Sword/Polearm BM?

kalliu Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Blademaster
So, I just started a week ago, got to level 29 finally, and it's time to choose what path I'll take. After snooping around in the forums, I've concluded a few things:

-a lot of ppl like axes for AOE + stunlock
-however, Genies can break stunlock now, so axes aren't as effective
-a lot of people think blades aren't any good
-no matter what you choose, how good you are it depends on you skill + equipment and not what path you take
-changing weapons and using skills from different paths during a fight is epic

With that in mind, i made a standard sword build
Str +5
Dex +4
Vit +1
(every 2 lvls)

And now i hope to go sword/polearm, putting in polearm first so i can aoe (linear) and train up, and switching to sword later to pvp cause it looks cooler. What I'm asking is, is this viable, because i don't see many threads on spear BMs.
Oh, and while your here, any tips on not getting pked by high level players?
Thanks for your help :D
Post edited by kalliu on


  • DishyWiggles - Harshlands
    DishyWiggles - Harshlands Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Not getting PK'd by high levels: PvE server.

    Spear isnt that great, everyone says its the best 1v1, but they forget about the sword's rapage. Don't worry about genie stun lock stopper, it costs too much to use. People use anti-stun powders for stuns @ higher levels.

    Just stay sword and jut max Drake's Bash and keep an axe is your inventory that you can use so u can hotkey it and pull it out to stun lock then switch back 2 sword.

    That build will allow you to use polearms, but its not advised to go two branches all the way.(or 3). Just stay sword and tough it out. Slower leveling, better result.

    If you wanna level fast, do Crazy Stone and Cube every day (and World Quest @ 70). The Cube is pretty expensive, but @ lvl 75 u get 20% of a level from it, which is a nice ammount.

    About blades not being good: Atmos strike will 1 shot crit most robes and you will have like 14% crit if you build it correctly.(@ 80 u will have 10% crit if u cap vit @ 30 and go 5str/5dex)((base crit)) and then add your crit arrow(11) and rings(13)((or molds with 2%)) and get a wep with crit(1-2%) u can have a nice 15% chance to crit(aka 1 shot) robies on your first shot(It will tick their charm, regardless.) And the possibility of killing LA.

    Ppl will say "Oh thats the same for axe, too", but My lvl 75 BM friend is a dex build axe BM, and he(with good gear and a +1% crit ring) has an 8% chacne to crit(including the crit arrow). 14-15%>8%. Not to mention the about + 1000 accuracy you get, lol. Axe BMs (without misty forst rings((+50% accuracy for 7m each)) ) cant rlly hit archers. Sword BMs can, which lets them have 1 misy(for insurance) and have another 2% crit ring.

    I hope this has helped, but realize It's an opinion. Don't only do what I say because u think it sounds good, try it out and ask other people what they think. (Most ppl who say Sword sucks haven't seen a sword BM fight :) )

    EDIT: **** I forgot. I spent 20 mins typing this and i have 5 mins left of study hall to write a 1 page summary for a newspaper article for Government next period T_T. I hope this helped, cuz it may cause me to lose a letter grade. T_T QQ QQ QQQQQQQ
  • esperkiller
    esperkiller Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It depends on what you like to play. Personally, I went for sword/fist and its going great for me. Polearm/sword is a decent combo because of the linear aoe of the polearm and the swords skills for 1v1. The only thing I would say is cap vit at around 60.
  • Kalliu - Lost City
    Kalliu - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ahh, okay then, yah I wanted to do that anyways, just thought sword by itself isn't good enough. Sword with a side of axe it is. Thanks for the help and sry about your grade >.<
  • Seablue - Sanctuary
    Seablue - Sanctuary Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Take note however that spear and sword have 2 very similar skills that you can continously spam. If you think that can give you the results you want, then by all means go for it.

    Atmos strike has the highest damage modifier of all chi less bm skills BUT if you can get sage farstrike that would be your most damaging skill. With a 6 second cooldown I might add.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Atmos strike has the highest damage modifier of all chi less bm ............QUOTE]

    Dont say that too loud. Axes users might get mad at this.b:chuckle
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Not getting PK'd by high levels: PvE server.

    Spear isnt that great, everyone says its the best 1v1, but they forget about the sword's rapage. Don't worry about genie stun lock stopper, it costs too much to use. People use anti-stun powders for stuns @ higher levels.

    Just stay sword and jut max Drake's Bash and keep an axe is your inventory that you can use so u can hotkey it and pull it out to stun lock then switch back 2 sword.

    That build will allow you to use polearms, but its not advised to go two branches all the way.(or 3). Just stay sword and tough it out. Slower leveling, better result.

    If you wanna level fast, do Crazy Stone and Cube every day (and World Quest @ 70). The Cube is pretty expensive, but @ lvl 75 u get 20% of a level from it, which is a nice ammount.

    About blades not being good: Atmos strike will 1 shot crit most robes and you will have like 14% crit if you build it correctly.(@ 80 u will have 10% crit if u cap vit @ 30 and go 5str/5dex)((base crit)) and then add your crit arrow(11) and rings(13)((or molds with 2%)) and get a wep with crit(1-2%) u can have a nice 15% chance to crit(aka 1 shot) robies on your first shot(It will tick their charm, regardless.) And the possibility of killing LA.

    Ppl will say "Oh thats the same for axe, too", but My lvl 75 BM friend is a dex build axe BM, and he(with good gear and a +1% crit ring) has an 8% chacne to crit(including the crit arrow). 14-15%>8%. Not to mention the about + 1000 accuracy you get, lol. Axe BMs (without misty forst rings((+50% accuracy for 7m each)) ) cant rlly hit archers. Sword BMs can, which lets them have 1 misy(for insurance) and have another 2% crit ring.

    I hope this has helped, but realize It's an opinion. Don't only do what I say because u think it sounds good, try it out and ask other people what they think. (Most ppl who say Sword sucks haven't seen a sword BM fight :) )

    EDIT: **** I forgot. I spent 20 mins typing this and i have 5 mins left of study hall to write a 1 page summary for a newspaper article for Government next period T_T. I hope this helped, cuz it may cause me to lose a letter grade. T_T QQ QQ QQQQQQQ

    Uh I'm a dex build axe bm, capped vit at 50. I have no +crit gear except for the rank ring which has +1% crit and I have 7% crit rate. Idk what you consider "good gear" but I can get 6% crit alone without wearing any equips, so apparently your lvl 75 friend doesn't have great equips if he has 8% crit total. I'm gonna honestly say that I've never played as a sword bm, i've dueled them a couple times nothing too impressive but I can't make a judgment there. But you saying that sword bms have 7% more crit than axe bms is really misleading, and so is saying that axe bms have 1k accuracy less. If you follow your logic and build a bm that only puts points into str and dex, the axe bm will end up with 40 less points of dex than the sword bm at lvl 80. That counts for 400 less accuracy, and 2% less crit. Your 1k less accuracy and 7% less crit was a bit off there :P
  • Delai - Lost City
    Delai - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    From what u said Dishy it sounds like swords rocks and axes sucks.Yes sword Bms have got quite high Dex and accuracy but if u have read that new sword BM guide,there is written that:5str,3dex,2vit every 2 lvls is build for sword BM but that is common build for poles too which means as that u will have same dex as sword BM+poles have bigger range+their hit rate is 1,00 while dual swords is 0,91+poles have got higher max and min dmg+poles have got higher skills dmg+if u ll choose demon pole BM at lvl92 u can learn demon Meteor Rush which will give u 33% chance to stun so ull aquire ur third skill to stunlock.
  • Seablue - Sanctuary
    Seablue - Sanctuary Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    This is not a flame of any sort but honestly I'm confused. Can anyone explain to me why polearm have higher max and min damage compared to dual blade/sword? I've been seeing people say that for a while now and I honestly can't understand why.

    Let's compare TTdual sword and TTspear/poleblade at lvl80

    Shinrotwins: 674~912
    Dragonlance: 535~892
    Vicious scythe: 464~963

    While poleblade does have higher spike damage, dual sword have higher min damage and overall higher min and max damage compared to spear. From the information in pw database, this is the general pattern assuming that you are comparing 2 equivalent weapon. So unless they get different points from refining there should be no way that pole have both higher max and min.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You forget attack that there is a difference in attack speed. The spear is faster then dual swords/blades.

    At Dishy, I have a 7% crit, no crit gear and i am an axe bm. Also, using a +%crit arrow does not add crit to your melee hits. This has been brought up before. I have no idea how long you've been playing a bm but man some information you give is not quite correct.

  • Azlin - Sanctuary
    Azlin - Sanctuary Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You forget attack that there is a difference in attack speed. The spear is faster then dual swords/blades.

    At Dishy, I have a 7% crit, no crit gear and i am an axe bm. Also, using a +%crit arrow does not add crit to your melee hits. This has been brought up before. I have no idea how long you've been playing a bm but man some information you give is not quite correct.
    If the +crit arrows don't increase ur melee hits, then why do i get 4 crits in a row after i equiped the +crit arrow?? b4 when i did't have a +crit arrow the most crits i got to was 2 and maybe 3 times once
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The crit arrow DO NOT works in the game. It will show in your character window, but it is not taken into consideration in the real game.

    Proven by players, confirmed by GM's/developers.