how to aoe grind?

Tigermarx - Heavens Tear
Tigermarx - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Blademaster
Hi i'm lvl 49 axe bm and i'm wondering where and how to aoe grind i ahve all the possible aoe skills for my lvl help please b:thanks
Post edited by Tigermarx - Heavens Tear on


  • Benjabob - Dreamweaver
    Benjabob - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    you want drake sweep, fan of flames and meteor rush (and piercing winds if your a pole user, not sure what the axe version is). Ive found a good place to AoE grind is anywhere where there are few ranged mobs and no magic mobs, so look for somewhere with lots of taurocs or quillblades for the lvl your at, when your mid 50s go to dragons end and fight the feligars there.

    Ahh just noticed that your an axe BM in that case, go to the blademaster section on the forums and read the blademaster guide, if you scroll down to the red writing, thats a set of axe BM skills and it tells you what they do and which ones to get for axe AoEing. Goodluck with it (its fun and rewarding, just make sure you have eitehr a charm or some guardian angels, because if you agro too many youll probably die.
  • Heihachii - Heavens Tear
    Heihachii - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Try the Conquesting Dustwraith mobs slightly south of sundown town, they'll be slightly green to you though (lvl47 i think?), but they're fairly condensed and a good place to start. After that as Benjabob said head to the Feligars at Dragon's End round mid to late 50's.

    For skills you'll need drake's sweep, highland cleave, fissure (so far) and make good use of roar of the lion's pride, as well as cloud sprint for rounding the mobs up.

    Other than that best way to learn is to give it a crack. Learning your own patterns for skills, and how many mobs you can handle at a time etc. And yeah you'll either need a charm or some good pots (like those multiflavoured jiaozi things from the event).
  • Seablue - Sanctuary
    Seablue - Sanctuary Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    you might want to throw in a spark or advanced spark/dragon when you get it to increase killing speed.

    you usually don't die once you learned your limit unless you are really unlucky and pulled quite a few sacrificial assult and increased attack.
  • Tigermarx - Heavens Tear
    Tigermarx - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Thank you very much guys :D i'll try all of these suggestions XDb:victory
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok, this is how I do it.

    You take a bow, and you hit every mob around with one arrow each each.

    You will cover a radius of 20M by doing this. If you are on water you are covering an sphere of 20M radious too. You become, the god of pulling.

    I was grinding on some water mobs last week and since I was pulling the mobs with my bow, the other people grinding were pissed off at me since I was always hitting first (due to my longer range and no need for swimming around or wasting MP for pulling skills).

    So, they all left. However, a Barb decided to get his own bow and do the same as me.b:laughb:chuckle

    After, you have hit every mob once. They will come to you, then you AOE with you axes weapons.

    Keep in mind every arrow only cost just couple coins. No need to do the money mat on this.
  • Themax - Heavens Tear
    Themax - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Edit; Never mind,found my answer trough search.
    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL
  • Norgannon - Lost City
    Norgannon - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok, this is how I do it.

    You take a bow, and you hit every mob around with one arrow each each.

    You will cover a radius of 20M by doing this. If you are on water you are covering an sphere of 20M radious too. You become, the god of pulling.

    I was grinding on some water mobs last week and since I was pulling the mobs with my bow, the other people grinding were pissed off at me since I was always hitting first (due to my longer range and no need for swimming around or wasting MP for pulling skills).

    So, they all left. However, a Barb decided to get his own bow and do the same as me.b:laughb:chuckle

    After, you have hit every mob once. They will come to you, then you AOE with you axes weapons.

    Keep in mind every arrow only cost just couple coins. No need to do the money mat on this.

    Good thing in this server you just kill the one doing it, instead of going someplace else.
