Alpine's Tank Guide!

AlpineFrost - Lost City
AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Barbarian
So you wanna be a tank eh? Well you're in the right place! Here is my guide for a PURE tanking barbarian!

How to spend your stat points:
Enough str for equips
Enough dex for equips
Dump the rest into vit

*This stat build is the recommended build for all barb tanks, as it make sure you can use the current equipment and have the maximum number of Hit Points possible*
(ill be adding a chart later with all the req's for equips)

The Goal of the tank is to keep the "aggro" of whatever you and your party is fighting, so the healer only has to focus on healing one person. Lucky for you the tank has a few very useful skills for doing so.

Skills to max ASAP:
Flesh Ream:
THIS SKILL IS YOUR BREAD AND BUTTER. Great opening skill, spam it often. The DOT on it stacks upon itself! Really great for doing lots of dmg over time and its a MUST for holding aggro.

Devour: Lowers enemies Physical defence (good for you cause you have a reduced physical attack in tiger form) builds a bit of aggro.

Roar:(aka talk is cheap) Forces everything in a certain radius to attack you (ie. Aggro, but it doesnt have a super strong hold). Great for pulling mobs in close for a friends AOE, getting mobs of squishies. ect. (Dont worry about maxing it, lvl 1-3 is good for a while. If you happen to have xtra SP+coin go for it)

Alacrity of the Beast: Cancel's enemy's spell casting! Need i say more??!?! (ive heard that getting it to lvl 7 is good enough, cause you can use it as a timer on enemy casting... ill look into that more)

Shapeshifting Intensity: GREATLY increases P-deff. its a must! Max it!(DUH)

Beastial Rage: Builds chi, and since most of your aggro grabbin attacks cost CHI. You best be maxing it!

Beast King's Inspiration:
Increases not only your max HP, but your party's max HP as well. Max it!

Strength of the Titans: You already have a low Phys attack as a tank. This increases your P-att, need i say more?! MAX IT

Blood Bath: Decreases HP, to raise accuracy. Higher lvls decrease HP less and increase ACC more. Use when you need more accuracy (especially useful when PvPing archers or HIGH dex classes!) Don't use during boss fights...The higher you go with it the more accuracy you get and the less HP you have to sacrafice, so work on maxing it when you can!

Poison Fang: Adds a percentage of wood dmg to your att, you need all the dmg output you can get. MAX IT

Other skills:
True Form:
Increases Max health and movement speed but lowers P-att, Its your choice wether to max it or not. But since tanks arnt meant to DD im maxing it to be a better tank.

Axe and Hammer mastery: Increase your dmg while using ANY axe and Hammer type weapons. Since all your skills revolve around this type of weapon you'll be maxing it to increase that thing you pretend is a dmg output!

Feral Regen: If you dont think having an increased HP regen rate is good for a tank you should prolly go roll a new class. (max it when you can)

Tanking bosses;
The majority of bosses can be done with a normal well rounded party (Tank, Cleric, and the DDs (damage dealers)) Obviously you fill the role of the tank, and your job is to hold the Bosses attention (aka aggro). The easiest method of holding aggro is spamming flesh ream, but to do so you need chi. When im tanking a boss i usually follow this combo of attacks;

Flesh Ream > Beastial Rage (to build chi) > Surf Impact (filler) > Devour (lowers P-def of target, bit of aggro) > Flesh Ream > Flesh Ream > Beastial Rage > Repeat till it dies.

You have got to constantly be building chi, in case you need to grab aggro back really fast, another mob wanders into the fight and starts hitting the squishies for instance. Without chi in a situation like that the cleric could die, and you guys wipe. So you can come up with your own chain of attacks, but make sure when Beastial rage cools you cast it again :P

If your party has a veno, politely ask them to toss you a spark once ina while with their "chi donating skill" its rather helpful when trying to keep your chi built during LONG boss fights.

The AOE Bosses:
These are slightly tougher than a normal boss, because every once in a while they let loose a powerful Area of Effect attack. Anyone within that radius is hit, these are fairly devastating to the squishies in your party. As the tank you have a very special skill known as Alacrity of the Beast (which you should lvl to at least 7, timing gets better, cooldown too) If you can get really good with the timing of this skill and the little hints bosses sometimes give about when the AOE is comming you can cancel it outright! That's right... NO AOE. Keep in mind this is difficult to do, and you shouldn't bet on being able to do it 100% of the time. It's all about timing :D

*I'll add PvP notes later on*

ALSO I'd just like to say one thing about "PvP Barbs" please tell your party what build you are... please. IF you happen to be a PvP barbarian and your flesh ream is only lvl 1, ITS NOT ENOUGH. Trying to tank like that is the equivalent of a cleric trying to heal you with only lvl 1 Ironheart. Not only ARE you going to lose aggro, but you are going to look like a tard humping a doorknob trying to get it back. AND the only way its gonna work is if your DDs take it easy... and that makes the fight last a heck of alot longer... burning more of everyones everything (mana, health, charms, pots, apoth items, armor repairs) just think of all the extra cost... tisk tisk.

#1 DO NOT RUN AWAY. EVER. Not only will you die, your party will get wiped. (And they might not like you much anymore.)
#2 KEEP AGGRO. If you lose it, get it back.
#3 FLESH REAM. FLESH REAM. FLESH REAM. And when they least expect it. FLESH REAM!!!.
#4 You should ALWAYS be building CHI, without chi you might as well be a blademaster LOL. Make sure to cast Beastial Rage often.
#5 Have Fun! In my experience tanks are one of the funnest classes to play, you are always needed for something and you meet lots of people. Help others often, and im sure you'll find it returned when you need it.

*Please keep in mind this is all made from my personal experiences and personal playing style, dont like it? LEAVE. You can post this wherever, just please give me the credit I deserve.*

Ps. Ill be adding pictures, an equipment requisite chart (for stats) and a PvP section soon.

Take care,
Ex-Waffles Director
Post edited by AlpineFrost - Lost City on


  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Case i need more room later on.
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    just a few thoughts.. you won't be able to focus on ALL those skills that you say max asap right off the bat.. also.. blood bath is kinda a waste of sp until you are in your 70s and 80s and can start levelling up your humanoid skills .. its a no no on bosses because hp is god when tanking .. personally my blood bath is at level 1 just so i could get strength of titans

    also.. the effect on roar vs flesh ream makes roar not very feasible to use more than like.. once a fight because of its long cool down and cast time .. i start off bosses with it usually and thats about it.. only other time i use roar is when things go bad and we end up with like 3 or 4 mobs going after the squishies.. and at that point level 1 or 2 (in my experiences so far) is more than enough to pull them back to you

    you also left off surf impact which is very useful in grinding/questing on mobs that kite
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thanks for the input :D

    I'd just like to note that my Blood Bath is maxed, and so are my beast king's inspiration and titans... not to mention i have alacrity at 7 and ream maxed for my lvl.

    It's not impossible seeing as im a pure tank and have no humanoid skills @ all. Except buffs of course :D
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i'm not saying its not possible to have those maxed with your level .. but keeping up on ALL of those skills is very tough.. you have 10 skills listed as keep maxed .. are all those 10 on yours maxed up? i know at this point I'm just now catching up on a lot of them ... in the 60s it starts to get nice because you hit level 10 in quite a few of the skills .. but i'm still behind in poison fang and str of titans

    I haven't gotten too many of the humanoid skills.. i made a mistake in the beginning but it wasn't too bad.. i've got lvl 4 stomp lvl 3 garrotte lvl 1 penetrate armor and lvl 1 mighty swing .. not much sp all together considering how much each skill takes anymore haha
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    also a note on how to buid chi durring fight i know duh!! but still

    the combo rage > surf > alclarity > roar > frightan > surf will give you 1 spark durring boss fight just follow the surf with a flesh ream and you will not lose agro and will keep enough chi to spam both your devour and flesh ream.

    i don't have sunder or invoke yet so i don't know about exactly how to fit those in. but the above combo will give you all the chi you need durring a fight. i often walk out of a boss fight with more chi than i went into it with.
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    also roar builds alot of chi and useing it in the middle of the combo gives you a way to keep your dder from takeing agro by hitting hard while you lay off the flesh ream and devour thus letting you keep (for a moment) the chi you build.
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No sticky?b:sad
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There are two guides stickied already. If you want this up there, you should probably add some more content. Maybe lvl up some more, as you likely don't have enough experience yet to advise on the endgame and TT and such.
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You're right about TT (as I've just started running it with my guild) and endgame (since im hella far from that).

    But those arn't even related to this guide, nor are they the reason why i've created it. I made this to help new players that want to build the best tank possible. And in my experience/advice I've recieved this is the best way to do so. I've lvled two barbarians (My other is a PvP build i made for fun, he's lvl 60), this being my pure tank.

    And I'm adding more content as i grow more and learn. I put alot of work into this, it's really great to see that it isnt acknowledged based on the lvl of my avatar or the "lack of exp I possess".

    thanks again PWE
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I simply meant it needs a bit more content to compare to the guides already stickied ;)
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Maybe im not making sense,

    This guide was based of off what I've seen in game, heard from friends and learned on my own. It is in no way connected to any of the other guides. I'll admit it needs more content, but if you look at my avatar I've also got more to learn and a long way to go.

    It's made solely on the tanking perspective of the barbarian, so of course it lacks the content that would come with the Humanoid skill tree. I merely intended for this guide to help players that are just starting out in PWI and want to pursue a tank build.

    I promise to add more content as I learn, lvl and grow as a player. It is in no way complete.
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That's just it, it's incomplete. Right now, this is mostly a guide on the stat build, what skills to get, and some general tanking rules. All those can be found in the other guides as well, though with different explanations. While it is good, to have a different opinion on some things, stickying this while it's incomplete would inevitably result in confusion. Finish the guide, be sure to add the PvP section (other stickies are a bit lacking there), and keep adding personal experiences. That's what could make this a sticky.
    P.S. I'm not saying your guide is bad, and I appreciate your help on forums - I've seen quite a few of your helpful posts, so don't take it personal.
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Update: added a boss tanking section :P
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • valsheart
    valsheart Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    OK... building my tank, I need chi. So how do I build it up? I know that some of the skills will bring my chi up, but I would like to build it through my attributes as well. So how do I do that? Where do I add skill points in my attributes... vit?
    I have other characters as well and would like to build their chi up so knowing this would help in build as well. I looked in the forums and haven't found much on building chi... or I just not looking in the right place.
    I think everyone would like to know.
  • Lycanthar - Sanctuary
    Lycanthar - Sanctuary Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    lol butthurt much? the mod made a very clear and respectful reply to your question. don't ask questions if you don't want the (quite obvious) answer, your lack of maturity is showing.

    did you even read the other guides? all you've done is regurgitate, grats.

    btw, protip - get your hurtbutt out of TT until you're high enough to be useful there. its more efficient for ppl to farm the coins to buy TT60 weapon mats rather than waste a ton of time and resources in TT1-1. To that end, farming coins mean getting exp means getting a higher lvl means getting more respect means being qualified to write a worthwhile, informed, sticky-able class guide.

    ==Sanctuary's Last Demon Barbarian== ... (lol strife)

    Off through the new day's mist, I run
    Out from the new day's mist, I have come
    We shift, pulsing with the earth
    Company we keep, roaming the land while you sleep...
  • KareszBeast - Heavens Tear
    KareszBeast - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    just a few thoughts.. you won't be able to focus on ALL those skills that you say max asap right off the bat.. also.. blood bath is kinda a waste of sp until you are in your 70s and 80s and can start levelling up your humanoid skills .. its a no no on bosses because hp is god when tanking .. personally my blood bath is at level 1 just so i could get strength of titans

    also.. the effect on roar vs flesh ream makes roar not very feasible to use more than like.. once a fight because of its long cool down and cast time .. i start off bosses with it usually and thats about it.. only other time i use roar is when things go bad and we end up with like 3 or 4 mobs going after the squishies.. and at that point level 1 or 2 (in my experiences so far) is more than enough to pull them back to you

    you also left off surf impact which is very useful in grinding/questing on mobs that kite

    Actually, it was my "first ever TT1-1", when I used (or at least tried to) raging roar - at the time I had level 1 or 2, don't remember exactly...cause of a bad pull two mobs came out I tried to agro, and I got to tell you it didn't do a thing. They may have turned to me for a very very very short period, but they switched agro immediately. Now that I leveled it to 5, it's a lot better, I managed to pull agro on 3-4 mobs from BMs several levels higher than me - however the amount of agro must be tiny, since as soon as they hit them again they all turn around and go back. It could work with shorter cooldown...but this way I just don't see how this skill is useful at all (which is why I left it at level 5), you could just as well flesh ream them one-by-one.

    With that need flesh ream LV10 ASAP, raging roar is not really necessary for a 'regular TT/FB run' - definitely not a skill to max.
  • Hazardus - Heavens Tear
    Hazardus - Heavens Tear Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I also think that roar resets the aggro, so while its ok to use it as a starting move, I wouldn't use it once I've established aggro.
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.