CQ's most despicable backstabbing member



  • Allnighte - Lost City
    Allnighte - Lost City Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Most of us*
    We're still people too.
    yar most*
    not that Coraline *****


  • Anberlin - Lost City
    Anberlin - Lost City Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    There would never have been this much sympathy for something like this a few months ago.

    RQ really has changed b:shocked

    Anyway I'll let you get back to your topic now.
  • Agentzero - Lost City
    Agentzero - Lost City Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    sad.. just sad..

    go to hell Droga.
  • Cosmic - Harshlands
    Cosmic - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Droga you're a **** bag, Hello.
    oh wait, I've thought you were a **** bag since first month of the server and I pm'd you to ask you something about CQ and you basically told me to get ****ed.
    guess nothing's changed. b:bye
  • Teehee - Harshlands
    Teehee - Harshlands Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No i am not talking about Spirea, this person is however much much worse. He's a person that i used to respect, that i used to play with and that i used to help a lot with. You may know him has the first person with a lunar valley weapon. When i was denied access to quote on quote "his weapon", by saying "Dont bother me, i'm leveling". I was a little bit put off by that comment, and couple weeks ago, i found it to be bound. But no matter, its not like i did anything for the guy right?

    Quote from Midnight,"i asked him why he bounded it, he said too many people asked to use it, but in reality, too many people means just Fiery and asked to use it means refusing to let the real makers use it".

    Its not like i've ever farmed him his green 90 armor set when it used to be so scarce and rare and expensive, its not like i've ever gave him 20 mirage for no reason when he mentions that he doesnt have any to do cube,(this gets more juicy) its not like i've ever provided all the Twood expenses that was needed to run 3-2 for back images without him asking, its not like i've ever provided all the hieros that was burned in HH and lunar valley, its not like i've ever bought thousands of draco orbs from Yoshiki and AzNyCxPrInCe to make 7,8 and 9 star draco orbs to plus that weapon without him asking. I'm going to pretend that i did none of that, but he has the audacity, that little weasel has the mother **** audacity to pretend to be afk on vent when i asked if he's ever going to pay the dracos back. I asked him twice on vent and Envy spammed guild chat for him, while he was receiving instructions from Midnight in HH.

    Oh the selfishness doesnt just stop there, its going to come out all the way. When he did 99fb heaven for his fairy, a heaven ironheart blessing dropped and Mikoto pmed him so many times about it. But what does he do with it? STRAIGHT TO THE AUCTION, thats right ladies and gentlemen, CQ DOES NOT HAVE HEAVEN EPS. Its obvious that his selfish and greedy mind just want the maximum profit from that book, and by selling straight to guildies he'll be asked to give a discount. So no! He auctions it for a rediculous price and i dont even know if this a good or bad thing, a level 89 heaven ep from our guild buys it for who knows how ******n much from him from the auction, just like the way you would buy anything from anonymous people. I hope the way Miss_Tika gave away her hell stone barrier corrected the bad example you set to guildies.
    Check this out for selfishness, when a CQ party could not find EPs to zhen in heaven, I invited Yuriko because it was last resort. GUESSWHO CAME WADDLING TO THE ZHEN SPOT, yes its our featured roasting target right now. He just loves to kill any RQ even if the price to pay is 5 mijis from CQ members, yes our whole party lost 55minutes of miji because he just loves to kill RQ for his own pleasures, and has the guts tells us not to cry because we party KOS, WHILE HE LEVELS FREELY IN 3RD PAST MAP AT THE TIME.

    I've always been a nice guy, hell i can even compete with Yoshiki and Midnight in the niceness department, and its hard to get on my bad side, it takes a lot to **** me off, but last night you royally ticked me off and broke the camel's back when you have the audacity to ignore me. You are lucky that i respect Daikoku too much in my sober state to do anything about it. I swear, if i ever get drunk, your sorry **** will be out of the guild so fast even RQ wont want you selfish ****.
    Why are you even a CQ executor? what exactly is it that you do as a ranked member in CQ? Be selfish? or wait, i'll have the guild structures out for everyone to see what exactly that you do

    For those rule **** in our guild that oppose to this, ya you know who the **** you all are. FYI RQ can see our forums so its like the whole server can see them, so dont even get on my **** nuts about this.

    Oh what is this? as far as to my knowledge, the only people on the list that actually do any guild HH is Midnight and Nabmonic(god bless their souls). Do you have no guilt just collecting that extra salary? Or do you feel justfied to them just because you're very close friends to the biggest bosses in guild. Why am i even asking that, you obviously feel no guild when you robbed, screwed, the person that helped you the most ever.

    I've came to the realization that you only befriended Victor and I in the beginning to benifit off us, so that we can become your farm bots. When Victor is no longer active and I am unable to farm for you, you threw me to the curb like a stray dog and kicked me in the stomach for good measures. I'm glad that Victor isnt here anymore, he's a way nicer guy and he not do anything like i just did no matter how much you **** him over.

    You know what, about that smart **** comment you made to LLama how he should join WL if LLama doesnt want to give free land to GZ? Well you should join BloodLust because if every member became just like you, CQ would become just be a guild full of selfish tards like BloodLust.

    To conclude, yes, everyone has to see this, i am way too pissed off to keep it in guild forum, you may have gained an endgame weapon and free 7 8 9 dracos from me, but you lost the best friend that you'll ever have ever in PW. I would feel no remorse if you burned in hell, honestly.

    BTW this is for you.

    Droga's a bich...BUT if he didn't ask, and if you gave it to him, isn't that kinda a gift?
    ..............or was that sarcasm.b:surrender
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    There would never have been this much sympathy for something like this a few months ago.

    RQ really has changed b:shocked

    Amour turned half the guild e-****
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Droga's a bich...BUT if he didn't ask, and if you gave it to him, isn't that kinda a gift?
    ..............or was that sarcasm.b:surrender
    Amour turned half the guild e-****

    cq's paying me 10m a week to do it!
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Snipah - Lost City
    Snipah - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No i am not talking about Spirea, this person is however much much worse. He's a person that i used to respect, that i used to play with and that i used to help a lot with. You may know him has the first person with a lunar valley weapon. When i was denied access to quote on quote "his weapon", by saying "Dont bother me, i'm leveling". I was a little bit put off by that comment, and couple weeks ago, i found it to be bound. But no matter, its not like i did anything for the guy right?

    Quote from Midnight,"i asked him why he bounded it, he said too many people asked to use it, but in reality, too many people means just Fiery and asked to use it means refusing to let the real makers use it".

    Its not like i've ever farmed him his green 90 armor set when it used to be so scarce and rare and expensive, its not like i've ever gave him 20 mirage for no reason when he mentions that he doesnt have any to do cube,(this gets more juicy) its not like i've ever provided all the Twood expenses that was needed to run 3-2 for back images without him asking, its not like i've ever provided all the hieros that was burned in HH and lunar valley, its not like i've ever bought thousands of draco orbs from Yoshiki and AzNyCxPrInCe to make 7,8 and 9 star draco orbs to plus that weapon without him asking. I'm going to pretend that i did none of that, but he has the audacity, that little weasel has the mother **** audacity to pretend to be afk on vent when i asked if he's ever going to pay the dracos back. I asked him twice on vent and Envy spammed guild chat for him, while he was receiving instructions from Midnight in HH.

    Oh the selfishness doesnt just stop there, its going to come out all the way. When he did 99fb heaven for his fairy, a heaven ironheart blessing dropped and Mikoto pmed him so many times about it. But what does he do with it? STRAIGHT TO THE AUCTION, thats right ladies and gentlemen, CQ DOES NOT HAVE HEAVEN EPS. Its obvious that his selfish and greedy mind just want the maximum profit from that book, and by selling straight to guildies he'll be asked to give a discount. So no! He auctions it for a rediculous price and i dont even know if this a good or bad thing, a level 89 heaven ep from our guild buys it for who knows how ******n much from him from the auction, just like the way you would buy anything from anonymous people. I hope the way Miss_Tika gave away her hell stone barrier corrected the bad example you set to guildies.
    Check this out for selfishness, when a CQ party could not find EPs to zhen in heaven, I invited Yuriko because it was last resort. GUESSWHO CAME WADDLING TO THE ZHEN SPOT, yes its our featured roasting target right now. He just loves to kill any RQ even if the price to pay is 5 mijis from CQ members, yes our whole party lost 55minutes of miji because he just loves to kill RQ for his own pleasures, and has the guts tells us not to cry because we party KOS, WHILE HE LEVELS FREELY IN 3RD PAST MAP AT THE TIME.

    I've always been a nice guy, hell i can even compete with Yoshiki and Midnight in the niceness department, and its hard to get on my bad side, it takes a lot to **** me off, but last night you royally ticked me off and broke the camel's back when you have the audacity to ignore me. You are lucky that i respect Daikoku too much in my sober state to do anything about it. I swear, if i ever get drunk, your sorry **** will be out of the guild so fast even RQ wont want you selfish ****.
    Why are you even a CQ executor? what exactly is it that you do as a ranked member in CQ? Be selfish? or wait, i'll have the guild structures out for everyone to see what exactly that you do

    For those rule **** in our guild that oppose to this, ya you know who the **** you all are. FYI RQ can see our forums so its like the whole server can see them, so dont even get on my **** nuts about this.

    Oh what is this? as far as to my knowledge, the only people on the list that actually do any guild HH is Midnight and Nabmonic(god bless their souls). Do you have no guilt just collecting that extra salary? Or do you feel justfied to them just because you're very close friends to the biggest bosses in guild. Why am i even asking that, you obviously feel no guild when you robbed, screwed, the person that helped you the most ever.

    I've came to the realization that you only befriended Victor and I in the beginning to benifit off us, so that we can become your farm bots. When Victor is no longer active and I am unable to farm for you, you threw me to the curb like a stray dog and kicked me in the stomach for good measures. I'm glad that Victor isnt here anymore, he's a way nicer guy and he not do anything like i just did no matter how much you **** him over.

    You know what, about that smart **** comment you made to LLama how he should join WL if LLama doesnt want to give free land to GZ? Well you should join BloodLust because if every member became just like you, CQ would become just be a guild full of selfish tards like BloodLust.

    To conclude, yes, everyone has to see this, i am way too pissed off to keep it in guild forum, you may have gained an endgame weapon and free 7 8 9 dracos from me, but you lost the best friend that you'll ever have ever in PW. I would feel no remorse if you burned in hell, honestly.

    BTW this is for you.


    anyways i read it all and still have no clue who ur talking about :/
  • Allnighte - Lost City
    Allnighte - Lost City Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    anyways i read it all and still have no clue who ur talking about :/

    cliff notes:
    1) Droga binds to himself one of the best bows in the game which was supposed to be shared between some people
    2) also gets refining orbs and puts it on the bow
    3) also has taken a lot of things, and doesn't deserve it/paid people back.
    4) ...
    5) profit
  • JohntheFlash - Lost City
    JohntheFlash - Lost City Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    anyways i read it all and still have no clue who ur talking about :/

    Don't bother replying if you can't spend like 3 mins reading the first page.
  • Snipah - Lost City
    Snipah - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Don't bother replying if you can't spend like 3 mins reading the first page.

    ur right, im srry

    since im at work i only read the original post.
    read the rest now and its clear now
  • Snipah - Lost City
    Snipah - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    cliff notes:
    1) Droga equips (and thus binds to himself) one of the best bows in the game
    2) also gets refining orbs and puts it on the bow
    3) also has taken a lot of things, and doesn't deserve it/paid people back.
    4) ...
    5) profit

    <3 thanks for the summary
    yes im a guy and totally <3'd u b:laugh

    on side note

    srry to hear that devil, that droga guy sure sounds like a ****
  • CrossEye - Lost City
    CrossEye - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    PS: When did RQ get all sympathetic and ****? b:surprised

    Dont stereotype RQ just because the people dont bother to glance behind the disguise of how we truly are underneath.b:scornb:shyb:cool
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    cliff notes:
    1) Droga equips (and thus binds to himself) one of the best bows in the game

    ur right about everything except this

    the bow wasn't auto bounded (as u think), droga bounded it himself and reported he done it because ppl kept asking him to use it.....which was later found to be false that noone asked him to use it.

    And to my understanding him and devil (the makers) were to share the bow until another could be made, which didn't happen because it was bounded
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    IMO the bow should have been given to someone who wasn't a one shot =/

    GG droga.
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    IMO the bow should have been given to someone who wasn't a one shot =/

    GG droga.

    The bow should be on Devil, I agree. Berserk perdition pretty much kills any Robe/LA... :P All tho mine tend to miss everytime b:cry (brb restatting build)
  • Allnighte - Lost City
    Allnighte - Lost City Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    syl wrote: »
    ur right about everything except this

    the bow wasn't auto bounded (as u think), droga bounded it himself and reported he done it because ppl kept asking him to use it.....which was later found to be false that noone asked him to use it.

    And to my understanding him and devil (the makers) were to share the bow until another could be made, which didn't happen because it was bounded

    my bad. fixed.
    kinda wierd how hh gold binds at cv doesn't b:puzzled
  • Icon - Harshlands
    Icon - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No i am not talking about Spirea, this person is however much much worse. He's a person that i used to respect, that i used to play with and that i used to help a lot with. You may know him has the first person with a lunar valley weapon. When i was denied access to quote on quote "his weapon", by saying "Dont bother me, i'm leveling". I was a little bit put off by that comment, and couple weeks ago, i found it to be bound. But no matter, its not like i did anything for the guy right?

    Quote from Midnight,"i asked him why he bounded it, he said too many people asked to use it, but in reality, too many people means just Fiery and asked to use it means refusing to let the real makers use it".

    Its not like i've ever farmed him his green 90 armor set when it used to be so scarce and rare and expensive, its not like i've ever gave him 20 mirage for no reason when he mentions that he doesnt have any to do cube,(this gets more juicy) its not like i've ever provided all the Twood expenses that was needed to run 3-2 for back images without him asking, its not like i've ever provided all the hieros that was burned in HH and lunar valley, its not like i've ever bought thousands of draco orbs from Yoshiki and AzNyCxPrInCe to make 7,8 and 9 star draco orbs to plus that weapon without him asking. I'm going to pretend that i did none of that, but he has the audacity, that little weasel has the mother **** audacity to pretend to be afk on vent when i asked if he's ever going to pay the dracos back. I asked him twice on vent and Envy spammed guild chat for him, while he was receiving instructions from Midnight in HH.

    Oh the selfishness doesnt just stop there, its going to come out all the way. When he did 99fb heaven for his fairy, a heaven ironheart blessing dropped and Mikoto pmed him so many times about it. But what does he do with it? STRAIGHT TO THE AUCTION, thats right ladies and gentlemen, CQ DOES NOT HAVE HEAVEN EPS. Its obvious that his selfish and greedy mind just want the maximum profit from that book, and by selling straight to guildies he'll be asked to give a discount. So no! He auctions it for a rediculous price and i dont even know if this a good or bad thing, a level 89 heaven ep from our guild buys it for who knows how ******n much from him from the auction, just like the way you would buy anything from anonymous people. I hope the way Miss_Tika gave away her hell stone barrier corrected the bad example you set to guildies.
    Check this out for selfishness, when a CQ party could not find EPs to zhen in heaven, I invited Yuriko because it was last resort. GUESSWHO CAME WADDLING TO THE ZHEN SPOT, yes its our featured roasting target right now. He just loves to kill any RQ even if the price to pay is 5 mijis from CQ members, yes our whole party lost 55minutes of miji because he just loves to kill RQ for his own pleasures, and has the guts tells us not to cry because we party KOS, WHILE HE LEVELS FREELY IN 3RD PAST MAP AT THE TIME.

    I've always been a nice guy, hell i can even compete with Yoshiki and Midnight in the niceness department, and its hard to get on my bad side, it takes a lot to **** me off, but last night you royally ticked me off and broke the camel's back when you have the audacity to ignore me. You are lucky that i respect Daikoku too much in my sober state to do anything about it. I swear, if i ever get drunk, your sorry **** will be out of the guild so fast even RQ wont want you selfish ****.
    Why are you even a CQ executor? what exactly is it that you do as a ranked member in CQ? Be selfish? or wait, i'll have the guild structures out for everyone to see what exactly that you do

    For those rule **** in our guild that oppose to this, ya you know who the **** you all are. FYI RQ can see our forums so its like the whole server can see them, so dont even get on my **** nuts about this.

    Oh what is this? as far as to my knowledge, the only people on the list that actually do any guild HH is Midnight and Nabmonic(god bless their souls). Do you have no guilt just collecting that extra salary? Or do you feel justfied to them just because you're very close friends to the biggest bosses in guild. Why am i even asking that, you obviously feel no guild when you robbed, screwed, the person that helped you the most ever.

    I've came to the realization that you only befriended Victor and I in the beginning to benifit off us, so that we can become your farm bots. When Victor is no longer active and I am unable to farm for you, you threw me to the curb like a stray dog and kicked me in the stomach for good measures. I'm glad that Victor isnt here anymore, he's a way nicer guy and he not do anything like i just did no matter how much you **** him over.

    You know what, about that smart **** comment you made to LLama how he should join WL if LLama doesnt want to give free land to GZ? Well you should join BloodLust because if every member became just like you, CQ would become just be a guild full of selfish tards like BloodLust.

    To conclude, yes, everyone has to see this, i am way too pissed off to keep it in guild forum, you may have gained an endgame weapon and free 7 8 9 dracos from me, but you lost the best friend that you'll ever have ever in PW. I would feel no remorse if you burned in hell, honestly.

    BTW this is for you.

    Your an **** who falls into a following mentality and called me names on a forum, you dont know me, never knew me yet you still insisted on being a online jerkoff bully and judge me. Wish he gotten more, and you know you desirve this comment from me.
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Your an **** who falls into a following mentality and called me names on a forum, you dont know me, never knew me yet you still insisted on being a online jerkoff bully and judge me. Wish he gotten more, and you know you desirve this comment from me.

    Get your **** back to VenoLands. Stop trying to look competent here where you only have your fail EA with evasion xbow.
  • Icon - Harshlands
    Icon - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Get your **** back to VenoLands. Stop trying to look competent here where you only have your fail EA with evasion xbow.

    Miss miss miss miss miss miss b:dirty
  • Diego - Lost City
    Diego - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    Oh the selfishness doesnt just stop there, its going to come out all the way. When he did 99fb heaven for his fairy, a heaven ironheart blessing dropped and Mikoto pmed him so many times about it. But what does he do with it? STRAIGHT TO THE AUCTION
    sounds like what Macros did to Beyora when hell ironwood scarab dropped in fb 89 and she was in pt and needed it .... the whole party told him to give it to her but he said he would rather sell it than to help out a guildie.
    Beyora told me what happened, she was very sad because she went in over 10 runs with CQ to get that book. That's one of the reasons I left CQ, how can I be in the same guild as Macros when he steals books my wife needs.
    also Devil I don't know why you're so pissed off at me, don't forget I gave you the bijou....
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    sounds like what Macros did to Beyora when hell ironwood scarab dropped in fb 89 and she was in pt and needed it .... the whole party told him to give it to her but he said he would rather sell it than to help out a guildie.
    Beyora told me what happened, she was very sad because she went in over 10 runs with CQ to get that book. That's one of the reasons I left CQ, how can I be in the same guild as Macros when he steals books my wife needs.
    also Devil I don't know why you're so pissed off at me, don't forget I gave you the bijou....

    What the hell are you talking about? your bijou was bought from me for 8m, how do you give me a bijou?
  • Diego - Lost City
    Diego - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    What the hell are you talking about? your bijou was bought from me for 8m, how do you give me a bijou?

    remember u were with me and droga in pt and u were transfering items by dropping >.> u exchanged weapons with droga (yes i couldve stolen the debuff bow b:laugh) and then I managed to ninja loot the +5 bijou u dropped ...but was nice and gave it to u =/
  • Kathya - Lost City
    Kathya - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    IMO the bow should have been given to someone who wasn't a one shot =/

  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    After reading this ****... I have to remove Devil from my KOS list... dam you!!!
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    remember u were with me and droga in pt and u were transfering items by dropping >.> u exchanged weapons with droga (yes i couldve stolen the debuff bow b:laugh) and then I managed to ninja loot the +5 bijou u dropped ...but was nice and gave it to u =/

    Thanks for giving back what was mine, at least you still have the conscience to do so.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Miss miss miss miss miss miss b:dirty

    barbs don't need accuracy, 50% of their skills auto hit now.
  • Icon - Harshlands
    Icon - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    barbs don't need accuracy, 50% of their skills auto hit now.

    Damn I am a 1 shot
  • Column - Lost City
    Column - Lost City Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ok i lied, i accepted Droga's application under the circumstances he farms another bow for Diego. (then ill kick you out)
  • meaangirl
    meaangirl Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Damn I am a 1 shot

    All he needs now is server transfer hax b:shocked
This discussion has been closed.