Lag/slow attack

unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Support Desk
Hi all,

So I got this problem with playing PWI. Every time I want to perform an ingame action, i.e. attack a mob, pick up drops open a shop window from NPC, there is this delay. I click on it, and it takes just over a second before anything happens. In general this doesn't really bother me but it is very annoying in combat.

To explain clearly I'll discribe a situation:
I select a mob with a mouse click, then I click it again or press F1 to engage. My character runs to the mob and takes fighting stance. Then it just stands there doing absolutely nothing at all for just over a second. After that my character attacks normally.

It has been this way for quite a while, I don't even remember it being any different in the past. But I do see players everywhere
around me who do not seem to have this delay, their char just attacks the moment the mob gets in their range.
My question is, obviously, how do I get rid of this delay? And the cause might be nice to know too.

Things I have already tried:
Play @ lowest settings in case my PC can't handle the game properly.
I tried to time getting in range and ordering my character to attack.
I tried all different types of weapons available.
I removed and reinstalled the gameclient.
I made several characters from different classes, they all seem to have the same issue.

It is probably lag, but it's kinda weird, because other things work normally, like moving, chatting, opening windows (quest, faction etc.). And it's always there, even when I am alone in a fb cave....

I am located in the north of the Netherlands, might that have something to do with it?

I hope someone knows more about this problem, any help at all is very much appreciated!
Post edited by unoxx on


  • Julyah - Sanctuary
    Julyah - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Most definitely lag. Take a look at the big stickied thread on the Techical Support forum. There's a list of all the IP addresses the game uses. Try doing a ping routine on them to see if the problem lies there.
    [Tech Support Junkie]
    Player 1: "I dont believe this is an off-topic worthy thread."
    Player 2: "It's not even worth it for lower depths. What do we do?"
    Player 3: "Delete it?"
    Mod: "Moving this to tech support."
    Sanctuary: Julyah - Venomancer | Tevos - Wizard | Elliana - Archer
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Most definitely lag. Take a look at the big stickied thread on the Techical Support forum. There's a list of all the IP addresses the game uses. Try doing a ping routine on them to see if the problem lies there.

    First of all, tnx for the replay.
    I think these are the IP adresses you mean?
    Sanctuary (PVE)

    Now, how do I perform a ping routine on them?
    And what values would be ok? Right now ping is 171 ms in the login screen of the game.

    Tnx again!
  • Julyah - Sanctuary
    Julyah - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yes, those are the IP numbers. You can Ping them by typing "ping" and so on. The first is a port number so unless you want to scan ports (which you don't) you can ignore that.
    171 milliseconds is pretty good. Basically the amount of delay you're willing to wait before your character executes the action after you press the button is good.
    If your connection isn't broken then the values should be below 500ms, preferably below 300ms.
    [Tech Support Junkie]
    Player 1: "I dont believe this is an off-topic worthy thread."
    Player 2: "It's not even worth it for lower depths. What do we do?"
    Player 3: "Delete it?"
    Mod: "Moving this to tech support."
    Sanctuary: Julyah - Venomancer | Tevos - Wizard | Elliana - Archer
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ok, so i triend all of em, and this is what i get:

    C:\users\"my name"\ping 64.74.134.xx
    request timed out.
    request timed out.
    request timed out.
    request timed out.
    Ping statistics for 64.74.134.xx:
    Packages sent: 4, received: 0, lost: 4

    Apparently I cant ping em....

    Any thoughts?

  • Julyah - Sanctuary
    Julyah - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    To be exact you can ping them, it's just that they can't get through. You could try few of them again with your firewall turned off. It may be that it blocks the manual pings.
    No reason to try all of them again, just a few, and if the result is the same then there's something blocking your connection to the server.

    When exactly did you do those pings and when did the problem initially occur?


    Now this seems pretty weird. I can connect the game just as always, but when I try pinging the IP's listed there I get no packets through. I experimented a bit with other known IP's and none of them did the same thing.
    Not sure if the PW IP's are protected so that they don't allow a regular ping to go through, instead allow it only on port 29000.
    If that's the case then the Troubleshooting FAQ should be corrected a bit since regular ping doesn't allow you specify ports.

    EDIT 2:

    Indeed it seems that regular pings won't get through. I did a "nmap -PN -p29000" and it reported there indeed was a port 29000 open on that IP (one of Sanctuary servers) but it didn't report how long it takes to connect there, only that it's up there.

    Conclusion: You shouldn't trust on Ping results as an indicator whether your connection is live or not.

    To the Mods and GM's: You should rework that Troubleshooting FAQ a bit to make it say you shouldn't ping those addresses, or instead open up those machines to answer to any ICMP requests with an echo ie. make it answer to a ping request.
    [Tech Support Junkie]
    Player 1: "I dont believe this is an off-topic worthy thread."
    Player 2: "It's not even worth it for lower depths. What do we do?"
    Player 3: "Delete it?"
    Mod: "Moving this to tech support."
    Sanctuary: Julyah - Venomancer | Tevos - Wizard | Elliana - Archer
  • Kareenz - Heavens Tear
    Kareenz - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It might be problem with your connection.. To fix it you will have to call customer care of ur ISP..
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It might be problem with your connection.. To fix it you will have to call customer care of ur ISP..

    Yes but what do I say to them?
    "Everything works just fine except I'm kinda laggy in PWI.... can you fix it?"
    I'll have to find out whats the problem first.
    Are there any other (maybe Dutch) players out there who experience the same issue?

    Thanks for all the replies btw!
  • Julyah - Sanctuary
    Julyah - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This might be a bit far fetched but in the big stickied Troubleshooting FAQ thread there's a part about proxy usage. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try going through that to see whether the lag goes away.
    Here is a suggestion a user has sent us for a solution that worked for him using Windows XP.

    Maybe it could help you.

    Problem statement:When a client is connected to the internet via a LAN proxy, WinXP's firewall does not redirect all port requests.

    Situation:Individuals connected to the internet via a LAN proxy, and making use of only WinXP's firewall will be able to download, patch, and start the ElementClient, but will be unable to login or play the game.

    Solution:Individuals may choose to use a dial-up solution (for which WinXP redirects all ports correctly). If, however, individuals wish to use a LAN proxy they will need to install a firewall and/or proxy solution. This will catch all port connections and channel it through to the proxy server.Recommendation:I have used ProxyFirewall (from successfully to login and commence play on PerfectWorld International's servers without any problems.
    [Tech Support Junkie]
    Player 1: "I dont believe this is an off-topic worthy thread."
    Player 2: "It's not even worth it for lower depths. What do we do?"
    Player 3: "Delete it?"
    Mod: "Moving this to tech support."
    Sanctuary: Julyah - Venomancer | Tevos - Wizard | Elliana - Archer
  • madladif
    madladif Posts: 0
    edited February 2009

    I just begun to play PW and I have the same problems with the game, so I'm interrested in solving this ^^ :
    - sort of lag just before attacking a mob
    - troubles when switching targets : I target mob1, then mob2 and attack. Often, I end up attacking mob1 instead of mob2

    I just tried what Julyah said in the last post but it didn't solve the problem.

    BTW, I'm in France.
  • Julyah - Sanctuary
    Julyah - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    - troubles when switching targets : I target mob1, then mob2 and attack. Often, I end up attacking mob1 instead of mob2
    That's pretty common for me too, but it's pretty much the only problem I have. Somehow I don't think it's because of lag, even though it may seem like it, cause I don't have much lag at all but this still happens.
    Normally I just take some time before attacking, ie. not switch targets all the time and attack right away.
    [Tech Support Junkie]
    Player 1: "I dont believe this is an off-topic worthy thread."
    Player 2: "It's not even worth it for lower depths. What do we do?"
    Player 3: "Delete it?"
    Mod: "Moving this to tech support."
    Sanctuary: Julyah - Venomancer | Tevos - Wizard | Elliana - Archer
  • madladif
    madladif Posts: 0
    edited March 2009
    That's pretty common for me too, but it's pretty much the only problem I have. Somehow I don't think it's because of lag, even though it may seem like it, cause I don't have much lag at all but this still happens.
    Normally I just take some time before attacking, ie. not switch targets all the time and attack right away.

    The problem is that even if I take 5-10 seconds before switching, it still lags : my first attack is on the first mob...

    And it weird because every other things such as chat, move, etc works perfectly
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok, so two new east coast servers are coming online today! Since they are closer to europe they might solve my problem:) Can't wait to try it out. However, if it works, I will have to start a new character won't I? By BM is lvl 50 and I put quite some time and effort in her... Is it possible to have a character switch servers at all?
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ah, damn its not working.... still got the same lag...
    its so weird, because ping on the new servers is around 90... should work just spledidly! yet it doesnt.
    And the lag time is the same as in sanctuary, where my ping is 170-180. I just dont get it.... not at all.
  • xxxdsmer
    xxxdsmer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i also experienced some wierd kind of lag...
    i was playing a cleric and i'd hit a mob with cyclone then it would usually take 2-3 plume shot to finish it...
    the mob would get in melee range n i'd hit it with the last plume shot to kill it and the shot would hit, but it'd take a second or two for the damage to register and the mob to die, and in that time the mob would usuallly hit me again, after i'd already hit the kill shot, before it died.
    i'm pro all classes, and against none in particular..
    but the age old QQ about venos is just that. OLD.
    QQ'd about a nix lately? check out this thread n tell me who's "OP" lol..
    (copy and paste this to address bar):
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hi guys, I'm still experiencing the delay, and I hardly believe its lag anymore. This is why: when I am far away from a mob, and double click it to attack, my char starts runnig to it immedaitely, the delay only occurs when the fight initiates, the order for that has been given at least 10 seconds before! It seem the delay occurs with action involving some kind of change. Like fighting, talking to NPC, mounting a mount etc.
    Also my ping is fine, expecially on the east coast servers, no improvement though.

    If anyone has got any thoughts, it would be very much appreciated!! Its getting very annoying, expecially in PvP...
    (for full explanation of my problem see the first post)

  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Is there even one other out there with the same problem? With so many users thats gotta be impossible....
    Pls give me some thoughts on this one, it would really help me out.
  • maverickf3
    maverickf3 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I just started to get the same problem. It is not lag. If it was lag then it would happen with everything. It only happens when you try to fly, attack and pick stuff up. It was fine this morning but now its gone the same way yours has. wtf is going on. My connection is fine
  • Julyah - Sanctuary
    Julyah - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hi guys, I'm still experiencing the delay, and I hardly believe its lag anymore. This is why: when I am far away from a mob, and double click it to attack, my char starts runnig to it immedaitely, the delay only occurs when the fight initiates, the order for that has been given at least 10 seconds before! It seem the delay occurs with action involving some kind of change. Like fighting, talking to NPC, mounting a mount etc.
    Good point.
    When you start to move it first moves you on your client, then sends the location over to the server, but when you attack it has to communicate with the server all the time.
    So in other words it might still be lag in getting your command through to the server, though thay could have made it so that it clears the lag by registering the attack command right when you press it instead of first registering the movement near the enemy and then executing the attack.
    [Tech Support Junkie]
    Player 1: "I dont believe this is an off-topic worthy thread."
    Player 2: "It's not even worth it for lower depths. What do we do?"
    Player 3: "Delete it?"
    Mod: "Moving this to tech support."
    Sanctuary: Julyah - Venomancer | Tevos - Wizard | Elliana - Archer
  • unoxx
    unoxx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ok so it might still be lag... but where does it come from? My connection, my ISP or the server? In other words, what is there to do about it? I rly hate it.
  • EriQween - Lost City
    EriQween - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Omg.. Im having the same problem and I cant get any quests done because of it >.< serious problem..
  • MorehS - Heavens Tear
    MorehS - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I have the exact same issue, I am a blademaster.

    I click a mob, and click attack. My character movies into position then stands there for 2-3 seconds before the attack begins. As a sword blademaster this is a serious issue for PvP, TW, Legion, Wraith and other situations where a melee character's survival or success is dependent on getting in and getting those attacks up close.

    This is a huge problem. If it is not fixed, I have surely wasted time leveling a 80+ melee class character
  • derahan
    derahan Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    same problem here. i have it only on the weekends. maybe servers are populationwise a bit overloaded on weekends that is my guess.
  • teraph
    teraph Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    same problem, I think as a veno I'll describe this pretty clear, I summon my pet, and It takes about 5 secs to cast the summoning skill, when i sent my pet to attack he stands there, and fight the melee mob from distance is pretty crazy, also in my mount I jumped into the water and did swim like that for a while, until it make me come back to the original position and take off the mount, so It's pretty much lag, I dont know others, but I'm from Peru, I called the Internet tech service, they said my connection is fine, did internet speed test and it's better than it ever pw setting apart foreing players? or due to 4th of july a mass of player logged in, making it uber lag =(
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