wow o.o (yes a genie thread :D)

vaganoob Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2009 in General Discussion
im surprised how many people hate genies... i have a lvl 66 venomancer, who had over 1.2 million spirit, i spent every bit of that spirit(yes down to 0) to level my genie up to my level and learn it skills. i personnaly dont see why so many people hates genies so much. if you level it... even JUST ENOUGH to use the skills you NEED, even for level 1 skills, they can be helpful. my genie has the following attacks:

Holy Path level 8: Increased the movement speed of yourself and your allies withen 10 meters to the max for 5.4 seconds.
Why i use it: to get away from mobs when im close to dieing for some reason, or in PVP for running away from another player.

Celestial Sword level 9: Forms a magic blade out of pure chi to attack the target. Causes 543.9 phsyical damage with 100% accuracy.(causes double dapage very close up)
Why i use it: it does deent damage, about the same as my pet right now, or even more close up, its also good for PVP with a 30 meter range, and when fighting magic users, i can do good damage.

Explosion level 10: Causes 391.3 fire damage to the target and all surrounding enemies.
Why i use it: its a good skill to have when helping lower level people, or attracting aggro from someone else, which i tend to do to help them, i wouldnt reccomend this skill to anyone who wants a full on attack or support genie, i have it to have basicly lol.

Tree of protection level 4: Summons a tree of protection. increases Max HP by 30% for 5 seconds and restores full HP every 3 seconds for 6 seconds.
Why i use it: well i could do without the max HP increase part, but the health recovery is amazing on it, it has saved my life a few times now being able to be used at any moment. this is my most often used skill lol.

Qi Manipulation level 9: Reduces the targets MP by 550 over 15 seconds.
Why i use it: well obviously its a PVP skill, and rather useless against other magic users(unless they have like no MP left lol), but use it against a barb, a BM, or maybe even a archer sometimes, and they can be pretty messed up in there battle plan. venos run alot in PVP most of the time, or tank with bramble hood, but the MP lowering that fast on them i find extreamly helpful.

i have set up my genie skills to fit my battle style, i would think holy path, and tree of protection, MAYBE even celestial sword, would be useful for barbs, archers, anyclass really, mostly the tankers(barb and BM).

THIS IS ALL MY OPINION, i find them to be very helpful WHEN USED RIGHT. But i dont think that if you dont like the genies, find them a waste, THEN DONT POST ABOUT HATING THEM... post about possible improvements for them or somthing... what i hate though is when someone messes up on the genie, such as using all there spirit, or EXP on it to level it... i find it worth it, others will find it not worth it, but dont complain about it... genies are not useless like some say. there will be atleast one skill, that is helpful to everyone in one way or another, weither it be attacking, healing, running, i dunno. but please stop the bashing and flaming on genies just because you dont like them or "wasted" your exp or spirit on them... it gets old, fast, if you dont like genies, dont get them, simple as that...

sorry this post was long and probly boring, but i wanted to get my opinion out, so goodluck and goodbye everyone. b:bye
Post edited by vaganoob on


  • Namidatears - Harshlands
    Namidatears - Harshlands Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Cool post vaganoob..much people says hate genies....I said...they dont know how to use well.
    By the way for this people...genies come to support us,not for doing our job XD

    Tree of protection me a few times when im distracting in fb,lol.
    =Palynzer= b:bye
  • Xhinzo - Harshlands
    Xhinzo - Harshlands Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So far I find the damage skills to be underwhelming. They cost too much for too little. Someone will say, oh you just want a OHKO skill, but that is an extremist rebuttal. I guess the verdict on the damage rest in the hands of the high level players with high level genies but to me, I find the damage skills to be on the downside of the equation.

    On the other hand, the buff and debuff skills are very good. Some of them have gained great popularity. A quick read of the major genie post across the class discussion sections show a general acceptance of roughly 4 skills.

    This creates a point of discussion. Of an entire skill tree, roughly 4 skills have actual value to most classes. From reading all of the class discussion post on genies, the one class that actually has different options for skills are the barbarians due to their high HP and solid physical defense.

    So to the player base:

    1) Do you think the damage skills need a power boost to make them more attractive?

    2) Are you happy with your class specific skills?

    3) How have genies affected your:
    a) PvE experience?
    b) PvP experience?
  • Namidatears - Harshlands
    Namidatears - Harshlands Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So to the player base:

    1) Do you think the damage skills need a power boost to make them more attractive?

    2) Are you happy with your class specific skills?

    1)You right..damage skills dont deal much I say before...genies are support...dont do our jobs XD.

    2)I dont have Hollow fist yet...metal damage + bleeding,sounds good to me.
    =Palynzer= b:bye
  • Axemanek - Heavens Tear
    Axemanek - Heavens Tear Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Great post! It's nice to see positive points about genies instead of flooding the forums with negatives
    I Want To Eat Estasi & Send Her Into Extasy!! b:victory

    May The Force Not Be With You!
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Glad to see someone actually posting about liking them. b:thanks Also, your skills are pretty interesting... I messed up with my Genie, so my current skills are flying speed increase, air stun, and anti-stun, made to help me survive in PvP longer.
  • Nereila - Heavens Tear
    Nereila - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think some people are ignoring any damage skills just because they don't do alot of damage.

    I'm looking forward to trying the dd skill Impact. It's cheap (only uses 50 sta), lowers defense and has a shorter cool than the only other -defense skill I could find. o.o Still need 2 more affinity points though. I just had to try wind shield first. b:surrender
  • Xhinzo - Harshlands
    Xhinzo - Harshlands Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You see that is precisely my point. The DD skills have no ooomph. Thats a significant proportion of the skill tree that is being left out.

    If you take a look at all the genie post the only skills anyone is taking serious are:

    extreme poison

    tree of protection

    relentless courage


    A few other skills have been mentioned in between e.g. piercing flame and reflect aura but only as by the way skills.

    Thats a gransd total of 4 skills out of an entire table that everyone is so far in agreement as to their usefulness and all the classes are using some variation of this skill set!

    This is not so much a complaint as it is just a plain observation since apparently the internet laws changed and making any sort of observation immediately is considered a qq.

    I am making the observation that based on forum post, my personal experience so far, faction members chat conversations and random people I encounter in game that the damage skills e.g. the fire line of skills etc. are simply being ignored because their damage is too low.

    Other skills are also being ignored because their degree of usefulness for a particular class is low and in some instances the class specific skills are of no real use to the class. As an example the wizard specific skills make no real impact on a wizard.

    I also asked question 3 in a manner to ascertain how people felt the genies ala new skills were impacting their play experience. So far most people agree (based on post in other threads) from a PvE perspective the stamina cost are too high esp for new players to be used seriously. In addition the dmage skills (once again) are of little help in PvE.
    PvP wise many posters are saying some of the skills (once again mostly the 4 I name at the beginning of this post) are extremely useful however with the exception of tree of protection/perdition charges the impact has not been to the extent that PvP is now more interesting. Of course we need more time to see how it turns out.

    Be clear that I am not against the genies but clearly some adjustments need to be made to these skills to really sell genies to players. 4 skills out of a possible 30+ is not good enough to justify an entire expansion.

    Your thoughts.....!?!?
  • Klutzo - Heavens Tear
    Klutzo - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You see that is precisely my point. The DD skills have no ooomph. Thats a significant proportion of the skill tree that is being left out.

    If you take a look at all the genie post the only skills anyone is taking serious are:

    extreme poison

    tree of protection

    relentless courage


    A few other skills have been mentioned in between e.g. piercing flame and reflect aura but only as by the way skills.

    Thats a gransd total of 4 skills out of an entire table that everyone is so far in agreement as to their usefulness and all the classes are using some variation of this skill set!

    This is not so much a complaint as it is just a plain observation since apparently the internet laws changed and making any sort of observation immediately is considered a qq.

    I am making the observation that based on forum post, my personal experience so far, faction members chat conversations and random people I encounter in game that the damage skills e.g. the fire line of skills etc. are simply being ignored because their damage is too low.

    Other skills are also being ignored because their degree of usefulness for a particular class is low and in some instances the class specific skills are of no real use to the class. As an example the wizard specific skills make no real impact on a wizard.

    I also asked question 3 in a manner to ascertain how people felt the genies ala new skills were impacting their play experience. So far most people agree (based on post in other threads) from a PvE perspective the stamina cost are too high esp for new players to be used seriously. In addition the dmage skills (once again) are of little help in PvE.
    PvP wise many posters are saying some of the skills (once again mostly the 4 I name at the beginning of this post) are extremely useful however with the exception of tree of protection/perdition charges the impact has not been to the extent that PvP is now more interesting. Of course we need more time to see how it turns out.

    Be clear that I am not against the genies but clearly some adjustments need to be made to these skills to really sell genies to players. 4 skills out of a possible 30+ is not good enough to justify an entire expansion.

    Your thoughts.....!?!?

    yeah i agree with you there, so many skills can be helpful, but when just 1 skill is out of place or somthing, people will freek out, or something, it annoys me when that happens..... they dont look at the majority of the abilities, just the few that arnt good...
    "opinions are strong, and can be changed, but it can never be destroyed." -Klutzo
  • Davitiel - Heavens Tear
    Davitiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Finally, a positive thread about the genies!
    Many people are complaning that they overpower classes but genies are for everyone and its up to the person to find their usefulness. My genie has the Blade of Supreme Heat since it lowers metal defense by 20% and can be used while im charging attacks. She also has Holy Path, a useful skill to run away from the enemy or to get in range for an emergency healing situation. Another skill that I gave it was Earthquake since I've always wanted a knockback skill. And the Relentless Spirit since it has 30% more movement speed and -7% channeling. Im still pondering about which skills I should get, I was thinking Tree of Protection but I can already heal myself. Wind Shield seems like a good option. Can it be stacked with Plume Shell? Genie skills are very useful and besides, the genies are already there so lets enjoy them.

    Ohh, by the way, my zeal genie is called Dawn, she's the genie of the morning sun.b:victory
    And no you can't name them in game :P.
    And now faith, hope, and charity remain; but the greatest of these is charity.
  • mistigrikitty
    mistigrikitty Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    At 1st.. I did hold a furious grunge about the Genie.... 'cause..

    I am level 67 Venom, cannot play very often and 2 weeks am level 67...
    I used 2 of the thingie the NPC gives..
    I used 200k SP ( which was 1/2 of my SP)
    I used 25% of my EXP ( which had took me 1 week to get)

    And after all that.... my Genie was only level 37.... and I had selected Healing...( which doesn't heal) A AOE fire cast ( which was only DD ofr 6 points.. YEAH)... and the initial poison ( I had an infliction genie)

    So yes.. I was pretty pissed.... but then.. I sat down.. read alot of post.. read of lot of skills.. and took another 100k SP and a little bit of exp.. raised her to 40 ( to give me wider choice of skills)... even though the loss of exp and sp hurt me ROFL.... I am now in peace with my Genie.. I still think it cost too much to level them... but at least I am in peace...

    I now use:
    Tree of Protection .. which saved my **** more than once :)
    Tangling (whatever it called) .. which is AOE slow speed and reduce physical
    And Leaf dance.. which gives me an extra AOE dam....

    But eventually... I wanna mostly use the "benefit" line .. like winged shield and stuff like that...

    Anyway.. that's my 2 cents :)
  • Klutzo - Heavens Tear
    Klutzo - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    thank you everyone for posting your opinion in this thread :D

    i expected to be flamed like crazy after i posted it lol.


    (PS im vaganoob, duno if it changed on the fourms when i changed my avatar)
    "opinions are strong, and can be changed, but it can never be destroyed." -Klutzo
  • Suazku - Heavens Tear
    Suazku - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    my opinion of the genies.. at my lvl.. i just love having a little blue thing hovering over me :>