who was looking up to them for going against the "evil" RQ hatred.

    3. After Riot and Spectral was formed. GZ called kos on the 2 newly formed factions, even though the 2 were content to leave them alone.This explains the current Spec + Riot hatred.

    4. Whether you call it butt hurt or whatever, Polter's mouth is stained with ****. Because of that mouth, you GZ have earned more disrespect from onlookers in world chat.That explains a small, yet also adding to the main % of public hatred.

    5. The taking of "noob" faction lands. You GZ made the worst mistake here. Already the 4 points above earned you the dislike and hatred of 70% of the ppl.(Don't gimme the stupid, the whole server isn't made up of blah blah. Ppl below 70 can't have any effect on these events, so yeah 70% of ppl that matter.)You earned another 10% of enemies due to your greed, and arrogance by saying "cry more" when asked why u took those lands.

    6. You may or may not know this. But by doign point number 5, u ultimately made cq pull away from you. I may not like cq, but i gotta give it to them. They are number one when it comes to enthralling the masses and P.R. What u did, made u bad P.R, Cq won't have that. Without cq "having your back" Noone sees u as any form of power any more. This sealed your fate.b:surrender

    As you can see. You did this to yourselves. Now man up and take it. Cos the onslaught will not stop.
    Btw you may think private convos between shizoko and others maybe private....Like "Column, enough ok? You losing money. No fight us more, we no fight u also" But u fail to realise there are people like me who will let others know the squirming, so we can collectively laugh in your faces.b:chuckle

    You're done GZ.
    Expect it. Accept it.b:kiss
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I personally don't hate GZ, but I have only ever met one nice one. I don't know why this is or what makes a large number of them think that they are better than everyone. I'm only going off my experiences and they are, there are a few nice people in GZ, but the rest talk a lot and think the lowbies are undeserving of their help.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I personally don't hate GZ, but I have only ever met one nice one. I don't know why this is or what makes a large number of them think that they are better than everyone. I'm only going off my experiences and they are, there are a few nice people in GZ, but the rest talk a lot and think the lowbies are undeserving of their help.

    Logan_Morgan is the only GZ I know and respect. As for the other GZ I know, I can't say much for them.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • xeron66
    xeron66 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »

    1. GZ asked BLT help to take down RQ. Blt complied on the condition that GZ help take down CQ. Shinzoko agreed. But as u all know. After rq was torn from the map. Shinzoko went back against his word and turned on BLT.I'm sure he has spun a colourfull yarn to cover this, but i believe senior members in GZ are blushing now. So that explains all ex-BLT hatred.

    2. GZ was originally formed to "take down RQ" but instead, they formed an alliance to take down BLT + after BLT disbanded to secure and safeguard their lands. A truce with rq was still in effect. So that explains ppl who was looking up to them for going against the "evil" RQ hatred.

    i dont know what ur on about but the 1st one to start the conflict between blt and gz was blt then they called off kos, kosed gz again, called off kos....(was funny to see that as it was happening almost on a daily basis).
    then blt started attacking gz teritories for some weeks in a row instead of cq's until they called off kos once again (that never got old b:laugh)
    then b4 blt was taken down and gz had to pick a side between blt and cq they went for the obvious option
    Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot...
  • Agentzero - Lost City
    Agentzero - Lost City Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    BIGGYLUV please don't start on who trash talks the most.. the whole server knows it from your non-stop world chat remarks.

    If you are planning to spam this reply of mine with hateful remarks, noob name calling and what-not, you can save it. PM me instead thanks. No one needs to hear what you think (again).
  • XPapewaiox - Lost City
    XPapewaiox - Lost City Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    Ok. Personal feelings aside. I will answer the op's question.

    GZ's action from a long time ago to now, has been down the path of self-destruction.

    I'll put it in point form, so Arravis can quote easily later , after he finds some 5yr old logic way to respond.

    1. GZ asked BLT help to take down RQ. Blt complied on the condition that GZ help take down CQ. Shinzoko agreed. But as u all know. After rq was torn from the map. Shinzoko went back against his word and turned on BLT.I'm sure he has spun a colourfull yarn to cover this, but i believe senior members in GZ are blushing now. So that explains all ex-BLT hatred.

    2. GZ was originally formed to "take down RQ" but instead, they formed an alliance to take down BLT + after BLT disbanded to secure and safeguard their lands. A truce with rq was still in effect. So that explains ppl who was looking up to them for going against the "evil" RQ hatred.

    3. After Riot and Spectral was formed. GZ called kos on the 2 newly formed factions, even though the 2 were content to leave them alone.This explains the current Spec + Riot hatred.

    4. Whether you call it butt hurt or whatever, Polter's mouth is stained with ****. Because of that mouth, you GZ have earned more disrespect from onlookers in world chat.That explains a small, yet also adding to the main % of public hatred.

    5. The taking of "noob" faction lands. You GZ made the worst mistake here. Already the 4 points above earned you the dislike and hatred of 70% of the ppl.(Don't gimme the stupid, the whole server isn't made up of blah blah. Ppl below 70 can't have any effect on these events, so yeah 70% of ppl that matter.)You earned another 10% of enemies due to your greed, and arrogance by saying "cry more" when asked why u took those lands.

    6. You may or may not know this. But by doign point number 5, u ultimately made cq pull away from you. I may not like cq, but i gotta give it to them. They are number one when it comes to enthralling the masses and P.R. What u did, made u bad P.R, Cq won't have that. Without cq "having your back" Noone sees u as any form of power any more. This sealed your fate.b:surrender

    As you can see. You did this to yourselves. Now man up and take it. Cos the onslaught will not stop.
    Btw you may think private convos between shizoko and others maybe private....Like "Column, enough ok? You losing money. No fight us more, we no fight u also" But u fail to realise there are people like me who will let others know the squirming, so we can collectively laugh in your faces.b:chuckle

    You're done GZ.
    Expect it. Accept it.b:kiss

    1.) Back before BLT committed suicide, RQ had been trying to get people together to fight CQ. We got GZ on board, but BLT wouldn't commit to anything. Also, I can't IMAGINE Shinzoko ever making a deal like this, I'm pretty sure he'd taking GZ down into flaming ruin before he'd betray an ally. This whole argument is garbage.

    2.) The RQ ceasefire was made AFTER GZ took all of RQ's lands. And for a while it was welcomed by both sides. They did wipe RQ off the map, their stated goal. I'm not sure what's wrong with safeguarding their lands, perhaps this is explanatory in nature.

    3.) I doubt anyone knows who started this new war, tbh. It smacks of Palestine and Israel fighting each other... did they ever stop, who is at fault for the current war, etc. I've heard it both sides, and frankly it doesn't matter.

    4.) I'll have to agree with you here. While I don't think he means anything personally about it, his poor English only exacerbates his trash talk. I'd prefer if GZ kept off world chat, but I'm not in charge.

    5.) Again, I'll have to agree, and I'd say the majority of the current hate for us stems from this fact. Again, I'm not in charge, but I would have liked to see more of us explaining that some of the lands we took were from KoS (Shortbus, etc.) Either way, it did look exceptionally bad, and I believe it was a huge strategic error.

    6.) I don't think they were ever as close as you like to believe they are, but I will agree with you that they have much better P.R. than we (GZ) does. Honestly, we're not close enough to GZ for me to notice if they pull away 'further'.

    I think 4 and 5 alone are enough to have caused the ire we are experiencing atm. Don't pretend you know about conversations between Columnn and Shinzoko, what, you have spy cams on their computers? Honestly, you'd be a lot more credible if you had an avatar and you dropped the 'I have info on every guild's internal workings' superspy act.

    I'd say we created the situation our self, and that, combined with a shaky internal structure, lead to the current situation. However, I believe public opinion will change when BLT doesn't actually fight CQ when we're off the map. I've said this in other threads, but the best thing for GZ now would be to give up our lands to the rest of the server so we can get to work improving our internal works. I would have also liked to have split our land with RQ so we could each afford to TW every week for practice and fun. But I'd rather see a blood red map than see Spectral have a single land.
  • WindRunnerr - Lost City
    WindRunnerr - Lost City Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    b:puzzled who hates polter? he is so entertaining when he gets camped in safe and goes into CAPS RAGEEEEEE!!!!! always gives us a good laugh in vent.

    i heard this is a video of him being camped in intrepid
  • Bioxvirus - Lost City
    Bioxvirus - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    >.> **** gz. -leaves- *cough*Spectralftw*cough*
  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    BIGGYLUV please don't start on who trash talks the most.. the whole server knows it from your non-stop world chat remarks.

    If you are planning to spam this reply of mine with hateful remarks, noob name calling and what-not, you can save it. PM me instead thanks. No one needs to hear what you think (again).

    Remarks from someone who is in GZ which houses the most trashtalking person on the server. GFG!
  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    1.) Back before BLT committed suicide, RQ had been trying to get people together to fight CQ. We got GZ on board, but BLT wouldn't commit to anything. Also, I can't IMAGINE Shinzoko ever making a deal like this, I'm pretty sure he'd taking GZ down into flaming ruin before he'd betray an ally. This whole argument is garbage.

    2.) The RQ ceasefire was made AFTER GZ took all of RQ's lands. And for a while it was welcomed by both sides. They did wipe RQ off the map, their stated goal. I'm not sure what's wrong with safeguarding their lands, perhaps this is explanatory in nature.

    3.) I doubt anyone knows who started this new war, tbh. It smacks of Palestine and Israel fighting each other... did they ever stop, who is at fault for the current war, etc. I've heard it both sides, and frankly it doesn't matter.

    4.) I'll have to agree with you here. While I don't think he means anything personally about it, his poor English only exacerbates his trash talk. I'd prefer if GZ kept off world chat, but I'm not in charge.

    5.) Again, I'll have to agree, and I'd say the majority of the current hate for us stems from this fact. Again, I'm not in charge, but I would have liked to see more of us explaining that some of the lands we took were from KoS (Shortbus, etc.) Either way, it did look exceptionally bad, and I believe it was a huge strategic error.

    6.) I don't think they were ever as close as you like to believe they are, but I will agree with you that they have much better P.R. than we (GZ) does. Honestly, we're not close enough to GZ for me to notice if they pull away 'further'.

    I think 4 and 5 alone are enough to have caused the ire we are experiencing atm. Don't pretend you know about conversations between Columnn and Shinzoko, what, you have spy cams on their computers? Honestly, you'd be a lot more credible if you had an avatar and you dropped the 'I have info on every guild's internal workings' superspy act.

    I'd say we created the situation our self, and that, combined with a shaky internal structure, lead to the current situation. However, I believe public opinion will change when BLT doesn't actually fight CQ when we're off the map. I've said this in other threads, but the best thing for GZ now would be to give up our lands to the rest of the server so we can get to work improving our internal works. I would have also liked to have split our land with RQ so we could each afford to TW every week for practice and fun. But I'd rather see a blood red map than see Spectral have a single land.

    Who the **** is BLT scrub??? BLT still exists? I think not keep that name out your mouth and take ur medicine!
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    However, I believe public opinion will change when BLT doesn't actually fight CQ when we're off the map.

    Hi pape!!!!!

    Wanna know what RQ, Spectral and Riot are doing this week?
    Contact me for that paperbag and serving of humble pie.b:cute

    P.S: Do me a favour. The next time you speak to Shinzoko and/or Polter............Tell them to "Press M, now click on territories. What do you see??b:pleased"

    Damn that felt good.

    Paybacks a biznitch isn't it?b:bye
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Apocalyptart - Lost City
    Apocalyptart - Lost City Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    the faction that i hate is RageQuit the reason is because they dont know limits i mean yeah pking can be fun once in a while but when it stops you from questing its just bull and im sure that almost every faction has RQ in KOS
  • Trawne - Lost City
    Trawne - Lost City Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    the faction that i hate is RageQuit the reason is because they dont know limits i mean yeah pking can be fun once in a while but when it stops you from questing its just bull and im sure that almost every faction has RQ in KOS

    1: welcome to lost city b:pleased
    2: i dont have them KoS. doesnt mean i wont fight them. it's part of the game
    3: more than just RQ RPK here b:bye
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • Boojangles - Lost City
    Boojangles - Lost City Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I dont like GZ because we used to be on good terms. then they took our land and kos us right after. i was curious why so i asked some GZ (none of them knew why) so i say ehh if they want war **** em. oh and also because they r allied with CQ
  • Falon - Lost City
    Falon - Lost City Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Funny, considering how Nostalgia gets rolled every TW they're in. Oh, except for that time you guys beat Ohmydays because it was a fake guild.

    Rolled? <_< We lasted the whole 3 hours vs Shortbus, and YaKuZa finally rushed our base after like..an hour and a half. The only time we got 'rolled' was when BloodLust attacked us and vice versa.
    Coming from a level 71 MG, this is pretty humorous. Believe me, I've killed way more Nostalgia than you've killed GZ b:cute

    You're a 9x barb and most of Nostalgia's below 8x and squishy. If you couldn't, I'd be worried.
    Logan_Morgan is the only GZ I know and respect. As for the other GZ I know, I can't say much for them.
    Logan's great, even though he's not GZ anymore. Elrin's the only one left that I think is nice.
  • Friendlyfire - Harshlands
    Friendlyfire - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I thought FleaBag was pretty nice. He always helped people until he left the game for a while.