"Get over here!" A useful skill for the barbarian

serrat Posts: 31 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Suggestion Box
In PW every class has a way to reach their enemy from a distance, either by ranged attacks or 'teleportation'/dash to get close. On the other hand ranged attackers has ways to keep melee attackers far by either slowing them down or knocking them back.
The only exception on the list is the barbarian.. if his enemy decides to run out of his effective range then nothing will stop him/her.

I presume many ppl are familiar with one of Scorpion's (mortal kombat) special move where he pulls his enemy towards him in a rather violent way.
-Well this would be a perfect skill for the barbarian! It would be the exact opposite of the archer's knockback skill, instead of that he would pull his enemies into his axes with a chain (or whatever extraggerated particle effect) for at least 1-2 attacks' duration.. just like archers.

This would add somethin really neat into the barbarian's rather boring arsenal (he has lotsa hp.. and thats about it)would totally fit to the character of a barbarian, would make grinding somewhat easyer against ranged mobs, and would make the barbarian a pvp capable character, cos now anyone can just outrun him and leave no chance. It shouldnt be overpowered if there was a cooldown timer on it equal to (or more than) archer's knockback skill.
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  • CornHilario - Heavens Tear
    CornHilario - Heavens Tear Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    serrat wrote: »
    It shouldnt be overpowered if there was a cooldown timer on it equal to (or more than) archer's knockback skill.

    2 things:

    1. cool idea sota, but may be overpowered because...(see 2nd thing)
    2. archer knockback DOES NOT work in pvp
    One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them

    MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.

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  • Osiris - Dreamweaver
    Osiris - Dreamweaver Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You will never see a spell like this work in PvP because of the fact that each spell that moves a player character somewhere brings the chance that your target gets stuck on the terrain.
    The idea is not bad but will never be realized, sry.
  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Heya ^_^,

    There re skill like this in other games and work perfect in PVP, i dont see the problem with implement something like that b:cute

    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • Belokk - Sanctuary
    Belokk - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    how about a charge ability where we run at mount speed and knock anything in our way to the floor this could interupt casting and stuff like that :P
  • Mightking - Lost City
    Mightking - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I like these ideas mainly because most classes do get out of range and are realy hard to keep up with out of tiger form. I think it would be able to work
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    make wiz/archer knock back work then sure

    on the other hand................................................ you guys already run fast
  • Saomuel - Dreamweaver
    Saomuel - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I don't know too much about barbarians, but I know they run fast on tiger form. Also, the tiger have more HP and defense. I think that is the way to get closer to ranged foes. Tigers are hard to kite and, if attacker doesn't kite you, i think you can take the damage until you get closer. Once you get the enemy, **** him.

    As the boosted HP / Def is not enough, you can have too the Ironheart Blessing by an cleric. If well made, you can be virtually immortal.