Should I restart?

flameblade44 Posts: 4 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Blademaster
I am at lvl 2 2 and have spent spirit points less than efficiently. I have almost ranks in tiger maw and stream strike. I am at lvl 22. I have also spent my attributes based on sword but want to switch to axe. Is it too late for my character?
Post edited by flameblade44 on


  • Tigermarx - Heavens Tear
    Tigermarx - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    hi i have done the same thing as you curently lvl 49 blademaster and it is not too ate you just need to even you rpoints out so you have the requirments for your axes i used to be in your position b:victory
  • Raein - Lost City
    Raein - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yup, just as Tiger said, find out how much str/ dex/ vit you need for your level depending on the build you want to use (probably go with 5str/ 3 dex 2 vit), then just try to get your points there as you level. Depending on how you did your stats, you might not be able to use axes at your level for awhile (axes need a lot more strength than swords, but that should be the only downside.

    As for skills, the Tiger Maw is kind of a bad thing, it would have been better to keep it at lvl 1, but, it wont be devastating. Good luck b:victory
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Level 22 is easy to get. Unless you've spent money for inventory/bank expansion, you're probably better off just restarting. Of course it's not devastating. But the amount of grinding increases exponentially as you level higher, restarting is now is an easy way to get things perfect without much loss.
  • Aragorn - Harshlands
    Aragorn - Harshlands Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    you do not need to restart lol. I thought I did the same thing, but here I am lvl 71 and have about 2 million SP to spend. All I have spent my SP on is needed skills for grinding, and my stunning abilities.
  • Kalister - Sanctuary
    Kalister - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ya they are all rite lvl 22 is not too late at all. Just start going with ur chosen axe build and spend the SP u get in the future on axe skillz..ur all good man..
    OH EHM JEE!!! NO SIG!!! b:shocked
  • Faeia - Dreamweaver
    Faeia - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yeah, relax. Sword to axe is a bit of a leap, sure, but as a polearm blade I have the basic axe and sword skills - hey, stop staring, I had spare spirit and they come in handy sometimes. My points is, PW is generous enough that you don't need to rack your brains about "wasting" your hard earned gold and spirit on abilities.

    I wouldn't level up tiger maw any more but dare I say that stream strike isn't as bad as the pundits say? I don't max it out, sure, but a low mp cost, quick cast, and a decent dd addition is worth it sometimes; and in a party you *will* need that threat ability.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yeah, relax. Sword to axe is a bit of a leap, sure, but as a polearm blade I have the basic axe and sword skills - hey, stop staring, I had spare spirit and they come in handy sometimes. My points is, PW is generous enough that you don't need to rack your brains about "wasting" your hard earned gold and spirit on abilities.

    I wouldn't level up tiger maw any more but dare I say that stream strike isn't as bad as the pundits say? I don't max it out, sure, but a low mp cost, quick cast, and a decent dd addition is worth it sometimes; and in a party you *will* need that threat ability.

    I disagree. Please don't waste your spirit and coin on stream strike. Yes at those levels it "seems" good. But really its not that helpful. (If you can't live without it leave at level one. If you want to use it for threat that's all you need.) As an axe BM you will have your AoE's to level (all of them axes and common tree) and they will take up a lot of your SP. You will also be leveling up all your stuns and axe/hammer mastery. You will have to balance your SP between those. Because even at my level (67) i have some AoE's i would love to level but I just don't have all the SP i need. I make sure I always level mastery, and highland cleave is your best AoE. So I always keep that one up to date.

    Now about threat for party. Its the stuns (mostly "Roar of the Pride" ) that will allow you to keep mobs from getting to the squishy's. And then your AoE's will draw aggro from everyone you're hitting. And hopefully whomever drew aggro from you or tank will stop and let you take it back. (And if you have a good tank he will take aggro back) If its a single mob drakes bash is next. Its is more then one mob it will be situational. Drakes bash maybe...then more AoE's to draw aggro from other mobs...anyways..i can go on and on. I hope I helped.

    Edit: Oh and fixing your stats shouldn't be a problem. You should be using your FB 19 weapon until you get past level 29. So you have 7 -9 levels to adjust your stats correctly. Here are my current stats.

    Str 207
    dex 102
    vit 36

    I am an axe bm but I have started using my TT blade on single mobs and to build chi...Funny thing is I'll have my TT70 Blade before i get my axes.... argh....

  • Faeia - Dreamweaver
    Faeia - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I know what you're saying, but roar is very pricey, especially when you don't need an AoE stun...which I don't, 'cause I haven't reached mob-killing levels yet. And while I agree that stream strike is a waste of spirit if you're ignoring other stuff in the process, I wouldn't go with a must-leave-at-1-or-you'll-ruin-you-life mandate :p

    Also, I'm a pole bm, not axe, though I do have Drake's Bash for situational use, so I know what ya mean.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You don't have to max the roar stun. But I can tell you in a party is where you will use it most to save your teammates. If you can afford the first couple levels that should be good. And it takes up less chi then drakes bash.

  • Themax - Heavens Tear
    Themax - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    To Kalister:

    Concerning your signature, it's called Swiss Army Knife. b:pleased
    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL