FB Mold Drop Rule?

HolyInferno - Sanctuary
HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
When did this "all molds go to the tab holder" come about? What greedy low lvl please hand everything to me person decided to start this? Do you all think its a privelage for the higher lvls to do your FBs? 100-180k xp and 30-40 rep? We can grind that in 20 minutes. People need to take a step back and understand that the favor is held more on the tabbers side. We insure success, speedy finish and minimal casulaties (some tabbers get to excited and get killed from time to time). And yet you tabbers want it all. *shakes my head*. The tabbers are not the only ones to blame. Higher lvls should not accept such ludicrous conditions. Back in the day, it was hard to even get people to do FBs cause they were so time consuming and risky.

Here's a great idea.
No more high levels help with FBs. Let the 29 people do their own fb29, the 51 people do their own FB51. See how you like it then. b:bye

-rant finished-
b:bye you were all swell peoples
Post edited by HolyInferno - Sanctuary on


  • Valdea - Dreamweaver
    Valdea - Dreamweaver Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Wow, how selfish a person are you that you're not even willing to help someone with an fb, even though you get xp and rep out of it. It costs hardly anything for you and I can't imagine an fb is very difficult to run for a person of your level, and yet you expect to get some kind of reward out of it? What happened to the days when people helped each other because they wanted to. The tabber is giving you xp and rep by inviting you on their quest. You can run the dungeon on your own and get the molds if you want, but if you're with a tabber it only makes sense that they should get any molds and/or 3* drops. It is their tab after all.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Are you kidding?

    What did you get screwed in one of your noobie days fb's?

    I am happy to give them the 3***'s and molds. Why? Because I know and remember how crappy it was at the lower levels and how making money was much harder to do.

    Besides, they are in need of help and the exp alone should be worth it for you considering the insane amount needed to level. FB's break the monotony of the daily grind.

    So here's some advice: Go grind then. Don't do fb's.

    Geez...help people out you too were once a noob.

    Oh and for the record --> I WILL continue to do FB's and I WILL continue to give the tabber the boss drops. Only one exception...a higher level FB where the tabber calls one item and the rest is random. But it is the tabbers decsion.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What I am not calling out for is a type of payment nor is it recognition. Im calling out for the fact that right from the start it is disrespectful to make PEOPLE WHO ARE HELPING YOU OUT feel obligated to give you everything that drops in an FB. It is not difficult, no. Time consuming, yes. I am glad to help a person out, but why does anyone who is helping another person out have to be bounded under some unwritten rule written by those who cant seem to find other alternates to achieve something the higher levels have. People should appreciate the help they receive because guess what, the FB xp and rep rewards? they are laughable at best at this point. Yet is there any appreciation for it? No. Most tabbers dont even say thank you for the help. the only thing is, give me that mold, or give me that 3*. Even going beyond FBs, you got people who are spamming you with PMs during WQ asking you to help them kill a mob (most of the time they havent even tried it). Im sick and tired of that. If we did it ourselves, why cant you? Are you that lazy or dependant on being hand fed everything? And yes, no more FBs for me. Keep helping people out this way robs them of the experience and that is why we see more and more high lvl noobs.
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What I am not calling out for is a type of payment nor is it recognition. Im calling out for the fact that right from the start it is disrespectful to make PEOPLE WHO ARE HELPING YOU OUT feel obligated to give you everything that drops in an FB. It is not difficult, no. Time consuming, yes. I am glad to help a person out, but why does anyone who is helping another person out have to be bounded under some unwritten rule written by those who cant seem to find other alternates to achieve something the higher levels have. People should appreciate the help they receive because guess what, the FB xp and rep rewards? they are laughable at best at this point. Yet is there any appreciation for it? No. Most tabbers dont even say thank you for the help. the only thing is, give me that mold, or give me that 3*. Even going beyond FBs, you got people who are spamming you with PMs during WQ asking you to help them kill a mob (most of the time they havent even tried it). Im sick and tired of that. If we did it ourselves, why cant you? Are you that lazy or dependant on being hand fed everything? And yes, no more FBs for me. Keep helping people out this way robs them of the experience and that is why we see more and more high lvl noobs.

    Agree, they are laughable but they are something, like I said to break the monotony of the grind.

    In 95% of the runs that I go on, which I do a few everyday, I have ALWAYS been thanked. Some of them know about drops but that is established before even entering the instance for the run.

    It sucks that you have had more bad runs then not. As I do not agree with everything that you are saying, I respect your choice to stop doing them. Save them for others who will have no problem letting the tabbers have the boss drops. Besides, there are those runs where the tabber wants nothing or does not care and you can (and I have) walked away with molds, 3***'s, etc. b:cute
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I stopped doing FB's by the time the first few posts about this started appearing. FBs were a waste of time to me that did not give xp worth any amount, and the rep wasn't enough to matter. Didn't even do my own FBs because there wasn't any rush. I don't have the lil kid impatience that meant something had to be done right away or everyone was meanies.

    The other big reason I stopped doing FBs for other people, was how terrible everyone became at actually doing them. Server first started out, we were doing the FBs with all people usually within 2 lvls of the FB. So everyone had to get good, or expect to not be invited back on the next one. So everyone became good or better at playing their class.

    Later on, since no one needed to learn their roles, they no longer learned what they should have earlier. Couple that with the urge to rush through from other runners, and there were more deaths than when I ran through it either by myself or with other similar levels. I stopped having to worry about dieing, once I stopped healing aggro happy barbs that would single attack one target yet pull aggro from 3+ at a time. People want healing, they better wait or grab aggro from all attacking mobs.

    The one time it became fun again, was playing with good players from Seppuku who made FBs actually fun again. Would still rather earn xp than do FB, but playing through with them on an FB or actually doing TT runs was enjoyable.

    I don't do FBs at all for the most part now, both from no incentive and actual disincentive from having to put up with bad playing when it is random group. Static group is the only way I really feel like doing them, and setting one up for doing FBs seems really pointless. Still help on culti 49s and some of the elite bosses when I get asked when flying over on WQ. But I have more fun playing my BM alt than I ever would wasting time doing FBs. Maybe some day I'll use my wines and 79 tabs and actually finish that off. Some day.
  • Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary
    Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Miss the good old times when getting the lucky mold drops from random people b:chuckle
  • Zhoelle - Sanctuary
    Zhoelle - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Here's a great idea.
    No more high levels help with FBs. Let the 29 people do their own fb29, the 51 people do their own FB51. See how you like it then.
    I will like it just fine. Don't help if you don't want to - we won't miss you.
  • sillyfoo
    sillyfoo Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This is what i do to be safe. I believe tabber should state what they want the rules to be for their fb. If he wants molds and three stars and im not happy with it i can leave or if i dont care i will stay and give him the drops. If it is not stated what tabber wants then I ask tabber what the rules are. If it is ignored then im not sorry. I will take the mold and not feel sorry one damn bit. Y? Because i tried to clarify it and if tabber wants it afterwards they can go strip naked and go play with harpy wraith all day long and get their own molds.
  • Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary
    Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Another thing... When the tabber didnt get the drop, they do dramas like WTFeezy!!
  • Corennes - Sanctuary
    Corennes - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't do much fbs anymore. The exp is not worth doing it, you can grind a lot more exp. The only incentive still to go was the drops you might get.

    I don't even know why so many people want all these fbs at this point. Maybe they don't like to grind as much as I do.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    The XP you get from FB's is not very worthwhile and I don't know anyone interested in using fb's to grind rep to rank 8.

    When I did my FB's and a mold drop that someone else got you know what I said? "Congrats". They were contributing as much to the group as I was.

    I pretty much lost interest in doing random people's fbs. Now I just do it if a guildie needs my help or for friends.
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  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    -rant finished-

    Good...now I want the 35 seconds of my life I spent reading it back. I'll send a bill. b:thanks

    Geez Holy...I love helping people in FB's and watching them get all excited about the drops. I love the Rep as well. Now if the person is a tool ( I've *never* seen this ) then maybe I'd get irritated but c'mon...I make more from DQ items grinding then molds dropped in FB's ( aside from 69 and 79 ).

    Be nice for heaven's sake.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Caestus - Sanctuary
    Caestus - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I didn't read all of the posts, so forgive me if this was already said.

    I have never thought of it as a money maker for lower FBs (19-51). I knew of the drops that were capable of dropping from the very beginning, but never thought twice on taking them from another persons tabbed run.

    The way I see it is, it is their tabs, therefor they deserve the drops. You might ask why. The answer is simple. Lower levels have more trouble making money than higher levels, as most of you already know. There is also the possibility that said low level players just might want to use that item, where as you would just sell it for whatever little amount it is worth.

    If the person can use it, that is far better than a high level taking it for profit. I hear too many people in game say "Well, they can buy it from me if they want it bad enough." That much just disgusts me.

    The point of all this? Quit your crying about your profits, stop being so greedy and let the low levels have their molds and 3* items. You had your chance in your FB. Don't turn others into having the same greedy mentality that you already have. It will only lead the community in its entirety into a downward spiral.
  • Valdea - Dreamweaver
    Valdea - Dreamweaver Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It will only lead the community in its entirety into a downward spiral.

    Hate to sound cynical, but isn't it doing that already?
  • Caestus - Sanctuary
    Caestus - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hate to sound cynical, but isn't it doing that already?

    Thankfully, no. There is still a sizable amount of people that don't believe that they should be rewarded with molds and 3* gear for their assistance with FBs. However, if things continue as they are, it will lead to every single person falling into this thought process.

    I will delete my char the day I see that happen.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    well i've always thought that in wined fbs, the tabber deserves a little something. speedy and safe run has a lot to do with the wine that the tabber provides (well, more speedy than anything)
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If people started wanting a chance for molds on the runs, why delete the game? All it means is that it can revert back to the way it used to be; people of similar level going through fb runs together and learning to play the game. There is more greed now, from tabber as well, than there was back then. The mold didn't go to whose tab it was; it went to the person who could actually USE it. If greed is being pointed at anyone, it should be pointed at both sides.

    Though for wined runs, I can see mold going towards the one who brings the wine. If the runners want a chance at mold, they should chip in for wine cost with mats or cash.
  • Templar - Sanctuary
    Templar - Sanctuary Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yesterday i was using wc offering fb. service . People were whipering me offering fb's in exchange for money and that i provide wine , and they keep molds and drops...

    Come on people i am ok to give molds to them, but why all 3 star's why providing wine and why the hell should i pay them

    looks at Evga b:angry
  • Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary
    Herne_Hunter - Sanctuary Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    depends :- If am "Helping out" molds cud be shared or rather be given to tab
    holder, But

    IF am DOING there FB for them then we keep stuff.

    I remember an FB forgot which one it was exactly where the cleric refused to heal me even tho i had aggro on boss and it was eating on my charms, and some how my Cleric being dead, she tho that with no mobs around and i having aggro on boss she might take aggro, so in this case i wud say hell to mold or drop rule am keeping em all.... else there are some nice and good peeps and its fun doing FB with them but some of them really bad

    I want to go back to the time when innocence was Natural, getting high meant, on a swing. Drinking meant lemonade. Dad was the only Hero. Love was Mom's hug. Dad's shoulder was the highest place on earth. Worst enemies were siblings.
    Hurts were Bleeding knees. Broken things were only Toys. Goodbyes meant only till tomorrow!

    Life has changed a lot ....

    Hasn't it .. ?? ..b:sad
  • Hrimhari - Sanctuary
    Hrimhari - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm a bit weird but I'd perfer to try fbs with a group of same lvls just to try and accomplish it. I've had help in all my Fbs though to 39. I want to run them like instances in say WoW, but they are really difficult here :D. Guess no one is willing to go with me. I tried to do a fb 39 run but no one would join :(
  • Kott - Sanctuary
    Kott - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hrim!!! b:laugh But you even didn't have a tab to go!

    I said I'd go though with my barb, but boohoo nobody else felt our suicidal tendencies. b:sad

    I don't mind helping lower levels with fbs or bosses (which I get nothing out of AT ALL), but that's because I'm a doormat if asked nicely...
  • CJ7 - Sanctuary
    CJ7 - Sanctuary Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i am so sick of people whining about drops in fb's, i have no problem giving molds and 3 stars but these noobs want the 1 silk thread that somehow found its way into my inventory? i refuse all fb's now unless its for a friend or factionmate, everyone else can find someone else to help i won't deal with it
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'll totally agree with holy on this one,I don't know who started this lame ideea of tabber keeping molds and now 3* too. Wtf is with that? You ppl don't realize how easy you have it now,when we had to do our fbs we were just happy with getting help for it,no way in hell would we be so c0cky as to ask for the drops too.You don't get help with your fb = you don't get your culti done,be happy and leave drops random.You can all just now rely on this rule and then lvl easy mode on rebirth since we higher lvls discovered how it's done + get tt items or molds allot cheaper.You have no ideea you much of an easy game-play you got compared to what we had.
  • Vizibroth - Sanctuary
    Vizibroth - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I've had 6 total FBs now, across 3 characters, and in almost every one, the people that offered to do my FB offered to give me any molds or 3* drops. When I've gone on FB19's, the group I'm with usually offers the same, and I don't see anything wrong with it.

    It's the tabber's quest, and you're helping them out with it. If you want something out of it, then demand money to do it (let's see how far that gets you). You have plenty of opportunity to get such things at your level, they don't.

    If you want the 3*'s and molds out of it, then make sure you tell them BEFORE you start the FB, giving them a chance to find someone more generous if they wish, instead of leading them along and then ganking them of their quest drops.
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ofc I never agreed on giving them molds then stole them back,I do fbs and leave all drops to tabbers,even tho' I hate so much.
    You have plenty of opportunity to get such things at your level, they don't.
    And with this remark ,you actually think that WE, at THEIR lvl, had and easier life?
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You have plenty of opportunity to get such things at your level, they don't.

    I also have a comment to this quote, that has been repeated many times by people. Do you know how hard it was for us in the beginning? How many times we died, burned GAs, pots, charms, losing xp? The first wave always has it the hardest. Going into uncharted waters and sacrificing much of their time, money and leveling. We used to die so oftem in FBs that the xp reward only made up for our deaths. So with all these sacrifices we had to go through...now all the benefits of us being where we are as a server goes to...the next generation? Pathetic is all i have to say
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Qqmoar - Harshlands
    Qqmoar - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    When did this "all molds go to the tab holder" come about? What greedy low lvl please hand everything to me person decided to start this? Do you all think its a privelage for the higher lvls to do your FBs? 100-180k xp and 30-40 rep? We can grind that in 20 minutes. People need to take a step back and understand that the favor is held more on the tabbers side. We insure success, speedy finish and minimal casulaties (some tabbers get to excited and get killed from time to time). And yet you tabbers want it all. *shakes my head*. The tabbers are not the only ones to blame. Higher lvls should not accept such ludicrous conditions. Back in the day, it was hard to even get people to do FBs cause they were so time consuming and risky.

    Here's a great idea.
    No more high levels help with FBs. Let the 29 people do their own fb29, the 51 people do their own FB51. See how you like it then. b:bye

    -rant finished-

    You're an idiot. It is most definately a privelage for higher level people. If it wasn't so great, why do you see high level people spam WC constantly saying they will run your FB's. Grredy jackass.
  • Qqmoar - Harshlands
    Qqmoar - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I also have a comment to this quote, that has been repeated many times by people. Do you know how hard it was for us in the beginning? How many times we died, burned GAs, pots, charms, losing xp? The first wave always has it the hardest. Going into uncharted waters and sacrificing much of their time, money and leveling. We used to die so oftem in FBs that the xp reward only made up for our deaths. So with all these sacrifices we had to go through...now all the benefits of us being where we are as a server goes to...the next generation? Pathetic is all i have to say

    You sound dumber each time you post. Grow up kid.
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You're an idiot. It is most definately a privelage for higher level people. If it wasn't so great, why do you see high level people spam WC constantly saying they will run your FB's. Grredy jackass.

    lol kiddo, dont think anything you say holds any validity anywhere b:cute

    and why do people spam WC? I ask myself that too. Cause they are jumping on this bandwagon to conformity and cant think 10 minutes ahead of themselves and how they are shaping these communities to cater to a bunch of people who think they can call the shots because they hold a second of power in there hands with their tabs

    and i just clicked on your avatar to read the wonderful line of posts that you have made. You truly are one sad person. Your level of intelligence is only rivaled with that of a dead possum on the road
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Qqmoar - Harshlands
    Qqmoar - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    A dead possum that still has more intelligence in the last twitching limb than you have in your entire body. Every post I have read by you is a complete and utter failure in the English language.

    Your further crying about helping lower level characters just makes you look even dumber than your posts. Your stupidity shines through strong.

    Keep on keepin' on loser.
This discussion has been closed.