Revenge Stories?

Feiric - Harshlands
Feiric - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Arigora Colosseum
Anyone here have any sweet sweet "moments of revenge," stories, or failed revenge?

I want to hear some good pay back. Screenshots would be awesome.

Most of my attempts have failed so far because the guys on my list are still 20 or 30 levels above me. (In my opinion, getting pk'd at 3x, 4x by 6x, 7x and so on is a right of passage on a pvp server. So don't mistake me for crying, (insert your name here). I love sandwiches.)
Post edited by Feiric - Harshlands on


  • XEPICxBISHx - Lost City
    XEPICxBISHx - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I have an awesome one that just happened today.

    This guy, I think his name is "oneshotu" from SG1OWNS random pkd me when I was low 3x in heavens tears turning in a quest, well I am 52 now and was doing a quest at Arrowhead Manor today and I just happened to see him doing a quest there. It was possibly the best thing ever, I ran up in fox form, debuffed, amped, got out of fox, hit him with my Genies amp and then ONE SHOT HIM for 2.2k crit. b:victory

    He was blood red and dropped his arrows and some other random junk, he probably bound his gear, I didn't care to look but it was fun to kill the noob. There will be so many great revenge stories for me soon, I'm leveling as fast as I can and plan on getting back all the people who random pkd me. b:pleased
  • U_got_sniped - Lost City
    U_got_sniped - Lost City Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i got one from yesterday where i random PKed a veno...

    not sure what happened but she attacked me while i had two DoT mobs in my ****. soo i did genie heal ->winged shell->spark-> crit stun arrrow -> dead veno. then just ran away cuz the mobs started to dammage me for 240sb:surrender
    i saw her a few times later but it didnt seem right to kill her again...
  • XEPICxBISHx - Lost City
    XEPICxBISHx - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i got one from yesterday where i random PKed a veno...

    not sure what happened but she attacked me while i had two DoT mobs in my ****. soo i did genie heal ->winged shell->spark-> crit stun arrrow -> dead veno. then just ran away cuz the mobs started to dammage me for 240sb:surrender
    i saw her a few times later but it didnt seem right to kill her again...

    How is that a revenge story? You random pkd, she tried to get you back and died again - thats not revenge...
  • Dark_Lies - Sanctuary
    Dark_Lies - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Anyone here have any sweet sweet "moments of revenge," stories, or failed revenge?

    I want to hear some good pay back. Screenshots would be awesome.

    Most of my attempts have failed so far because the guys on my list are still 20 or 30 levels above me. (In my opinion, getting pk'd at 3x, 4x by 6x, 7x and so on is a right of passage on a pvp server. So don't mistake me for crying, (insert your name here). I love sandwiches.)

    LOL Nice carry over from faction chat day u will get your revenge, one day=)

    On topic: To low lv on PvP server to get revenge, not really sure I even need or want to get it though.
  • U_got_sniped - Lost City
    U_got_sniped - Lost City Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    How is that a revenge story? You random pkd, she tried to get you back and died again - thats not revenge...

    it isnt...
  • CornHilario - Heavens Tear
    CornHilario - Heavens Tear Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    well one day i was looking for people to pk along with my friend ninamon and her friend josh something, forgot. camping heaven's tear...bored. then i dropped down to silver pool to repair my zerk hammer. suddenly, someone kills both josh and nina, so then i go back up to heaven's tear. then i see Tortillachip red name, about the same level as me but better gear and has his TT60. so i started to attack him. i was losing then i use tree of protection(yeah, i know cheapass ;D) to heal myself full again, then i finish him off >:D. then he drops his two rings and his aerobeast yay! and then i said to nina and josh, "you have been avenged, my friends >:D"
    One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them

    MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.

    ♥: The best f♥♥king censor ever. Always remember to show
    love to eachother on the forum even when you are cussing eachother out.
  • Snakedoctor - Harshlands
    Snakedoctor - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hmmm, my two favorite - one on LC one on HL

    LC - Some dude was camping me in the swamp, killed me about 6 times. I was 6x robe mage. Him 7x Archer. I never said anything, just kept flying back out of safe and getting killed. I let him get darker and darker red. Usually they stop after a few times if you don't talk back but this guy never did. Anyway, i left the area for an FB, and when coming back later in the day saw the same guy flying around tusk pk'ing people. He had a mob on him while attacking the guy, don't know if he had no charm or the mob and player just ticked it but i dropped a BT on him, hit with a gush and the mob hit too. Next thing i know i have a nice 7x xbow to sell in AH. Best is if the mob got the last hit and he lost exp too but i am not sure of that b:victory

    HL - some BM kept killing me on my cleric near boa's up by misfortune. We were in KOS'd factions. I only had 30 minutes to play and just wanted to finish the quest before i left. I let him kill me 3 times without fighting back. Then the guy was like, hey sorry man, KOS guild. I said no prob i don't really care when i get pk'd. Long story short we partied but this f-er kept getting all the drops. When we finished we broke party, i killed him and he dropped 16 dq(the ones he got in our party) and an ele belt with +1%exp b:victory
  • Salvation - Harshlands
    Salvation - Harshlands Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hmmm, my two favorite - one on LC one on HL

    LC - Some dude was camping me in the swamp, killed me about 6 times. I was 6x robe mage. Him 7x Archer. I never said anything, just kept flying back out of safe and getting killed. I let him get darker and darker red. Usually they stop after a few times if you don't talk back but this guy never did. Anyway, i left the area for an FB, and when coming back later in the day saw the same guy flying around tusk pk'ing people. He had a mob on him while attacking the guy, don't know if he had no charm or the mob and player just ticked it but i dropped a BT on him, hit with a gush and the mob hit too. Next thing i know i have a nice 7x xbow to sell in AH. Best is if the mob got the last hit and he lost exp too but i am not sure of that b:victory

    HL - some BM kept killing me on my cleric near boa's up by misfortune. We were in KOS'd factions. I only had 30 minutes to play and just wanted to finish the quest before i left. I let him kill me 3 times without fighting back. Then the guy was like, hey sorry man, KOS guild. I said no prob i don't really care when i get pk'd. Long story short we partied but this f-er kept getting all the drops. When we finished we broke party, i killed him and he dropped 16 dq(the ones he got in our party) and an ele belt with +1%exp b:victory

    lmao best revenge stories ever
  • Treza - Lost City
    Treza - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i got a pretty decent story about a guy who failed :P

    i had just finished killing some veno and a bm who i killed previously decided to come and get some retribution. he saw me in combat and came over, unfortunately for him i just turned my sights to him and slowed/distance shrunk.
    he tried to fly away and initially did get a bit of ground because of the direction i distance shrink, but i popped a speed pot and turned my mount on fast and got him and critted 1.6k with a sparked extreme poisoned divine pyrogram :)
    Communist Leader
  • Feiric - Harshlands
    Feiric - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Actually I just remembered a little while back this barb and archer were camping SB. I think there was two groups, including mine, trying to help lower guys with their fb, but since these two red names were killing anyone who went through, it eventually turned into a waiting game. It was pretty pathetic and funny actually. Anyway I followed the next two guys who got fed up with the sour deal, and while they died wearing the archer down, I did a "drive by" killing shot. I told my team to hurry up and get going while we had the chance.

    Now there's not a lot to be proud of there, but it sure was fun doing that. The guy hunted me down before we hit the next portal and got his revenge on my noob butt. Haha that red name and me both were trying to convince the lvl 29 cleric who I was helping to rez me so we could go at it again face to face. He didn't :(. I swear it's not over with that guy, though.
  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Someone on HL named Muse pked a faction mate, and so I headed up there for revenge.. lvl 89ish Cleric I think. I owned her, and she started to QQ.
    I was honored, my blade is only level 61 and I finished her off w/ low level drakes ray as she tried to run from me! ^_^

    Then two high level archers came back with her and got revenge right back. I'll be working on this one. heheh
  • Rakthor - Lost City
    Rakthor - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    >.< I was hanging around Tusk Town and saw this light pink name cleric tryna kill an archer, so i just jumped in to kill the cleric (I'm sure the archer could take him, but I just like killing ppl). So the cleric came back and he and I had a fight that lasted like 7 minutes and I finally killed him... (zomg it's annoying when clerics use windged shield and heal... and its even more annyoing when your 1 shot away from killing them and you start missing heaps.)
  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    when i was lower i had a mortal enemy (not stating any names) not gonna lie i used to get rolled alot being that i havent had a charm and this person always did have one. so i lvled and lvled and became a bit more stronger. reached 7x got my OP sling shot, and some nice gears and i can actually kill this person, only possible way for this person to beat me now is to spark and hope to god a crit helps him out :D (its funny when a 7x wiz thinks they can beat an archer who knows what their doing) b:laugh
  • _makina_ - Sanctuary
    _makina_ - Sanctuary Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    when i was lower i had a mortal enemy (not stating any names) not gonna lie i used to get rolled alot being that i havent had a charm and this person always did have one. so i lvled and lvled and became a bit more stronger. reached 7x got my OP sling shot, and some nice gears and i can actually kill this person, only possible way for this person to beat me now is to spark and hope to god a crit helps him out :D (its funny when a 7x wiz thinks they can beat an archer who knows what their doing) b:laugh

    If their arcane all you have to do is roll ur face on the keyboard and you win.
  • Bows_Spirit - Lost City
    Bows_Spirit - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    If their arcane all you have to do is roll ur face on the keyboard and you win.

    who's pfft not as easy to find an arcane anything these days :p an arcane wiz wouldnt even be a mortal enemy, its just a chew toy b:dirty
  • PureShots - Lost City
    PureShots - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I have an awesome one that just happened today.

    This guy, I think his name is "oneshotu" from SG1OWNS random pkd me when I was low 3x in heavens tears turning in a quest, well I am 52 now and was doing a quest at Arrowhead Manor today and I just happened to see him doing a quest there. It was possibly the best thing ever, I ran up in fox form, debuffed, amped, got out of fox, hit him with my Genies amp and then ONE SHOT HIM for 2.2k crit. b:victory

    He was blood red and dropped his arrows and some other random junk, he probably bound his gear, I didn't care to look but it was fun to kill the noob. There will be so many great revenge stories for me soon, I'm leveling as fast as I can and plan on getting back all the people who random pkd me. b:pleased

    Lmao good one if i were you i'd be like b**** What now!
  • Snipah - Lost City
    Snipah - Lost City Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    so i see this message in faction chat.
    saying they are getting harrassed by some archer and cant level.
    they were lv 34 near hidden orchid.

    so me, overconfident as i am with my
    UBER SLINGZOOKA OF TOTAL ANHILIATION (also known as sinister shooter) :D
    go up there, being only lv 42
    so i get there, the guy name is pink and my guildies are white.
    so i figured the situation was obvious.
    i attacked the guy, think it was blazingarrow, he dies.
    he triest to kil guildies again... he dies

    then he starts whispering me **** how hes gonna have his (much bigger then mine) faction kos me...

    i was like grow up and blacklisted em, reported the stuf to ma faction leader and he went to talk with the guys faction.

    now it appears he claimed we attacked em first lol...
    wat a ****, but we dont have screenshots to proove that hes bul****ting, so hes getting away with it :D

    wat a shame.

    oh and later i found out he was lv 49 :D muhah