Ironheart Blessing is broken.

rejuve Posts: 2 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Suggestion Box
Well I haven't played cleric long so I can't be the first to notice this but, most clerics know that IB stacks, which is why it's so useful. The broken part is that after 15 seconds of the first cast, the HoT (heal over time just to be clear) does die, no matter what. This means that yea, you can stack it over itself, and the heal will increase temporarily, but you will only get maybe 6 seconds of a high power heal, but it will die anyway, causing a useless waste of MP. IB should reset it's buff timer when cast, because it clearly doesn't right now. Timed it a few times over with a stopwatch in various scenarios just now. Shouldn't be hard to fix, but it definitely needs to be looked at it, because I doubt it was intended to work this way. I played warcraft for a long time and if the HoT's didn't refresh the timer on themselves they were definitely viewed as broken, so unless you guys are just trying to **** clerics or make the heals all whacky.. this needs a fix.

My suggestion, make each stack it's own separate buff and let the buffs roll off individually, or put a buff cap on it, say 3-4, and allow any reapplications to keep this buff at the cap and reset the same timer. This would make most people happy while not OP'ing the hell out of it. But then again what do I know I've only been playing healing classes on MMO's for 10 years.
Post edited by rejuve on


  • Da_Chica - Heavens Tear
    Da_Chica - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The biggest bug that i hate if you play as cleric is :

    When you target some players when you wanna heal them , them you mostely heal the previsiouly target first instead of healing your current target.

    Many people died because of that.

    They all think your a bad cleric because you heal the wrong persons.

    But its not like this , its just a bug and it's not my fault if some people die.

    i always target the right persons to heal but that bug make me heal myself first or the previous target and not the current target.

    plz fix that.
  • Maddieson - Sanctuary
    Maddieson - Sanctuary Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Its supposed to do that rejuve.
    It's not my job to shut you down on a suggestion. It's a pleasure, though.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    There is nothing wrong with IH ;p
  • Bladecutter - Sanctuary
    Bladecutter - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    the buff icon stops, but the heal doesnt.. ive seen that
  • rejuve
    rejuve Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    A) It's supposed to do "that" - please tell me what you're specifying, don't just clog up the thread
    B) There obviously is something wrong with the buff icon or the spell in general if it's performing the way I just described.
    C) If it's just the buff icon that's fine, but it still deserves a fix so I can know when exactly my heal is ticking, otherwise how the hell do I know when it does actually fall?

    I don't think it's asking a lot to either fix the spell or have the buff displayed properly, since it is clearly not clear at all as to when the spell falls or is on.
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rejuve wrote: »
    A) It's supposed to do "that" - please tell me what you're specifying, don't just clog up the thread
    B) There obviously is something wrong with the buff icon or the spell in general if it's performing the way I just described.
    C) If it's just the buff icon that's fine, but it still deserves a fix so I can know when exactly my heal is ticking, otherwise how the hell do I know when it does actually fall?

    I don't think it's asking a lot to either fix the spell or have the buff displayed properly, since it is clearly not clear at all as to when the spell falls or is on.

    The spells works perfectly, just the buff icons show very little detail...

    But this does seems like an easy solution, to extend buff icon duration to end of all Ironheart stacks, instead of end of first stack...

    Thus we just have to change the code from a hard code to somewhat of a more flexible one. Actually, it doesn't seem that hard...

    Well, hopefully we can get this idea through..
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