Some Questions

PureShots - Lost City
PureShots - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
edited June 2009 in General Discussion
OK so i got a couple of questions that need answering

1)What does QQ mean? I looked at the common abbreviations stickied couldn't find it.

2)When pking is their a lvl range on which you can attk people? like you can only attk people 5 lvls below or above you.

3)Can you get attked anywhere when your not in a safe zone? Say if your out doing a quest somebody like a Ranger can jump outta the sky and K0 you?

4)Is there a system that protects you in a pvp sever? Like a switch that can only be turned on in a safe zone if you wanna pk but for people who don't they can turn it off?

5)Is their ever going to be a lvl when the Archer gets infinite fly even in combat if so what lvl?

If you answer these questions i would appreciate it
Post edited by PureShots - Lost City on


  • Aneemah - Heavens Tear
    Aneemah - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    OK so i got a couple of questions that need answering

    1)What does QQ mean? I looked at the common abbreviations stickied couldn't find it.

    2)When pking is their a lvl range on which you can attk people? like you can only attk people 5 lvls below or above you.

    3)Can you get attked anywhere when your not in a safe zone? Say if your out doing a quest somebody like a Ranger can jump outta the sky and K0 you?

    4)Is there a system that protects you in a pvp sever? Like a switch that can only be turned on in a safe zone if you wanna pk but for people who don't they can turn it off?

    5)Is their ever going to be a lvl when the Archer gets infinite fly even in combat if so what lvl?

    If you answer these questions i would appreciate it

    1) QQ = whine emoticon, shorter version of Q_Q, symbolizing crying eyes, usually used as "cry more nub" reference...

    2) After 30, you can PK any 30+ player, and they can you, but nothing <30

    3) Yes, anything outside safezone

    4) Nope, only available on the PvE server; your only protection on PvP is the Guardian Angel, or Doll, which prevents you from dropping items (and XP on a PvE death)

    5) At 30, when you get your brown wings, or CS wings, which don'z have a -2 MP recovery...
  • PureShots - Lost City
    PureShots - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    So how would i use QQ in a sentence like ima QQ or what
  • Aneemah - Heavens Tear
    Aneemah - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No, more of a provocation to someone, when saying "cry more n00b", as he is unable to do anything against "you" and resorts to name calling and faultfinding for his failure, there you use "QQ more" to aggravate his/her demise...

    Oh, and QQ also applies for complaining, but that's still a "faultfinding" procedure...

    EDIT:A more decent explanation
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    4) That system is only on PvE servers. On PvP servers you are completely vulnerable to PK at lvl 30 and on. If you die you will lose EXP & could drop an item from your inventory or that you are wearing. To protect yourself from that loss you can have a Guardian Angel in your inventory to keep your EXP safe (it is used up after death) and Bind your equipment so that it cannot drop upon death (can be costly). You can also carry a revive scroll so you can get back up once the enemy has left the area. If you go to a PvP server though expect high level players to PK you a lot while you are low level possibly to the point of making progression and questing impossible at times so choose your server wisely.
  • PureShots - Lost City
    PureShots - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    4) That system is only on PvE servers. On PvP servers you are completely vulnerable to PK at lvl 30 and on. If you die you will lose EXP & could drop an item from your inventory or that you are wearing. To protect yourself from that loss you can have a Guardian Angel in your inventory to keep your EXP safe (it is used up after death) and Bind your equipment so that it cannot drop upon death (can be costly). You can also carry a revive scroll so you can get back up once the enemy has left the area. If you go to a PvP server though expect high level players to PK you a lot while you are low level possibly to the point of making progression and questing impossible at times so choose your server wisely.

    Well thats kinda of cheap so what would suggest to do if your afraid of dying but need to do a quest?
  • Aneemah - Heavens Tear
    Aneemah - Heavens Tear Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    4) That system is only on PvE servers. On PvP servers you are completely vulnerable to PK at lvl 30 and on. If you die you will lose EXP & could drop an item from your inventory or that you are wearing. To protect yourself from that loss you can have a Guardian Angel in your inventory to keep your EXP safe (it is used up after death) and Bind your equipment so that it cannot drop upon death (can be costly). You can also carry a revive scroll so you can get back up once the enemy has left the area. If you go to a PvP server though expect high level players to PK you a lot while you are low level possibly to the point of making progression and questing impossible at times so choose your server wisely.

    Before we get into serious problems about this, know this is only an urban legend spawned by the PvE servers to counter the "Carebear" urban legend that spawned the opposite side.

    Well thats kinda of cheap so what would suggest to do if your afraid of dying but need to do a quest?

    Than you either carry Guardian Angels and Scrolls, or you have obviously picked the wrong server.... Sometimes predators can smell fear of their pray <.<
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    So how would i use QQ in a sentence like ima QQ or what

    It's like T_T but they are tying to change it :/. It's rather sad really. People can easily tell what T_T means or :'( means so why the heck do people try to change things? I don't know. But ya, that's what you do with it. So just use it like :'( or T_T
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    At first i thought this thread was a joke...

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • bpearce
    bpearce Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    im having troubles with creating an account. can somebody please tell me what to put for my QQ and ID because i have no idea what to put there. please reply quick, cya.
    OK so i got a couple of questions that need answering

    1)What does QQ mean? I looked at the common abbreviations stickied couldn't find it.

    2)When pking is their a lvl range on which you can attk people? like you can only attk people 5 lvls below or above you.

    3)Can you get attked anywhere when your not in a safe zone? Say if your out doing a quest somebody like a Ranger can jump outta the sky and K0 you?

    4)Is there a system that protects you in a pvp sever? Like a switch that can only be turned on in a safe zone if you wanna pk but for people who don't they can turn it off?

    5)Is their ever going to be a lvl when the Archer gets infinite fly even in combat if so what lvl?

    If you answer these questions i would appreciate it