Increase Auction House fee

meezevil Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Suggestion Box
AFAIK the fee is now calculated from the item cost at NPC's (which is usually quite low), plus some %% if the item is actually sold. This makes it possible for people to stuff the auction with many overpriced items of the same type, thus creating some sort of monopoly, which may result in overall price increase for that type of items.

It's true, that if other ppl don't want (or aren't able) to sell same items at fair prices, the monopoly is kinda legit, but what I don't like about it, it makes it almost costless to create one.

What I think could help it, is to make a fee as a certain % from the starting price (for example 2%, as it is with trading the PW-gold). This will make it inefficient to keep items at auction house for ages until someone desperate enough buys them. People will try to setup fair prices in order to sell their stuff.

The additional fee if item is sold may still apply, but IMO it's not necessary. If this additional fee is not applied, it'll become even cheaper to sell via auction than before, then we can hope some of the catshops will move to auction and free up some space in Archosaur so other players don't lag so much.
Post edited by meezevil on


  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    How about no. It's bad enough that you get charged twice for auctioning something (first when listing, then again taken from the sales price). Increasing the fee won't make people any less greedy, instead it will just end up forcing those with otherwise fair prices to have to list for more to offset the costs. And, people would still over charge for items. Nothing would change for the better. Increasing auction fee would probably even encourage more people to make a mule to hold their stuff and sell in arch than before. Although items sitting in auction may be annoying, unlike cat shops, they don't create lag.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    To be honest, I find that many of the prices in Kitty Shops are higher then many that can be found in the AH.

    Besides, you can sell the stuff without a fee in the Kitty Shops, the AH is just more convenient if you do not want to leave your comp running for a prolonged period of time.

    Like the above poster, I agree. Especially, in the overpricing of items. You would be surprised at how patient people are.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    A better option might be to add a sort of "want to buy" feature to the auction house, where you could put a payment down for one of the fixed stat items (materials, scrolls, ect) and if any item were to be listed under that price, it would either be bought or bid on automatically until that price was hit. This would cover the issue of bid sniping as well in some cases, and create a source of known prices for certain items. It would also prevent people being able to monopolize certain materials (buying all below a certain price to list back for profit).
  • Mr_jingle - Sanctuary
    Mr_jingle - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Increasing fees? You got to be joking right? Seriously all this does it make it harder on yourself and everyone else. There will be nothing positive out of this suggestion plus it just help destroy the economy because less people will use the AH and less people will buy because the sellers are increasing the prices.

    To top it off, more people will use cat shops resulting in more lag and aggravation to get through west arch.... This suggestion does only negative to the game so why.....?
  • davijohans
    davijohans Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Increasing fees? You got to be joking right? Seriously all this does it make it harder on yourself and everyone else. There will be nothing positive out of this suggestion plus it just help destroy the economy because less people will use the AH and less people will buy because the sellers are increasing the prices.

    To top it off, more people will use cat shops resulting in more lag and aggravation to get through west arch.... This suggestion does only negative to the game so why.....?

    made every word count.
  • meezevil
    meezevil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Did u even read anything besides the thread title? b:laugh
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    meezevil wrote: »
    Did u even read anything besides the thread title? b:laugh
    Yep, and your point is moot. If someone lists at a lower price, it gets sold, they're happy, the buyer is happy. If someone lists at a high price, most don't buy, and it sits there until someone desperate enough comes along to buy it, often resulting in most of their profit being spent just on listing.

    Increasing the fee will only result in more cat shops since people don't want to have to lose more money just to sell it (as is, most lower level equipment/materials costs more to list than they'll get back from making a sale). Increasing the fee will only result in those same people who sit on an item with high prices to increase their prices even more to offset their costs (not going to just stop sitting on the 5000 oils they had bought over the last month to fix the market price just so that they can sell them off for a reasonable price). Instead, you would see things getting progressively more and more expensive, even on new listings since they would be basing their prices on the inflated price.

    As I already said, you get charged twice when listing. This is already bad enough to make listing some items not even worthwhile. People will always want to overcharge for stuff, and this is just facilitating their ability to charge more. As it is currently, the fees of listing will simply be passed onto the buyer. Such a system has already been used in a few games/online services with auctions, and this is EXACTLTY how it ends up happening. If you don't think that there aren't people bored enough to sit at the auctioneer for 3-4 hours a day, buying things listed below normal price, just to list them again for profit, you are due for a wake up call. Some people make their best money that way.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    vagrant0 wrote: »
    Yep, and your point is moot. If someone lists at a lower price, it gets sold, they're happy, the buyer is happy. If someone lists at a high price, most don't buy, and it sits there until someone desperate enough comes along to buy it, often resulting in most of their profit being spent just on listing.

    Increasing the fee will only result in more cat shops since people don't want to have to lose more money just to sell it (as is, most lower level equipment/materials costs more to list than they'll get back from making a sale). Increasing the fee will only result in those same people who sit on an item with high prices to increase their prices even more to offset their costs (not going to just stop sitting on the 5000 oils they had bought over the last month to fix the market price just so that they can sell them off for a reasonable price). Instead, you would see things getting progressively more and more expensive, even on new listings since they would be basing their prices on the inflated price.

    As I already said, you get charged twice when listing. This is already bad enough to make listing some items not even worthwhile. People will always want to overcharge for stuff, and this is just facilitating their ability to charge more. As it is currently, the fees of listing will simply be passed onto the buyer. Such a system has already been used in a few games/online services with auctions, and this is EXACTLTY how it ends up happening. If you don't think that there aren't people bored enough to sit at the auctioneer for 3-4 hours a day, buying things listed below normal price, just to list them again for profit, you are due for a wake up call. Some people make their best money that way.

    That is PVP at its best, and you are not even safe on a PVE server :)
    While some people want to be the best pkers, others get their kicks making coins or trying to control the market prices. I have a friend, that in another game, successfuly cornered the market and made billions. He would buy every single one of the items he was trying to fix the market for. He held them until you could hardly find any in markets. Than he slapped a 5000% markup on the item and started selling 1-2 of them at the time, setting the start price for the bid at the 5000% markup. People had no other choice but to buy it.

    And yes, he played 12 hours a day and did nothing but to run around buying the items and setting up his shops. He could care less about top of the line gear or about leveling, he was perfectely happy having hundreds of billions of coins in a game where the average amount a high level would have in the bank was 50million.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • meezevil
    meezevil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    vagrant0 wrote: »
    If you don't think that there aren't people bored enough to sit at the auctioneer for 3-4 hours a day, buying things listed below normal price, just to list them again for profit, you are due for a wake up call. Some people make their best money that way.
    I have a friend, that in another game, successfuly cornered the market and made billions.

    That's exactly how it works now. Cause it's almost free to do it. The fact is, the listing fee is so low for some items, it encourages people to overprice stuff. If it's expensive to do that, do you think they'll keep doing it? I don't really like people ripping off other people this way (do you?).

    I've also mentioned in 1st post it'd be cool (and probably most fair) if the 2nd fee is removed, in conjunction with changing listing fee, but I don't see it critical.

    Why couldn't people offset the price to cover "the rip-off fee"? Cause the more they offset, the more they have to pay, for every 24hrs of their attempts. They might want to go setup a catshop instead. In case there's only a listing fee, many "fair sellers" would rather want to sell their stuff in AH. After all, auction is a place to sell stuff, not a warehouse.

    If the listing price is low, the fee is low. Popular items will have no problems reaching average market prices. Everyone's happy, in this case, even if charged with both fees, "fair sellers" would hardly see any difference.

    The reason why it's now not worth selling small stuff in AH is that the fee has its min. value regardless of item cost at merchant and it's a little bit beyond this topic.

    Oh yea, last, but not least, a motivation for devs: if a player gets rich, esp. with a little effort, he'll hardly want to buy PW$ for real money :) But that's whole another story.
  • Hazardus - Heavens Tear
    Hazardus - Heavens Tear Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No ty, we get ripped off enough now as it is, since most people try and recover the listing fee and the 5% sales fee from the sales price. What you're asking for would make the selling price of everything just go higher.

    People that buy overpriced stuff deserve to get ripped off (no matter how desperate you are). If I see a item that I think is overpriced, more than likely everyone else does too.

    I will wait till the seller drops the price to what I believe is reasonable. 90% of the time the overpriced item shows up listed for a reasonable amount within 3-4 days of the initial sale attempt.

    It doesn't matter if I'm a sole supplier, if no one buys I only have two choices:
    Sit on a mountain of stuff I don't need and will depreciate eventually when someone else starts selling or sell them a little bit cheaper.
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.