What Harshlands has become ...



  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I disagree. I think Icom is the ONLY one that is blindly following him.
  • Icom - Harshlands
    Icom - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Its clear that you are not someone who blindly follows him. Does that mean you know something about him the rest of us dont?

    I seriously doubt that.
    You are just some pathetic 12 yr old with a diminished e-peen ... suffering from envy that you arent the one with this "grand master plan" to steal everything away from your guildmates.

    Seriously dude ... go play the game for a change instead of all this constant "exhibiting" copy/paste **** you do. b:shutup

    Aww Im sorries - Did I upset the Icon fan club?b:surrender
    I wouldn't say is was a "grand master plan" more like an "Evil plot to destroy Kingdom" or wait....maybe thats my plan! Love you toxic, don't cup those Icon nuts to hard!! b:cute
  • Toxic - Harshlands
    Toxic - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    "Evil plot to destroy Kingdom"

    When translated (and removing the envy factor from it) - it reads "Grand Master Plan".

    Seriously ... you didnt answer my question.
    Do you know something about Icon that the rest of us dont know?
    It would appear so since you state everyone in KD "follows him blindly".

    Since you are the one calling all the scam, stealing and bs'ing Icon does ... what is your knowledge of him, that you can determine, thatthe rest of us just follows him blindly without asking questions?

    And to follow up from another question I asked you in another thread:
    What do YOU gain (or hope to gain) from this anti-Icon campaign?
  • Icom - Harshlands
    Icom - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    When translated (and removing the envy factor from it) - it reads "Grand Master Plan".

    Seriously ... you didnt answer my question.
    Do you know something about Icon that the rest of us dont know?
    It would appear so since you state everyone in KD "follows him blindly".

    Since you are the one calling all the scam, stealing and bs'ing Icon does ... what is your knowledge of him, that you can determine, thatthe rest of us just follows him blindly without asking questions?

    And to follow up from another question I asked you in another thread:
    What do YOU gain (or hope to gain) from this anti-Icon campaign?

    I determined that there are is enough evidence that kingdom members SHOULD be asking questions to Icon....or atleast making him prove to members that he isn't. there are plenty of members that are supicious of him but are to afraid to stand up to him. I say you "follow Blindly" because that is exactly what you are doing. He shows you no proof of guild funds being retained or even exist and yet you continue to fight for him "Blindly". Get it?

    I plan to gain nothing less than complete Kingdom Destruction! I hope I have answered all of your questions now I think you should go ask Icon a few. KBAIb:byeb:kiss
  • Barbapooper - Harshlands
    Barbapooper - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I will just follow you to every post Icom, and stay in safe zone
  • Icom - Harshlands
    Icom - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I will just follow you to every post Icom, and stay in safe zone

    Prolly for the best - I pwn everyone on these boards!
  • Barbapooper - Harshlands
    Barbapooper - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Iam calling you out
    on a date

    were perfect togeather
    you pitch
    i catch

    how about this alliance?

    lets carry this topic into the next thread
  • Icom - Harshlands
    Icom - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Iam calling you out
    on a date

    were perfect togeather
    you pitch
    i catch

    how about this alliance?

    lets carry this topic into the next thread

    Pick me up at 7? b:dirty
  • Toxic - Harshlands
    Toxic - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I determined that there are is enough evidence that kingdom members SHOULD be asking questions to Icon....or atleast making him prove to members that he isn't. there are plenty of members that are supicious of him but are to afraid to stand up to him. I say you "follow Blindly" because that is exactly what you are doing. He shows you no proof of guild funds being retained or even exist and yet you continue to fight for him "Blindly". Get it?

    I plan to gain nothing less than complete Kingdom Destruction! I hope I have answered all of your questions now I think you should go ask Icon a few. KBAIb:byeb:kiss

    Get it ... but ... in all this "rightousness" on your part ... did it ever occur to you, that a lot of Kingdom members are'nt really interested in guild funds/- politics/- economics?
    And that they are just in a large guild to have fun, TW every week, occasionally kos/pk someone .. and simply having fun? With no regards as to who has the highest grade shards in their gear, or who controls the bank account(s)?
    But they just wanna have fun with a large group of friends ... hanging out and enjoying some relaxation from every day life?

    I really dont plan on asking Icon anything ... so far he ahs done nothing to make me think of him as a suspicious character. Quite the contrary ...
    I have been i Kingdom since 2nd TW. And has participated in every TW from then up till now.
    And he has not once cheated me out of "my" salary, he has more than once rewarded me for helping members out with stuff, and so far ... it seems that he will continue to do so.
    This covers my gaming need ... so I just enjoy hanging out with some cool folks in my guild. Including my leader whom I dont mistrust.
    And nothing you say can or will make me change my mind. If I should fall victim of your intentions ... I would just change focus point from Icon to you .. now would'nt I?
  • Icom - Harshlands
    Icom - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Get it ... but ... in all this "rightousness" on your part ... did it ever occur to you, that a lot of Kingdom members are'nt really interested in guild funds/- politics/- economics?
    And that they are just in a large guild to have fun, TW every week, occasionally kos/pk someone .. and simply having fun? With no regards as to who has the highest grade shards in their gear, or who controls the bank account(s)?
    But they just wanna have fun with a large group of friends ... hanging out and enjoying some relaxation from every day life?

    I really dont plan on asking Icon anything ... so far he ahs done nothing to make me think of him as a suspicious character. Quite the contrary ...
    I have been i Kingdom since 2nd TW. And has participated in every TW from then up till now.
    And he has not once cheated me out of "my" salary, he has more than once rewarded me for helping members out with stuff, and so far ... it seems that he will continue to do so.
    This covers my gaming need ... so I just enjoy hanging out with some cool folks in my guild. Including my leader whom I dont mistrust.
    And nothing you say can or will make me change my mind. If I should fall victim of your intentions ... I would just change focus point from Icon to you .. now would'nt I?

    Those are exactly the kind of members i am trying to wake up here! If it's not about tw pay and just about being friends go join a non- factor and chat your life away. atleast you wont be supporting some A-hole using you and your friends to better HIMSELF! b:bye
  • Barbapooper - Harshlands
    Barbapooper - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Prolly for the best - I pwn everyone on these boards!

    1 sec giving out salary in more binding charms
  • Toxic - Harshlands
    Toxic - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Those are exactly the kind of members i am trying to wake up here! If it's not about tw pay and just about being friends go join a non- factor and chat your life away. atleast you wont be supporting some A-hole using you and your friends to better HIMSELF! b:bye

    You take this game far far far too serious. Who are you to tell me to wake up and be serious in a game Im enjoying as it is? And a guild as well? And its leader?

    Selfproclaimed Policeman ... go find some people who thinks this is more than a game.

    I wonder what your friends say if you played a game of monopoly IRL with them ... and had the same urge to police everything one of them was doing?

    U need to take a chill-pill and let people enjoy their OWN game play, and thier own time.

    This is the last post of yours I am going to reply to. Peace out b:bye
    - Never argue with a moron. He will drag you down to his level, and beat you with his experience.
  • Ruby - Harshlands
    Ruby - Harshlands Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Those are exactly the kind of members i am trying to wake up here!

    You are the only one sleeping b:sweat
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You are the only one sleeping b:sweat


    Your turn.