Game is to easy

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
I have a lvl 62 barb and a few chars 45-50 . No mob ever killed any of these chars. This game is to easy. Not 1 dead by a mob . I think its time for me to leave hahaha. Maybe Jade Dynasty will be better. Or maybe i get lvl 100 with not 1 dead .b:laugh
Post edited by doodeskader666 on


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  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Buh-bye, and don't let the door hit you on the way out. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have a lvl 62 barb and a few chars 45-50 . No mob ever killed any of these chars. This game is to easy. Not 1 dead by a mob . I think its time for me to leave hahaha. Maybe Jade Dynasty will be better. Or maybe i get lvl 100 with not 1 dead .b:laugh

    To easy? Psssshhhhh....

    Go visit mantavip.
  • Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    To easy? Psssshhhhh....

    Go visit mantavip.

    You know... If he's saying it's too easy, considering there are bosses along the way, either A: He's skipped them, or B: He got good parties for them, which means to me, at least, that he's either a scared nub who avoids bosses, or his success is due to the efforts of others, and not his own skill. Either way, I suggest you take this poster's advice. And while you're at it? Go visit Krimson. And don't take a high level party.
  • Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have a lvl 62 barb and a few chars 45-50 . No mob ever killed any of these chars. This game is to easy. Not 1 dead by a mob . I think its time for me to leave hahaha. Maybe Jade Dynasty will be better. Or maybe i get lvl 100 with not 1 dead .b:laugh

    level 62/105 (150 eventually)

    If you care about the difficulty, then you're still in the stages of where you have it easy. Level a little more and you'll see how much more demanding the game will become. If you say you haven't died once then, I'll know for sure that you're lying.b:chuckle

    (Oh by the way Coalescence spirit culti requires you to die, so you have died once.b:bye)
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Its kinda early to boast about this "easy" game, when you have only achieved level 6x and below.
  • Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    A lvl 62 and a few lvl 45-50 charachters... how come not one 7x or 8x then... getting a little too difficult? lol

    And never dying?
    either A: He's skipped them, or B: He got good parties for them, which means to me, at least, that he's either a scared nub who avoids bosses, or his success is due to the efforts of others, and not his own skill.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    BTW, Krixxix wants to know when you're going to drop by to see him. I think his older brother Suzerix has also expressed an interest as well.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    A lvl 62 and a few lvl 45-50 charachters... how come not one 7x or 8x then... getting a little too difficult? lol

    And never dying?


    Looking at this from this i am guessing he is probably about 10-15 years old (I say this so that he has max possible time to play carefully so he doesn't die), read all possible guides and learnt everything before playing so that he could have an 'advantage' over other people. Then I agree he must have got high lvls to play for him, on top of that I believe that he has not actually reached these lvls anyway as you have to die for the culti. This leads me to several conclusions.
    A. You have no life and spent ages playing carefully so that you dont die. (therefore you have lied as that is fairly difficult)
    B.You are lieing, you have died.
    C.You have not actually reached the lvls you say you have as you dont seem to know about dieing for the culti.
    D. You were upset cause you just went on a death spree and so wanted to make yourself feel better by boasting about how you dont die.
    E. You are young and so want to make yourself seem bigger by pretending to have done something amazing.
    F. I dont like you cause you are arrogant so you must be lieing.

    End Conclusion - he has to be lieing in at least some way, therefore using the straw man weakness in an argument i am going to blow this out of proportion and say we should not trust him about anything as he is a liar.

    Thank you.

    Join the JD CB FTW
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    BTW, Krixxix wants to know when you're going to drop by to see him. I think his older brother Suzerix has also expressed an interest as well.

    To be fair, as a wizard at lvl 41 i could hold aggro from him for quite some time, so all credit to him it is possible to survive Krixxix. However if he wishes to join in the fun we had on the Dreamweaver server the other day and play with cenminator, (there were about 70 ppl there and we all died at least once, i think i was on 7 deaths) then that would be fun.
  • Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Perfect World User
    Join Date: Aug 2008[B/]
    Posts: 5

    i dont play much at all but seems that u have made only CS since looking your joining date and only 62 and never died..its true when u make over half year CS u dont die cause u dont need kill any mobs :)
  • Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have a lvl 62 barb and a few chars 45-50 . No mob ever killed any of these chars. This game is to easy. Not 1 dead by a mob . I think its time for me to leave hahaha. Maybe Jade Dynasty will be better. Or maybe i get lvl 100 with not 1 dead .b:laugh

    Well, then you've also never finished your spiritual cultivations up to date either then.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hmm he has never died that aint so hard he says he has barb lvl 62 and he can play in tiger which is much safer much psy def and much HP and only he needs is a charm and the bosses on teh low lvls are easy i tanked mine bosses till the harder ones the gongfy rattus and others...
  • Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    (Oh by the way Coalescence spirit culti requires you to die, so you have died once.b:bye)

    Yep, don't forget that spiritual culti quest! Unless you don't do spiritual culti, which means you probably just don't play the game at all and use crazy stone to level. And that, my friend, is "too easy" for anyone.
  • Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm guessing he's never played a cleric in any or a wizard for that matter. Nor has he gone to solo any bosses. Yeah if you take the easy route then the game becomes boring and just a big grind. It's a shame to quit at 62 since things get better in TT. By the way from what i hear TT isn't easy at all. So I think death will be at your door soon.
  • Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    looking at his joining date and his lvl ..he hasnt killed even single mob after lvl30 :)
  • Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yeah if you take the easy route then the game becomes boring and just a big grind.

    Exactly. If you look at what a charm does for you putting on a charm is the equivalent to slapping on a cheat code in any other game. Infinite health and mana is as easy mode as it gets.
  • Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Doesn't anyone in this thread realize that there is more to this game then kill mobs? Mobs aren't supposed to be really hard, they're only a means to lvl up and go PVP/PK/TW. Thats the challange in this game. (If you really want a PVE challange though, there is always lunar glade/frostland/godless valley.)

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have a lvl 62 barb and a few chars 45-50 . No mob ever killed any of these chars. This game is to easy. Not 1 dead by a mob . I think its time for me to leave hahaha. Maybe Jade Dynasty will be better. Or maybe i get lvl 100 with not 1 dead .b:laugh

    Na you guys are all wrong *cough*...

    This guy is way too pro for all the dungeons... FBs... bosses... and even PvP itself! Yup... apparently he is way too pro for the little mobs that he always fight. Thus making him pro for everything!

    Man, you guys shouldn't look down upon that guy's skill in this game. I mean, he has tons of experience before level 70! See? August -> May (10 months) into this game and his highest level character is 62! See? How much experience at owning everything below 62?

    Yea, man... don't let the other people tell you how crappy you. Remember this dude, you keep owning those weak little mobs and just don't use Twlight Temple.. don't use Quests... don't use Fubens.. don't use parties lol... Just solo for the rest of your life till 105! Trust me dude! Your too pro for it b:cool
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    From what he's seen of the game so far it isnt hard. Even most bosses arnt hard once you have the levels/classes etc. What sets people apart in this game is mostly the hours they put into it.

    I played a coupe of mmo's before I came here, namely WOW and everquest, and I can say for sure that raiding in WOW before burning crusade was definitly challenging and took a but of learning. If youve ever done the twin emps, or the last boss (forget his name) in AQ40 you would agree. Also the boss before twin emps was pretty darn hard.

    I didnt do as much in everquest, but I recall some pretty hard fights, Like ralos zek, or either of the other 2 zek fights. And another boss you had to kite around, I forget which plane it was. Then I heard that the fights in the expansion after POP were even harder.

    Then if you go out of the mmo category and start talking rts games, fps's, even tbs such as civ can be darn hard and take a lot of learning to do any good at the high levels.

    I dont really see any need to defend this game tho. Its not meant to be really hard. Its just somewhere where you hop online and have fun playing with your friends. If you want to be mentally challenged, then the OP is probably doing the right thing and looking for another game.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol, being lvl 62 and not dieing, i can see that to be possible, but very unlikely, but id like to see him get though the swamp of the wraiths alive :P

    im glad to almost be out of that little hellhole, but being a close range fighter in the swamp with heavy armor, would be interesting to watch a barb try to avoid all the long range magic based mobs, oh and the flying ones.(NO OFFENSE TO ANY BARBS, BMS OR ANYONE...)

    <--has died several times before as a veno, and is proud of it :D(and i logged of being dead from luminoc, FTW!)
    "opinions are strong, and can be changed, but it can never be destroyed." -Klutzo
  • Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    omfg i cant believe that anyone is taking that post seriously. of course he/she died AT LEAST once.

    anybody who's said they've never died ever is a liar and a moron. end of story.
  • Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have a lvl 62 barb and a few chars 45-50 . No mob ever killed any of these chars. This game is to easy. Not 1 dead by a mob . I think its time for me to leave hahaha. Maybe Jade Dynasty will be better. Or maybe i get lvl 100 with not 1 dead .b:laugh

    Lol he never do jewel b:laugh
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    omfg i cant believe that anyone is taking that post seriously. of course he/she died AT LEAST once.

    anybody who's said they've never died ever is a liar and a moron. end of story.

    lmao, very good way of putting it xD
    too bad there isnt some kind of visible death counter you can look at. would be nice to have proof in the first place.
    "opinions are strong, and can be changed, but it can never be destroyed." -Klutzo
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i have to agree
    you could put something to keep the 1,2 buttons of the keyboard pressed and may as well go afk
    it's boring and repetitive - not hard
    but most mmos are like that
    i have hopes for aion and gw2
    as for bosses they're not ment to be solo-ed
    Banned TB hairstyle made my Kallen cry b:sad
    Training my new wizzie. Current status lvl5X. b:pleased
  • Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    too bad there isnt some kind of visible death counter you can look at. would be nice to have proof in the first place.
    That's a great idea! I'd love to see that implemented. Then I could have something to back up my bragging about how often I die. b:laugh
  • Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    That's a great idea! I'd love to see that implemented. Then I could have something to back up my bragging about how often I die. b:laugh

    Ugh... I don't really want to see a 4 digit counter... I've jumped in front of wayyyyyy too many bosses to test my tanking abilities...b:surrender But, I guess you must test to learn your limits...
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lmao, very good way of putting it xD
    too bad there isnt some kind of visible death counter you can look at. would be nice to have proof in the first place.

    There was something like that in another game I played and after a while I started to feel very embarassed looking at it xD. So I m not sure if its a good idea.


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