RP people -tell us about your in game characters

Oldbear - Sanctuary
Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
Yes I know this thread is been around before. In fact it's right here
It's outdated. Many people there have either quit game, quit RP or just maintained silence so there's no way of knowing who's left active. And also few RP factions has been created in that time. So have any of you made up background for your in game characters? I might as well start with my main

Name: OldBear
Class: Blademaster
Specialized: Sword/Axe hybrid. Heavy Armor
Military Rank: III
Faction: Templari

He was raised in simple villager's family and his uncle was a blacksmith so he's no alien to smithing good weapons. In his younger days he had built a hut on the slope of Volcanic Purgatory but never got the chance to really settle in...Wraiths attacked the hut and nearby village and Bear, having lost most of his friends, has been traveling since realizing that as long as wraiths keep storming villages and other populated areas - no settle down is possible.
He wears the badge and the military rank of Archosaur to get better equipment but he viewed himself as no real army soldier. He's stayed lone ranger and that how he's still seen traveling from place to place.
When a faction inside Archosaur armed forces sank in deep trouble he joined their ranks in hope to make difference. But it wasn't enough and the faction
bled almost dry. As a sole survivor of that crisis Bear now looks after it's affairs, builds up his own fighting skills, gathers more rare and quality items to their armory in hope than one day they will be needed and waits for the return of the old friend who's faction it is.

He still loves to sit by a bonfire, so the dwellers of Hidden Heroes and Timberfield should not be very surprised to repeatedly see a gray-haired blademaster in the camp who's traveled a long way just to sit by their campfire.
Post edited by Oldbear - Sanctuary on


  • Lilithlaws - Heavens Tear
    Lilithlaws - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    name: Lilith Laws
    class: cleric heal/support
    rank: 2

    I was born of the noble winged elf blood, my parents were 5th cousins to the king and queen, but the died leaving me, i never really got to know my parents because i was to young when they died, i only heard storys, i was raised by a cleric named Egpty-Lynne, she was a tall blonde with really pretty wings, she never told me the wings she had but I guess they were really rare, because they had 4 wings to them. In my young days I studied to be a tank cleric, but I found my way of the sage to be a heal/support, I was taken under the wing of Mischiefs a great group of people that I learned alot from, an still learning from them.
    i dont have a husban because I swore to be pure of heart to better myself in my quest for true knowledge.
    I love to sing an play games, I sing the songs of the old ways, an the games I play are with the newborn winged elves.
    I love healping people as much as I can, an dont be afraid to ask me to help you or teach you the things i learned when I grew up, (im still growing up).
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Yesterday is History, Tommorow is a Mystery, an Today is a gift that is why we call it "Present"
  • Schism - Harshlands
    Schism - Harshlands Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    I roam the lands hitting people and monsters with overgrown yellow glowing lollipops, my mother gave me my first set of lollipops when i was 5 and i used to beat squirrels to death with them all day and night until i felt i was strong enough to beat up beetles with them outside my home town, since then i've grown stronger and stronger and have picked up the nickname "the lollipop man".
    If anyone wants to taste my lollipops i can usually be found around the secret passage slapping people around who are weaker than me.
    Edit: I just realized noone here can taste my lollipops as you are all in a different dimension.
  • Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary
    Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Name: Urban_Ninja
    Class: BladeMaster

    Simple: People make stories of me. That's how cool I am. If you see my character, people will think I look like Dante from Devil May Cry