Is this normal behavior?

Lwyna - Sanctuary
Lwyna - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
About 2 weeks ago I wanted to do my Fb19 quest. I had looked it up on these forums but was still a little confused about the whole process (nothing beats experience right!)

So I decided to ask for help from one of the many people advertising having squads to do it for people. I got in touch with a Berserker (at least I think he was) and asked him if i could do it. He was very nice and said

Now while I was on my way, I started asking him questions about things I had seen on these forums and the discussion got to "using the tablet at the entrance or at the boss". I told him I saw a few topics where people said that their "helpers" had basically not cared about them doing their other quests in the dungeon and basically used them for their tablet so that I wanted to use it at the end.

He started being extremely arrogant, basically telling me that I was a low level nobody and that using the tablet at the beginning was to "make sure we don't completely waste our time".

I've also met many players who are sexist and downright rude. Is this a regular thing in this game? Do most high levels all have a god complex? I stopped playing for 2 week because that experience left me with a sour taste in my mouth.

Was I wrong to ask to wait until the end? Thank you everyone for your time.

Post edited by Lwyna - Sanctuary on


  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    He was just one of the guys that only cares about the exp and rep from the FB. If you were late he probably would have killed all the mobs and left you unable to finish your quest as well. reason I only work with those that someone I know can vouch for.
  • Chowy - Lost City
    Chowy - Lost City Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Some ppl won't move anywhere in (or even towards) the dungeon until they see the tab in. It's just the way it is sometimes when you do it with people you don't know.
  • Padixeric - Sanctuary
    Padixeric - Sanctuary Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    as i see it, tabbing first just makes sure, that the person needing the fb has in fact the tablet. nothing more and nothing less.
    well, actually it serves a second purpose: often enough you forget to tab at boss in the heat of battle ... and thats kinda bad for those helping, since they'll not get xp/rep then

    if you experience behaviour as mentioned:
    remember that YOU are leader in that fb - you can kick anyone from squad, you can leave, or you can pass leadership. all of these (well, at least the last two for sure)
    will fail the quest and you get your tab back.

    since it's that way, trust should go both ways:
    - it's possible for the person needing the boss/mobs to scam the squad too (get mobs, just before boss is killed, swap leadership)
    - kill mobs before the one needing them arrives (or just so far ahead he doesn't get credited - especially a problem for clerics having a high lvl one who can move a lot faster doing fb for them) .. to 'clear the way' and make it faster

    so it comes down to this:
    if you trust them, tab first, so you don't have to remember later to do so.
    if you don't trust them, tab first, so they see you have it, then switch leader and tell them, you'll tab at boss again, after you have your mobs.
  • Michibiku - Heavens Tear
    Michibiku - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Not everyone at a high lvl is rude and arrogant. A good way I found to avoid those people, is to meet them through non fb bosses. Usually, if they are nice enough to offer their help on a boss where they get no exp,and if they talk to you as if you are another player and not a newbie, then they are probably good people to have on an fb. b:cute

    Keep them on your friend list, and when you have an fb, you can ask them for help. They would probably be happy to do it for you. b:victory
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  • Eorween - Heavens Tear
    Eorween - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    whole process of running FB is to help lower lvl run thru.
    the helpers get exp and little rep.

    I have heard many times that lower lvl player dont have a clue what they are doing.
    Personally I have run people thru til the end and find out they CAN NOT even use the tablet cause they have done almost no quest.
    Lowest FB is 19 it require tabber to have at least 80 rep.
    so you have full squad of people run thru clear everything and for nothing.

    There have been R3T4RdS that scam people and entertain themself to waste people's time run them thru and they dont even have a tablet.
    while the squad is beating on the boss, they ask tabber to talk to pillar and get the quest. never going to happen cause no tab.

    M0m00's like this praying on high lvl player to be so nice and give them the drops, and hope randomly they get the mold from looting if one drops.

    so how many time would you like to deal with this before you say tab the pillar to make sure you not WASTe your time with some people??
  • Angelle - Heavens Tear
    Angelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    At a higher level, do you really consider clearing a FB19 instance really a waste of time when you can probably do it all in less than five minutes? Hardly. If it matters so much then clear things up BEFORE you start by asking questions like, "Do you have 80 reputation points?" and like, "Do you have your Call to Duty token and your quest for inside?" It's not that hard. And you know, you're right- many people starting their FB19 do not know what they're doing and no doubt they also are not aware that they need 80 reputation points or know the functions of the token. So it's up to you to guide them through.

    Anyway, if I ever had an ******* in my squad for MY FB, then I'm kicking them out. I don't want their help and I can find better people. Just my bit.

    Hopefully you'll find some people better to run you through and are patient.

    Edit: And also, it's your own problem if you start attacking the boss without asking the tabber to talk to the pillars. Ask them kindly BEFORE you start whacking at it. Soooooo simple.
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  • Lwyna - Sanctuary
    Lwyna - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Most people who get to Fb 19 have little knowledge of the game other than the simple quests they have been doing. Going in fb 19 and expecting people to know everything is, not to offend anyone, quite ridiculous.

    In worst cases you can stop running fb19's in order to reduce the chances of getting people who do not know what they are doing if it is such a bother.

    A low level player who gets badly informed or abused for his tablet will have far more problems finishing his quests than high level people who wasted 10 mins of their lives since they have nothing to lose but a little time.

    So do please forgive me for siding with the lower levels on this one. Especially since up to now I have met more jerks than actually helpful people from high level players. However I do agree it is unacceptable behavior on both sides.
  • Misc - Heavens Tear
    Misc - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ive been in parties doing repeated fb19 runs for people, and there are a lot of people who will ask for a run, and claim they have the tablet, only to not have it when we get to the boss.

    I dont mind people no knowing stuff, I dont mind answering questions, but when people are (seemingly) deliberately deceptive or stupid to say they have a tablet when they dont, what can you do but insist they insert the tab first.

    You dont have to insert the tab first. They dont have to take you on trust. None is under any obligation. A third option is to insert the tablet first and then change leader which I believe fails the quest and returns you the tablet. This will be enough for most groups to "know" you have the tablet and arnt just a timewaster.
  • Lwyna - Sanctuary
    Lwyna - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Someone also suggested that.

    I think that is what I will do. Thank you all. But is it confirmed changing leadership fails the quest?
  • Tiaque - Sanctuary
    Tiaque - Sanctuary Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    It's confirmed - changing leadership fails the quest. I've done it accidently several times, and have had it done by someone who was unsure of what they were doing.

    Personally, I never let people I run with put in the tab at the beginning pillar, in any FB. It makes my squad's life easier, it makes the tabber's life easier, and it saves a lot of hassel if something happens and the person misses a mob kill. There have been times when we've realized that someone was missing a requirement - a "glitched" tablet, 78 rep, things like that.

    I've also "fixed" plenty of FBs for the poor souls who couldn't get competant help, and I can tell you, many of them are left with the same impression of the game as you are, Lwyna. It's appalling - I've played on another version of PW, and if someone had their tablet "stolen," the entire server would be after the greedy b****** who did it.

    Moral of the story: YOU are in control of YOUR tablet. Always tab it at the boss, and always refuse to tab the final boss it if you haven't gotten everything you need inside the FB - even if it means dropping from the squad and finding someone else to help.
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  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Someone also suggested that.

    I think that is what I will do. Thank you all. But is it confirmed changing leadership fails the quest?

    Yes it does fail it.
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I would say a number of high level folks (not ALL but a notable few) DO have a God complex but you know what Gods need? They need people to worship them. So do what I do and blow them off. If they want to cop an attitude you do not need them. Hook up with someone who is more civil or downright nice.
  • Eorween - Heavens Tear
    Eorween - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I would say a number of high level folks (not ALL but a notable few) DO have a God complex but you know what Gods need? They need people to worship them. So do what I do and blow them off. If they want to cop an attitude you do not need them. Hook up with someone who is more civil or downright nice.

    since you say hook up with people that is downright nice.
    Today someone ask for FB19 help.
    we got bunch of people and form the squad and head to the fb.
    we all enter and just sitting there for buff and I ask the tabber.
    do you have 80 or + reputation and tablet with you.
    he/she say no.
    so we ask how come you dont have it.
    he/she says I did my FB like an hour ago.
    So we ask why did you ask us here to do you fb for if you done it already.
    he/she answers oh its because I forgot to pick up one of the my killing quest to finish it.
    Remind you this player isnt a newbie, he came into our fb room and ask for help.

    So this person just drag bunch of people from all over the place cause he dont forgot to pick up his/her quest.
    he/she dont want to wait for another person to do their fb and tag along with them.

    This person just complete lie to us til we confront him/her.
    we stayed just to kill few mobs.
    and guess what he didnt get half of the mob kill credit cause he/she just kept on looting and fell behind.
    we pretty much have to clear the whole place after.

    So How nice would you like to be ?
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    It's confirmed - changing leadership fails the quest.

    Yes, you do fail when leadership changes or when somene leaves (typically because they disconnected). But, unless your inventory was full, you get your tab back when you fail your fb quest. (And if your inventory was full you will get your tab back when you have room.)

    In fact, for fb59, people deliberately fail their fb quest on the last boss and then retab, because of some kind of bug.

    Hypothetically speaking, if you did not like your squad you could refuse to tab when you got to the boss, but if you leave before they kill your boss for you you would still fail and get your tab back.

    So, personally, I do not see any practical advantage in not tabbing right away -- if someone gets disconnected you can retab later. But people like tabbing by their bosses and I do not like arguing with them about their preferences.

    But, if tabbing by bosses makes someone happy, I am totally in favor of tabbing by bosses. (But not on FB19 because so very often people think they have this quest when they do not have not collected their sprites, or whatever.)
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    He started being extremely arrogant, basically telling me that I was a low level nobody and that using the tablet at the beginning was to "make sure we don't completely waste our time".

    I've also met many players who are sexist and downright rude. Is this a regular thing in this game? Do most high levels all have a god complex? I stopped playing for 2 week because that experience left me with a sour taste in my mouth.

    Was I wrong to ask to wait until the end? Thank you everyone for your time.


    When I started playing this game. I hated those high levels for this kind of behaviour. As I level up and I became higher, people assume that I behave like those idiots too.

    So, you know prior FB's I take some mins to explain tabbers what to do and what not as well as what to expect.

    Honestly, I don't mind much doing an FB19 and after getting to the boss find out that the tabber did not have tab. Since, getting there and killing the boss is not a big deal for me.

    Of course, I asked if he had the tab and explain how does it look and everything but still many will answer"yes" even though they don't have it.
  • nocturnalbastard
    nocturnalbastard Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    FB19 = TAB in the beginning. End of story.

    Most users don't have a clue about FB19 when they get their tab and what they actually need to do. Any GOOD crew will make sure the tabber gets all of the mobs they need and ask before they get to any boss.

    Too many times I've had new users claim they have the Call to Duty mission (many times they leave tabs in their bank too), only to get to the boss and have them either port out or not be able to accept the mission.

    It's not rude to ask the tabber to tab at the beginning. If they're not in my faction or have never done a fb19, I won't move until I see the quest come up.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    FB19 = TAB in the beginning. End of story.

    Most users don't have a clue about FB19 when they get their tab and what they actually need to do. Any GOOD crew will make sure the tabber gets all of the mobs they need and ask before they get to any boss.

    Too many times I've had new users claim they have the Call to Duty mission (many times they leave tabs in their bank too), only to get to the boss and have them either port out or not be able to accept the mission.

    It's not rude to ask the tabber to tab at the beginning. If they're not in my faction or have never done a fb19, I won't move until I see the quest come up.

    it looks to me that you are a nice person. if all high levels were like you, then is ok to ask tabbers to tab first.

    However, many high levels don't care a bit about the tabber other quests inside the dungeon.

    So, they should tab after finishing the other quests inside the dungeon.

    Me, I also give the tabber all the drops I get from the FB.
  • Fayko - Sanctuary
    Fayko - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My advice is dont pull people from world chat for FB's unless you have to they are normaly only interested in drops exp and the rep or just to mess you up.
    but if you do pull people from world chat i wouldnt tab till you got to boss I would only tab at start if your with a trusted squad from your faction
    If the world chat squad demands to have tab at start just find someone else or pm me. My faction always looking to do a fb
  • nocturnalbastard
    nocturnalbastard Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    it looks to me that you are a nice person. if all high levels were like you, then is ok to ask tabbers to tab first.

    However, many high levels don't care a bit about the tabber other quests inside the dungeon.

    So, they should tab after finishing the other quests inside the dungeon.

    Me, I also give the tabber all the drops I get from the FB.

    As for drops, with me, tabber always gets 3* and molds... besides, being lvl 7x, what do I want with lowbie drops anyway?
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    In Santuary there is a player with a level 19 toon always asking to join guilds.

    He then says that he needs help for his FB. After getting to the boss, he says, I dont have tabb and start making fun of everybody in the squad.
  • Imuretay - Heavens Tear
    Imuretay - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    What is he 11 years old?
  • Barbariankev - Heavens Tear
    Barbariankev - Heavens Tear Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yes if you change leadership quest fails and i realy hate it when lower level people make me do a fake run claiming they have the tab and if they ask stuff i will tell them
    learning low levels what fbs are is important so they cant be fooled which i never do i always ask a few times about their quests
    though i have been in squads with some jerks **** trying to **** the low level just wanting exp
    and for drops all the tabber want is his or hers and molds and 3 stars for sure
    those fall under even when not asked you get them
    its impossible to always do the right thing we all make mistakes i am not different from that
    just try to be a good person

    english isn't my native language so there might be a few spelling/grammatical errors in my posts