Armagedon Gank

Arliana - Dreamweaver
Arliana - Dreamweaver Posts: 410 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Tideswell (East)
Wow. Calamity and Equinox both attacking Armagedon at same time. Crusaders are ignore cause... wtv.

Massive gank lol, 5 tws eesh.
Post edited by Arliana - Dreamweaver on


  • Grox - Dreamweaver
    Grox - Dreamweaver Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I shall live and die with my brothers.

    As my fellow Armagedon mates say 'BRING IT ON!!!!'
  • Critikal - Dreamweaver
    Critikal - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i come play at DW server here and there, though its not my main server i have spent some time on it (a lvl 37 barb) though i keep up to date with tw here and Harshlands , but wasn't equinox ganked aswell? and survived all 3 attacks? what makes this different, so i think its possible for armageddon to aswell. Eventually every top faction will be getting attacked by multiple factions, in Enrage at HT they get attacked by 6+ factions at least every weekend and same with Nefarious in Sanctuary and thats mininum though i have seen 10+ attacks. If you want to be at the top, you must prove it, its not given you.

    equinox did it, now well see if armageddon can, and as i see the TW map the only other big faction is calimity, though it will eventually come to them aswell sooner or later. Welcome to Territory Wars. From what i know Top factions will always be Attacked wether they're respected or hated simply cus territory wars is all about taking/losing land its one or the other, problem is people take it personal, while others are just playing the game .. after all thats what it is right? lol
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i come play at DW server here and there, though its not my main server i have spent some time on it (a lvl 37 barb) though i keep up to date with tw here and Harshlands , but wasn't equinox ganked aswell? and survived all 3 attacks? what makes this different, so i think its possible for armageddon to aswell. Eventually every top faction will be getting attacked by multiple factions, in Enrage at HT they get attacked by 6+ factions at least every weekend and same with Nefarious in Sanctuary and thats mininum though i have seen 10+ attacks. If you want to be at the top, you must prove it, its not given you.

    equinox did it, now well see if armageddon can, and as i see the TW map the only other big faction is calimity, though it will eventually come to them aswell sooner or later. Welcome to Territory Wars

    Yeah, they were in the same situation... Immortal broke the alliance and ganked EQ with ENVY and Titans and EQ manages to survive. This doesn't really make Aramgedon's situation that much different...but EQ and Calamity are stronger than Immortal and Titans were at the time, but I still think Armagedon has a very good chance of fending everybody off.

    I personally am rooting for Armagedon to win. I am happy as long as I get a good, long fight, but who knows.

    And yes, welcome to Territory will only get more interesting from here. b:shocked
  • Olee - Dreamweaver
    Olee - Dreamweaver Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    well I think armagedon got a so hard week. because hey guys lets be serious its equinox and calamity, not titans and inmortal, Im not saying titans and inmortal are bad, but calamity and equinox are more strongs, we will see what arma does in this battle and im sure they will learn and have fun for sure.

    And so renember TW is a long race, things change a lot in a week ...

    Cu Oleeb:bye
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    well I think armagedon got a so hard week. because hey guys lets be serious its equinox and calamity, not titans and inmortal, Im not saying titans and inmortal are bad, but calamity and equinox are more strongs, we will see what arma does in this battle and im sure they will learn and have fun for sure.

    And so renember TW is a long race, things change a lot in a week ...

    Cu Oleeb:bye

    What I stated above lol. Two top guilds going against the 3rd one; if Arma manages to defend them all and pull it off, then it'll be worth all this talk in the end. And yes, Arma will learn a lot from this weekend and it'll be fun anyway, unless some of them decide to take this game too seriously.

    I personally am rooting for Armagedon and can't wait to see them in TW tomorrow. b:cute
  • Papa_bear - Dreamweaver
    Papa_bear - Dreamweaver Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    equinox did it, now well see if armageddon can, and as i see the TW map the only other big faction is calimity, though it will eventually come to them aswell sooner or later. Welcome to Territory Wars. From what i know Top factions will always be Attacked wether they're respected or hated simply cus territory wars is all about taking/losing land its one or the other, problem is people take it personal, while others are just playing the game .. after all thats what it is right? lol

    Equinox did it because they were starting to get bloodpact and had some of their decent members. It also helped they were fighting against ENVY.

    This is different because Armageddon is going to be going up against good factions and may or may not lose at least 1-2 territory this week.
    Executor of Dominion

    Papa "Papi" Bear 6x barb of lovin's O_O
    ImaDUDEirl - veno
  • Magicz - Dreamweaver
    Magicz - Dreamweaver Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Equinox did it because they were starting to get bloodpact and had some of their decent members. It also helped they were fighting against ENVY.

    This is different because Armageddon is going to be going up against good factions and may or may not lose at least 1-2 territory this week.

    Actually I don't think anyone from BP could fight in TW because of the 100 hour delay... I wish I could be attacked because I never get TW. Anyways GL to Armagedon b:bye
    Member of Dynasty! BTW RBorn died b:sad

    ARCANE b:dirty > LIGHT b:surrender!!! b:angry b:angry b:angry

    Current Goal: SPAM teh_fishey!

    Highest PvE Attack: 22k on FB59 Drake Boss, non-sparked, non-critted, BM dragon, Veno Amped debuffed Sandstorm, lvl 62 Attack, ARCANE FTW!!! b:dirty
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Actually I don't think anyone from BP could fight in TW because of the 100 hour delay... I wish I could be attacked because I never get TW. Anyways GL to Armagedon b:bye

    As a matter of fact, no one from BP did fight that day due to the 100 hour rule. It was only the members that were originally in EQ, not the ones that joined from the other guilds.
  • Coldflash - Dreamweaver
    Coldflash - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Honestly I have friends in both equinox and calamity, and people in both I will gladly kill because I don't like them, but more than anything I had heard from a couple people in both factions that we weren't their immediate target, and to find us getting ganked by both of them disapoints me some, but I relish the challenge and can't wait to kill you all b:chuckle
  • Arliana - Dreamweaver
    Arliana - Dreamweaver Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thing is, when equinox got ganked, they got ganked by 3 factions that were weaker than them. This week, armagedon is getting ganked by 2 factions that are equal or stronger than them and a third faction.
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thing is, when equinox got ganked, they got ganked by 3 factions that were weaker than them. This week, armagedon is getting ganked by 2 factions that are equal or stronger than them and a third faction.

    Titans was weaker than EQ, Immortal was about on par with EQ.

    Thing is, this is just a game...yes, I have a few friends in Arma and they're pretty disappointed, but this is just a game. Things like these happen... but I honestly wasn't expecting it this soon.

    I'm in the middle here. I don't care which way it goes; this is a game, this is TW, and TW is all about the land and PvP as Olee put it. **** happens. Look at HT and Sanc for example. People who lead these top factions know that this was coming sooner or later.
  • Junon - Heavens Tear
    Junon - Heavens Tear Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yep, they are cowards. My words here and world chats ruined any chance of TW in the future for me if they take everything over. But oh well. I shall live and die with my brothers.

    Cowards will run and join the enemy. I, I shall fight!

    As my fellow Armagedon mates say 'BRING IT ON!!!!'

    More like you're a crybaby that can't handle being attacked by two big factions. There's nothing cowardly about attacking territories. Get a hold of yourself and realize that TW isn't what Perfect World is all about. You guys participated in TW, so you should have known what the possibilities were.

    This is what TW has always been like, big guilds take over and eventually the weak ones are weeded out of the map. Perfect example is HT's TW situation. But at the same time big guilds run a high risk of breaking apart in the future, because there is always someone who will go on an ego trip and create a leech faction and have people follow them.
  • Critikal - Dreamweaver
    Critikal - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thing is, when equinox got ganked, they got ganked by 3 factions that were weaker than them. This week, armagedon is getting ganked by 2 factions that are equal or stronger than them and a third faction.

    So in other words your saying Ganking is ok aslong as factions dont have a chance to loose territory? thats the equivalent of saying its ok to gank a rich person but not ok to gank a poor person just cause of theyre status,talk about picking sides lol. I agree with Junon TW is not the only thing in PW and if you participate get ready to Win/lose lands thats what TW is all about.
  • Batista - Dreamweaver
    Batista - Dreamweaver Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    The Bottom Line: We will see how Armageddon fares in their multiple TWs. No one disagrees with the fact that the deck is stacked against Armageddon. If Armageddon retains the majority or all of their land, they will likely become the most respected guild on Dreamweaver. If they loose some land, no-one will think any less of them due to the competition they are facing this week. They may loose (or may not loose) land this week but if their members remain under the Armageddon banner, they will be stronger for it.

    Also note, after the initial bidding from EQ and CAL, factions saw an opportunity to add to their portfolio and placed bids on ARMs' other territories. I was suprised at the number of fights ARM would have this week and I wish them well in their TW defending.

    Remember ... If any faction bids on land held by a smaller faction, they are looked down upon by some. If a faction takes the only territory a smaller faction owns, they are looked down upon. Perfect World is a territory possession game which puzzles me why the two above sentences always hold true.

    ARM is having a gut-check week and I wish them the best. As I stated earlier, the deck is stacked against ARM ... When ARM pulls through this, they will have more respect than they had before facing this tough week.
    Batista (85 Cleric) {Semi-Retired Character}
    Venom (55 Venomancer) {Main Character - On Vacation}
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Dreamweaver TW Maps) (Updated 08/28/2010) (Under Major Construction)
  • Sheeeba - Dreamweaver
    Sheeeba - Dreamweaver Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wish i didn't have to work. I wanna be part of the fun. :(

    ::venos kick tail::

    Sheeeba: 8x Venomancer, Hate2Love
    ClericNico: 7x Cleric(Mainly Support), Hate2Love Executor
    _Poe_: 6x Barbarian, Einherjar

    "You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once. If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."
  • ViennaMcFly - Dreamweaver
    ViennaMcFly - Dreamweaver Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ah for me is this unfair, hope Armagedon won't loose to much land, no matter that i have friends in equinox and calamity, such attacks make's Armagedon way more attractive gulid as equinox and calamity. My gaming respect goes to Armagedon, no matter that i don't know almost anyone there :). > Go Spartans < b:victory
  • Arliana - Dreamweaver
    Arliana - Dreamweaver Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thing is, if armagedon can hold out both equinox and calamity tws for 10 minutes, then they win. first 10 minutes is all that matters.
  • Junon - Heavens Tear
    Junon - Heavens Tear Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Lol...Let's not start with these unwritten rules ok? Does TW matter that much to you that now you have to come up with "lol if you dont beat us in 10 mins we win!" for motivation to keep fighting?

    I'm sorry to say, but thinking that way does no good. Just accept the fact that even after 10 mins that you still may lose. You lose TW yes, but from looking at some posts in this thread, you guys will win the respect of others. But coming up with unwritten rules like that makes you look desperate.
  • Arliana - Dreamweaver
    Arliana - Dreamweaver Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    no, crusaders wil wipe in 10 mins. then the rest of the ppl will help defend.
  • Grox - Dreamweaver
    Grox - Dreamweaver Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    More like you're a crybaby that can't handle being attacked by two big factions. There's nothing cowardly about attacking territories. Get a hold of yourself and realize that TW isn't what Perfect World is all about. You guys participated in TW, so you should have known what the possibilities were.

    This is what TW has always been like, big guilds take over and eventually the weak ones are weeded out of the map. Perfect example is HT's TW situation. But at the same time big guilds run a high risk of breaking apart in the future, because there is always someone who will go on an ego trip and create a leech faction and have people follow them.

    How am I crying when I say bring it on? Stop being an arrogant smart* .
  • Junon - Heavens Tear
    Junon - Heavens Tear Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    How am I crying when I say bring it on? Stop being an arrogant smart* .

    Do you read what you post? Seriously.

    The first thing you start off with is insulting the guilds and calling them cowards because they are attacking you. Sounds like crying to me.

    How much sense would it make for me to call you a crybaby on the part where you said bring it on?b:scorn

    Oh and by the way, whats with you guys not showing up at EQ's TW? Poor guys haven't had a decent TW for weeks....b:surrender
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Guys stop the flaming in here.
  • Grox - Dreamweaver
    Grox - Dreamweaver Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Do you read what you post? Seriously.

    The first thing you start off with is insulting the guilds and calling them cowards because they are attacking you. Sounds like crying to me.

    How much sense would it make for me to call you a crybaby on the part where you said bring it on?b:scorn

    Oh and by the way, whats with you guys not showing up at EQ's TW? Poor guys haven't had a decent TW for weeks....b:surrender

    Do you feel proud harrasing me knowing it will get to me? Since i'm a 'crybaby'
    That's disgusting.

    I'm a low level, I don't make those desions. Whats up with forcing us to pick one side or the other to attack? Want a decent fight, then pick a fair fight.

    aryannamage: Sorry if I come off as flaming, or if you think i'm flaming. I don't mean to, and shall remove the part where I call them cowards. I'll leave this thread now as I see you wish me to do so.
  • Arliana - Dreamweaver
    Arliana - Dreamweaver Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ya, the equinox thing was sort of the fault of the team devoted to equinox.... we had barely 90 members for both tws with a roster of over 190... kinda dissapointed that ppl didnt bother showing up on time but oh well.
  • Coldflash - Dreamweaver
    Coldflash - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ya, the equinox thing was sort of the fault of the team devoted to equinox.... we had barely 90 members for both tws with a roster of over 190... kinda dissapointed that ppl didnt bother showing up on time but oh well.

    Don't speak of what you apparently don't understand. We CHOSE not to show up, to try and cut our losses. Unfortuantly we may have underestimated Calamity as well, so we lost to them, but we won't lose so easily next time.

    Now lets end this thread, its done, its over, move on.
  • Papa_bear - Dreamweaver
    Papa_bear - Dreamweaver Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Don't speak of what you apparently don't understand. We CHOSE not to show up, to try and cut our losses. Unfortuantly we may have underestimated Calamity as well, so we lost to them, but we won't lose so easily next time.

    Now lets end this thread, its done, its over, move on.

    hmm yes I'm gonna underestimate a faction that is known to have at least 60+'s on average along with the lower left corner entirely controlled while remaining unchallenged
    Executor of Dominion

    Papa "Papi" Bear 6x barb of lovin's O_O
    ImaDUDEirl - veno
  • Mischa - Dreamweaver
    Mischa - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I love Dreamweaver, cause its made of pure gossip. We survived the 3 way attack of TheTitans, Immortal and ENVY without any BP member, as they still had less than 100 hours. Titans and Immortal were not as powerful level by level like Equinox, but we were all tied in land ownership at that point. and they were all allowed to bring a max of 80/200 to the field, us, we could've only brought 200/3 players per defending team, and I am pretty sure that at that point we didn't had more than even 150 members, maybe 120 online playing those 3 wars.

    I'd go with Coldflash and give merit to Armageddon cause they picked their battles smart, and instead of losing 4 lands, they end this weekend losing 2 and with high chances of getting a new one. In my book -1 of a possible -4 is always a good result. It is still a pity though, that you still chose to not even put in a suicide squad to try and at least make Equinox members waste their charms a bit. I'd love to hear how was calamity underestimated, cause that means, you could've used a better preparation against them, maybe higher levels, maybe more catapults, or maybe just more numbers against them instead of against Crusaders? idk really.

    Just remember, TW is not just those 3 hours you get to protect or drop a crystal. there's a whole bidding process and getting outbid sometimes calls to a tactical review instead of paying more, you got 7 days to see at a map and say HEY!... the 2 most powerful guilds of the server are nearing MY BORDERS and not trying for each other yet, whatsamatter? No need to be allied with anyone to know that before facing the FB boss you need to pull the mobs so they don't gank you. I don't think that either calamity or equinox would like to be attacked by Immortal, Titans, Armageddon or any other TW guild before a big clash (if there's ever any) because it still means you need to deploy squads there, no matter how many high level players you got.

    No other guild in this server had better chances to avoid the full gank, bidding on valkyrie to stay away from lesser dangers like Immortal now (which may also shares borders now, congrats) but still poses a danger. Next week, I wouldn't be surprised if the gank includes Immortal on the great lake (IF Armageddon can beat Bliss on Mother's day), while all the other guilds that bid this week continue to chew into their land. They got a training guild which could've bid in forest of haze to beat the odds for a better TW spread schedule. Bad tactics or TW movement planning of their leaders imo. more than a level by level thing, friends in Calamity admitted that even though short, it was really hard to beat Armageddon. cause they got a great damage output on their wizzie and BM savvy guild. =]
  • Junon - Heavens Tear
    Junon - Heavens Tear Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Do you feel proud harrasing me knowing it will get to me? Since i'm a 'crybaby'
    That's disgusting.

    I'm a low level, I don't make those desions. Whats up with forcing us to pick one side or the other to attack? Want a decent fight, then pick a fair fight.

    aryannamage: Sorry if I come off as flaming, or if you think i'm flaming. I don't mean to, and shall remove the part where I call them cowards. I'll leave this thread now as I see you wish me to do so.

    Actually no, I wasn't expecting it to get to you considering I didn't put much thought into it. I was just calling you out on your insult. If you don't want to be "harrased" by others, then leave the insults out.

    In my opinion there is no such thing as a fair fight in TW because guilds will always have it's advantage or disadvantage over the others. That's why it's always usually one guild dominating almost the whole map. The TW income helps the big guilds greatly to become stronger.
  • Gorsin - Dreamweaver
    Gorsin - Dreamweaver Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    why does everyone care about tw? cant we make factions to do tt and farm fbs? COME ON b:angry

    if you respond to this with "we get money for it" wow i cant say it.
  • pallenmancuso12
    pallenmancuso12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Unfortuantly we may have underestimated Calamity as well, so we lost to them, but we won't lose so easily next time.

    Lol. I would've ended my message with just lol, but 10 character rule wins. b:surrender