A sulution for the tw problem whitout harmin the controlling factions

ghostv Posts: 28 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Suggestion Box
sr for starting a new treat abouth the tw probleme

i totally agree that tw is a problem but no good solutions where given now
resseting??? dumass idee
limiting?? another dumass idee ( i apologiage to the submitters of this idee's)

These faction worked hard for being what they are there no lvl 1

we have a prob but no solution

now ive thought this one trou

first we need to split the 30 lands in 4 ( the Nord west south and east) the controling faction will get the all
so now there are 120 lands how kick **** is that
your now think what a dummass idee

the money will get split too so for a lvl1 land its just 2.5 mill a piece

now a faction can hold 200 player so that 1-2 playes a land

so no solution given yet
what's the real prob
ah yes there always sending there best men so you don't have a ******* chance
big faction are taking over and you don't have anything they just own you whit the freaking equipment
no fair but its the game

now ive read that people wanted a faction house. persony i like that idee because it essencial for solving the prob. ( for people saying no guild house make something of i it haven't to be a house talking to a guild is good enouf but a house will be much nicer)
Now where getting poethic
Every Faction Gets A House. Whit a mouse
Now in that house there is a map (anybody nows a word ryming on map)
im not becomeing poetician
so no jokes now
that map hold the teretories and owners
The faction marchal can attack faction from there or send relocation orders( what's that read on you will understand).

now in ansient times a guarder of a city wasn't guarding the wholl land. just a little piece
now same principe
If a faction ownes 1 terretory all the faction member will be assigned to defend the piece
but if they own more the marchal has to deside who defend whitch land( piece of)

Of course he can assigne te players to another land but that will take a week ( think of it as the gurnee)
Same for Assualt it will take a week to ready the player to attack an other land
so in that time he will not defend his land ( he has no land to defend)

Now about the money bonus the money will get splited whit the defenders of that land ( so no passing trought the marchal) if your defending a land(lvl1 whit 2, each will get 1.25 mill)

now a faction can get all of the lands anymore every tried to beat 50 freaks agains you you allone die ( maybe a barb can handel them?? don't now)
you also don't get the syndrome anymore highest lvl's attack and own "low" levels are needed too

now the lvl3 area's (archo and stream) will get more attentions so the big faction will send more people to them to defend it from others. so less in the other area's

small factions will get a better chance to defend from assualting forces by number

so no limits but the larger they grow the vonurable they get. less defending forces on a land...
sr this might be a little set back for the big faction but they will earn still alot

smaller factions have a descent chance too the will assualt in number so if large battles maybe even power vs numbers

another little idee

you can add more statuses like assualt commander or defender of "the land you are defending"

it's a win-win
what do you think. let me know
more to come and ive got the change some things in the text
Post edited by ghostv on


  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This is worse than the "attacks can happen any time of the day, and people only get 15 min warning" idea.

    This only ends up complicating the bidding process, and making it even harder to take a full territory since you'd need to win 4 weeks in a row. It does not solve the real issue of 2-3 factions with all the high levels, getting 300+m a week, being able to stomp out anyone who might attack in a few minutes due to the godly equipment that 300+m a week can pay for. Currently, the higher factions don't need to send their best people to defend most attackers, 20-30 of their lowest members (those that did not make the cut for the main fight that week) are usually more than enough.

    And for all this, your suggestion requires rather drastic changes to the map, and how TW even works (since very little about your idea applies to current fights). You might as well suggest that TW be turned into some sort of ripoff version of RISK, where the only thing that matters is the number of members, and their level, and the fights are just calculated by the instead of actually being played by the members.

    So far, the best solution would be to either limit the number of territories that a faction can own to 15 or so, or to just put a cap on how much a faction can earn from owning territories to 100m a week.
  • ghostv
    ghostv Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i wanted to give a nice solution but in my point of view limiting is not the answere. Factions want to attack and the a mesage pops of sr youve got enouf land
    i think thats a dumass idee

    btw you didn't get it. every part of a faction is worth something and you don't need to take a full terretorie

    i agree it's kinda like RISK wasn't paying atention to it when i was writhing it but that said it a solution make some agustement for all i care.i think it will solve the prob of 2-3 dominating factions maybe there will be maybe 6 it's an agustment in my point of view
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ghostv wrote: »
    i wanted to give a nice solution but in my point of view limiting is not the answere. Factions want to attack and the a mesage pops of sr youve got enouf land
    i think thats a dumass idee
    Which is why something like putting a cap on how much a faction can earn from land every week is probably a bit more likely. They can still grab as many lands as they want, but they stop getting any financial benefit from it after some point.

    But having a limit on how many a faction can own, although it might suck at first for those egotistical factions, is a final solution to the problem which is easy to implement.
  • Noelya - Lost City
    Noelya - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    maybe the limiting territory is a "dumbass idea" but don't forget that, i gived that idea because i know what is a programmer job, and i know with their liscence they probably can't do everything they want.

    Doing what u ask the faction house and everything, is WAY MORE HARDER than just put a limit to the number of territory a guild can hold.

    It's just adding a variable and a If{ blabla } with my solution, a good programmer will do it with less than 4 line of code. Your solution will take pages and to change everything.

    And if you think it's not a solution, just think to that, big guild wont lose their territory they hold, they'll just wont be able to attack. And even if a big guild pass from 30 territory to 5 for exemple, even if they worked hard for it, i still say that's the better solution. Other way just reset the entire server database and delete every character. If they don't act fast, at the end they'll just own the entire server and the pvp system will be dead.

    I think it's better to **** off 200 players from a guild by limiting territory than let them do that and **** off every other player who are much more than that guild.

    At the begining of the server, that was the same everywhere i think, like 6-7 guild was on the map and sometime another guild who was not on the map was able to take out a guild. Now on the way that go, noone will be able to do that and that forever on the game, so that PVP system, who can be great, go to death.

    I'm open to hear critics against my idea, but don't say dumb idea too fast, think to the job the programmer need to do, and think too that they can't change the entire code like that. My solution is simple, and yes some people will cry at the begining, but if we look for the future, i think that still one of the better solution. And btw a second topic was not necessary lol
  • Noelya - Lost City
    Noelya - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    And for your harmin the controlling factions, just want to add that point :

    It's like in Politic, if some company hold too much power and normal company go near to dead because that company go take the monopoly, gouvernement can come and put a law to limits the big one and give a chance to the other. The big company wont like that, but everyone else will be happy to have a chance to take a place.

    It's the same thing here, just replace company by "faction". One of the faction is getting too big on every server, now we need to put some limits, to give chance to the other.

    I don't know what level you are, but when you reach high lvl, and play on a pvp server, you prefer to do pvp than levelling. But if you see that you can't do anything because the pvp system is ALOT unbalanced, what you'll do? just leave the game to another more balanced.

    In the end, what i ask is just to save that game. I'm sure i'm not alone to love pvp but to feel we just can't do anything at the moment... Sure i'm only lvl 79 near 80 atm, but i don't feel motivate to go over 90, where i know leveling are so much long, and where i know i wont be able to do pvp like i want. It's not just for TW, you just can't fight with equals weapon with those powerful guild. At same level, their equipement will give them huge avantage everywhere on the map.

    So before a lot of player feel the same way i feel now, i just request GM to do something simple to save the game for the future.

    Go look the 2009 new mmorpg trailers, u'll see PWI can be beat easy, but i still love that game and i don't want to leave it for now...
  • ghostv
    ghostv Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    k ill get it my idee was ****
    i tried to give a posible sulition but k a no go
    everybody was complaining i tried to make it fair but you right its alot of work to put it in
    btw "dumass" just a matter of speak
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i'll just make it CLEAR

    or try at least

    we can't put in a teritory cap on the amount u can own (that's stupid as said b4)

    a map reset is even more stupid >_>


    we need to find a better way to make it harder for big guilds to own like half the map

    but actually he has a point , make more teritory's => more lands to attack => more lands the defending guild needs to defend in one night

    i think it's BS right now that a guild can have like max 3 TW in one night >_>
    cause if u think about it , if a guild can have max 3 TW's at the same time

    then why didn't they also just put in a max amount of teritory's a guild can own -_-

    anyone else that thinks that's the problem? >_<
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Noelya - Lost City
    Noelya - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Inias, even if you call it stupid, like i said i know ITS NOT THE BEST SOLUTION, but that's the one who can be put fast and easily by programmer. That's why i suggest that.

    I'm agree too for the max of war at a same time, that's stupid too... but i'll like you don't just said I'LL MAKE IT CLEAR THATS STUPID BECAUSE I SAID IT IS.

    I gived the position why i suggest that, easy for programmer, give a chance to more guild, pvp will be more balanced, and that will give a chance to that game to survive for a longer time with the new mmorpg coming out.

    And for the limit, at the moment it's just too late. I don't know on Heavens Tear, but in lost city the biggest guild can easy defend against any guild with only 10 players so even if they got 20 war at a same time.... that won't change many thing. The thing who can give a chance is to reduce their income, so to reduce their number of territory and limit them. Else that will go like in My-En server, 1 guild who own everything. I don't know if you are in one of the strongest guild to said stupid so easy without good argument, but like i said i still think that's the better fast way to balance pvp on PWI.

    Like i said before, i try to give a suggestion, i know it's not the best one, i can take critics, but please give good arguments too.
  • FangJingShan - Lost City
    FangJingShan - Lost City Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Problem with the limit on territories is that after you reach that limit and if you are a guild like CQ, no one will bother to attack you and you cannot attack anyone else. This means TW is dead for your faction. Seeing as like you said PvP is the most exciting thing to do at your level, if a faction can only duel and PK, they will be more likely to leave sooner. Sure, this opens up space for another faction to come in and take that land after everyone stops defending, but then each and every other faction will face the same problem eventually.

    If they cannot continue to expand, they will find it to be boring very quickly. I'm pretty sure that we don't care about the feelings of two hundred people, but assuming the limit was four territories, that's twenty-two hundred people who will be unhappy assuming each guild has a full roster. Plus, if these are the strongest factions in each server, we have the same problem as we do now, only difference is the map looks a little more like a rainbow than it does now.

    The above, along with other reasons, is why I support a map reset more than this. I admit that if a map reset was an absolute no to the developers and parent company, then a limit would be the best solution we currently have. However the only problem I see with a map reset is that it will make whoever owns all the land unhappy, and everyone else will be happy to finally get a piece of land, even if only for a week or two. Within the first week of the reset, there will probably be thirty factions at least, assuming some fail at the PvE TW.
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Inias, even if you call it stupid, like i said i know ITS NOT THE BEST SOLUTION, but that's the one who can be put fast and easily by programmer. That's why i suggest that.

    I'm agree too for the max of war at a same time, that's stupid too... but i'll like you don't just said I'LL MAKE IT CLEAR THATS STUPID BECAUSE I SAID IT IS.

    I gived the position why i suggest that, easy for programmer, give a chance to more guild, pvp will be more balanced, and that will give a chance to that game to survive for a longer time with the new mmorpg coming out.

    And for the limit, at the moment it's just too late. I don't know on Heavens Tear, but in lost city the biggest guild can easy defend against any guild with only 10 players so even if they got 20 war at a same time.... that won't change many thing. The thing who can give a chance is to reduce their income, so to reduce their number of territory and limit them. Else that will go like in My-En server, 1 guild who own everything. I don't know if you are in one of the strongest guild to said stupid so easy without good argument, but like i said i still think that's the better fast way to balance pvp on PWI.

    Like i said before, i try to give a suggestion, i know it's not the best one, i can take critics, but please give good arguments too.

    lol i would say again what i said a few times but i guess you know what i want to say ...

    i hope you do see the problems with a map reset? o_O
    week 1 = map is empty
    week2= alot of colors on map
    week 3= big guild is taking back all teritory's
    week10?= big guilds have the whole map again (or they make a "xxxx"2 to take teritory's faster)

    so what's your plan? >_< reset the map every 10 weeks?

    your right it's an easy solution
    but an easy solution that's not worth discussing about
    it's would f*ck up TW in my opinion

    PWI would probably not care about my opinion but about average gamers opinions
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    How about, instead of a forced reset on a fixed period of time, there is a chance every week, based on which territories havn't been bid on, that the territories will be attacked by a Wraith army.

    The wraith attack would play out similar to rebirth order, where you have wave after wave of mobs. But, the mobs are all level 100+, and elite class led by a boss class ? mob (with wide aoe). Waves come every 5-10 mins, from along any of the paths. With 2-3 boss groups per wave, with waves coming constantly. The waves leave the base, and head down each path, and move at rate similar to player runspeed. Players still have to defend the HQ crystal, but without the aid of towers.

    The rest of the field would be filled with small groups of 8 or 9 level 100+ elites, with a boss mob, either sitting along the path, or in the air.

    The enemy base would be setup similar to how it is in territory level 1 fights, except, higher levels, and have to deal with the spawning waves before they leave the base. Waves increase in frequency when the bosses in the base are below 50%. Waves stop when the HQ bosses are dead.

    At last hour, everything which has not yet been killed, or is being currently attacked (including HQ bosses) with start pathing toward defender's HQ.

    Success happens when all the boss spawns (in base and placed in the field) are killed (waves don't matter) or if the timer runs down. On success, the faction keeps the territory, and it has a month before that territory can be attacked by Wraith again. The defenders gain the normal fee for defending.

    Failure happens if the defender's HQ stone is brought to 0 (just like a normal TW). If lost, the territory will flip back to NPC control, but and could be claimed by anyone with the standard NPC TW.

    Although it would take a significant amount of programming (probably one of their "expansions") The result is something that high level factions could not simply breeze though, if only because of the charm costs. And because every territory which has not been bid/attacked/changed hands after a period of time is open to attacks every week, strong factions, with many territories could be seeing 3-4 of these wraith attacks a week, limiting their ability to defend against others. The idea is not forcing people to lose these lands since a high level guild should be able to defend against it, but instead to create some element which adds a drain to their money, and encourages factions to attack in hopes of being able to split the defenders even more. The difference between a Wraith Attack and a normal player attack is that the wraith attack cannot be done with only a handful of people, and would not be possible within 50-60 mins.

    It also discourages the carebear attitude that some factions may have with other strong factions since lower level factions likely wouldn't be able to defend against an attack. So if people aren't having their territories attacked every now and then, they will likely have a problem on their hands.

    It won't happen since it would take too much time to implement, but is an idea that would make it atleast costly to have more than a dozen or so territories and not having people attack.

    Although, honestly, I think the best answer is to either limit how much a single faction can earn from territories, or just limit the number they can own to something less than 1/3 the map. Although yes, once they have that 1/3 owned, they won't be able to attack anyone, by having the ability for other factions to own territory, it is less likely that all the high level players will be joining the same faction, thus spreading the power around a bit more. This will also happen because of people getting bored of being in a static faction, and wanting to do TW.
  • FangJingShan - Lost City
    FangJingShan - Lost City Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol i would say again what i said a few times but i guess you know what i want to say ...

    i hope you do see the problems with a map reset? o_O
    week 1 = map is empty
    week2= alot of colors on map
    week 3= big guild is taking back all teritory's
    week10?= big guilds have the whole map again (or they make a "xxxx"2 to take teritory's faster)

    so what's your plan? >_< reset the map every 10 weeks?

    your right it's an easy solution
    but an easy solution that's not worth discussing about
    it's would f*ck up TW in my opinion

    PWI would probably not care about my opinion but about average gamers opinions

    You are right, the big guild would be back to taking every territory. However, they can only attack once per week, and there are forty-four territories with fifty-two weeks in a year. See where I am going with this? Even if they manage to take all forty-four territories, which they should be allowed to do, they will have two months of reign over them all, and then there is a reset.

    However, let's assume that the map at the end of that year is still occupied by a large number of factions (eight for example). The GM's can then say they will delay the reset until they see a need for it. However, they can also say that the guilds must constantly be going to war and at least a few wins each week showing dominating factions so as to avoid an oligarchy by those factions.

    And I'm sure that GM's would state that using two guilds in order to take the land even faster would be an abuse like the fake bidding. We have already seen them press this issue at the very beginning of LC's TW. Not sure if it was AxeGang who had the fake bid, but still they enforced it.

    Is a map reset perfect? By all means no. It shouldn't have to be reset. But the problem is limiting the amount each faction can own causes the same problem except that they now will get bored easily, causing PWI to lose their player base.
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    bleh , honestly -_- if they start resetting the map i would post a flame tread
    and uninstall the dang game >_<

    why put so much time and effort in TW's , stay awake t'il 5AM just to TW and then reset the f*cking map o_O

    i would so trash this game >_< , and i think alot more ppl would do this too

    i dunno u can keep thinking that it's a good idea but i'm never gonna think it's a good idea

    like the map is now , it's menth for if a big guild owns alot of teritory's , alot of TW guilds can atack them on alot of teritory's , BUT the GM's or game dev's f*cked their own idea up because a guild can only have 3 TW's at the same time and that's the problem in my opinion
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • ghostv
    ghostv Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    look no offense i think some of you miss my big point

    it's a lot of work to put in but it's olso a big problem. No little adsustment can solve this

    now what i meant was lets put numbers( mid levels) agains power ( high lvls)
    mid levels are whit more and can so conquer a land by numbers.
    so an exeple no 20 defender agains 20 attackers anymore the number of this automatically depens on how many lands you own

    it's hard to keep a land whit fuwer people so smaller factions can get something too
    Also in my point of view my solution maks it inposible for a faction to own everything + they can't assualt whit full force anymore
    harder to gain teretorie for those big factions a factionwho got some lands have to chuse more land or being stronger on less lands

    that said
    i also like the wraith attack idee(nice on didn't think of that before) but lets face it there is a small problem whit it
    a big faction gets attacked by it and even if they lose it next week they own it back

    btw ill get the faction house is a no go but you can solve this by changing it to just talk to a guy or something.

    no limiting (everybody happy)
    more factions can get something (everybody happy)
    big faction still get a lot more than small faction ( big factions happy)
    some more but don't going to add them all

    lots of work i admidd that but the programmer have time on there hand
    it's getting bit more complicated k ( for all i care make some ajustments to make it more easy)

    k i hope you all get my idee now
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ghostv wrote: »
    look no offense i think some of you miss my big point

    it's a lot of work to put in but it's olso a big problem. No little adsustment can solve this

    now what i meant was lets put numbers( mid levels) agains power ( high lvls)
    mid levels are whit more and can so conquer a land by numbers.
    so an exeple no 20 defender agains 20 attackers anymore the number of this automatically depens on how many lands you own

    it's hard to keep a land whit fuwer people so smaller factions can get something too
    Also in my point of view my solution maks it inposible for a faction to own everything + they can't assualt whit full force anymore
    harder to gain teretorie for those big factions a factionwho got some lands have to chuse more land or being stronger on less lands

    that said
    i also like the wraith attack idee(nice on didn't think of that before) but lets face it there is a small problem whit it
    a big faction gets attacked by it and even if they lose it next week they own it back

    btw ill get the faction house is a no go but you can solve this by changing it to just talk to a guy or something.

    no limiting (everybody happy)
    more factions can get something (everybody happy)
    big faction still get a lot more than small faction ( big factions happy)
    some more but don't going to add them all

    lots of work i admidd that but the programmer have time on there hand
    it's getting bit more complicated k ( for all i care make some ajustments to make it more easy)

    k i hope you all get my idee now

    i suppose your the guy with the RISK look alike TW?

    well yeah it's a nice idea ,

    but the problem is , that if u assign some ppl to as specific land , after a while they won't have TW anymore if they're just there to defend , so they'll get bored, leave the guild , and that land is very vonerable (i know spelled wrong )

    i think best and easiest solution would be , having more TW's at the same time

    what about it? it's just a little adjustement , big guilds can get attacked like on 4 teritory's at the same time (now it's max 3 TW at same time )

    so i think that would be a nice solution :) easy and effective
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Noelya - Lost City
    Noelya - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    no offense on that again, but you know, we expiremented it on Lost City. 40 players 70+ can't beat 5 player 9x/100 with tower to defend. We get killed in 2 or 3 shot. And take years to kill a lvl 100 when ur in the 7x.

    So even if a guild who hold 30 territory have 30 war at the same time, all they need to do is to put 3-4 people per territory on little guild, and put the max of people on the stronger, then when 1 war is over they enter the next one until every war is over.

    The disavandtage is already made too on the equipement difference. I don't say you guys don't worked hard to get ur HH90, i know u did alot of run. In normal guild we can run them too, and work hard to get them too.... The only difference, it's our guild don't receive 350M gold per week in income... That make a big difference on upgrading item, you can't deny it. So even if we try, we'll still have a disavandtage.

    For the reset of the map, it's not the best solution, because in the end we know the guild will take everything back. That's why i was thinking to a limit, like over 5 or 6 territory you can't attack before you lose one. Like that, 8 or 9 guild minimum will be on the map, and no guild will have 350M gold per week in income.

    If you are in a big guild who hold every territory, i know you'll say we made war until 5 AM the morning, etc. But just think the 2M+ income you get per week give you a too big advantage, and in the end, it's the other players, like me, who begin to hate that system and start thinking to go on another game if no change is made...

    I like the pvp, i hate killing noob, so i prefer to attack people of my level. But when i see lvl 90+ with armor and weapon full upgraded, i'm not motivate to do the 10 more lvl i need to reach the lvl 90, since i know i won't be able to fight, at the same level, a guy who are in the strongest guild and got income while he was 8x, and come lvl 90 with his full HH90 gemed and upgraded.

    That's just really unbalanced, i know people like Inias don't want their guild lose alot of their teritory or to see a map reset, to keep their income and advantage, but in the end it's the other player who like the pvp and can't do balanced pvp who will leave and uninstall the game...

    I just remember, and i tell to everyone who don't trust that, to go see on Maylasian English Server, Delphi server or Oracle serve, for both it's the same, look the map, search for a normal member of the guild on the map (you'll see only one guild on it) and look the item of that normal member of that guild. (by normal, i mean no Executor/Marshal/Director/Leader). You'll see them with full gold armor lvl 100, +10 at minimum with minimum lvl 10 gems in their weapon/armor.

    After that, can someone really think a player from any other guild, at the same lvl, will be able to fight against that ? I don't know if you can imagine the price of a grade 12 gem, or the price for the orb to upgrade to lvl 12, but that's crazy, a normal player can't do that, even if he sell for 1000$ in zen....

    By making this thread, i was hoping for people to understand there is a HUGE pvp problem on that game, and i was hoping from GM an answer, or something to tell us if they plan to do something, or not. I don't ask them to do what i suggest, or what any other player suggest, but just to think to that, and to do something for it, and that before the strongest guild take too much advantage with a 350M income per week....

    If at least big guild who hold like 30 territory on 44, like conqueror, could just stop attacking even if they say they don't like that guild, that would be great too... I don't know what they want to prove, everyone know noone can take them out...

    Anyway, can we have an answer of a GM or a moderator on that please ? Or this forum is just something they don't read and don't care? I think it's a true problem for the server, and for what i've read, i'm not alone to think that, only the suggestion are not aproved by every players who posted..
  • Shishio - Dreamweaver
    Shishio - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I guess the leaders of the guilds in charge think its some kind of reward they deserved for their hard work and money. I think the devs rather lose lots of ppl playing for fun then a hand full of their best costumers.

    What bothers me more is... why no answer for a problem as old as the game itself? They wont change ****! Anyone wanna bet against it?
  • ilystah
    ilystah Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I got an idea, how about make the player have the incentive to do exactly what is fun? Now the incentive is on holding the territory, but what is fun is the war. So how about make it that there is very little gain from owning territory but most of the reward is from winning the TW (that is, no war, no reward). That would make people TW for its own sake. Small guild would want to attack big guild because of the reward, even if the big guild own the full map. That also meant that Officer of the region will have to be gone.
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    think of deleted
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>
  • I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear
    I_Love_Pets - Heavens Tear Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    vagrant0 wrote: »
    How about, instead of a forced reset on a fixed period of time, there is a chance every week, based on which territories have been bid on, that the territories will be attacked by a Wraith army.

    The wraith attack would play out similar to rebirth order, where you have wave after wave of mobs. But, the mobs are all level 100+, and elite class led by a boss class ? mob (with wide aoe)I feel a WB may fit here. Waves come every 5-10 mins, from along any of the paths. With 2-3 boss groups per wave, with waves coming constantly. The waves leave the base, and head down each path, and move at rate similar to player runspeed. Players still have to defend the HQ crystal, but without the aid of towers.
    For the last possible WB add harpy Wraith?

    The rest of the field would be filled with small groups of 8 or 9 level 100+ elites, with a boss mob, either sitting along the path, or in the air.

    The enemy base would be setup similar to how it is in territory level 1 fights, except, higher levels, and have to deal with the spawning waves before they leave the base. Waves increase in frequency when the bosses in the base are below 50%. Waves stop when the HQ bosses are dead.*

    At last hour, everything which has not yet been killed, or is being currently attacked (including HQ bosses) with start pathing toward defender's HQ.

    Success happens when all the boss spawns (in base and placed in the field) are killed (waves don't matter) or if the timer runs down. On success, the faction keeps the territory, and it has a 2weeks before that territory can be attacked by Wraith again. The defenders gain the normal fee for defending.

    Failure happens if the defender's HQ stone is brought to 0 (just like a normal TW). If lost, the territory will flip back to NPC control, but and could be claimed by anyone with the standard NPC TW.

    Although it would take a significant amount of programming (probably one of their "expansions") The result is something that high level factions could not simply breeze though, if only because of the charm costs. And because every territory which has not been bid/attacked/changed hands after a period of time is open to attacks (every week By level 2 or higher even the wraiths), strong factions, with many territories could be seeing 3-4 of these wraith attacks a week, limiting their ability to defend against others. The idea is not forcing people to lose these lands since a high level guild should be able to defend against it, but instead to create some element which adds a drain to their money, and encourages factions to attack in hopes of being able to split the defenders even more. The difference between a Wraith Attack and a normal player attack is that the wraith attack cannot be done with only a handful of people, and would not be possible within 50-60 mins.

    It also discourages the carebear attitude that some factions may have with other strong factions since lower level factions likely wouldn't be able to defend against an attack.
    (I feel this should be possible)by creating a faction need to list you faction
    If you don't list it you will lose your faction within (X)
    amount of time and then once you list (Y) faction name it then goes back to the first part of the "*wraith hoard attack"

    It will happen since it won't take too much time to implement, but is an idea that would make it atleast costly to have more than a dozen or so territories and not having people attack.

    *ALL Teir classes have a % chance of this "wraith hoard" at a **% of ***50% chance increase based on how long they hold said land.

    **% chance for tier1: 0.5 tier2:5% teir3: 10% <===

    *** increase is a 0.5 for teir 1 for teir 2: 5% teir 3: 20%

    ****no listed faction/class/person may have a charecter both on a 1tier 2 tier or 3tier
    Dont be fooled by looks.
    Even beauty can kill.

    also wish they would fix the dam prob with my "join date" its way off>_>