In Game House?

Agravain - Heavens Tear
Posts: 271 Arc User
Ok so it appears that the Chinese version has implemented the housing system:

When will this come to PWi?
Everyone, demand this now... call your GM and beg, get on one knee, threaten, bribe, riot in the streets of arch. Picket with signs "WE WANT HOUSES" "TIRED OF SLEEPING ON THE STREETS", Lure aoe bosses to GMs. lol heh :P
b:victory b:victory

When will this come to PWi?
Everyone, demand this now... call your GM and beg, get on one knee, threaten, bribe, riot in the streets of arch. Picket with signs "WE WANT HOUSES" "TIRED OF SLEEPING ON THE STREETS", Lure aoe bosses to GMs. lol heh :P
b:victory b:victory
Post edited by Agravain - Heavens Tear on
*elbows GM in ribs* if people pay hundreds of rl $ for armor and pets they will pay thousands for a house... ok I dont have a thousand to burn but would totally be worth it... come on GMs, get with the program... lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
You might want to have researched this a bit more. The housing system was for the Pay 2 Play service.
Now I ask you this, why would they implement this system on the Free 2 Play service.
I am not a Network Guru so I don't understand server requirements and the such but the only MMO's that I have played on that had housing were all Pay2Play. So, unless you are willing to start paying money for housing and PWI is ready to lose thousands of clients I am willing to bet all my chips that it will never come to Free2Play.
On a side note about the Pay2Play version back in the day. I am trying to picture all the housing in PWI. The land just seems to small to accomodate the gross population that is enrolled into the game. I remember other MMO's that I played on had multiple lands so things really never got cluttered.tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.0 -
I just dont understand why the house has to be a real place on the mapb:question
Dont you guys find strange that you put an item in your safe in Archo for instance and you can retreive it anywhere you find a banker?
I dont see the difference with housing, you can have an NPC in front of house in every city/town. This NPC could be your housekeeper or butler.0 -
Nothing in game would require someone to purchase a house so it wouldn't compromise the free-to-play system. It would only enhance the game for those willing to shell out the coin. And it could/should allow friends to visit other players houses so even non-paying players would benefit.
Your question is pedantic. I loath you... lol jk... I had to try my hand at flaming.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Oh and housing is probably a separate instance you enter and can edit your entire map, not a section of the world map.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
While it is a great idea, and probably would be great for them money wise.
Think of all the work they would have to do, think of everything they would have to implement. (This means new quests/old quests get housing rewards) You just have to think, in a free to play game, why spend all the extra work when "customers" (their gaming population) are pretty much already happy?
You will only find housing on pay-to-play games, and most pay-to-play don't even have housing because there is a science to it, and it takes a LOT of work.0 -
Perhaps I should have mentioned, all dissenters will be put on my pk list and will be flamed on a regular basis. b:laugh
The system has already been made, unless you haven't seen the link to the youtube video i posted at the top of the thread. They just need to tweak and translate it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Crucifix - Harshlands wrote: »
You will only find housing on pay-to-play games, and most pay-to-play don't even have housing because there is a science to it, and it takes a LOT of work.
There are other free to play games with housing.
I mean, you can make this a cash shop item. More money for PWI, which is better for everybody.0 -
Granrey - Sanctuary wrote: »There are other free to play games with housing.
I mean, you can make this a cash shop item. More money for PWI, which is better for everybody.
Not "good" housing, or everyone would be all over THAT.
To end the discussion, I remember a GM stating housing will NEVER come to PWI.0 -
Kinda the same subject but not quite...
I think the idea for a faction hall would be kinda cool. Just have a faction hall npc you visit and treat it as an instance. A handful of npcs )merchant, guild bank and/or bank, TP or even a way to chose which guild hall npc you go to when you leave, and a way to enter a TW so you can gather in your guild hall as opposed to a TP where such a group could cause a lot of lag.0 -
Crucifix - Harshlands wrote: »Not "good" housing, or everyone would be all over THAT.
To end the discussion, I remember a GM stating housing will NEVER come to PWI.
you have been put on the top of my list b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
from wat i have seen about this housing system, it seems very possible.
yes a GM could have said that it wasnt going to happen , but just think of the profit. if people in the game pay $60 to get married, and a lot more for the newest fashions, y not for the housing system? ( of course the gold exchange would still take a roll, so you could just use your in game coin to buy your house) some people in the world have money to throw around, and they would if this feature came to the free-2-play servers. to end your pedantic statement if the GM's were smart, they would add this feature, not only would it reduce the # of people playing on the normal servers ( because a lot would be customizing their homes) it would raise the # of players ( people love to personalize things) also a lot more people would be going to target to get their pre-payed cards to get gold to buy a house with endless features. the video obviously shows it is possible, you see it to believe it, that is on the Malaysian server, free-2-play as well. y so many questions? its possible, it is made into an instance so no enlarging the PWI map. and the whole basis of this game is to show off, or alot of it is, if you could show off a house that u built with your money, and made it look like..oh idk...a volcano then you would show it off. main point people love to show off creativity, and personality. it would be like the sims except you cant control everyone else, and no more making sure your character takes a shower, or uses the bathroom. just a house and clothes and friends. seems fun, why not?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Felina - Heavens Tear wrote: »from wat i have seen about this housing system, it seems very possible.
yes a GM could have said that it wasnt going to happen , but just think of the profit. if people in the game pay $60 to get married, and a lot more for the newest fashions, y not for the housing system? ( of course the gold exchange would still take a roll, so you could just use your in game coin to buy your house) some people in the U.S have money to throw around, and they would if this feature came to the free-2-play servers. to end your pedantic statement if the GM's were smart, they would add this feature, not only would it reduce the # of people playing on the normal servers ( because a lot would be customizing their homes) it would raise the # of players ( people love to personalize things) also a lot more people would be going to target to get their pre-payed cards to get gold to buy a house with endless features. the video obviously shows it is possible, you see it to believe it, that is on the Malaysian server, free-2-play as well. y so many questions? its possible, it is made into an instance so no enlarging the PWI map. and the whole basis of this game is to show off, or alot of it is, if you could show off a house that u built with your money, and made it look like..oh idk...a volcano then you would show it off. main point people love to show off creativity, and personality. it would be like the sims except you cant control everyone else, and no more making sure your character takes a shower, or uses the bathroom. just a house and clothes and friends. seems fun, why not?
The one simple problem, server load.
Imagine archosaur with all the cat-shops and people, THEN imagine what it would be like with houses everywhere, even if they were "instances", this still puts load on the server.
This means PWI (The company which they run the game), would have to upgrade servers, and spend LOTS of money just to add a couple features that may or may not be popular.
If I was in the situation or scenario that my customers, (Or game players, which ever you prefer) wanted this feature, it would be a huge gamble to whether or not it would be successful.0 -
it has a high chance of being successful. this game has been known for how much you can personalize, so in saying that most people would want to (like i said before) show off.
i see what you are saying, and yes there would be necessary for a server upgrade, but imagine how much money this would bring in, people buy mounts, clothes, even marriage( and marriage most of the times ends up with the 2 million dollar divorce ) but people do it anyway.
i know if PWI did have this feature i would be one of the first to buy. ^^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
played 2 MMO whit houses that had no problems and were free to play....
I like ideia of houses....0 -
Wow! This housing thing looks great, it reminds me of the Simsb:chuckle.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
And now faith, hope, and charity remain; but the greatest of these is charity.0 -
JhonCofe - Heavens Tear wrote: »played 2 MMO whit houses that had no problems and were free to play....
I like ideia of houses....
I have as well, one where you buy pre-made houses.
And one where you pay-to-play to build 2 Dimensional houses.
Now think of making a 3D house, fully operational, with customizations with fences, windows, furniture, ect.
That is a huge step from buying a pre-made house, like something in Archosaur, or making a fully operating house on the rocky cliffs above the Tai Chi Shore.
With that example I just made, you then think about how much works goes in to depth, height, we go in to the whole map needs a grid to show which land can be bought and used. We go in to should pillars be able to be made on slopes, if so, How far and what kind of slope? How do we deal with neighboring houses? Ect.
Even with instance type housing, it'd be a major flop because what's the point of an instance house if people can't fly over it on their way to questing and be like "Oh that must be BlahBlah's mansion, "0 -
i might also add, most un-answered questions should go to the link and look at the youtube video comments, interesting what they say.
i really hope this idea takes off...
*eyes get big and irresistible* GM's plz think about it b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
It would be a tactical error not to implement it.
if they need money for it they could simply put cash shop items in the boutique for "Special" furniture.
Get with it
_Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary wrote: »It would be a tactical error not to implement it.
if they need money for it they could simply put cash shop items in the boutique for "Special" furniture.
Get with it xD
Or it would be a huge gamble where they lose a load of money and have to shut down the company.
Been there, seen it happen.
And as nice as housing would be, it will never be implemented, ever, never, they already stated it.
Get with it.0 -
I would prefer devs and GMs spend time on game development that enhances actual game play. Once you have a house I'm sure it's nice, but what do you do with it? It doesn't help you quest or level. It just sits there. You get no experience from it. So you have your friends come over? Big deal. Like you can't talk in other places on the game. It seems to me that for the amount of time needed to dev and maintain housing it would be better served to continue adding expansions for higher levels, enhance mid level leveling so there is less grinding, etc. These would generate more interest in the game and keep people occupied and playing which is a constant flow of revenue.
Lastly if it is F2P I would think you would be ostracizing the people who play for free quite a bit more then just fashion or mounts do. It would be like saying the time expansion was only for P2P.0 -
Crucifix - Harshlands wrote: »Or it would be a huge gamble where they lose a load of money and have to shut down the company.
Been there, seen it happen.
And as nice as housing would be, it will never be implemented, ever, never, they already stated it.
Get with it.
b:angry *bans Crucifix from thread for not 100% agreeing* b:angry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
id rather they hurry up and make the wardrobe and cupboard available.0
Seraph - Dreamweaver wrote: »Kinda the same subject but not quite...
I think the idea for a faction hall would be kinda cool. Just have a faction hall npc you visit and treat it as an instance. A handful of npcs )merchant, guild bank and/or bank, TP or even a way to chose which guild hall npc you go to when you leave, and a way to enter a TW so you can gather in your guild hall as opposed to a TP where such a group could cause a lot of lag.
I'm not sure if I'd spend coin/gold on a house - I like the Playing part of the game more than doing something like that.
But I adore this Faction Hall idea. Especially if there was a Guild Bank NPC. It would be a nice way to store coins towards upgrades and Mats/Pots to be distributed among membersIt would have to have some kind of security code, of course, to keep people from just running in and grabbing everything, but it would be most helpful indeed ^x^
Harshlands || Lareish (Wz), Enraged Executor || AKA Howl Leader Garmr
~~ ~~~ The semi-sane, optimistic cynic with a light heart. ~~~ ~~0 -
Would there be added server load?
Yes. but the load could be passed to a separate, housing only server... probably... unless their programmers haven't figured this out. Housing would not affect player stats, level, or anything else dealing with gameplay therefore the primary server would need to handle virtually nothing. It would actually lighten server load on the primaries since many players would be in their house instances and not in world.
But they said the will NEVER implement houses!
So!? They also said that charm packs were permanent. They have the right to change their minds. It is our job to give them cause to change it. So I am calling for an worldwide sit-down in Perfect World. Everyone sit down.... now. Ok we sure showed them... um... wait... that mob didn't get the memo... GM can I get a rez?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I like the idea of Faction Halls too. Even if they don't make the player house system, a customizable Faction Hall would be absolutely awesome. It is ridiculous that they dismiss this idea. They wouldn't have to charge a monthly fee as has been suggested in past threads. They would merely sell the housing items in the mall same as any other item, or perhaps in a separate housing boutique. The hall would not appear in world. It would be a separate instance same as FB caves, TTs, etc. The idea is sound, profitable, and popular, but the choice is left to execs who probably don't play, don't understand the average MMO player, and would probably not approve a gamble like this. It's too bad really. The system has been made. It totally exists. But we the players will likely never see it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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