Closing "controversial" threads...

XeroLan - Heavens Tear
XeroLan - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
OK, I understand closing a thread because of a flame war. But is it just me or does it seem like every time someone brings up a valid point on the **** marriage issue, that's the topic they jump on in and close? If the so-called reason for closing the **** marriage petition was indeed because of the flame war, then I guess I can expect every single topic about venos being over-powered, or flesh ream being bugged, or any other topic that causes any sort of flaming? And by that account, shouldn't half the topics on this forum be closed? Or was it really just because it was an issue of **** marriage?

Yeah, I know it's a touchy topic for some people. But by always closing these threads you're more or less telling us we're not even allowed to talk about it.

I already know same-sex marriages will NEVER be implemented in this game, and I'm NOT trying to start a flame war here. I just want to know why this particular topic is always singled out as a "flame war" yet the other flame wars out there are alive and kicking.

Countdown to this thread being closed: 3, 2, 1...
Post edited by XeroLan - Heavens Tear on


  • KallenHapti - Sanctuary
    KallenHapti - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    well since the other threads got closed i guess i'll state my opinion here xD
    i really want to marry my boyfriend's hot female cleric b:thanks
    imo foxes/tigers x human action which we have is more disturbing xD
    Banned TB hairstyle made my Kallen cry b:sad
    Training my new wizzie. Current status lvl5X. b:pleased
  • Asdleree - Heavens Tear
    Asdleree - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Because I don't mind my Children coming on-line and have a heated argument about why this that or the other in-game is over powered, not fair etc etc,

    But I don't want them to be discussing things like **** or same sex relationships (religious beliefs) and a lot of other parents will feel the same, I know we cant police the Internet and no doubt my children have read and seen things I couldn't imagine but I would like to know and feel safe letting my children play and enjoy a game online without having to worry about these topics,
  • XeroLan - Heavens Tear
    XeroLan - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I just want to state that I'm not trying to re-open the topic for debate again since the threads were closed. My question is more regarding why this particular topic is such a no-no to talk about. As stated, there's nothing wrong with seeing bestiality, scantily-clad women, or men playing women (or vice-versa), but any MENTION of two men or two women so much as having each others' names over their head becomes a massive heated debate which is then promptly closed. I feel like we're not even allowed to express our feelings on this topic and I just want to know why, out of all the other heated debates out there, this is the one to target.
  • hawk
    hawk Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with valid, civil discussion. That thread was going downhill very quickly, and by proxy, so was the other one. It's a hard subject to talk about because of the inherently polarizing effect it has on people participating in the discussion.

    Anyways, if a thread is full of flames and fighting, it's going to get locked - regardless of what the subject matter is.
  • Noggin - Dreamweaver
    Noggin - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    XeroLan, you are about tohave your question answered.

    Somone is going to be offened by either of the replies and then it kicks off. People just can't play nicely on this topic. Its not really the forum for it.
  • xtazee
    xtazee Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    There are no **** in a perfect world!!!!

    Now shut up coz this will never be implemented as stated countless times before.
  • Noggin - Dreamweaver
    Noggin - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    And as the ban hammer descends on another thread my point is proved.

    I knew this thread couldn't stay on topic long..........
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Wtf???? You **** people didn't get the hint with the first 987464753478538 threads closed??

    Gtfo with this topic! It's never gonna be implemented or accepted. Keep it to yourselves, by yourselves!
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Dianocus - Sanctuary
    Dianocus - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    s I stated in the previous thread before it got closed. I could care less if PWI implemented **** marriage would not make a difference to me.
    Because I don't mind my Children coming on-line and have a heated argument about why this that or the other in-game is over powered, not fair etc etc,

    But I don't want them to be discussing things like **** or same sex relationships (religious beliefs) and a lot of other parents will feel the same, I know we cant police the Internet and no doubt my children have read and seen things I couldn't imagine but I would like to know and feel safe letting my children play and enjoy a game online without having to worry about these topics,

    I agree with you on this. I would not want my children reading or seeing bad and or awful things but **** marriage is not bad nor is it awful it is a way of life and your children probably already know what h0mosexuality is and will probably experiment in college or high school or even outside. No person should be denied the reality which we call life.
    xtazee wrote: »
    There are no **** in a perfect world!!!!

    Now shut up coz this will never be implemented as stated countless times before.

    as opposed to ****, queens, homo's, fairys, **** suckers, sissyboy's and the list goes on. If you are trying to insult **** people it sure does not work with me cause I take those names with great pride.
  • KallenHapti - Sanctuary
    KallenHapti - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol stop offending **** people and try closing the thread
    i hope noone flamebits b:chuckle
    as for me i'm not **** but i'd love to marry my boyfriends female char b:kiss
    Banned TB hairstyle made my Kallen cry b:sad
    Training my new wizzie. Current status lvl5X. b:pleased
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    xtazee wrote: »
    There are no **** in a perfect world!!!!

    Now shut up coz this will never be implemented as stated countless times before.
    Behave, you can disapprove of their lifestyle without being cold. I dont mind homosexuality myself, and although one may have a valid point, their point sometimes can be very narrow and forget the broad spectrum of things. I had a few counterarguments which totally failed to be grasped by the other side though, it just seemed to be taken out of context by others... but granted here they are.

    1. An online game should remain neutral on a controversial topic.

    retort: "but theyre already forcing heterosexual marriage on children"
    me: marriage is optional
    retort: then if homosexual marriage can be optional, theyd have a choice.
    me: if mommy/daddy says it's not ok, but game says it is, questions about their beliefs come into play, they no longer have their choice to themselves as theyre being bombarded by both sides. Thus game loses its neutrality aspect.

    2. Game developers should not have to give into the request of a minority group. If you give one special treatment, you have to give them all special treatment.

    (These are copypasted from the earlier threads)
    retort: If you accept Women and Blacks as equals then you also have to accept Homosexuals as equals as well.

    counterpoint: Not even comparable. Women and blacks were justified in their quest to be equal. The **** people are making a choice. I can't give any real reasons why it's wrong except that it's not natural.

    And that is true, theres nothing wrong with homosexuals. And their cry for equal justice? How are they not being treated equally? Theyre not being segregated, they have every right to vote, perform civic duty, among other acts normal tax payers do...

    Which brings me to my last point people seemed to not understand at all... (it was not about the indians!!!!)

    3. There are other minorities out there with real problems today which practically go unvoiced because theyre squelched by the people, and they cry bloody murder over not being allowe to get married? Their voices seem to be crying out the loudest for change, but their problem is really the least in importance ,in my opinion, to other kinds of major minority issues today.

    Now this is a purely opinion like stated above. I really think if they do have a battle to fight over it, dont make such a big deal about it, there is totally huge issues so many people deal with that are so much more important than the general public usually knows about.
    perfect examples:
    1. There is still forms of extreme slavery and child labor in the US, in the form of sweatshops, whether it be clothes making, gold farming on games, among other horrid things where these kids are treated like fodder for minimal pay.

    2. North American Indians like my example prior. In 1887, they were promised reparations for all the land, gold, money, and resources taken from them by the Dawes act, and the government can deny the existance of your tribe and not give you your cut if your land is prime real estate. How is that constitutional?

    3. Last years ballots in CA contained legislation that would essentially:
    -Prevent pastors and other clergymen from speaking against homosexuality, it would be aganist the law, and could result in removal of your position.
    -Forcing homosexuality to be taught in as low as second grade. FORCED to accept! It happened in massachusettes, they wanted to do it to us too.
    Where is your 1st amendment here? The government said this law was unconstitutional, yet legislators went against them and put it on anyways. Im glad prop 8 passed in CA. Otherwise so many people would be -forced- to accept it, and lose their ability to decide for themselves.

    4. Immigration! These people come from a land with corrupt government officials who rob the country blind as the population grows bigger and bigger with the lack of technology to swell it. What do we do with these hispanics? Some of them are living in dirt floor homes, with newspaper-lined walls, (Id know, go google Tulare County, CA, Highest Poverty rate in the US, Hihghest teen pregnancy rate in the US LOL) and work picking fruit and nuts daily for like 10-25 cents a lb. But its better here than in Mexico in some villages! But do we want to really send them back? These poorpeople are a minority too and have nowhere else to go.

    So TL:DR some minorities have it real rough, yall dont need any special recognition ahead of everyone else, fight the good fight, but remember some times we all have our issues too. :P

    All in all, its way too touchy to put in a game, and could bring lots of parents knocking on the GMs office the next day if it ever did be implemented
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I agree with you on this. I would not want my children reading or seeing bad and or awful things but **** marriage is not bad nor is it awful it is a way of life and your children probably already know what h0mosexuality is and will probably experiment in college or high school or even outside. No person should be denied the reality which we call life.
    ^ he never said awful, buddy. He said hed rather not have his children have to deal with these kind of topics in a gaming environment, they should be left on the outside to be discussed in schools and with parents where they belong :O
  • Foxx - Heavens Tear
    Foxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    But I don't want them to be discussing things like **** or same sex relationships (religious beliefs) and a lot of other parents will feel the same

    But killing things including other people is fine.
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Seriously, this has got to stop.

    2 threads closed and you freaks still wanna try and **** the normal,god-fearing people off?

    Why can't you ppl be **** away from everyone else,by yourselves?

    Thats the thing that bugs me. Seriously u wanna be butt-hole surfers and Carpet eaters.....Go ahead! It's you who will get all sorts of diseases and die. Good riddance.

    But when you parade infront of ppl,like wanting so much to be seen and forcing ya weirdness on normal people.
    Thats where you get on peoples nerves!

    Close this damn thread already!
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • nytehawke
    nytehawke Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Wow such a lack of diversified opinions, I'm beginning to think I'm reading the transcripts of C Span.

    For the record I play a Veno while my GF plays a Female BM. Since Venos can't be male toons PWI has set itself up for this stupid arguement.
    Still looking for a game to recapture the magic of my first MMO b:cry
  • Dianocus - Sanctuary
    Dianocus - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ^ he never said awful, buddy. He said hed rather not have his children have to deal with these kind of topics in a gaming environment, they should be left on the outside to be discussed in schools and with parents where they belong :O

    Yes I know he never said it was awful/bad. I'm just responding to the comment he made that he would not want his children to discuss h0mosexuality in a thread. Now I understand if his children are like 13 but to deny your children to discuss such a topic is not right. So yes I do agree with you that such topics "should" stay outside of the gaming world where people you know can discuss it with you, but to me it sounds like he is not allowing his children even to discuss it on the outside which to me is wrong. What I do not understand is that he will not allow his children to discuss such topics and as Foxx has implied with a quote from the guys post will allow his children to witness the killing of animals and people which in this case is worse off then sexuality.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    But killing things including other people is fine.

    Its points like that that **** me off, they arent valid at all. They take something out of context and use it to try and poke at discrepancies. A fantasy game is not promoting homocide, and mass genocide of animals. It says "these evil creatures terrorize people, and threaten your existance, fight back against their seditious intents!"

    In anycase, we can never know if he really doesnt allow it outside or not, and jumping to conclusions never helps anyone :P.

    In anycase, if a homo man or woman wants to make the choice to be the way they are, more power to them. Just keep it off my game!
  • Noggin - Dreamweaver
    Noggin - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    Seriously, this has got to stop.

    2 threads closed and you freaks still wanna try and **** the normal,god-fearing people off?

    Why can't you ppl be **** away from everyone else,by yourselves?

    Thats the thing that bugs me. Seriously u wanna be butt-hole surfers and Carpet eaters.....Go ahead! It's you who will get all sorts of diseases and die. Good riddance.

    But when you parade infront of ppl,like wanting so much to be seen and forcing ya weirdness on normal people.
    Thats where you get on peoples nerves!

    Close this damn thread already!

    Seeing as this thread is now so far off topic its stupid, I'll have some fun.

    One word - 'overcompensating'
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yes I know he never said it was awful/bad. I'm just responding to the comment he made that he would not want his children to discuss h0mosexuality in a thread. Now I understand if his children are like 13 but to deny your children to discuss such a topic is not right. So yes I do agree with you that such topics "should" stay outside of the gaming world where people you know can discuss it with you, but to me it sounds like he is not allowing his children even to discuss it on the outside which to me is wrong. What I do not understand is that he will not allow his children to discuss such topics and as Foxx has implied with a quote from the guys post will allow his children to witness the killing of animals and people which in this case is worse off then sexuality.

    And who are you to decide how anyone raises their children??!

    You who's sexual preference has no way of procreation and goes against the teachings of god almighty? To perform indecent acts and unatural sex?
    You are a better rolemodel/teacher for our kids?!!!!

    What right do u have to say "blah blah his kids should not be denied blah blah"
    They are his children. Not yours. U can be liberal with your own adopted children if u wish.

    But do not spread your filth to the normal populace!
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Theres no need to be a **** to these guys.
  • xtazee
    xtazee Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Fight the good fight in the real sick ****.

    This is a mythical fantasy game. Homos were executed during those times. Unless they implement some **** torture system into PW b:pleased, we ain't interested in what you have to say.

    Reality is that you will always remain a minority! Now shut your face and thank your lucky stars that you're even allowed to mingle with the rest of the normal people of this world in this day and age.
  • XeroLan - Heavens Tear
    XeroLan - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    The **** people are making a choice. I can't give any real reasons why it's wrong except that it's not natural

    Tearvalerin, first I respect that you're looking at both sides of the discussion, but this one little nugget sort of irked me. The argument of h0mosexuality being a choice is completely unjustified. I personally never made a 'choice' to be ****. The phrase I often use is: I chose to be **** the same day you chose to be straight. It wasn't something I saw on TV or out on the street one day and decided "hey, that looks like something I might enjoy." LOL! I was never abused as a child (or an adult, for that matter), and dealt with my fair share of bullying growing up. I've been beat up, called names, etc etc. After all that, why would I "choose" to "stay ****"? It's simply beyond my control.

    I agree with you in that there are much bigger hills to die on. **** marriage is definitely not the country's biggest issue, but I do believe in equality and hope that some day I'll be afforded the same rights and privileges that straight couples are given. Regardless of people want to think, you can't protect children from everything in the world. Kids are a LOT smarter than they're given credit for, and eventually they're going to find out about things one way or another, whether their parents like it or not. I'm not saying to give up on beliefs, but just be open-minded. People don't have to agree with it.

    As far as the marriage in-game goes, I don't see the point in marrying somebody in-game anyway. Sure, it's a symbol of your love for each other (and that's what the OP of the **** marriage thread was expressing their own desire to do), but is it crucial to the game? No. I couldn't care less one way or the other if it gets implemented in the game, as it won't affect my gameplay either way. It's always nice to have the option though.

    To rukhmath: you're entitled to your opinion, but let's leave the name-calling and bigotry out of this thread so the adults can have a civilized discussion. You're not helping your case at all - in fact, you're just proving how ignorant you are by resorting to it.

    To xtazee: regardless of what you may think, **** and **** people will not always remain a minority (history proves my point). We have every bit as much right as you do to voice our opinions and beliefs. In my eyes, every person on this planet is a "normal person". I don't believe anyone is better or more important than anyone else. I'm sorry you don't feel the same.
  • KallenHapti - Sanctuary
    KallenHapti - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ok i don't know how this has anything to do with **** people and RL
    we're discussing same sex marriges for our characters in PW
    not who's **** and who isn't
    assuming most guys prefer to play girl characters does that make them ****?
    does it make me **** for wanting to marry my boyfriend's female character considering i've never had that kind of relationship with a real girl and does not have the interest to?
    you are talking about all those kids playing the game
    how many of those kids have the money to marry ingame?
    what do you have to say about men holding foxes in their hands and kissing them
    what sexual relationship does this promote?
    as for killing , how about pvp
    a worse scenarion would be your kid's going to grab a knife and try some blademaster skill on his little friend
    we should probably ban all first person shooters and harry potter cause people though they can fly and jumed from a building and died trying

    my opinion in other words is that
    in order to ruin some people's potencial fun others who are already satisfied with what they have and wouldn't benefit from the idea will accuse others in all sorts of things and rebel against their idea
    it's common on mmo boards
    fairly doesn't have anything to do with real life stuff
    the only thing that matters is the mental state of the player
    if they're not ok they could die from even playing packman or mario from eating pills or mushrooms
    nothing of this will affect a normal person
    Banned TB hairstyle made my Kallen cry b:sad
    Training my new wizzie. Current status lvl5X. b:pleased
  • Ikens - Harshlands
    Ikens - Harshlands Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't mind people being h0mosexual, be it in real life or in game.

    But still, weddings in a mythological chinese age should only be between male and female persons since I don't think it was different back in that time b:thanks
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Lol... its not a choice? I honestly thought it was, Ive tried both sides, Ive tried my fair share of expirementing with men, and with women. Being with a man just didnt feel natural... I dont see how it isnt either, whether its your mind/heart telling youre attracted to the same gender, or your own decision to be so, its your decision to act on it, is it not?

    lol in a sense of awkwardness:
    me now:

    me when i was expirementing:

    but yeah. I dont know how its not a choice :P.
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Lol... its not a choice? I honestly thought it was, Ive tried both sides, Ive tried my fair share of expirementing with men, and with women. Being with a man just didnt feel natural... I dont see how it isnt either, whether its your mind/heart telling youre attracted to the same gender, or your own decision to be so, its your decision to act on it, is it not?

    lol in a sense of awkwardness:
    me now:

    me when i was expirementing:

    but yeah. I dont know how its not a choice :P.


    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA....holy **** man. I will never see you the same way again. ;o
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    is that bad or good?
  • xtazee
    xtazee Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't mind people being h0mosexual, be it in real life or in game.

    But still, weddings in a mythological chinese age should only be between male and female persons since I don't think it was different back in that time b:thanks

    Quoted for win. Exactly my point.

    They are so adamant on spreading their **** a damn bad disease.

    Leave the games and kids alone!
  • XeroLan - Heavens Tear
    XeroLan - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Lol... its not a choice? I honestly thought it was, Ive tried both sides, Ive tried my fair share of expirementing with men, and with women. Being with a man just didnt feel natural... I dont see how it isnt either, whether its your mind/heart telling youre attracted to the same gender, or your own decision to be so, its your decision to act on it, is it not?

    LoL, ok good point: acting on it is indeed a choice. I was more referring to it not being a choice who I'm attracted to. Hehe.

    For what it's worth, I've never dressed in women's clothes. That just doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. XD
    xtazee wrote: »
    They are so adamant on spreading their **** a damn bad disease.

    You are also being adamant about spreading your straight ways. I suppose that's a "good" disease? ;)

    You missed the point of my topic: it's not to allow same-sex marriage in the game. The topic of discussion was actually why the threads are always closed. I'm starting to see why: some people can't contribute anything valid to the conversation.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Once again this is escalating into a flamewar.

This discussion has been closed.