Frost Multi Mode Guide. ^^

Viprae - Sanctuary
Viprae - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Just some notes I'm taking as we venture the depths of frost squad mode.

After the third boss, mobs spawn on the paths you came from before. In two of the rooms there are harvestable crystals called Glacial and Blacial Crystal. If you harvest them you cannot leave the instance or they will disappear. If they disappear you have to start the instance all over again from the start and without them you can't progress beyond the 4th boss. Also make sure only one person harvests the crystal since you need both crystals on one person to continue and they're not tradable or droppable.

You need Curvades to Summon the 5th boss, Li Yi and Jin.

Lost souls quests for the Elementos, you can do it but you don't get credit until the elementos after the first boss.

Glacix Wu, Aeolian Shadow quest mobs don't come until after 3rd boss.(They spawn in the areas you previously explored) More elementos spawn later too.

Glacix Jaeger - Uses long range Aoe stun, pure physical, his debuff is hp debuff instead of curse in squad mode so it's not too hard for a melee tank to do. HP debuff is about 50% hp though. He spams aoe stun a lot so you have to stun/nova him or it'll take a while to damage him. Do not range tank this mob or he will stun spam you so badly you can't move.

Glacix Elemento - Aoe Metal and water, uses no physical attack, runs from melee tanks, constantly cancels cast including bubble. Best to keep these stunned while keeping them focused on your range attackers. Spams freeze(Movement stop)

Bears and Foxes, Both use aoe magic against ranged, they will melee if a melee tank has aggro which reduces the amount of aoes. Also best to stun.

Messengers, Boons, Magmitewannabes - All single target type magic can switch to physical not too tough. They spam seal so not wise to mob. Messengers have a very fast magic attack(Can do about 3 casts in the time it normally takes a mob to do 1).

Beholders - Rediculously weak and easy to kill still. :P

1st boss Thunderclaw

Has a poison aoe and aoe stun. Also uses double damage curse.

Pretty much impossible to bubble so tank needs a good deal of hp, our barb did it with 2 clerics healing at 13.5k hp and still used up 151k charm. Suggested tank is at least 89 to reduce charm cost on this boss.

Poison AoE does about 1k damage per tick to me but isn't stack spammed.

2nd boss Diabolique Enfant

Weaker than Thunderclaw, doesn't curse either.
Has an aoe but it's not cast often. Aoe can 1 hit my level 86 shaodu cub when boss is buffed. This boss is safe to bubble on.
Boss self buffs himself so 2 venos required to purge him constantly.
Boss also buffs party members too.

3rd Boss Cyclotra Styren
During the first half boss is easily tankable spams aoe sleep(Duration is short) and sometimes uses curse. It's impossible to bubble because it gets cancelled. After boss gets below half hp he starts doing a high damage physical AoE. Along with the high damage physical aoe the boss also does short range stun. Aoe sleep has long range. Boss isn't as hard as Thunderclaw was in terms of damage though. Throughout the fight he'll pick a single person who he'll randomly hit with a long range damaging curse. Damage is small and he doesn't follow up the hit so the curse is ineffective.

4th Boss Dreadindra
Uses aoe hp debuff but the debuff is only about -10% hp. Other than that he uses an aoe that doesn't cancel bubble, seems to have a physical type one and magic type one but the boss doesn't do very high damage. Easy to kill.

5th Boss Glacial Wrath


So far what we've determined from this boss is that he uses aoe sleep that lasts about 5+ seconds. On top of that it managed to hit our cleric 9.6k with bubble on. Very high damage physical AoE, his sleep doesn't seem to affect bubble though. Aside from that we have no other information because we can't kill him currently. ^^

Current people who've been in this frost party so far - Viprae, bad_azz, Ouchouch, sai_nge, maryposa, MiStAiSa, Niddle, Beef_NL, SolomonWolf

Current people of the second party so far - Reikyo, Columbo, QQtis, Magnate, Venamyan, zXAmyXz, Viprae, maryposa, MasonChen

More to be added if we progress.

Yay huge mobs Link
Post edited by Viprae - Sanctuary on


  • Fyrah - Sanctuary
    Fyrah - Sanctuary Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I haven't even done this! People say it's not worth it though to spend 6-7 hours on.
    You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret.
  • Ty - Heavens Tear
    Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Nice guide, thanks.

    A Question about drops, did you get many/any from the bosses? I've seen the drop-rates on PWdatabase but I'd be interested to know what you got.
    I like pie
  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    what boss number is oceanic master?
    And do you know any information other then what pwdatabase provides?
  • Viprae - Sanctuary
    Viprae - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Nice guide, thanks.

    A Question about drops, did you get many/any from the bosses? I've seen the drop-rates on PWdatabase but I'd be interested to know what you got.

    Drops are only of the first 4 bosses since we couldn't progress any further both runs. Also normal mobs drop some of the drops.

    1st run list

    Styren's Shield Shard x6
    Blizzard Fragment x6
    Broken Armor of Evil Spirit x5
    Glacier Seal Fragment x1
    Broken Dual Blades x6
    Arcane Plate Shard x2
    Blizzard Stamp x2
    Thigh Shard of Drake x4
    Soul of Frost x25
    Broken Drake Skin x4
    Heart of the Drake x1
    Complete Armor of Evil Spirit x1
    Frostedge Axe Shard x2
    Broken Styren Axe x3
    Mirage Celestone x3

    2nd run list

    Mirage Celestone x5
    Styren Shield Shard x3
    Blizzard Fragment x4
    Broken Armor of Evil Spirit x2
    Arcane Plate x1
    Blizzard Heart x3
    Broken Dual Blades x3
    Arcane Plate Shard x5
    Blizzard Stamp x1
    Thigh Shard of Drake x7
    Soul of Frost x29
    Broken Drake Skin x2
    Frostedge Axe Shard x3
    Broken Styren Axe x2

    what boss number is oceanic master?
    And do you know any information other then what pwdatabase provides?

    No idea, and no.
  • Yikari - Sanctuary
    Yikari - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    1st boss Thunderclaw

    Has a poison aoe and aoe stun. Also uses double damage curse.

    Pretty much impossible to bubble so tank needs a good deal of hp, our barb did it with 2 clerics healing at 13.5k hp and still used up 151k charm. Suggested tank is at least 89 to reduce charm cost on this boss.

    Poison AoE does about 1k damage per tick to me but isn't stack spammed.

    Tried squad mode yesterday... Plenty of horror stories to tell.
    Anyway, we tried this boss differently from what your guide said and it worked out, so just giving some input.

    Barb was lvl 83 with 11k hp, and we did just fine with two clerics healing him. One cleric used bubble, the other spammed ironheart and purify. Purifying did the trick, since he only used up 100k in charm. Be sure to have a high purify though, the cooldown is tricky to manage.
    Clerics FTW.
  • Viprae - Sanctuary
    Viprae - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Tried squad mode yesterday... Plenty of horror stories to tell.
    Anyway, we tried this boss differently from what your guide said and it worked out, so just giving some input.

    Barb was lvl 83 with 11k hp, and we did just fine with two clerics healing him. One cleric used bubble, the other spammed ironheart and purify. Purifying did the trick, since he only used up 100k in charm. Be sure to have a high purify though, the cooldown is tricky to manage.

    What was the distance you were able to bubble at? When we tried it was cancelled 5 times before we changed strategies. ^^
  • Yikari - Sanctuary
    Yikari - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Bubble was "in middle" of the path between the entrance and thunderclaw... kind of hard to measure, but I tried to get as close to thunderclaw without getting aggro before starting bubble :P

    Did you try bubble after the barb gets aggro? That might be the reason why it got cancelled
    Clerics FTW.
  • Viprae - Sanctuary
    Viprae - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Actually, barb clearly had aggro, but we couldn't get bubble far enough to not be cancelled by the aoe. Then again his aoe might be just short of maximum bubble range but it's not exactly easy to measure the distance you are. ^^
  • Yikari - Sanctuary
    Yikari - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Nope, just saying we had bubble going before anyone got aggro. When I stood where I assumed to be the middle, bubble reached the barb and the other two bms without difficulty, and it was stable throughout the entire fight. We figured its aoe would kill bubble easily, so we started it before barb ran in.
    Clerics FTW.
  • Tequila_wolf - Heavens Tear
    Tequila_wolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    as unthinkable as it sounds but this CAN be done with one cleric, tough as hell but possible, we made it past the 3rd boss, but due to time restrictions (me having to leave) we had to leave, thunderclaw was the worst of the bunch, really the only way to deal with him is to purify the tank, any other DD in range is on their own, the poison only lasts for about 3-4 ticks it seems.

    and that large group of mobs was so fun, pulled out the elementos, and aoed the rest

    also our group was
    cleric lvl86
    2 barbs lvl85 and 78
    2 venos lvl 85 and 86 (no hercs)
    bm lvl 88
  • Foxx - Heavens Tear
    Foxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    We had problems doing thunderclaw with 2 clerics and blue bubble. We used healer+purifier and it worked ok.
    Stupidly hard boss and instance generally though for getting level 85 gear. Chances are by the time you got anything it would be obsoleted. TT3-1 is a walk in the park in comparison.
  • AbaraiRenji_ - Heavens Tear
    AbaraiRenji_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    as usual, allways at lunar and FF use it at max ranged. simple and works bestb:pleased
    "maybe one day u will make it.. but the day aint today"
  • Viprae - Sanctuary
    Viprae - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Turns out I accidentally took a screenshot of the 5th boss Glacial Wrath and didn't notice until I went browsing through my screenies. Also thanks to the screenshot I know for sure now we tried the turning him around approach too, so his massive damage aoe is indeed full radius. :P