Mana Drain

Garcher - Lost City
Garcher - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Archer
So I've come upon this situation. I open with frost arrow and then 2 normal then knockback. Then, the mob initial moves towards me and casts mana drain. How do I deal with that? The initial channeling didn't come before knockback so I can assume the poison mobs have a longer range. What do I do? I know I'm supposed to grind vipions once I hit lvl40 with mana drain and HP drain. idk.

Post edited by Garcher - Lost City on


  • LordSnow - Lost City
    LordSnow - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Well of course mana regen Apothocary pots would help a lot but as far as grinding on vipions i never really had a problem. although i never really had to use skills to kill them.

    For magic attack mobs i usualy just normal shot them to death, i tank one hit and im good. Using the hp regen pots i never get below 50% and i never have to worry about mp. On increased life mobs and such i use skills but otherwise its never needed. Of course i might be using more ammo then is needed... but who cares, i pick up most of my ammo for free anyways.
  • Garcher - Lost City
    Garcher - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Well that might be possible with lots -interval gear and a nice +5 wind&clouds weapon. But with an fb19 xbow, I do need to use frost arrow and knockback(I'm saving up for a sinster shooter so I'm on a budget). I've never had a problem with mana really. Winged Shell covers 90% of the mana I need. Neither has HP has mobs really never been a problem either as they never get to me. I killed some of the lvl30ish poison mobs in south archersour and I used the pots that I had saved up for the last 10 lvls. So for quests its not too bad. But for regular grinding? idk

    Now I've had friends who've grinded on mobs 10 lvls below them but drops aren't as good and it takes longer due to less exp gained.
  • The_Forgoten - Lost City
    The_Forgoten - Lost City Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Grinding on Vipons uses too many pots. Grind on Petrosaurs (Scouts (Near Heaven's Tear( for now and Lofties (Near Angler's) at 38 or so). You should not be grinding btw until 39. Do you daily (Crazy Stone). IF you are doing that and still need to grind, you must have died A LOT.
  • Death - Harshlands
    Death - Harshlands Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    IF you are doing that and still need to grind, you must have died A LOT.

    Or you're just trying to level really, really fast. I did grind out 40% of level 42 and about 80% of lvl43 on native vipions today on a miji until I hit 44. Quests just don't give you all the XP you need to level and you're gonna need to grind, or wait for dailies to level you up.

    With the vipions, you're gonna get hit with a mana drain every so often no matter how hard you try to avoid it. I basically have lvl 40 and lvl30 pots... if I get hit with a mana drain, I'll click a lvl30 mana pot and it'll absorb all of the mana drain.

    The petrosaurs are also good to grind on. Vipions are nice because you can usually find some in a safe zone and not worry about being pk'd while on a miji.
  • Garcher - Lost City
    Garcher - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Or you're just trying to level really, really fast.
    yeah I'm trying to go at a slightly faster pace. Yesterday I went from lvl31-34 after today cs.

    Ok, I will try the dinosaur bird thingys instead of vipions. And no I'm not grinding yet. But I anticipate grinding at lvl40.
  • drmarley
    drmarley Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I grind on Vips all the time - no problem. Don't knock them back until they start casting the mana drain (you'll see the animation come up); it'll interrupt their cast. You can also use stunning arrow to interrupt them IIRC - expensive mana cost though.

    Vips are really good xp IMO, and you make a bit grinding on them.
  • LordSnow - Lost City
    LordSnow - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Well that might be possible with lots -interval gear and a nice +5 wind&clouds weapon. But with an fb19 xbow, I do need to use frost arrow and knockback(I'm saving up for a sinster shooter so I'm on a budget). I've never had a problem with mana really. Winged Shell covers 90% of the mana I need. Neither has HP has mobs really never been a problem either as they never get to me. I killed some of the lvl30ish poison mobs in south archersour and I used the pots that I had saved up for the last 10 lvls. So for quests its not too bad. But for regular grinding? idk

    Now I've had friends who've grinded on mobs 10 lvls below them but drops aren't as good and it takes longer due to less exp gained.

    Crossbows arent the best for grinding in my opinion, period. especialy ones that are 15 lvls below you. I use the wind and cloud +1 and it works fine. The damage per second is AMAZING. my advice is switch to a bow for the next few lvls until you have your wind and clouds.
  • Garcher - Lost City
    Garcher - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have a 3*** birdshot(lvl19slingshot) and the supply box bow(lvl20) too. I don't notice too much of a difference in damage/second. However now at lvl36 I'm noticing the gimpage in my %damage(damage/total mob HP).
  • Flieyah - Dreamweaver
    Flieyah - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Nothing negates a mana drain better the focus powder.
    Also, ditch the crossbow and get yourself a decent sling or bow that is closer to your level.
    "What we do is what you just can't do."
  • U_got_sniped - Lost City
    U_got_sniped - Lost City Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Well of course mana regen Apothocary pots would help a lot but as far as grinding on vipions i never really had a problem. although i never really had to use skills to kill them.
    For magic attack mobs i usualy just normal shot them to death, i tank one hit and im good. Using the hp regen pots i never get below 50% and i never have to worry about mp. On increased life mobs and such i use skills but otherwise its never needed. Of course i might be using more ammo then is needed... but who cares, i pick up most of my ammo for free anyways.

    that is true, when i grinded on the vipions i only used normal attacks when i ran outta mp. genie and hp pots took care of my hp. grinded for hours without having to meditate or buy pots.
  • Brinumins - Dreamweaver
    Brinumins - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have never found poison mobs hard to kill with normal shots.
    Well, I was lucky so I have +6 hp reg from my equip too, so I just need to click Tree of Protection once in a while and its all good.

    BTW Is that a fact that Vipions is best choice to make for grind? Cos I found OneManArmy poison mobs just as good. Yes, I dont get exp and sp bonus, but I do get rep and celestone frag.

    lol I have lvl44 arch, forgot to change them.