Few questions...

How_for_shot - Sanctuary
How_for_shot - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Venomancer
Well I'm a level 50 LA veno and I'm thinking of restatting to a pure magic build. Should I do this? And if I should how muc would it cost?

Another question, I was planning to save up money for a herc but I'm always spending it on skills. Some people said that I should just level and money wont be a problem. So should I just spend my money on skills and level or just save it for a herc?

Thanks in advanced for anyone who is willing to help. :)
Post edited by How_for_shot - Sanctuary on


  • Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear
    Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear Posts: 998 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I haven't upgraded my skills for a while, because I'm saving for a mount. I have maxed venomous and ironwood scarab, bramble guard for squads, and foxform for running away from melee mobs^^ I don't have any problems with it... and yes, it definately saves money if you stop upgrading your skills Oo

    I guess as long as you get along with your build (whichever it is) you shouldn't restat; only if you completely messed it up^^

    Thanks to Torhn for coloring!
  • How_for_shot - Sanctuary
    How_for_shot - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well, what i wanted to say about the 2 builds is the damage. Is it worth restatting to pure magic?
  • Annondae - Sanctuary
    Annondae - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well, what i wanted to say about the 2 builds is the damage. Is it worth restatting to pure magic?

    I can't help you with damage calculations, but I can tell you this: I half-restatted from LA build to Full Mag build today ( "Half" because I left my 50 Dex in for the crits - may or may not restat those, too, but the crits I hit are yummy, it's a little experiment for a few levels ) and I'm now "forced" to upgrade my golem's skills if I want to continue the way I've gone as a LA Veno - which was basically "nuke from orbit until mob is dead".

    Damage output has gone up enough that I'm now taking aggro away from my golem every. single. fight. It's rather annoying, actually, and I didn't even restat fully! On the other hand, the mobs die faster, but I now have to live with the fact that while I rarely got hit during a mob fight before, I now get hit almost every fight. So if you're planning on saving up for a Herc, keep in mind that restatting to Full Mag most likely means having to upgrade your [insert pet here]'s skills in order for it to function as a viable tank for a FM veno.

    Also, later on, especially if you're getting a Herc and plan on tanking bosses, Pet Heal will definitely be an issue, and FM venos have better heals than LA ones.
  • Agravain - Heavens Tear
    Agravain - Heavens Tear Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    They always say that if you reach high level the money will flow ez. Unfortunately, the level necessary to get ez gold keeps growing too. Always seems out of my reach. I prescribed to the belief - get herc now, pay off with its famous wealth gathering abilities. I am 100% happy with my herc but it hasn't really make me rich over night. My veno is lvl 73 and the illusive rich levels are just out of my reach. Ok, I can solo the single TT1s and TT2-1 single mode (though a friend has to open 2-1 for me) but there really isn't as much profit in these single mode runs as I had hoped. Now it appears that TT1-2 party is the big purse (possibly 1.5 mil+ with killing all bosses).
    Grinding with my herc can raise 150K per hour. I have yet to see a 200K hour and Im a very efficient grinder. I believe that those who say they grind 200K per hour are related to people who return from Vegas saying they won when they lost 9 out of 10 games.
    With ult sub prices so high (75-80K on HT server now) I am considering going back to my old farming route. Boring as hell, but I can gather enough for about 7 subs per hour (almost half a million worth). Doesn't matter what pet you have or what class you are, if you can gather mid mats (preferably have a fast mount) you can earn 300-500K per hour farming. 3 hours of that and you go crazy though.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Its plenty worth restating, but I dont reccommend throwing it -all- into mag. Add some dex for crits, or vit for survivability, up to you. You should also learn to span the distance between attacks if you go all mag, other wise youll end up stealing aggro resulting in death. No point in going spam crazy, it just makes life harder on you if your pet doesnt have max bash o_o;

    my herc only has level 3 right now, so I make say the word missisipi in my head in between attacks while leveling, it keeps me remembering not to get myself killed lol
  • Succubae - Dreamweaver
    Succubae - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If you want the formula damage, here it is:

    Matk_base = ( 1 + MAG/100 ) * (lvl + MatkEquipment)

    Or check on a simulator what would be your damage, you'll easily see the difference between builds.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Plugging 3 mag per level (light build) vs. 4.5 mag per level (arcane build) into the formula yields:

    Level 20: Arcane has 17.6% more magic attack than light
    Level 40: Arcane has 26.4% more magic attack than light
    Level 60: Arcane has 31.4% more magic attack than light
    Level 80: Arcane has 34.6% more magic attack than light
    Level 100: Arcane has 36.9% more magic attack than light