Just lag, or insufficient memory/graphics card?

Ashtel - Heavens Tear
Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Support Desk
Hi... I've got another question. =)
I got a new computer (different from the one I mentioned in one of my threads, unfortunately =( )with the following specs:

Windows Vista Home Premium
NVIDIA GeForce 8200 (307MB)

And what my problem seems to be is now, I can set the graphics up to max, but the game runs laggy - the response time, it might be called? I'm not sure - while if I switch Best Performance on, it runs perfectly smooth. And this is just not in cities, but all over the map.

I've tried playing around with the settings, but it only runs smoothly with Best Performance turned on. I've also updated my driver, and nada.

So my question is, is this just in-game lag for the servers, or can my computer still not support PW perfectly? Thanks. =)
Post edited by Ashtel - Heavens Tear on


  • Cooki - Heavens Tear
    Cooki - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well this game lags for me aswelll
    Unless i have best performance on and i make it so no people show.
    I get this from alot of players who play tho
    But im pretty sure it isnt just that the game is laggy but also the type of cards we have
  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah I agree about the cards, but the card I have supposedly is fairly good to run things like PWI, because when I played PWI on my laptop on low-medium graphic settings, it ran more smoothly than it does now, so I am just curious as to why I'm lagging on everything but best performance on a brand new PC that exceeds my laptop.
  • Cooki - Heavens Tear
    Cooki - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have that same problem.
    My laptop runs more smoothly then my computer does -_-
    although they are both new. Dunno the problem.

    maybe your card is better on the laptop then it is on the PC?
    Or maybe you have more things downloaded or running in the back on your PC then on your laptop.
    It could be a numerous amount of factors that's enabling PWI to run slower or cause more lag
  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My laptop is pretty old and is one of the cheapest, and from what I've gathered it can play these types of games but begins to glitch majorly when I try to set the graphics higher.

    As for background activity, I usually have nothing else running when I play, and right now I'm trying windowed mode to see if it helps but so far, it hasn't. =/
  • Cooki - Heavens Tear
    Cooki - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah windowed mode helps nothing I run mine in windowed aswelll.
    But hmm. I think its just the servers because they are pretty over populated.
    Maybe you should try one of the new servers that will be coming out shortly hopefully tonight. and see if the problem still exist :]
  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    That's a good idea. =) I doubt I will be permanently moving on to them though; I've spent a while in Heaven's Tear with quite a few characters, so it seems rather pointless to start anew yet again.

    But I will check them, just to see whether this lag is just that or my computer is messed somewhere. Thanks for the idea. =)
  • Cooki - Heavens Tear
    Cooki - Heavens Tear Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Your welcome.
    That is what I plan on doing so I thought I would share it with you
    But I might move if I like it even though I am from Las Vegas and not Anywhere near New York :P
  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Oh true, I forgot about the time zone differences on the servers. Another reason why Heaven's Tear is good - fits perfect with PST.
  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Though I'd still like any suggestions for what I can do to resolve this, because the lag is very annoying...and setting it to best performace contradicts the very reason why I bought this PC.
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited March 2009
    Please submit a ticket to technical support. Please include a DxDiag log as well (go to Vista's start menu, type dxdiag.exe in the search menu, run it, and click Save All Information).
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks, will do.
  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I've gone to http://ping.eu/ to check my ping with one of the PWI's IP addresses, and my results come up as this:

    packets transmitted 4
    received 0
    packet loss 100 %
    time 3030 ms

    From what I've heard, the preferred ping time is under 300? D: Can someone please tell me if there is a way to fix this? My internet is completely fine. I've also checked the ping for all the other IP addresses, and they come up as anywhere between 2995-3030.
  • Julyah - Sanctuary
    Julyah - Sanctuary Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    That ping time doesn't matter here as you didn't receive any answer from the destination making the packet loss 100%. The 3030ms time is just there due to timeout.

    You mentioned "all the other IP addresses" by which you mean all the PWI IP's or just random other ones? If every site returns the same but your internet still works the problem must be in your firewall that blocks the pings.

    There must be something with the PWI computers as I have no troubles playing the game and the game itself is very responsive, but still I can't get pings to go through. Pings sent to anywhere else will return an encho as they're supposed to.

    How about your connection to the game? Do you experience lag or something or is it just the ping that bothers you?

    Instead of using an external site to do the pings you could for once try the ping from your command line to see if gives any different outcome. You can do that simply by opening the command line tool and typing "ping 12.123.456.789" where the numbers of course are the IP address you want to ping.
    [Tech Support Junkie]
    Player 1: "I dont believe this is an off-topic worthy thread."
    Player 2: "It's not even worth it for lower depths. What do we do?"
    Player 3: "Delete it?"
    Mod: "Moving this to tech support."
    Sanctuary: Julyah - Venomancer | Tevos - Wizard | Elliana - Archer
  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The other IP addresses that I have tried are all the ones posted for PWI's Heaven's Tear. The main reason why I checked my ping was because my new computer has sudden lag when playing PWI - the only way to make it run smoothly is to have best performance turned on 24/7.

    I've tried inputing the IP addresses into my command bar, but they all show up as "Request Timeout", which is why I turned to the website. What I am looking for is a solution for all this lag that I am experiencing. =/
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited March 2009
    The ping activity is probably normal; my guess is you're hitting our firewalls, which wouldn't be allowing ping requests past them due to the possibility of DDOS attacks.

    The fact that turning on best performance resolves the lag suggests that it's probably a system issue rather than a network issue. Have you tried updating your video drivers?
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yes, I have tried updating my drivers - NVIDIA GeForce from their official site - but the lag issue is still present.

    EDIT: I've checked the Affinity in the Task Manager off to only run on CPU1, as well as downloaded the AMD optimizer suggested by PWI's team. However, the lag is still present and I can detect no change in-game... any other suggestions? =S
  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    So I think I know why my problem is happening...=(
    I did some research on the internet and from what I've found, the GeForce 8200 card is not made for gaming at all... which makes me very depressed, since it is the whole reason I bought this computer. =/

    Thanks for all your help and suggestions.
  • kanigits
    kanigits Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have an Radeon HD 3850 which is overclocked and has AA=2x & AF=4x and I'm still getting pretty choppy animation with little better than an average of 20fps. Guildwars will run at 60fps with all AA=8 & AF=16, plus all the other tweaks like trilinear filtering, adaptive AA, and a whole bunch more.

    Even strictly local games like Doom3, serioussam2, and others are screaming fast in comparison with all options turned way up.

    Personally, I think their graphics engine is just that inefficient.
  • Drazo - Dreamweaver
    Drazo - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    kanigits wrote: »
    Personally, I think their graphics engine is just that inefficient.

    Which reminds me....I think most modern 3D engines process and render only what's going to be drawn on screen and unneeded graphics data get cleared from the memory which greatly increases performace overall for busier worlds. I think some even won't process objects hiding behind other objects, so the renderer focuses on what's visible. PW doesn't seem to do that (ie. crowded areas stay graphically laggy regardless of where you look at) or at least not very well.

    I've noticed PWI eats up more memory than it probably should, and the slight memory leak doesn't help. It needs to flush out data no longer needed from both system memory and graphics memory.
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • EriQween - Lost City
    EriQween - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Does anybody know how to check what your ping is?
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