About Wizards

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Naturally the Wizard is going to be the most powerful character in the game, because they earn it. They train for a very long time before they are able to do any real damage, and they are dependant upon a few basic things.
I have been playing this game as a Wizard for about three weeks and have reached level 25. I have died many times and should have leveled up at least 3 or even 4 times. But, it doesn't matter, because I know that my character will be something to be reconed with eventually. Here are some observations:
Casting; When you attack a monster of same or higher level you should start with Divine Pyrogram, it takes longer to generate and does more damage innitially to the monster thereby evening the playing field so to speak. Next I have found that Gush and Hailstorm do better against Fire, Duh, and Pyrogram does better against Water and Earth based monsters. Metal is something else, I have found that combiations of spells have better effect when followed by one another. I have killed level 32 monsters and I am, as i said at lvl 25. I have killed the same monster back to back and one died after just 4 spells when the next took 6 or more castings to kill it. It was the order in which the spells were cast. And yes, I realize that there are Critical Hits, and some monsters have enchantments on them like Increased Magic Resistance, Defense or Life. Just experiment with casting order against different monsters.
The Wizard is not a melee fighter , he would rather stay in the back like a general and see the battlefield as a whole crushing whatever is needed to turn the tables in his favor. So, you should also start your attack far away from your target beyond the allocated distance that the spell can cast and make your Wizard take a few steps to get his spell off at the maximun distance from the target, (You can fire 4 times before a blob even gets close), for instance. Im sure that later in the game the Wizard will be able to cast faster via a potion, charm, foodstuff or by casting a form of Haste on himself.
Patience is the thing you need with a Wizard, I die often and loose alot of experience because of it . But, so what? I know eventually he will be an awesome force to be recond with. I have at least 3 weapons that i can't use as of yet because I need either 15 pts more magic to wield it or more strength to wear it or i just am not at the required level. That's not important either. I would rather have a level 3 armor that gives +104 resitence to all five elements than one that is level 4 and only has resistence to Metal. You get my point. Just because it is a level 4 item does NOT mean it's better than what you have. I open my character and my items panes at the same time and watch the numbers change as I equip same items, an Armor of Dawn compared to a Golden Armor Or Mystical Robe and so on. One may make your manna go up and another make metal and fire drop off or whatever, so watch what changes happen as you switch between them. Some items you just know are better without comparing.
Potions are a Wizards stock -in- trade. Wizards need potions and charms to cast spells and heal themselves. I have been saved many a time by quickly drinking a potion before that last arrow hits, which the Dustwraith fired as he died. And Manna is invaluable, you cant cast without it, so carry an ample supply. The game would have you sit and smoke a cigarette or something while you wait to heal or regenerate Manna, But I usually take about 10 manna and 10 healing on every mission. Then when I get down to very little I simply drink in.
Manna and healing yourself; If you are low on manna, but have a big fat red bar of health you should meditate with the Glacial Embrace on, your manna regeneration time is still enhanced while meditating , and by contrast, if you need health but not manna so much , cast pyroshell and it will regenerate health faster. The less time I spend regenerating , the better. I always see people regenerating but there is no shell swirling around them while in the medtation ball. All that is doing is wasting time that could be spent killin stuff.
When your wizard gets higher up in levels you will feel glad that you stuck to it and didn't switch or start over. Just remember to be patient with the training process, it will be worth it.
I have many more insights into the Wizard character, but will end on this note,
I hope that this was helpful to any who read it. And good luck, your wizard will be bad as heck,(in time). Ever notice that the Elder and all the other wizards are reeeaaally old men? Years of training my friends!
I have been playing this game as a Wizard for about three weeks and have reached level 25. I have died many times and should have leveled up at least 3 or even 4 times. But, it doesn't matter, because I know that my character will be something to be reconed with eventually. Here are some observations:
Casting; When you attack a monster of same or higher level you should start with Divine Pyrogram, it takes longer to generate and does more damage innitially to the monster thereby evening the playing field so to speak. Next I have found that Gush and Hailstorm do better against Fire, Duh, and Pyrogram does better against Water and Earth based monsters. Metal is something else, I have found that combiations of spells have better effect when followed by one another. I have killed level 32 monsters and I am, as i said at lvl 25. I have killed the same monster back to back and one died after just 4 spells when the next took 6 or more castings to kill it. It was the order in which the spells were cast. And yes, I realize that there are Critical Hits, and some monsters have enchantments on them like Increased Magic Resistance, Defense or Life. Just experiment with casting order against different monsters.
The Wizard is not a melee fighter , he would rather stay in the back like a general and see the battlefield as a whole crushing whatever is needed to turn the tables in his favor. So, you should also start your attack far away from your target beyond the allocated distance that the spell can cast and make your Wizard take a few steps to get his spell off at the maximun distance from the target, (You can fire 4 times before a blob even gets close), for instance. Im sure that later in the game the Wizard will be able to cast faster via a potion, charm, foodstuff or by casting a form of Haste on himself.
Patience is the thing you need with a Wizard, I die often and loose alot of experience because of it . But, so what? I know eventually he will be an awesome force to be recond with. I have at least 3 weapons that i can't use as of yet because I need either 15 pts more magic to wield it or more strength to wear it or i just am not at the required level. That's not important either. I would rather have a level 3 armor that gives +104 resitence to all five elements than one that is level 4 and only has resistence to Metal. You get my point. Just because it is a level 4 item does NOT mean it's better than what you have. I open my character and my items panes at the same time and watch the numbers change as I equip same items, an Armor of Dawn compared to a Golden Armor Or Mystical Robe and so on. One may make your manna go up and another make metal and fire drop off or whatever, so watch what changes happen as you switch between them. Some items you just know are better without comparing.
Potions are a Wizards stock -in- trade. Wizards need potions and charms to cast spells and heal themselves. I have been saved many a time by quickly drinking a potion before that last arrow hits, which the Dustwraith fired as he died. And Manna is invaluable, you cant cast without it, so carry an ample supply. The game would have you sit and smoke a cigarette or something while you wait to heal or regenerate Manna, But I usually take about 10 manna and 10 healing on every mission. Then when I get down to very little I simply drink in.
Manna and healing yourself; If you are low on manna, but have a big fat red bar of health you should meditate with the Glacial Embrace on, your manna regeneration time is still enhanced while meditating , and by contrast, if you need health but not manna so much , cast pyroshell and it will regenerate health faster. The less time I spend regenerating , the better. I always see people regenerating but there is no shell swirling around them while in the medtation ball. All that is doing is wasting time that could be spent killin stuff.
When your wizard gets higher up in levels you will feel glad that you stuck to it and didn't switch or start over. Just remember to be patient with the training process, it will be worth it.
I have many more insights into the Wizard character, but will end on this note,
I hope that this was helpful to any who read it. And good luck, your wizard will be bad as heck,(in time). Ever notice that the Elder and all the other wizards are reeeaaally old men? Years of training my friends!
Post edited by centaurius on
centaurius wrote: »Pyrogram does better against Water and Earth based monsters. Metal is something else, I have found that combiations of spells have better effect when followed by one another.
Actually, Metal is weak against Fire, and Water is weak against Earth...centaurius wrote: »Manna and healing yourself; If you are low on manna, but have a big fat red bar of health you should meditate with the Glacial Embrace on, your manna regeneration time is still enhanced while meditating , and by contrast, if you need health but not manna so much , cast pyroshell and it will regenerate health faster. The less time I spend regenerating , the better. I always see people regenerating but there is no shell swirling around them while in the medtation ball. All that is doing is wasting time that could be spent killin stuff.
Yeah, with full health but low mana, meditate with glacial embrace, but when you are full on Mana but low health, I just use Morning Dew. I only have like 500-some hp, and mine heals about 400-450. Works very well for me.
Also um...I dont really see the point to this thread...I....really have absolutely no idea what im doing. Just givin' you the heads up.
Proud Marshal of Pointless of Dreamweaver.
Serving a heapin' helpin' of Reality, hot.0 -
hehe yea wizards are real fun characters and as for being useful and powerful in time, wait until you tank for a Barb or BM lol. Im a lvl 43 Wiz and i can tank the skrunchkin sorcerers fairlt easily, minus their mana drain. As for your attack combos, yea certain combinations work better. For my lvl I ussually use Divine Pyro, Gush, Sandstorm, Will to kill most melee things and prevent damage. I too have died alot and because of that though you will have to do more grinding. As for the barriers, yes Glacial is the only one i really use anymore. I try to keep my mana alive and well all the time with pots and mana regen items.0
"You have made some good observations, but I believe well equipped high level barbarians can out-damage wizards. "
Will NEVER happen with equal(in level)equipment unless Wizard is really poor.b:irritated
The only class which can outdamage Wizard is Wizard with "twist" b:chuckle
b:bye0 -
Cholla - Harshlands wrote: »I believe high level barbarians with lots of health, can do incredible damage using perdition. If someone ever puts together a demon barbarian with 20.25k health (perhaps using tree of protection), they will be doing 50k physical damage (and if they ever get gloom on their weapons they could be doing 100k physical damage, before critical hits). If done right, they can one-shot all wizards and clerics within 12m, or if they used holy path instead of tree of life you will have had almost no time for spells before you die. Or, if they crit and used genie debuffs, they can probably one-shot another barbarian (fortunately, barbarians crit like arcane wizards and not like light armor wizards). Or, if they used accuracy powder, they could probably have one-shot most archers (and any left standing probably had evasion gems instead of health gems and so could be taken down quickly with skills which never miss). Heavy armor venos with bramble hood might survive, or they might not, and their pets almost certainly would be dead along with most other venos. Fist blademasters might survive?
Do we really have attacks which will exceed 50k damage before any damage amplification or critical hits?
Ok so theoretically a Barb could do a big damage hit. Yet a wizard does them consistently. Your numbers are obviously in a pve point of reference, and there are screenshots of wizards doing well over 200K+ damage. Your example would hit 200k or so with crit and zerk. Wiz just needs a crit. And I don't have to tick my charm to do it0 -
"I believe high level barbarians with lots of health, can do incredible damage using perdition. If someone ever puts together a demon barbarian with 20.25k health (perhaps using tree of protection), they will be doing 50k physical damage (and if they ever get gloom on their weapons they could be doing 100k physical damage, before critical hits). "
Hmm.... lets see. 20.25k health leaves 10,125k for skill ... 10,125kX2,2+2,2k=24,475k+insignficant addition of demon(Rough Calculations). Weapons Damage not counted since has no what so ever affection on skill. Now there is some insane penalty in PvP mode ( as i heard it's 75% on skills damage not confirmed but penalty exist for sure cause when i dueled my damage was ridicilously low in comparison to usuall). Now even if we take a full damage of Perdition don't forget that Wizards Defence even in robes not that innocent as it looks on 1st look. Barb can 1shoot only if Wizard was caught with his pants down. Wizard in contrary can 1shot Barb even though it's really rare cases. Usually it's end up wasting charms on both sides unless Wizard runs out of chi or have x2 lucky massive strike, or Barb really misses Sutra combo(which is unlikely).
"Your numbers are obviously in a pve point of reference, and there are screenshots of wizards doing well over 200K+ damage. "
Too bad virus ate my pc where i had SS of my friend doing 495k damage b:cry
b:bye0 -
Calibix - Heavens Tear wrote: »there are screenshots of wizards doing well over 200K+ damage.
Could someone explain to me how it's done? What skills, buffs, sebuffs, equipement and at what level?0 -
this is how
warsoul weapon + undine strike + dragoned + veno mag resist debuff + genie debuff + lvl 11 cleric buff + triple spark + veno give 2 sparks to wizard + water dragon on fire boss b:chuckle
lol all jokes aside
im assuming you are LA cause you was talking about armor of dawn.
you get the best armor for your lvl, i didnt get AH armor until lvl 40. under lvl 30 i used npc stuff after lvl 30 i used rank armor with some boots and sleeves i found in cat shop and everything else was npc/quest reward.
all builds for wizards have enough str and mag for weapons and armors for your lvl
most popular builds
pure mag - 4 mag 1 str on even lvls, 5 mag on odd lvls
Light armor - 3 mag 1 str 1 dex
water > fire
fire > metal
metal > wood
wood > earth
earth > water
hope that helps, depending on the mob make your strategy
long channeling gets better when you can afford some -channeling stuff, wizards **** with that
i used to regret making a wizard, that started changing in the 50s when i was doing crazy damage and didnt knew it. i thought everyone was stronger than me (thanks to some topics on the forums>.>) until my friend asked how much was i doing on that mob, and i said just 4.8k and was all like wtf how do you do so much damage and things started to change. hopefully, when i get to 60 my matk should be 4.8k-5.2k b:victory
<Elder and all the other wizards are reeeaaally old men? Years of training my friends>
i gotta steal that b:chuckle very funny b:chuckle
EDIT: omg wall of text im so sorrySins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze0 -
This might make me sound like a complete jerk, but ... reading the gigantic text wall of motivated observations reminds me of the effects of ritalin.
Not to offend anyone, but I have been sitting on this observation since this thread was posted and I can't hold it in any more.0 -
My bad i refered to skill as being lvl 100 which tops lvl 1 b:surrender. So still it doesn't change what said before.b:victory since there are SO many counter acts Wizard can do before Barb will try same trick again b:pleased
P.S usually those skills you see when performed and usually FoW,Spark or Apocathry kicks on , but now with Genies .... b:sin0
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