
Posts: 146 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Cleric
Ok I have a few questions, I'm pretty new to these kind of games so I have to ask :p

Q no.1:
When you hear about Clerics with light armor it makes me go "What the hell? They have 20+ pts in Dex.?"

Is it REALLY worth leveling all those useless points (for Cleric class) just to get light armor?

Q no.2:

At lvl20 you get a Trial wand staff filled with sweet bonuses such as 4+ Magic points and the list goes on, do you get any more of these wands as a Quest reward when you progress in game? and at what levels do you get them?

Thats all for now :)

- Mega
Post edited by Megalomania - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    Visit the auction house and check out, wands, glaives, patakas.

    I luckily found a Bodhi Wanda while questing and that was my first upgrade once I realised no quest was going to give me a new weapon.

    You can easily see what level you will pick up your next weapon and can plan your stats etc for when that happens.

    I recommend Bhodhi Wand then Dharma sword at level 44.

    You want to pick a weapon that has a small range. EG 270-300 is much better than 150-400 magic attack.
  • Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Certain quests will also have magic weapons/armor as a reward. After you kill Jewelscalen you can choose a magic weapon for your reward (also after you kill Virridis). I'm not sure how good of a wep it is or if you'd even use it.

    Clerics that use light armor usually do alot of pvp, so it can be helpful. Most clerics use arcane robes.
  • Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Q1. (This is in general)

    1. Pure Magic
    Enough Strength to use magic armors and weapons, rest in Magic.
    Pros: High magic attack and defense, High heal point, High mana recovery.
    Cons: low hp, low defense, easy to die
    This build is great rely on equipment.

    2. Pure Vitality
    Enough Strength and Magic to use magic armors and weapons, rest in vitality.
    Pros: High hp, hard to die. Just consider it in PK ^_^
    Cons: Low attack, hard to leveling. need good weapon.
    You'd better to just a party to leveling.

    3. Light (armor) Cleric
    Enough Strength and Dex to use light armors and in Magic.
    Pros: More defense than magic cleric.
    Cons: Less magic attack and defense than magic cleric. low hp.

    4. Heavy (armor) Cleric
    Enough Strength and Dex to use heave armors and in Magic.
    Pros: Even more defense. and get more hp bonus thru refining.
    Cons: Low attack. low magic defense

    5. Hybrid Build
    The mixture of Magic and vitality
    Pros: Easy to handle, commended. mainly add magic before lv44, lesser vitality. then add more vitality.
    Cons: low defense.

    From Here

    ---> If you do roll an LA cleric, it is recommended to do so at a MUCH higher least 80+. Although I do not know too many because a lot of then go back to full magic after there early 90's.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    There is a quest you get in the 40s in Town of Arrivals that gives you a Glaive which is pretty good (a decent attack rate and +8~9 magic which isn't bad, don't remember the other stats), and Jewelscalan gives you a Pataka thats OK too (atk rate 253-470, Max Mag Atk +38, mp +85). Other than that, not really that I can think of or remember, other than legendary or TT weapons or the like. Then again those aren't "quest" weapons. I used my FB 19 weap until I got a drop that was better, then switched to the Town of Arrivals glaive (Glaive of the Demon Hunter or something like that), and now I'm using Jewelscalan's wand until I get my TT 60 weap. I don't switch weapons often as I don't really feel the need to. One thing for certain though, never buy weapons from the blacksmith. Use drops with blue names and good stats, or buy decent stuff from the auction house if you don't want to use the quest stuff.
  • Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    ..never but weapons from the blacksmith.

    He means "never buy" from the blacksmith. Have patience with Seraph, his English isn't that good .....
  • Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My English is fine (since it's all I can speak, lol).

    My typing is what lacks... lol :P ;)
  • Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    My cleric didn't go light armor and she did jsut fine. Make sure you don't heal people before htey atk or you'll pull aggro and if you do I normally carry around these pots made by apocethary which normally gave my team enough time to get aggro. When i grind alone, it is not a really tough time killing.

    I never bought weapons from the blacksmith. Just quest weapons and if i got anything better then I would use that. Then i started using HH weapons.
  • Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    At lvl 48 like people have been mentioning you kill Jewel and you get a pataka, and you kill Vriddis and you get a glaive. The glaive [what I used] had +8 mag and +7 vit...not too bad. I've been using that weapon up to the point where I got my TT sword. It felt a little gimpy by lvl 60, but overall it was fine.

    Note: I've been LA since lvl 1. It's actually not a bad choice for the beginning lvls when almost every mob is physical. The differences between the builds become more pronounced in higher lvls.
  • Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    2. Pure Vitality
    Enough Strength and Magic to use magic armors and weapons, rest in vitality.
    Pros: High hp, hard to die. Just consider it in PK ^_^
    Cons: Low attack, hard to leveling. need good weapon.
    You'd better to just a party to leveling.
    Stop spreading this "low attack" bull****. Attack is lower than that of full mag build, but it is still great. Barb has low attack and hard to leveling. Cleric is not, any decent build. And, any build needs good weapon. Go level full mag with some crappy 1* sword when you are 3hit for most mobs and cannot kill them fast enough to be unharmed and to not waste mp for healing like hell. I did this when went red once and dropped my wheel of fate (good that i did not dropped robe of blood might as well - or i've quitted my cleric not on 70 but on 55 lol). Paaainful i'll tell you.

    To the OP.

    Q no.1: light armor gives (due to dex) higher critical rate, it can somewhat compensate the absence of essential sutra for spike damage in pvp. Pure luck, though. Higher pdef is also nice to have, but you must refine as much as any full int does because higher pdef will not save you if you have too low hp. Leveling past 60 may be tough, dunno how hard magical mobs hit against LA but they must hit harder than against robe, and with this low hp it hurts.

    Q no.2: some quests have a weapon as a reward, but not nearly as good as fb19 wand. Aim for Wheel of Fate for 43 (~1.5-2mil or lucky fb39 run) and then 60HH sword.
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    They don't hit that much harder, i have a lvl 70 3* robe that i put on when grinding magic mobs but you don't really need it... Against those lvl 80 mothran butterflies they do about ~40-50 more dmg per hit to LA compared to arcane. and its not that hard to have hp (I have ~3k unbuffed) you just have to shop around and spend a bit on gems/refining. but the acutal gear is cheaper :)

  • Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    People should get in their heads one day that there's no such thing as bad heals or low dmg as long as you keep the min requirement of 3 mag per lvl. Clerics are meant to be dealing tones of dmg and they can do that with that 3 mag per lvl - live with it, your robes don't surpass the LA ones. Any smart Cleric would never go pure mag anyways, he/she would add vit points, that is if you really wanna survive. Really now sacrifising even 1k dmg to be able to take 5 more hits isn't worth it? especially in PvP. If you're interested only in PvE then it's different, pure mag probably is the best for PvE.
    As for the low hp nonsense, my hp at my lvl (63) is already 2350 and I'm LA, I'm still trying to find someone my lvl that has as high. So cut it out already, try it first and then put comments like the ones above, it's misleading. Btw. my items are 3 star armors and several 1 star ornaments, nothing epic and considering that I don't play as much as other people do, everyone can have better stuff than me.

    No one said that LA is better than robe and the same should go for the opposite. All people play their own way but don't mislead people believing that robes surpass LA, simply it doesn't. I've been playing for months now, everyone always says that later the dmg difference is incredible or that the mobs are magic and they can kick my ****, funny, nothing has changed since I was 45 or so and the game gets easier and easier, just slower.


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