Caution: Sanctuary players

Posts: 1,394 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
Every 10 levels from level 19 onwards you will have to face an Fb(dungeon) as part of your cultivation.

These dungeons contain mobs and bosses that no one can solo at that level. Every boss in these dungeons has a 2% chance to drop a mold(Used for creating legendary gear which looks cool and has stats that make it better than normal equiptment for about 20 levels). These molds also sell for alot of coins making them highly prized.

In PWI there is a kind of unwritten rule that whoever provides the Tabs(An item called Call to Duty:*Name-depending on fb*) is entitled to all mold drops as they are most beneficial to that player, and the high levels are more than willing to do an Fb for the experience they get from your tab.

A player named Nadis from the "Rebirth" faction frequently advertises on world chat that she has "a high level squad to help you with your Fb19-79 (59+ wined) pm me"-I urge you not to let her squad help you.

If a mold drops during an Fb with her and you do not get the mold through the random assignment system then YOU WILL NOT BE GIVEN THE MOLD. You can plead with her to give you the mold but she will deny having picked it up, say she gave it to someone else or make excuses like you should have requested molds beforehand.

Please be aware that there are many, many squads that are very willing to help you and let you have all molds and Three star weapons that drop during the Fb.

For those of you who just skip to the end- Nadis from rebirth keeps molds during other peoples Fbs.

Please use this thread to report any other squads you know of who keep molds so that players can avoid this use in future.

Thank you.
Currently flying internet spaceships around dodixie, moving to amarr soon.

Send me a mail if you wanna ask/request anything

Sanctuary's retired king of wizards alongside queen Saintblu.
Post edited by WitchBurner - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    In PWI there is a kind of unwritten rule that whoever provides the Tabs(An item called Call to Duty:*Name-depending on fb*) is entitled to all mold drops as they are most beneficial to that player, and the high levels are more than willing to do an Fb for the experience they get from your tab.

    That mold drop rule is not an "unwritten rule" anywhere but in your mind.

    Certainly, there are people willing to do FBs without the chance for a drop, but unless that is agreed upon prior to running the FB, it does not apply.

    For instance, I would never waste my time running say an FB79 Unwined for anyone without the chance at the valuable molds in there. I probably wouldn't do an FB79 Wined for that matter, since its just not worth the XP for the time it takes (The Rep is OK). If someone told me to help them do FB89 and said they keep all drops, I would tell them that they could have fun on their own, again, the XP is not worth the time.

    Additionally, maybe you weren't around in the early days of the server, but when people 20+ Levels above the tabber weren't breezing by the FBs, it was a much more difficult and laborious process, and the tabber was just glad to be able to get their Spiritual Cultivation done, the drops be dammed.

    It is simply a matter of Supply and Demand. As the server has matured, the number of people able to breeze by an FB has increased, and the number of tabbers has decreased in proportion, to the extent that the tabber can in fact call the shots in many situations. HOWEVER, this in no way means, that it is understood throughout the server that a tabber gets all drops.

    And trust me, this kind of thing comes up a lot, especially when it comes to TT drops, so to reiterate the lesson of the day:

    Always speak clearly to ALL squad members regarding loot rules, prior to beginning an event.
  • Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    any evidence?
    ive know nadis since she was lv 30 ish lol dosent sound like her...
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This my "friend" Witchburner is a complete lie!
    Nadis will always be the one saying that tabber will get the molds. And when a molds goes to Nadis, He will give it to the tabber. "Last mold. Calmi axes in FB69, Went to tabber"
    I have no idea where the hell you got the idea to do this rant?
    I my self do several worldchats per day helping people with fbs, And Nadis is ually in my squad, Or I am in his when he does the Worldchats.

    People reading this. What Witchburner is saying about Nadis is a complete lie.
  • Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    mackai wrote: »
    This my "friend" Witchburner is a complete lie!
    Nadis will always be the one saying that tabber will get the molds. And when a molds goes to Nadis, He will give it to the tabber. "Last mold. Calmi axes in FB69, Went to tabber"
    I have no idea where the hell you got the idea to do this rant?
    I my self do several worldchats per day helping people with fbs, And Nadis is ually in my squad, Or I am in his when he does the Worldchats.

    People reading this. What Witchburner is saying about Nadis is a complete lie.

    lol ur first post...
  • Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    u sure its just nadis didnt get the mold, and it was not agreed upon beforehand that tabber gets mold, therefore nadis is not willing to ask a member of his team to give up the mold that he got. it sounds pretty reasonable 2 me>.>

    and it is NOT a unwritten rule tabber gets mold, its just happening more often now
    My body is made of swords.
    Iron is my blood, and glass is my heart.
    I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated,
    Without once retreating,
    Nor once being understood.
    Always alone, intoxicated with victory on the hill of swords.
    Therefore, there is no meaning to that life.
    Perhaps this body is nothing but a sword itself.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Knowing Nadis for quite some time now and considering him one of the best guys i met on PWI, i recommend you stop trash talking about him.

    As some mentioned above there is no rule for a tabber to get all drops at fb's, unless: You were telling all people you like to get the drops from the run, and all people agree to give you the drops if there happen to be some. And thats BEFORE the run starts!

    I got no problem in letting the tabber get the drops, but if he just uses that excuse because there suddenly was a drop he wanted to have, you'd only see me wave byebye.
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Falls essentially covered this. Unless it is otherwise clearly, explicitly stated, the rule on Sanctuary is that FB drops are random, and you hope that the computer gods favor you. Not one of my tab runs was done differently, and as was stated, I likely would have been laughed at had I so requested. Maturation of the FB running market has led to such competition as to increase the odds of one being able to find a group willing to forego drops, but this is hardly something to be assumed without precondition. Personally, I won't do a 69+ if the drops (each FB containing at least one potentially 10m+ drop) are all to one person; in the time it takes to do that fb, I can grind more exp, with a profit still on drops, and as to rep, rank requirements get so ridiculous that they're not even worth thinking of pursuing. Now, if it is said beforehand drops are to be allocated in a specific manner or to a specific person, and no objections are given then, then all should be expected to uphold their word and abide by the set standards. Just don't go in assuming such a policy if all haven't agreed upon it prior to starting.
  • Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The "unspoken rule" is that you have to state clearly that you want mod before starting FB. Of course, as long as it's wined, everyone agrees. Frankly, I would consider anyone who wouldn't agree idiots, and such people can be easily replaced.b:chuckle

    Anyway, if you don't say so, and a mod drops, it's your loss.b:victory
  • Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Nadis, on the FBs I've went to with him, always handed over the molds we got. We did a 39, and 2 molds dropped; both were given to the tabber, even though, prior to starting the FB, the tabber stated he only wanted the 3*'s dropped.

    You're probably just jealous that he gets all your FBs, which is understandable. He does get a truckload of them. but making up **** like this so he doesn't get any? come on. One would be inclined to believe you'd not steep so low as this, but what can I say.

    Gogo, make up a thread about me next! Do eeeet!
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Nadis, on the FBs I've went to with him, always handed over the molds we got. We did a 39, and 2 molds dropped; both were given to the tabber, even though, prior to starting the FB, the tabber stated he only wanted the 3*'s dropped.

    You're probably just jealous that he gets all your FBs, which is understandable. He does get a truckload of them. but making up **** like this so he doesn't get any? come on. One would be inclined to believe you'd not steep so low as this, but what can I say.

    Gogo, make up a thread about me next! Do eeeet!

    now i'm considering getting Nadis or you for my fb69b:chuckle
    <reverse psychology worked b:shocked>
  • Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Always speak clearly to ALL squad members regarding loot rules, prior to beginning an event.

    I <3 Falls. (on fridays)
  • Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I <3 Falls. (on fridays)


  • Posts: 1,394 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Look guys, this isn't trash talking ok.

    It was too long ago so I lack screenshots to prove this-The first character I created-Neokaiser-Needed 3 fbs running 19-39. A faction friend-InfernoElf-was desperate to reach lv60 so I told him about the Fbs. To be honest I thought he would have gotten a squad from within damnation to run it, but he responded to one of Nadis's World Chats. It was a good squad no doubt but the way she acted after recieving the mold was just plain arrogant, despite me and elf telling her that we can see loot allocations in our chat window she repeatedly stated that someone else had got the mold.

    She went on to change her story several times, bringing up the whole "state loot preferances before the Fb"-to someone wanted the mold and needed to leave right after. Which is downright ridiculous.

    I know I wasn't around when you had to do Fbs with people of similar levels and of course ppl thought different around then.

    The reason alot of people think the tabber should get the molds is because the high levels go purely for exp and rep from tabs.

    If you don't like that then why not just run the Fb untabbed like someone who isn't an idiot.


    Btw- level 70+s saying that molds should go to whoever gets them is no better than guys like Verticoli- and I'm pretty much refering to Fb59-19

    Edit to Aschx-I couldn't care less how many Fbs he gets, I pretty much do Fb's within my faction and have better ways to spend my time than spamming world chat.

    Another edit-The reason I'm ****ed at this is because it was an Fb29, therefore Nadis would have had no use for it.
    Currently flying internet spaceships around dodixie, moving to amarr soon.

    Send me a mail if you wanna ask/request anything

    Sanctuary's retired king of wizards alongside queen Saintblu.
  • Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    that's when he sends me coin in the mail xD
  • Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Nadis doesn't keep molds. feel free to argue this all you want, it won't make any difference. Oh, and the whole "I don't have proof" thing is real convincing to your story. Good going, though.
  • Posts: 732 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If you want the mold, make it clear before the actual run begins. Otherwise, the molds are up for grabs. There is no "unwritten law" and never has been.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I did my FB51 recently, I am new still didn't really know what was going on in FB. I just blindly followed the leader healing. I even did a FB39 just before this one to help them out.

    The world message spammed was Tabber keeps mold and 3 Star. We had a high level group so we went through it very quickly. Someone joined later in the run (Gaaraa - Rebirth), and the leader had to go just before the final boss (Quy).

    I mentioned the name of some of the mobs I had to kill for quests inside FB.

    At the last boss I tabbed, and a mold and couple of 3 stars dropped. People looted and left the group, I got nothing and I only needed a couple of more mobs killed.

    Just before the teleport I said wait .. need to kill couple more mobs, Gaaraa said you wont get them first run, I messeged him when I got out for the mold, his response "Quy didn't tell him tabber gets mold" and was pretty blunt about not giving it to me.

    I just replied .. "fine u can keep it but I will remember him!" :P (suppose it is not his fault he was invited and not told the rules but it's not very nice of him).

    Some of us are new and clueless, I have never even looted a 2 star item let alone a mold/3starr.

    I am just saying be nice to the 51 and under FBer's. Most of us don't know what the heck is going on, you bum rush us through it and make it unenjoyable. Lets face it there is **** loads of people willing to do it for the XP, the tabbers are doing you the favour.

    Anyways I don't have a problem anymore I have a guild to run me through them.
  • Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention, we all keep every mold drop! Cause y'know, all molds under FB79 are worth so much! b:cool
  • Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    slutmonkey wrote: »
    I did my FB51 recently, I am new still didn't really know what was going on in FB. I just blindly followed the leader healing. I even did a FB39 just before this one to help them out.

    The world message spammed was Tabber keeps mold and 3 Star. We had a high level group so we went through it very quickly. Someone joined later in the run (Gaaraa - Rebirth), and the leader had to go just before the final boss (Quy).

    I mentioned the name of some of the mobs I had to kill for quests inside FB.

    At the last boss I tabbed, and a mold and couple of 3 stars dropped. People looted and left the group, I got nothing and I only needed a couple of more mobs killed.

    Just before the teleport I said wait .. need to kill couple more mobs, Gaaraa said you wont get them first run, I messeged him when I got out for the mold, his response "Quy didn't tell him tabber gets mold" and was pretty blunt about not giving it to me.

    I just replied .. "fine u can keep it but I will remember him!" :P (suppose it is not his fault he was invited and not told the rules but it's not very nice of him).

    Some of us are new and clueless, I have never even looted a 2 star item let alone a mold/3starr.

    I am just saying be nice to the 51 and under FBer's. Most of us don't know what the heck is going on, you bum rush us through it and make it unenjoyable. Lets face it there is **** loads of people willing to do it for the XP, the tabbers are doing you the favour.

    Anyways I don't have a problem anymore I have a guild to run me through them.

    if you are talking about fb51 then yeah the guy was right that you wont get all the mobs on your first run, usually what u do is run it twice. i know some people who were unlucky and had to run it 3 or 4 times (one guy didnt do the final boss the first time)
    anyways... always always discuss who gets tabs/3stars in the beginning (or before the boss) of the run or else the person who gets the tabs can choose to keep it
  • Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Like all the previous posters said. There is no specific rule that states that all molds MUST go to the tab holder. Before you do an fb, make sure you talk to everyone clearly about tabber keeping molds/3*s if you want to keep all the molds/3*s.

    Oh, and for the person that said "I didnt get all the mobs in fb51" It is possible, I did an fb where all the magus were killed and the person still needed 1 more item. The drop rate for that quest item is 50% so, depending on your luck, you might not finish that quest with 1 fb51. Also, 2* items cannot be dropped from a mob/boss as they can only be manufactured by a player.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    slutmonkey wrote: »
    (suppose it is not his fault he was invited and not told the rules but it's not very nice of him)

    You are so cute and naive b:chuckle
    Run FB with Gaaraa only if you want to ruin it. He just cares how to finish the run faster, so he could get the exp/sp/rep and then leave. He doesn't care at all what you need. If you tabbed at entrance all bosses, then I am almost fully sure he would kill all bosses even if you were left far behind.
    If you happen to run fb with him then really make sure you go through everything - which mobs/quests you need there, who gets molds/3*, all possible "ifs" and "buts" and get him to agree to that. Tab at the boss only when you have gotten what you needed before it.
  • Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Say what? All the 51s I've done, have been completed in one run. The Warriors respawn at the entrance to the FB, and the Magus' are around where the 2nd boss walks. It's simple to get all the mobs at once.

    Either you don't do the FBs properly, or you just suck at it, in which case, I strongly urge you to stop ruining it for people, and let people who actually know how to do it, complete it.

    Much love. <3
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    It has never been an unwritten rule the tab holder gets molds.

    That is a courtesy, if you want the mold drops request the mold drops at the start and let them know your terms. Most groups if told in advance will hand over the molds.

    If you don't ask for them at the start, don't expect them at the end. This goes especially for the higher lvl FBs where mold drops can be used by not only the tabber but by the helping party as well.

    So as for your "caution" maybe you should have asked at the start instead of relying on a "unwritten rule" that honestly doesn't exist.
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Since this has become a thread to try and drive FBs away from Rebirth, I'll pile on.

    Everybody should definitely stay away from these guys. They are sloppy and slow -- way too interested in having fun and wasting time talking to the tabber. I mean, in the last few FBs I've run with them entire minutes were wasted making sure the tabber knew what was happening before and during the run. They have even tried to [shiver] involve the tabber in the action. In one FB19, when the tabber had no tab, they even coached him through the process of getting the tab instead of following the unwritten rule of shouting profanity at him and dropping squad. And, in another FB19, they somehow compelled the whole squad to run it over because the tabber had gotten confused and missed some of the required mobs. And, in an FB51, I saw somebody pick up some coins once despite a promise that ALL drops go to the tabber.

    Seriously, people, if you are using a breeze-through squad for your FB, your chances of seeing anything but coins drop are minimal. If you care so much about the molds and other drops, do the FB as a real adventure. If you want to have your cake and eat it too, make that clear up front. Maybe you will get everything. Maybe you will have to wait a little longer to find a more desperate group. And if you want to bash someone's integrity, get a screenshot cause nobody believes out-of-the-blue nonsense accusations.

    Edit: If you DO ask for molds/drops up front, remember that this is not a "dibs" process. You need to have an agreement with the people you are running with - silence after you claim all molds/drops is not the same as a meeting of the minds. Assuming that you have a contract when you really just have a sentence is worse than not even discussing it at all.
  • Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Since this has become a thread to try and drive FBs away from Rebirth

    No, no... I just have complains about Gaaraa and have nothing against "Rebirth". Have met some nice ppl from there who know how to do their job well.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    if you are talking about fb51 then yeah the guy was right that you wont get all the mobs on your first run, usually what u do is run it twice. i know some people who were unlucky and had to run it 3 or 4 times (one guy didnt do the final boss the first time)
    anyways... always always discuss who gets tabs/3stars in the beginning (or before the boss) of the run or else the person who gets the tabs can choose to keep it

    We ran past about 10 of the mobs I needed to kill. It was the quest where you kill 8 of three dif types of mobs. Could have easily finished it .. doesn't mater though, I went in with a barb and killed the two I needed at the start of the FB. No biggy.
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    For fb51 there is no guarantee you will get all your mobs in one go. The drop rate is 50% and some will be luckier than others. I needed 2 runs for my mobs.
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  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have done a lot of FB runs with Nadis. In every run the tabber has been traded the mold and 3* drops, and all mobs needed have been killed. I find your story very hard to believe without screenshots, Nadis is a friendly and honest player of the game. I've got nothing else to say
  • Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    looks like this thread fails...
  • Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    There is no unwritten rule, if you want the drops make it known up front! DO NOT JUST ASSUME YOU WILL GET A MOLD IF ONE HAPPENS TO DROP. END OF STORY.

    fail thread is fail.
    that is all.


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