Antiquity Announcement

Auldare - Harshlands
Auldare - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)

Antiquity was created by 3 guys who felt there is a need for a certain type of faction on Harshlands server. We recognise this is a PVP server, there is nothing like the challenge of fighting an actual human opponent (Beats the hell out of whacking mobs all day) and we hope to bring a lil bit of style to the whole thing! We are a… mature… faction, well ‘mature’ isn’t exact but will explain that later.

What we are looking

Simply put, people who want to be involved, this will not be a faction where people will hide under the name (Like they’d do that right now, tiny tiny faction atm). About the mature thing, so far the ages of members range from 26-56. Age isn’t everything in measuring maturity (12yr olds can act more mature than 20yr olds), so we measure maturity by actions. Are you respectful, non-argumentative? That type of thing. We do use Teamspeak and while for day to day use it isn’t a requirement, it’s a must for any form of PVP.

On PVP, we won’t be an RPK guild (But Personally guilds like QQme etc are just what this server needs!). PVP should always be a thrill and a challenge, we see no honour in an easy kill so with this in mind we frown upon RPK’ers who go about killing others 10+ levels below them and do our best to go out and confront them when able to (RPK on a whole is good, adds flavour to the game I must add). We’ve even started a bit on chasing down people who do this! But this has been a somewhat hit and miss affair so far due to our numbers, trying to take too high a level player etc. (Also we need more practice working together effectively, but we’re only a week old into the game as a faction!)

Antiquity values respect and openness above anything else. We wont be a faction of smacktalkers and if any of our members do a dishonest act please get in touch with an officer.

If anyone is intrigued but would like to know more please feel free to get in touch with myself or check out our website.

We are at Antiquity
Post edited by Auldare - Harshlands on
