SOLSTICE Recruiting :)

Duchess - Dreamweaver
Duchess - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Tideswell (East)
Are you a smexy Barb that likes to tank stuff? Or a DD Wiz that likes to nuke things? Then Solstice is for you! We also like to tank stuff & nuke things. (Not afflicted w/ George W. Bush).b:chuckle

Who we are: Solstice is a lvl 3 academy/sister faction of Equinox. Between Equinox & Solstice we hold 340 members, making us the most numerous faction in Dreamweaver. We are a mix of all classes & lvls. And our players come from all over the world, from America to Europe & beyond. We have experienced players as well as people who are new to the game. Only been up & running for ~1 1/2 wks & already we are lvl 3 & did our 1st TW during the 1st weekend.

Academy/sister faction: So what does that mean? Basically we are the training ground for Equinox. If you cant meet EQ lvl cap of 70+ then you can join Solstice & lvl up until you do. Also being the sister faction of EQ means we have the help & support of one of the strongest factions on the server. b:cool However, this doesn't mean that we are only about training members to enter into EQ. We are their ally, not just their supplier, lol

What we are about: We are into doing TW, TT, FBs, bosses, questing, Zhen, vent, etc. Our goal is to have fun & mix it up w/ high lvl competitive experience we get from our sister faction Equinox. We want to make ourselves, as well as our sister guild, the best & strongest on the server.

Vent/forums: Like any good faction we do use vent. And while it is not required it is highly recommended. Even if you don't have a mic to talk with, you can at least listen. We have one vent that we share with EQ (sisters always have to share stuff, lol). As well as our own that we use mainly for TWs. At the moment we don't have a forum or website, but are working on getting them up soon.

Who we are looking for: We are recruiting lvl 30+ all classes (25+ for barbs & wiz) members. We would like players that are active, respectful, friendly, loyal, & drama-free to help make our faction stronger & better. b:victory

So if you are interested in joining whisper me in game & tell me about yourself. And if for some reason I'm not on (which is rare b/c I live here, lol) you can whisper our Director Yallana, OniKoroshi our new Marshall or Mischa, the hottest cleric on the server & our Leader.

TY for your time. b:thanks
"I'm bi-curious! And even that's okay, becase if I'm bi-curious and I'm somehow made from God, then I figure God might be a little bi-curious himself!" Words of wisdom from South Park. Letting everyone know its okay to be 'A Little Bi-Curious' b:mischievous

=^.^=ɷ I'm a lucky cat b:cute
Post edited by Duchess - Dreamweaver on


  • Duchess - Dreamweaver
    Duchess - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So if you are interested in joining whisper me in game & tell me about yourself.

    FYI: Its duchess (w/ lower case "d") b:cute
    "I'm bi-curious! And even that's okay, becase if I'm bi-curious and I'm somehow made from God, then I figure God might be a little bi-curious himself!" Words of wisdom from South Park. Letting everyone know its okay to be 'A Little Bi-Curious' b:mischievous

    =^.^=ɷ I'm a lucky cat b:cute
  • Mischa - Dreamweaver
    Mischa - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I love it when you have such great officers, they can cover your lazy behind when it comes to recruiting. b:thanks

    One thing I'd like to set up straight though, even though we are the gateway to join Equinox if you can not make the level cap, we also hope that as you develop knowledge, skills, friendships, game awareness and loyalty to the family that's held within both Solstice and Equinox you'd help us build not 1, but two strong factions within Dreamweaver. Solstice currently has a small share of members that are past Equinox's cap but decided to stay and help build a strong faction. After all, you can only get as much as 200 strong members per faction b:surrender

    Hope you do consider Solstice as an option for your future in Dreamweaver, as we do look for the best players with the highest goals in the server, to keep our fun levels maxed b:victory
  • Mischa - Dreamweaver
    Mischa - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Solstice now has its own forums and own vent server for TW purposes, we will remain in Equinox vent for socializing. We await for you at

    See you around <3
  • Drewben - Dreamweaver
    Drewben - Dreamweaver Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Very well put duchess and Mischa b:dirtyb:pleasedb:kiss lol
    So what are you all waiting for? Come and join the party