People oppinion

chaossalim Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)
Hey guys,

Whats up? Im new in this server and to this game... I'm sorry if my english ain't very good because im from holland. Well anyways what i wanted to ask is: What do you guys think about wizards? In like dungeons, pvp, factions etc etc.. I've always been a mage in every other game and I'm planning about making one here too. So I would like to know how you people think about mages.

P.S.: my mage is lvl 20 now:p
Post edited by chaossalim on


  • Alex - Harshlands
    Alex - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Frustrating to level, even more so after 30 when everyone can pk you. Rarely wanted on HH or FB runs, and more frustrating to level.

    But if you can last ti'll 90, you're everyones favorite little weapon of mass destruction. Just make sure you join a guild that understands how important mages are end game and will gear you up and help you get there.
  • chaossalim
    chaossalim Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Frustrating to level, even more so after 30 when everyone can pk you. Rarely wanted on HH or FB runs, and more frustrating to level.

    But if you can last ti'll 90, you're everyones favorite little weapon of mass destruction. Just make sure you join a guild that understands how important mages are end game and will gear you up and help you get there.

    Hahaha Thanks for the information:P! Doesn't look like mages are too good in this game till they reach high lvl!
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You've got a ways to go before you're gonna be considered a "powerhouse"

    Also, get used to dying VERY quickly, until you're 90 or so.

    It's tough, but it's rewarding from what I've heard. Good luck. :D
  • chaossalim
    chaossalim Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You've got a ways to go before you're gonna be considered a "powerhouse"

    Also, get used to dying VERY quickly, until you're 90 or so.

    It's tough, but it's rewarding from what I've heard. Good luck. :D

    Aaah that's good to hear. In most games mages are easy to kill but at high lvl they do get very strong.
  • Lareish - Harshlands
    Lareish - Harshlands Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I've decided to go the Mage route myself. I like how the class works better than the other two I tried out (Venomancer and Cleric), though I did enjoy Cleric as well. I just balk at having only one elemental attack type, and spamming heal for the rest of my PWI future just didn't appeal to me.

    This server has very, very few Mages. And for good reason: PvP. As a one-shot to everyone else, we don't stand much of a chance on our own. I'll soon be finding out just how hard it is as I'm at level 23. But I'm in a guild that treats me well, so I'm not too nervous about crossing the PvP threshhold soon. Plus, I like the idea of playing the most challenging class on the server. I'll level slowly, and it'll be painful, but in the end I can be satisfied that I reached endgame through hard work.
    Harshlands || Lareish (Wz), Enraged Executor || AKA Howl Leader Garmr

    ~~ ~~~ The semi-sane, optimistic cynic with a light heart. ~~~ ~~
  • chaossalim
    chaossalim Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I've decided to go the Mage route myself. I like how the class works better than the other two I tried out (Venomancer and Cleric), though I did enjoy Cleric as well. I just balk at having only one elemental attack type, and spamming heal for the rest of my PWI future just didn't appeal to me.

    This server has very, very few Mages. And for good reason: PvP. As a one-shot to everyone else, we don't stand much of a chance on our own. I'll soon be finding out just how hard it is as I'm at level 23. But I'm in a guild that treats me well, so I'm not too nervous about crossing the PvP threshhold soon. Plus, I like the idea of playing the most challenging class on the server. I'll level slowly, and it'll be painful, but in the end I can be satisfied that I reached endgame through hard work.

    Nice words! I couldn't agree more..
  • Free - Harshlands
    Free - Harshlands Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I cant really say something about leveling a mage, since i never played one. But if u grind ur way up, ur absolutely needed in TW, since mages eat catapullers for breakfast :)
  • chaossalim
    chaossalim Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I cant really say something about leveling a mage, since i never played one. But if u grind ur way up, ur absolutely needed in TW, since mages eat catapullers for breakfast :)

    Hahaha cool:P. Which character do you play?
  • Free - Harshlands
    Free - Harshlands Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    the catapuller >< barb
  • chaossalim
    chaossalim Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    OOOh Btw is this game money-driven? I mean like you have to pay real cash too own?
  • Magicz - Dreamweaver
    Magicz - Dreamweaver Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    chaossalim wrote: »
    OOOh Btw is this game money-driven? I mean like you have to pay real cash too own?

    Well yeah, like most games. You can get charms so you rarely die. Also you can level up faster become way stronger, your choice though.
    Member of Dynasty! BTW RBorn died b:sad

    ARCANE b:dirty > LIGHT b:surrender!!! b:angry b:angry b:angry

    Current Goal: SPAM teh_fishey!

    Highest PvE Attack: 22k on FB59 Drake Boss, non-sparked, non-critted, BM dragon, Veno Amped debuffed Sandstorm, lvl 62 Attack, ARCANE FTW!!! b:dirty
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I would disagree. This game is THE BEST free MMO when it comes to cash-based participation, period.

    Everything in the cash shop is buyable in-game, and when you hit later levels, you're flush with cash anyway...

    Basically, cash-shopping will give you an advantage, but not an insurmountable one.(Disregarding cash-shop pets)
  • chaossalim
    chaossalim Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well yeah, like most games. You can get charms so you rarely die. Also you can level up faster become way stronger, your choice though.

    Aah well waht about equipment? I mean I played Conquer Online which was a very good game. Very good pvp and community. The only problem was everything was run trough money.... Some bulkers spend like thousand of dollars making their gears and char good so the normal players (like me) couldnt do ****. That game wasnt about skills anymore but more about the money u have in real life..
  • Snakeeater - Harshlands
    Snakeeater - Harshlands Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Frustrating to level, even more so after 30 when everyone can pk you. Rarely wanted on HH or FB runs, and more frustrating to level.

    But if you can last ti'll 90, you're everyones favorite little weapon of mass destruction. Just make sure you join a guild that understands how important mages are end game and will gear you up and help you get there.

    First of all Mage's are not slow to level, they are fast due to being able to kill fast. Maybe not number one but certainly not the slowest. PvE wise you will own 95% of the mobs out there except archer mobs. Just avoid them, there aren't many anyway. FB runs need DD's, you will have no problem finding them, no more or less then an archer/ non tanking bm. Friendly people get invited to FBs, unfriendly ones don't often. Your class won't be the only determining factor. fb59 which everyone loves is owned by mages. Just try not to steal aggro in the others and you will get your invites. To zhen it is 3x cheaper then Archers/Clerics. Your charm can last 7 runs which equals more leftover money and faster leveling.

    As for people PvPing you, yes, you die easily, but if you play your skills properly you will do just fine. Makes it more fun when you take someone down anyway. Mage is more for group PvP then solo, at least till later in the game but you can do just fine with the right skill combos. As for ganking people that is whole new ballgame, you can take people out before they can get a shot off, but if they see you coming watch out.

    Overall if you aren't a ego maniac like this Alex guy seems to be, Mages are a hell of a lot of fun to play. Take your deaths in stride, take your PvP losses well, and enjoy all the huge numbers that come up on the screen when you get your revenge.
  • Nova_ - Harshlands
    Nova_ - Harshlands Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    chaossalim wrote: »
    Aah well waht about equipment? I mean I played Conquer Online which was a very good game. Very good pvp and community. The only problem was everything was run trough money.... Some bulkers spend like thousand of dollars making their gears and char good so the normal players (like me) couldnt do ****. That game wasnt about skills anymore but more about the money u have in real life..

    Buahahahah! That sounds exactly like this game.
  • _miyuki_ - Harshlands
    _miyuki_ - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    must agree a mage is very easy to kill at a low lvl and lie a magnet to be killed as well as a cleric and veno at lw lvls b:chuckle
    My brother has a Mage in HT lvl93 yes he got there lol I seen him in TW and he is very sklled and just plain dangerous lol

    So like it was said if u hang inthere till around that lvl you will be glad Mage/Wizards =P
    are good long range makes them better lolb:thanks

    if you stik with it you will see
  • chaossalim
    chaossalim Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    AAh nice info! So what about the zhen thing do you raelly need to spend a lot of money to get really stong in this game?
  • Jeffreys - Harshlands
    Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    [Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks
  • Free - Harshlands
    Free - Harshlands Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    zhen needs hiero, hieros cost atm ~650k ingame gold each or 4 gold via cashshop. if u tend to zhen hours over hours, u need to have a good trading skill and knowledge of the game or use real money. though mages are the one with lowest mana use, as smone said before, u still need hieros. All in all mages arent cheap, since u are attacking with spells only, and spells cost mana.
  • Snakeeater - Harshlands
    Snakeeater - Harshlands Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    chaossalim wrote: »
    AAh nice info! So what about the zhen thing do you raelly need to spend a lot of money to get really stong in this game?

    You don't not need to spend a lot of real money to get strong, you can use in game coin and do fine. Just takes longer then cash shoppers but not an incredible amount of time more
  • chaossalim
    chaossalim Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You don't not need to spend a lot of real money to get strong, you can use in game coin and do fine. Just takes longer then cash shoppers but not an incredible amount of time more

    Wow thanks that's good to hear. I was starting to get worried this was another one of those ONLY WAY TO GET STRONG IS TOO SPEND MONEY GAMES!
  • Allure - Harshlands
    Allure - Harshlands Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    chaossalim wrote: »
    Wow thanks that's good to hear. I was starting to get worried this was another one of those ONLY WAY TO GET STRONG IS TOO SPEND MONEY GAMES!

    With gold prices what they are right now (and likely going up), you will need to spend RL money, get insanely lucky with drops, or be funded by friends/guild to afford playing a barb or cleric. Other should be alright-ish.