Swept under the rug?



  • meaangirl
    meaangirl Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    Mods, i know u can't directly check or do anything.

    But hows about at least shwoing up here and lest telling us that our concerns have at least been forwarded to a gm or at least give us the usual "We will look into this" procrastination answer?
    Man all I smell from this post is Q_Q b:cute
  • Kathya - Lost City
    Kathya - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    the lvl87 4k hp bm has spoken

    Yeah, and so did the Noob hidding under a lv3 ALT.

  • Kathya - Lost City
    Kathya - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    i heard three lvl 70s from sg1owns couldnt kill you in secret passage when you were 3x. the leader even got 3 shots on you but you didnt die right?

    Lmao b:laugh
  • Mahleeha - Lost City
    Mahleeha - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I lol'd reading this forum post.b:laugh
  • Mahleeha - Lost City
    Mahleeha - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »

    Lets just pick the most obscure unknown guild from those that atatcked cq. Lionheart.Even they are seen around now and then.
    The rest u all know have been around and are recognised.Stop clutching at straws.

    Cq have lil fun wars now and then to show the lil ones just how strong they are. Kind of like a 30 yearold man letting a 3 yr old kid hang on to his arm and lift him up with one hand.
    "look at me youngen! i'm sooo strong!"

    So pretty much just because you didn't see them there not a guild?(Rangers). I like that way of thinking, really wonderful logic if you ask me. "Hey I've never heard or seen this guild before, it must be faking bidding" when you yourself just said what i quoted above.

    I'm pretty sure that other people on lost city have seen Rangers around, only because they didn't catch your attention makes them fake. I remember when they bid on GZ before I was also like WTF who is that, but when they come into a TW with more members than what Riot came in with it cracks me up.

    I think they lasted longer than Riot did in 2 TW's combined and you call them a fake guild. Your a funny person Ruk, Then you talk about GZ the only one defending when your clearly hiding behind a mask yourself when you are prolly in one of the attacking guilds. b:chuckle

    GL in TW Anon person Ruk. Btw like 90% of most of you got trolled by a troll
  • Scorpius - Lost City
    Scorpius - Lost City Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I was in Rangers for a couple of months, so I can tell you its NOT a fake guild, and it was planned to TW against GZ or Conq for a long time, but stuff happened, and ALOT of people left. Turakon (guild leader) decided to go ahead with the TW anyway, even tho there wasn't many high lvls inguild just so they could learn more about it. Theres nothing wrong with that. If fact, last week's TW was the second one they had against GZ.

    I dunno why you ppl are QQing cos a little guild was trying to experience TWb:scorn
  • meaangirl
    meaangirl Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I was in Rangers for a couple of months, so I can tell you its NOT a fake guild, and it was planned to TW against GZ or Conq for a long time, but stuff happened, and ALOT of people left. Turakon (guild leader) decided to go ahead with the TW anyway, even tho there wasn't many high lvls inguild just so they could learn more about it. Theres nothing wrong with that. If fact, last week's TW was the second one they had against GZ.

    I dunno why you ppl are QQing cos a little guild was trying to experience TWb:scorn
    Thought so. rukh is full of propoganda.
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well, what can i say?

    People coming out of the woodwork, saying they been inside rangers, saying they teamed with rangers, what not.

    Guess ya got me.b:surrender

    If i'm wrong, i'm wrong.

    Whats the harm in checking it out?b:shutup

    Rather make noise and be wrong, than be silent and nobody does nothing about it.
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    I made myself look like an idiot, rather than keep low-profile and investigate the issue more.

  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lolz at that Tardang.

    Make myself look like an idiot to a bunch of sheep and idiots. No loss here.b:kiss
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • dwarvendiety
    dwarvendiety Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    So there are different degrees of how seriously the rules are broken huh?
    rukhmath wrote: »
    Well instead of letting us flame here and go back and forth. i would like for the Gms to do one simple thing.

    Just one thing.

    Trace the ip logs of "rangers" and see if it matches any Gz ips.
    Come on. So simple to check. Get it done please GMs.
    Then u will have your proof.
    rukhmath wrote: »
    If u want to assume i am in spectral, u assume right. I am also in cq,gz,riot.

    So let me get this straight. According to your logic and explanation of the "rules", you along with Conquerer, Spectral and RIOT are in violation of the Terms Of Service and should be banned.
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lolz...bann me then.

    Feel free to submit a ticket.b:victory
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    Lolz at that Tardang.

    Make myself look like an idiot to a bunch of sheep and idiots. No loss here.b:kiss

    At least I have the balls to post under my real IGN.
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It's just always the same pathetic person, making the same pathetic posts and threads all the time. Can't help it, some kids get no attention IRL and have to do it on forums. So yah i kinda pitty you, Amen.
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • Torti - Lost City
    Torti - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Im currently in the rangers faction. Its a real faction...

    This is my first pvp server iv played on.
    I can say that i suck hardcore at pvp, im still one hit alot actually (i went wrong with my character somewhere... ahem that and i kinda suck Lol )

    The tw that was done was to show us how it worked it was my first tw
    and i think it was only the second for the rangers that i know of.
    Tw's are not very popular for us to do since we hardly have real high level
    players in this faction.

    And i read that someone was complaining about us bidding on a land with no bid on it. all i have to say is..... ofc we arent wasting hundreds of thousands on a tw if we are just trying to learn how it goes.
    it was just a coincidence of the timing we had this time as it was in debate in our own faction as to whether we should even have a tw because of our lack of high level players and intrest of tw's in general.

    Its hard to believe that some factions such as ragequit dont know we exist
    since it seems to be there sport to pk us. I for one have been pk'd by several of there members (not all at once but still enough of them to have heard of us atleast).well might get worse now that iv said something......

    I just think that certain peoples *cough* take this too seriously and need to be spanked irl. Now thanks too you our near harmless leader has gotten banned for no damn reason.

    And as for some of the other post saying we fake bid i simply reject your logic.xD

    PS: We got our asses handed to us pretty well lolol xD
    almost was affraid to go back and attack one of them (guardianZ) x.x
    was actually fun other then the fact we all got squashed hehehe b:surrender.....

    damn long post didnt mean for it to be that long but oh well....
  • kingeclipse
    kingeclipse Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Im in Rangers right now. As of now Im the leader. Were only a lvl 2 guild and Turakon has had us under the radar for the longest time. Were not a pk'ing, we dont start sh** it with other players. All we do is have fun try to lvl up. Thats all. As for our last *2* TW's. Oh we got it handed to us. No doubt about that. But at least we tried. The fake bid. Wow...sounds like someone got their feelings hurt cause they couldnt do TW...its ok little buddy, everythings going to be ok.

    3 people were banned by RQ. Look like the Gm's have their favorite. Any one agree with me? Some people dont believe we went to TW. We your a lie. I have a picture of us at the TW and getting pwned. I might also have a pic ot Torti dead on the floor. Check out the forum "Rangers" the link is there. OH! and the fact that people say there whole life is based around forums. Go threw the pages and see whos name pops up everytime. Well i have all the proof and evidence that everyone is saying is a bunch of bull sh**. Ok...take care now.
  • WindRunnerr - Lost City
    WindRunnerr - Lost City Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Im in Rangers. Im Director.
    Well, i can confirm that the Rangers is for sure not a fake guild. Rangers was my very first guild in PWI which i joined around october 2008 for two months until december. Turakon has always been the leader. I know him and also that he has been quite inactive for some time. I also know about the gz member's alt in Rangers, who has been the guild's director for some time.
    I can only speak of a fatal misunderstanding...
    Hope this can be solved before major changes happen between the guilds...
    Im in Rangers right now. As of now Im the leader. Were only a lvl 2 guild and Turakon has had us under the radar for the longest time. Were not a pk'ing, we dont start sh** it with other players. All we do is have fun try to lvl up. Thats all. As for our last *2* TW's. Oh we got it handed to us. No doubt about that. But at least we tried. The fake bid. Wow...sounds like someone got their feelings hurt cause they couldnt do TW...its ok little buddy, everythings going to be ok.

    3 people were banned by RQ. Look like the Gm's have their favorite. Any one agree with me? Some people dont believe we went to TW. We your a lie. I have a picture of us at the TW and getting pwned. I might also have a pic ot Torti dead on the floor. Check out the forum "Rangers" the link is there. OH! and the fact that people say there whole life is based around forums. Go threw the pages and see whos name pops up everytime. Well i have all the proof and evidence that everyone is saying is a bunch of bull sh**. Ok...take care now.

    just one question, kingeclipse. you were the director and now the leader of rangers. why would you use your alt to attack your main's guild?
  • Scorpius - Lost City
    Scorpius - Lost City Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    just one question, kingeclipse. you were the director and now the leader of rangers. why would you use your alt to attack your main's guild?

    You're confused. King was a new director, he's not GZ's alt, who used to be direc
    Also king has explained the reason why rangers TW'd against GZ, it was to experience TW, and as they had friends in the guild, why shouldn't they go against them? If they wanted to use it as a learning experience, then its best to go to TW against friends.
    Let's be honest, Rangers had little hope of actually winning... it was just for fun. Last time i checked, thats why ppl play games XD
  • Bafalda - Lost City
    Bafalda - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ok rangers is a real guild, i even saw one today on sundown XD
    just a few questions how did a small guild like rangers get that extra money to bid on gz?
    and why gz? why didnt bid on someone else? it was obvious they had not chance at winning.....and btw training battles at tw are not allowed b:bye
  • Arravis - Lost City
    Arravis - Lost City Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ok rangers is a real guild, i even saw one today on sundown XD
    just a few questions how did a small guild like rangers get that extra money to bid on gz?

    500k is not a lot these days...b:surrender
    and why gz? why didnt bid on someone else? it was obvious they had not chance at winning

    As explained above:
    ...king has explained the reason why rangers TW'd against GZ, it was to experience TW, and as they had friends in the guild, why shouldn't they go against them? If they wanted to use it as a learning experience, then its best to go to TW against friends.
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    In light of certain banning and such.

    I believe i don't have to say more.

    GM>all of u trying so hard to legitamize rangers bid.

    Arravis, Starang, Shizo, etc.......Do feel free to contact me for that paperbag for your head.b:pleased

    Btw.....Lightning......You're next.b:angry

    I believe now PWI has stated clearly and i qoute "Practice TW is not allowed"

    Watch your step.b:surrender
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Bafalda - Lost City
    Bafalda - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    Originally Posted by Scorpius - Lost City View Post
    ...king has explained the reason why rangers TW'd against GZ, it was to experience TW, and as they had friends in the guild, why shouldn't they go against them? If they wanted to use it as a learning experience, then its best to go to TW against friends.

    As explained above:

    I think u missed the part that training battles in tw are not allowed in pwi b:surrender
    so if they didnt bid with the objective to take the land still kinda makes it a fake biding.....
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    WTS: Amour blow up doll.

    Offering 2 mil
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    In light of certain banning and such.

    I believe i don't have to say more.

    GM>all of u trying so hard to legitamize rangers bid.

    Arravis, Starang, Shizo, etc.......Do feel free to contact me for that paperbag for your head.b:pleased

    Btw.....Lightning......You're next.b:angry

    I believe now PWI has stated clearly and i qoute "Practice TW is not allowed"

    Watch your step.b:surrender

    Well firstly, I just as much as everyone else here hate all these ppl who cant just show their faces. Secondly, we didn't "practice" we went in battle ready and lost. We learned a lot about it and will be doing it again in the future. So before you go talking **** show urself, find out what a catapult even looks like, then talk. Oh in case you haven't figured it out yet I'm Lightning's leader and still have access to my account you moron.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Airawyn - Lost City
    Airawyn - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think u missed the part that training battles in tw are not allowed in pwi b:surrender
    so if they didnt bid with the objective to take the land still kinda makes it a fake biding.....

    In this primes NO new guilds will be able to bid for TW to experience what it is like, how it works, and to see what they need to work on for the next time. Bidding on a TW to gain experience in not the problem it was that the money trail came for GZ to Rangers. As long as the TW was not pre-arranged in the beginning I honestly do not see a problem with it. Letting them bid it will bring some badly needed new blood to the Map. I want it to look like my house during Christmas, all lit up with different colors.

    That is the way that we learned, we started out attacking BLT and ended up on their KOS but that did not stop us from bidding on them when we came up with the needed funds. Those TW's against BLT taught us a lot and we are still learning with every TW that we do.

    9x Veno
  • Arravis - Lost City
    Arravis - Lost City Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    Arravis, Starang, Shizo, etc.......Do feel free to contact me for that paperbag for your head.

    For someone who isn't willing to show his/her real ign, I'd have to say, it looks like you already have a paperbag over YOUR head.
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    Whatever guys. My ends are met.b:laugh

    Believe u me. Whenever i see a guild out of nowhere bidding. I will send 12398876544642435309 tickets as i did with rangers.Better make sure everything is aboveboard.b:kiss

    You can argue the point as much as u want. But justice has been served, the guilty has been punished.
    No matter what u say here now, it's over.

    Btw if u are still arguing the point of "Practice TW is not allowed"
    I will say it again...................

    GM/PWI RULES>Your opinions.b:bye
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • marinesniper
    marinesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »

    You can argue the point as much as u want. But justice has been served, the guilty has been punished.
    No matter what u say here now, it's over.

    Btw if u are still arguing the point of "Practice TW is not allowed"
    I will say it again...................

    GM/PWI RULES>Your opinions.b:bye

    Where exactly does it say in the rules practice TWs are not allowed? And justice HAS NOT been served. Because GMs can't do the job that thousands of us have paid for, 3 people WERE banned because of these false tickets you sent. All they have to do is follow the money trail. It all leads back to Rangers members. Remember the BLT veno who was banned for filing false claims? Better hope that you don't get banned for false claims either. Sure might not miss you from the game.b:laugh
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Where exactly does it say in the rules practice TWs are not allowed? And justice HAS NOT been served. Because GMs can't do the job that thousands of us have paid for, 3 people WERE banned because of these false tickets you sent. All they have to do is follow the money trail. It all leads back to Rangers members. Remember the BLT veno who was banned for filing false claims? Better hope that you don't get banned for false claims either. Sure might not miss you from the game.b:laugh

    By all means if the trail does lead blah blah blah rangers is 100% legit, then if the GM sees fit to ban me. I will be banned.

    My sense of justice is not biased......like some ppl.b:shocked
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If your ends are met where's my ban? It's people like you who need a job so you don't sit around all day and press the spam GM's til they listen button.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
This discussion has been closed.