FB Mold Drop Rule?
Please HolyInferno dont talk to stupid people... they will bring you to their level and win in experience...Happy Sauce face
Manufactured by Konariraiden0 -
Ayano-chan - Sanctuary wrote: »Ofc I never agreed on giving them molds then stole them back,I do fbs and leave all drops to tabbers,even tho' I hate so much.
And with this remark ,you actually think that WE, at THEIR lvl, had and easier life?HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote:I also have a comment to this quote, that has been repeated many times by people. Do you know how hard it was for us in the beginning? How many times we died, burned GAs, pots, charms, losing xp? The first wave always has it the hardest. Going into uncharted waters and sacrificing much of their time, money and leveling. We used to die so oftem in FBs that the xp reward only made up for our deaths. So with all these sacrifices we had to go through...now all the benefits of us being where we are as a server goes to...the next generation? Pathetic is all i have to say
I think it's been said several times in this thread... but if you don't like it, don't do it. Simple as that.0 -
Vizibroth - Sanctuary wrote: »So you think it's pathetic to do something for someone that wasn't done for you? That's pretty sad. Where I come from, we call that being kind. As the "first wave" shouldn't you set the example, instead of just complaining that you didn't have it as easy?
I think it's been said several times in this thread... but if you don't like it, don't do it. Simple as that.
Am i asking the tab holder to give me the mold? No. Am i asking him to compensate me through payment? No. When you do anything as a squad that requires farming, loot is set at random ( or in cases of TT, evenly split). You get the item, lucky you and congratulations. However, why is it that because we are a significantly higher level we are not allowed a chance at these drops? Sure, its their tabs and I'm happy to help you progress in game. It WAS hard for us and if our help relieves that much pressure off then great. But why does our HELPING someone come with CONDITIONS? Back when there were very few "high" level players, their help, when they offered it, was welcomed with open arms. Drops and such were never an issue nor was it even a question. So why has it changed now? It is not so much the matter of the drops themselves but the principle behind it. If we wanted the xp, we can grind, do justice quests or whichever. If we wanted the mold, we can get wines ourselves and farm them. But the very FACT that when assisting someone on their progress in the game comes with a "mine mine mine" or "hand it over or f*** off", THAT is what is pathetic... I don't know but is it only me that feels like we are PAYING people to help THEM at this point?b:bye you were all swell peoples0 -
whenever i do fbs [and i state this before we start so there is never a excuse]
molds+3* to tabber IF its related to them [if they can use it] eg. a LA wiz or normal dex archer WILL get LA drops or m def or p def ammy + cape + helm/hat + mag rings EVERYTHING ELSE goes to whomever gets it.
if they want to be payed for me to help them they can go **** themselvesb:angry higher levels may be able to make more money but it dosnt mean we have enough[tt90 is 50 mil i heard =___=].
anyways its nearly a given that whenever you do a fb whomever gets it gets it and can do with it whatever they want UNLESS it was discussed and agreed upon BEFORE the drop NOT AFTER. most higher levels already give the 3* and molds to tabber and help with wine. it actually COSTS high levels to run a fb for you, about 10-20k in charms/repairs/teleport( and sometimes your friggn wine) and most could easily have gotten xp faster by fishing. its not like the xp is worth that much. demanding items/pay for running one's fb only ruins the fun.
*ends rant and goes to sleepy townb:tired*0 -
HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »When did this "all molds go to the tab holder" come about? What greedy low lvl please hand everything to me person decided to start this? Do you all think its a privelage for the higher lvls to do your FBs? 100-180k xp and 30-40 rep? We can grind that in 20 minutes. People need to take a step back and understand that the favor is held more on the tabbers side. We insure success, speedy finish and minimal casulaties (some tabbers get to excited and get killed from time to time). And yet you tabbers want it all. *shakes my head*. The tabbers are not the only ones to blame. Higher lvls should not accept such ludicrous conditions. Back in the day, it was hard to even get people to do FBs cause they were so time consuming and risky.
Here's a great idea.
No more high levels help with FBs. Let the 29 people do their own fb29, the 51 people do their own FB51. See how you like it then. b:bye
-rant finished-
Im glad to see you getting your troll frustrations of your chest some more by starting your own gasoline threads dear but......
IFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF you really want me to i can post some more polls and threads and you can get your jollys trying to tear me down
im just saying i would rather you have a focus for your anger to build into a constructive (ER) way then reduced to random bable in order to insight wars
i think you could be a much better troll thent hat so ill let you practise on me
Like i said i graduated 4 chan i know all about the desire to be king of the trolls and have your **** holory dained by ppl even to the inevitable similarity to verticoli (w/e he did)
i have long since abandoned the troll ways but if u see fit i could show you some of the finer points to the game??
BTW FYI b4 u ever do it Grammer **** r a sign of a weak troll oh and dear plz try to use more breaks in your rants
id love to read what moronic **** hole thing you have next to say but not if i have to go get a 3 year old to decipher the block text for me
hee hee long live the trollsb:kiss0 -
obviously you feel quite offended by what I said on you WHO IS THE NEW MOST HATED FACTION poll. Well..then the message went through. Whether you agree with my point of view on THIS subject matter is one thing. But why you find in necessary to post a response on an entirely different thread is beyond me. Perhaps it is your way of finding some type of closure. I don't know nor do I care.
(Break, just for you b:cute)
However, from the little that I can gather from your rant above me( and perhaps you are attacking my grammer? I'll be the first to admit it isnt great but i believe i get the point across), you stated that I'm here to instigate wars? What wars? Flame wars? I don't go much further than a response or two before I stop. The amount of energy needed to argue with a troll is something I'd rather use for another purpose. And yes I'll be the first to admit it. I WILL NOT win against a troll. Why? Because if I were to stoop to that kind of level, I'd be as disgusted at myself as the person is in themselves.
(Break again, for you mr skull)
Or are you talking about TW? You, the one who purposely made a thread that had no real relevance to anything other than igniting a flame war. You have not accomplished anything nor will you accomplish anything through it. However, if that's what you enjoy, more power to you but imho, it's just really sad
final though : My purpose was not to troll you but to ridicule you for starting yet another pointless threadb:bye you were all swell peoples0 -
HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »final though : My purpose was not to troll you but to ridicule you for starting yet another pointless thread
If he wasn't making these threads, other asstards would be. 99% of threads on this forum are pointless, but I don't see you going into thousands of threads and pointing out that they are.
You singled him out. Why? Iunno. Maybe you disagreed with some of what he'd said. Maybe you know what he says is right. Regardless, you single him out and hate on him for making a pointless thread, when you go making threads titled:
Best PvP/PK/TW Archer? - A minority of players even PK, and some of the people listed don't either. Pointless thread.
We Veno's Want one too! Best PK Veno - A thread used to try and get people to believe you're one of the best PKers. Pointless thread.
FB Mold Drop Rule? - You were pissed off due to an FB so you came on to the forums to whine about it. Pointless thread.
Battle Royale in Sanctuary! - Oh, wow. Very productive and insightful post regarding who would win in yet another PVP related thread. Pointless.
Needy Elves - A thread to whine about people sending you squad invites. On nooeez! So awful! Again, pointless.
Forget DarkRings! What do you think about me? - If that thread was meant to be comical.. then all I can say, is.. CLICK ME!
.. need I honesty go on?
Really now, Holy. There was no need to pick on him for doing something you've done so many times yourself. Hint of advice: Don't be a hypocrite!; think before you post!0 -
Sylvae - Sanctuary wrote: »There is more greed now, from tabber as well, than there was back then. The mold didn't go to whose tab it was; it went to the person who could actually USE it. If greed is being pointed at anyone, it should be pointed at both sides.
Quoted, because many people seem to miss this point. The same issue is strongly apparent on Heaven's Tear too (before anyone gangs up on me that I dare stray to the wrong forum b:chuckle) and I never was able to understand it.
I started playing this game from closed beta and ever since then, whenever I did an FB the drops were considered on a need before greed basis. I always believe that need should always take precedence over greed and drops should always go to the persons who need them most.
....that's me done interfering with your server's forum.
0 -
HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »When did this "all molds go to the tab holder" come about? What greedy low lvl please hand everything to me person decided to start this? Do you all think its a privelage for the higher lvls to do your FBs? 100-180k xp and 30-40 rep? We can grind that in 20 minutes. People need to take a step back and understand that the favor is held more on the tabbers side. We insure success, speedy finish and minimal casulaties (some tabbers get to excited and get killed from time to time). And yet you tabbers want it all. *shakes my head*. The tabbers are not the only ones to blame. Higher lvls should not accept such ludicrous conditions. Back in the day, it was hard to even get people to do FBs cause they were so time consuming and risky.
Here's a great idea.
No more high levels help with FBs. Let the 29 people do their own fb29, the 51 people do their own FB51. See how you like it then. b:bye
-rant finished-
Ridiculous post. More self-loading than anything else.
And yes, I'm soooo sure you did your Fbs all by yourself. No wait... you never had to be a level 19 or 29 etc to get where you are...
So sad... * rolls eyes*0 -
XAsch - Sanctuary wrote: »If he wasn't making these threads, other asstards would be. 99% of threads on this forum are pointless, but I don't see you going into thousands of threads and pointing out that they are.
You singled him out. Why? Iunno. Maybe you disagreed with some of what he'd said. Maybe you know what he says is right. Regardless, you single him out and hate on him for making a pointless thread, when you go making threads titled:
Best PvP/PK/TW Archer? - A minority of players even PK, and some of the people listed don't either. Pointless thread.
We Veno's Want one too! Best PK Veno - A thread used to try and get people to believe you're one of the best PKers. Pointless thread.
FB Mold Drop Rule? - You were pissed off due to an FB so you came on to the forums to whine about it. Pointless thread.
Battle Royale in Sanctuary! - Oh, wow. Very productive and insightful post regarding who would win in yet another PVP related thread. Pointless.
Needy Elves - A thread to whine about people sending you squad invites. On nooeez! So awful! Again, pointless.
Forget DarkRings! What do you think about me? - If that thread was meant to be comical.. then all I can say, is.. CLICK ME!
.. need I honesty go on?
Really now, Holy. There was no need to pick on him for doing something you've done so many times yourself. Hint of advice: Don't be a hypocrite!; think before you post!
First off, I realized I have used the wrong term. Pointless threads, as both his and mine are, what I meant to say is negative.
All these thread threads were me trying to be comical yes. They are all in jest and not to be taken seriously, except for the one we are writing in at this moment. This thread right here is something that I honestly believe in. And it was NOT from a single FB incident. It is through my continuing observation about how it seems the lower lvls have the higher lvls by the nuts, demanding, imo, ridiculous conditions. My attack on mr. skull here was creating a thread that is solely created with the intention on putting pressure and attack on a group of people. Why would you create a thread that wants people to choose who they hate? Most of the people probably don't even have a validating reason to hate the guilds they voted for yet you only further encouraging such hate through polls titled the NEW MOST HATED FACTION? I mean, really? Take what I say any way you like it, it does not hinder me nor will it stop me from speaking what is on my mind. If you want to attack me then go right ahead. b:byeb:bye you were all swell peoples0 -
Neferiti - Sanctuary wrote: »Ridiculous post. More self-loading than anything else.
And yes, I'm soooo sure you did your Fbs all by yourself. No wait... you never had to be a level 19 or 29 etc to get where you are...
So sad... * rolls eyes*
Every FB I have done to date was with people in my same level range (+/- 5 lvls)b:bye you were all swell peoples0 -
XAsch - Sanctuary wrote: »If he wasn't making these threads, other asstards would be. 99% of threads on this forum are pointless, but I don't see you going into thousands of threads and pointing out that they are.
You singled him out. Why? Iunno. Maybe you disagreed with some of what he'd said. Maybe you know what he says is right. Regardless, you single him out and hate on him for making a pointless thread, when you go making threads titled:
Best PvP/PK/TW Archer? - A minority of players even PK, and some of the people listed don't either. Pointless thread.
We Veno's Want one too! Best PK Veno - A thread used to try and get people to believe you're one of the best PKers. Pointless thread.
FB Mold Drop Rule? - You were pissed off due to an FB so you came on to the forums to whine about it. Pointless thread.
Battle Royale in Sanctuary! - Oh, wow. Very productive and insightful post regarding who would win in yet another PVP related thread. Pointless.
Needy Elves - A thread to whine about people sending you squad invites. On nooeez! So awful! Again, pointless.
Forget DarkRings! What do you think about me? - If that thread was meant to be comical.. then all I can say, is.. CLICK ME!
.. need I honesty go on?
Really now, Holy. There was no need to pick on him for doing something you've done so many times yourself. Hint of advice: Don't be a hypocrite!; think before you post!
You conveniently left off Holy's "Battlefront Report" which has been well received. I don't see this thread as pointless because it is addressing a server-wide trend that many are seeing as more and more lopsided.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »You conveniently left off Holy's "Battlefront Report" which has been well received. I don't see this thread as pointless because it is addressing a server-wide trend that many are seeing as more and more lopsided.
Don't bother 'elle. I'll pretty much be the most hated person in the server cause I can't accept this trend. Also, xAsch seems to have a reason to vent, or has a vendetta against me. Let him criticize and attack me. It bothers me none. He's still a friend, hopefully b:chuckleb:bye you were all swell peoples0 -
HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »First off, I realized I have used the wrong term. Pointless threads, as both his and mine are, what I meant to say is negative.
Understandable.HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »All these thread threads were me trying to be comical yes. They are all in jest and not to be taken seriously, except for the one we are writing in at this moment.
To which I'm sure everyone knows. However, before pointing out that you worded it wrongly, you put yourself in a bad, hypocritical position. If you don't want people responding negatively to your mistel's, then make sure you proof read your posts.HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »This thread right here is something that I honestly believe in. And it was NOT from a single FB incident. It is through my continuing observation about how it seems the lower lvls have the higher lvls by the nuts, demanding, imo, ridiculous conditions.
If the higher levels cared, they wouldn't do the FB's. Most, however, don't, as they get EXP out of it. If higher levels care about tiny mold drops, then people should just avoid taking them along. Since when do you need rewards for helping people?HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »My attack on mr. skull here was creating a thread that is solely created with the intention on putting pressure and attack on a group of people.
There have been plenty of other threads where people have attacked other people. You posted on the forums during that time, yet never singled out and started flaming with one of them.
I'm not saying drskull is right. Cause personally, I think he's no better then other losers like Killabee_ and QQmoar. b:cuteHolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »Why would you create a thread that wants people to choose who they hate?
Well for starters, people posted in it. People voted in it. Therefore people seem to disagree with you on that front. People need to tell other people they hate them. It's an e-peen boosting thing. Gotta learn to live with it.HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »Most of the people probably don't even have a validating reason to hate the guilds they voted for
And who decides what is and isn't a validating reason to hate a faction? You? drskull? the people that play PW? What you're stating, is your opinion only. You're free to have it, but that doesn't mean it's right.HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »yet you only further encouraging such hate through polls titled the NEW MOST HATED FACTION?
So what? It's not against the rules to ask who people hate. If you think it should be, then PM the dev's or GM's about it.HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »it does not hinder me nor will it stop me from speaking what is on my mind.
Again, with the hypocrisy. You're trying to prevent drskull from making threads he wants. You're hating on him because he's doing the same thing you're doing? Speaking what is on his mind? Hm. way to go. *cheers*.HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »If you want to attack me then go right ahead. b:bye
I don't think you're worth attacking over it. I just thought I'd post my difference of opinion, as decently and respectively as possible. Feel free to flame away! b:byeAsterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »You conveniently left off Holy's "Battlefront Report" which has been well received. I don't see this thread as pointless because it is addressing a server-wide trend that many are seeing as more and more lopsided.
Of course I left it off. My list was that of Pointless, irrelative threads that had no purpose, just as drskull makes. I didn't point out any apart from the ones Holy was hating on drskull for making. =DHolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »Don't bother 'elle. I'll pretty much be the most hated person in the server cause I can't accept this trend. Also, xAsch seems to have a reason to vent, or has a vendetta against me. Let him criticize and attack me. It bothers me none. He's still a friend, hopefully b:chuckle
I don't see how one can have a vendetta against a pixel they won't ever meet on another side of the globe. I was pointing out the difference of opinion only. If you think I'm attacking you, then you should consider understanding what I write, instead of trying to argue with it~0 -
XAsch - Sanctuary wrote: »Understandable.
To which I'm sure everyone knows. However, before pointing out that you worded it wrongly, you put yourself in a bad, hypocritical position. If you don't want people responding negatively to your mistel's, then make sure you proof read your posts.
If the higher levels cared, they wouldn't do the FB's. Most, however, don't, as they get EXP out of it. If higher levels care about tiny mold drops, then people should just avoid taking them along. Since when do you need rewards for helping people?
There have been plenty of other threads where people have attacked other people. You posted on the forums during that time, yet never singled out and started flaming with one of them.
I'm not saying drskull is right. Cause personally, I think he's no better then other losers like Killabee_ and QQmoar. b:cute
Well for starters, people posted in it. People voted in it. Therefore people seem to disagree with you on that front. People need to tell other people they hate them. It's an e-peen boosting thing. Gotta learn to live with it.
And who decides what is and isn't a validating reason to hate a faction? You? drskull? the people that play PW? What you're stating, is your opinion only. You're free to have it, but that doesn't mean it's right.
So what? It's not against the rules to ask who people hate. If you think it should be, then PM the dev's or GM's about it.
Again, with the hypocrisy. You're trying to prevent drskull from making threads he wants. You're hating on him because he's doing the same thing you're doing? Speaking what is on his mind? Hm. way to go. *cheers*.
I don't think you're worth attacking over it. I just thought I'd post my difference of opinion, as decently and respectively as possible. Feel free to flame away! b:bye
Of course I left it off. My list was that of Pointless, irrelative threads that had no purpose, just as drskull makes. I didn't point out any apart from the ones Holy was hating on drskull for making. =D
I don't see how one can have a vendetta against a pixel they won't ever meet on another side of the globe. I was pointing out the difference of opinion only. If you think I'm attacking you, then you should consider understanding what I write, instead of trying to argue with it~
how so?
this, in my belief, is people falling into a negative trend. This is the whole reason i started this thread. I am not calling out for a rewards here as I have stated. I am asking that these pre-existing conditions to FBs end.
A large percentage of posts and threads in these forums are for flaming purposes. Creating another outlet for such is not something that should be acceptable just because it is of the norm
indeed it isnt. But like you stated, it is my opinion, just like everyone else's posts. Why do you find it necessary to call out my opinions over others? Does your posts make you right or is it just an opinion?
please explain what part of that thread was his opinion? him speaking his mind? All he did was generate an outlet of hate. Not posted his own opinion. So, as a response I, in turn, used that outlet to let him know my own thoughts.
my intial hope was that all these things would blow over eventually. Yes, i could have said something earlier, but I did not choose to. When did my timing of response become the issue here?
Indeed I do not know exactly what you mean. All i have to go off by is the language you write in and I take it as i see it
b:byeb:bye you were all swell peoples0 -
if i like a item im gona keep itb:cute(newer hapens -.-)Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »obviously you feel quite offended by what I said on you WHO IS THE NEW MOST HATED FACTION poll. Well..then the message went through. Whether you agree with my point of view on THIS subject matter is one thing. But why you find in necessary to post a response on an entirely different thread is beyond me.
LOLZ Yes why on earth would i post on another thread why do you assume they are the same thing i made it very clear that this was a response to THIS thread ......
how that got lost in your readings is beyond me .... Comprehension issue maybe?HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »
(Break, just for you b:cute)
However, from the little that I can gather from your rant above meHolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »( and perhaps you are attacking my grammer?
last time ill point this out but again you have proven you can read and not understand a single thing you read.... i actually told you not to grammer **** and you failed turned and attacked mine in another thread LMAO u r a sad child...HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »I'll be the first to admit it isnt great but i believe i get the point across), you stated that I'm here to instigate wars? What wars? Flame wars? I don't go much further than a response or two before I stop. The amount of energy needed to argue with a troll is something I'd rather use for another purpose. And yes I'll be the first to admit it. I WILL NOT win against a troll. Why? Because if I were to stoop to that kind of level, I'd be as disgusted at myself as the person is in themselves.
Knock Knock who's there? irony ... irony who.. irony is that your the ONLY troll i know of in the forum
what makes this even more fail is that you trolled me IN this statement saying you were not a troll
and that bold says 2 things 1. your a lazy troll
2. you would rather spend time attacking me on forum then being a troll ....>.<! FAIL!HolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »(Break again, for you mr skull)
Or are you talking about TW? You, the one who purposely made a thread that had no real relevance to anything other than igniting a flame war. You have not accomplished anything nor will you accomplish anything through it. However, if that's what you enjoy, more power to you but imho, it's just really sad
Seriously go read that thread and what i said on it b4 you make your self look stupid IMHO you need to get some hooked on phonix
i did not start it to make wars and i even explained all that in the thread after you troll spasm so that ppl would know the REAL reason i posted it not what some **** TROLL <<< thats you <<< thinks my reason is
oh and thnx for the breaks much easyer to read b:kissHolyInferno - Sanctuary wrote: »final though : My purpose was not to troll you but to ridicule you for starting yet another pointless thread
That statement is like the best oxymoron ever... you didnt want to troll me you just wanted to make fun of me for posting in what was your opinion a pointless thread..... -.- ye thats totally not trolling at all u got me
ok i take it back u r not just an ordinary troll
your a TROLL in DENIALE lmao admit your an **** and move on you troll ppl we all know it and you always will so best to just admit it and move foreward with your trolling wayz0 -
I think it's hilarious that you have been backed into a corner you idiot. Yes, you Holy. My comment still stands true that you are a complete **** who needs the attention from others that you are lacking in your life.
Make more useless threads please. Keeps things interesting.0 -
why so mean? since when did any thread on here have to be useful in some way?Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
And this, my friends, is why the human race is going to hell in a pooper scooper.b:pleased
Since when were people so "business minded" and selfish (yes i like that word).
What DID happen to helping a stranger because you felt like it. b:shocked
This thread probably isnt useless though, it does have a point.
A stupid point.
You say that when you were lvl 19/29/39 you had it really hard so right now you want everyone else to have it really hard? Is it like some kind of revenge?
This is like not letting your own children play on a PS3 until they were 15 years old because you couldnt play games until you were 15 years old.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
|Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
|Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
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You're missing the point Hydra. What they are trying to say is that the tabbers DEMANDED to have those drops, sometimes even to be paid for the tab. Let me offer my perspective on this.
There are 3 mains reasons why high levels help with fb runs, according to me.
2.They knew it was hard for them at the time so they're helping you. (My personal reason. I'm pretty partial to fb51)
3.They're bored.
The mold part generally came at around fb69 and above or so, but it's usually free for all or you have to call the mold. I'm sure you realize that if they wanted to have the mold they can simply run the fb themselves. I've seen many run untabbed fb69(wined) many times to get calamity axe.
I really don't see how high levels are making things harder for low levels. Remember we could've just not offer fb services and let you struggle thrrough them yourselves. You're getting the quest done easily and safely not having to wait several weeks to get a squad together and can move on with your culti. How does the absence of one less mold over turn all that benefit and make things super hard for you?
Tabber can have the mold. It's fine really. But they should not DEMAND they have it. It shouldn't be an obligation for the high levels running the fb for you. The whole point of the fb is getting the quest done NOT getting the mold. The mold is simply a bonus if you're lucky. Now when you responded to the wc call for fb, you're saying that you need help. The high lvls can do without the fb runs, the games doesn't make it an absolute necessity to do extra fb runs at high lvl. Meaning they are doing you a favor especially at lower level fbs.
I personally will give mold to the tabber if I got them, but if they make it seem like I wasted my pots and charm helping a good for nothing I'm going to put it in the auction house for half the price.0 -
I remember the days when fb39 took 2-3 hours and 5 death. Now its done in 30min.. The exp isnt worth it for high level. Somehow people kept doing it. I guess some people cant level without FB. They dont know how to grind.
FB get u at most half of what you can get in an hour b:chuckle no more fb for a long time b:surrender0 -
Seablue - Sanctuary wrote: »You're missing the point Hydra. What they are trying to say is that the tabbers DEMANDED to have those drops, sometimes even to be paid for the tab. Let me offer my perspective on this.
There are 3 mains reasons why high levels help with fb runs, according to me.
2.They knew it was hard for them at the time so they're helping you. (My personal reason. I'm pretty partial to fb51)
3.They're bored.
The mold part generally came at around fb69 and above or so, but it's usually free for all or you have to call the mold. I'm sure you realize that if they wanted to have the mold they can simply run the fb themselves. I've seen many run untabbed fb69(wined) many times to get calamity axe.
I really don't see how high levels are making things harder for low levels. Remember we could've just not offer fb services and let you struggle thrrough them yourselves. You're getting the quest done easily and safely not having to wait several weeks to get a squad together and can move on with your culti. How does the absence of one less mold over turn all that benefit and make things super hard for you?
Tabber can have the mold. It's fine really. But they should not DEMAND they have it. It shouldn't be an obligation for the high levels running the fb for you. The whole point of the fb is getting the quest done NOT getting the mold. The mold is simply a bonus if you're lucky. Now when you responded to the wc call for fb, you're saying that you need help. The high lvls can do without the fb runs, the games doesn't make it an absolute necessity to do extra fb runs at high lvl. Meaning they are doing you a favor especially at lower level fbs.
I personally will give mold to the tabber if I got them, but if they make it seem like I wasted my pots and charm helping a good for nothing I'm going to put it in the auction house for half the price.0 -
Ok this is the latest issue regarding FB's .... and i really want to hear ur comments on this one...
2 X FB 59
I provide Wine for FB (Both)
Tab Holder Keep Mold and 3* drops
And still before starting the Fb the person say "This is a really a serious Rip Off"
Dunno wat else he wanted me to do for him.. Hope u guys might have an answer to it..
I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!
Life has changed a lot ....
Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad0 -
You just were unfortunate enough to run into a jerk ***. There are people out there like that. Personally I think unless the person is a guildie and/or donates the wine and doesn't state they want drops for it, then they're not entitled to them.0
Love the "I was one of the first so everything I did was harder and I demand that everyone respects my opinion" attitude.
Also love the "oh noes I am backed into a corner and will thus try to pass off my jerk attitude as good humor". Although I haven't seen that one used since high school.0 -
stopped reading at the point where asch tried to change the entire topic but...
i dont think tabbers deserve molds on the early fbs. they dont contribute aside from the tabs and the wine, which.. a lot of noobs now are asking for runners to provide wine, and give all drops to tabbers. had a lot of 59s asking for this. i lol'd and left. then they pm me a few hours later saying "we got wine, will you help now?"
fb 19, 29, 39 are undeniably the fbs where the noob participates the absolute least, and therefore doesnt deserve a mold. these fbs also do not require wine, and for 19 and 39 you need mobs -- which is extra effort on the runners.
51 and 59 are generally the fbs where tabbers start to participate a bit.
these are like the transition fbs, 51 the last unwined, and the last one where people will tolerate the tabber just following at a safe distance. 59 and up, the tabber is an equal participant, along with providing wine and tabs, and so they do deserve something.
WITH THAT ALL SAID, i "grew up" in what i think is the second generation on this server... or i lvld fast enough to join the 2nd, not sure. but when i was noob and having people run my fbs the rule was drops are always random, whoever it was doled out to by the system is the one who got it (runners or tabber), if they wanted to give it away that was up to them. it was also required for the tabber to provide wines, no help from runners gathering mats or coin for wines. tabber got their own wine. no questions asked. if you didnt have wine, you didnt get your fb done. the only thing wines entitled you to was getting your bosses killed. no "drops go to provider of the wine", nothing. this went for 39 and 51 too.. and you'd make your wines and use them KNOWING you had mobs that you would not get and would need to come back for later.
in my 60's i started fb marathoning. lotsa molds dropped, i hardly ever got one, and only sometimes did the tabber throw a fit. most just said "grats" to whoever did get the mold. but somewhere over the past 20 lvls things have changed. every run i go on now, the first thing that is barked at me is that ALL DROPS GO TO TABBER. and since i havent had one "drops are random" run in like 2 months, i now enforce that rule on my own fbs and those of my close friends who i brought to the game. and what makes me lol the most is that everyone complains about it. that and the fact that i've only ever had 1 mold drop on my own fb, in 39, one i used wines for, and the runner obsconded with it after forcing me to buy wine from his friend, then promising to re-enter for my mobs (which he never did). and since i only have.. what.. 2 fbs left on this char.. lol. so how the hell is anyone supposed to get molds from fbs if they've only got 9 chances in a character lifetime?0 -
Ah, so you overlooked Holy and drskull's comments prior to mine, then accuse me of changing the topic. Good logic. I'm glad I left before the server's average player IQ dropped to this point. =D0
you know i actually did not mean that as an insult, only to mark how far id read, but since you wanna sling **** around...
know what dont even get me started. i dont need to have an argument on a forum with a guy who claims to have had sex with people hes never met irl. or a guy who quits a game because his guild cant win tw anymore.
maybe you take it personally that i left rebirth? it wasnt. somebody pissed me off big time and i left, like the first time. maybe if youd been online to clear that up i woulda stayed. or maybe you just dont read the names of whos posting.
either way we've had this discussion. you know how i am, and if you took that as an insult then that is an insult to me. then icing on the cake you say ive got a low iq?
**** off asch hole.0 -
I'm not slinging **** around. If you'd bother to read all these threads, I reckon you'd agree with me. However, judging by your post just then, I guess you're in the same category of people I'm insulting. So don't bother reading them. xD.
as for claiming to have sex with people I've never met; lol? I'm a shy, illiterate little virgin! Eek! b:cute
as for why I quit - if it was because we couldn't win TW, I would've quit a while ago. Why? Cause Nef has pretty much been the only option we'd had left to attack when we had land. Sure, we could have attacked Legendary, but I was lectured by quite a few people not to attack alongside Nef, so I didn't.
Now, why I left? Fine. My aunt died, and her two sons were left up there with no parents. Both being under 15, I went up there along with my sister, to help support them. If you can't take that as a liable excuse, you can drop down and suck my co.ck - cause that's all pre-assuming, QQing, whiney, bipolar, reject venomancer's are good for.
Take it personally you left? Oh, again? Ah, ok, ok. Not that I care, cause you were sooooo whiney and pushy, it drove me nuts; but to be honest, why would someone be bothered by you leaving their faction? You were kicked from Legendary, left us cause we forgot to tell you one thing in fb79m then left again cause someone upset your feelings? aw, poor baby. Here's a tissue.
and yes, we had the discussion. Thankyou for pointing that out. Even with my incredibly sharpened deductive skills, I never would've worked that one out. I say, good show, 'chap!
Oh, and btw, did you think that last line up all by yourself? So cute! b:cute0
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