Cultivation Bug 19

PureShots - Lost City
PureShots - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Support Desk
I'm using this account to post because my Barb lvl 19- Harshlands is currently banned off the forums. OK so i killed over 50 of these feligars things and none of them are giving me the celestial sprite i checked both quest inventory and log but i still don't get it I've got this bug for a couple weeks now and its getting real annoying I've already posted a bug report like this but people just said that i need to kill more but i believe ill never get it plz help me b:cry
and yes i know that i haven't secretly got it.
Post edited by PureShots - Lost City on


  • Shutterd - Harshlands
    Shutterd - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If you're talking about the Celestial Sprite's needed for Spiritual Cultivation Quest, you need to kill some stuff, you get it then it disapeers i think. THen you have to find an herb a harvest it.
  • PureShots - Lost City
    PureShots - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If you're talking about the Celestial Sprite's needed for Spiritual Cultivation Quest, you need to kill some stuff, you get it then it disapeers i think. THen you have to find an herb a harvest it.
    I know that I've already tried mining it and it wont let me
  • Yako - Dreamweaver
    Yako - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    That quest (and many like it) is a collect quest. There is no set limit as too how many mobs you need to kill in order to get whatever the quest requires (in this case, the spirte). Sometime you only have to kill 2 or 3 and you will get it, other times, I've had to grind for about 1-2 hours on a mob just to get 1 quest drop.

    The sad truth is, if the quest says you need to kill to get it, then just kill kill kill without thinking about how many you have killed. It's random as to when you will actually get it.

    The only other thing is to double and triple check your quest log to make for 100% certain you are killing the right mob (I do this alot).
  • Unreal - Lost City
    Unreal - Lost City Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    U need to kill that specific monster until u see in the Chat Window "Recived Celestial Sprite" (in questlog it will still stay 0/1 ) , after this happens, u can pickup the flower itself (other location then the monsters u killed).
    €dit as much as you want. You cant Change the Truth!
    So dont think you are save. I am watching YOU!

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