[Sanctuary] Aesthetic is recruiting! :)



  • asianfroboi
    asianfroboi Posts: 2
    edited March 2009
    ahhh im sorry. i worked today and didnt get home till..late. but i will be on sometime in the afternoon and i will try to PM one of you guys
  • Sithrisaurus - Sanctuary
    Sithrisaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    No Pressure, Holy Cloud. It's not like we're shutting our doors on you. :)

    - Sith
  • Sairalindeah - Sanctuary
    Sairalindeah - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    In-Game Name(IGN): Sairalindeah
    Real Name:Tonya
    Class: Cleric
    Level: 20
    Time zone/location: USA (KY)
    Age: *sigh* 35...
    Languages:English (Ialso type and read fluent typonese ) lol

    Tell us something interesting about yourself: I am a Mom of 5...yes...5 b:surrender lol I am told I am funny and loyal (though if you ask me im obnoxious and cranky...lol) I don't do drama...I got RL for that b:chuckle

    Would you be loyal to our faction?:Yup b:pleased
    Activity: depends to be honest but certainly no less then 8 to 10hrs a week
    What are your expectations of Aesthetic?:Training a cleric is HARD solo...I die with alarming regularity. I really want to learn to be a good cleric...which is next to impossible flying solo...noone to heal
    Do you know anyone in Aesthetic? Not as far as I am aware...but I do annoy alot of people in a day so you never know b:chuckle
    Playtime Experience:not sure what ya mean....
    Previous Guilds/Factions:The Romans for about 5 days...then the new servers went up and the people who were left (understandably) were not interested in fighting with a low lvl cleric
    Pepsi or Coke: Sweet tea
    Circle or Square:Circles...why confine myself to a box?
  • Zemiazas - Sanctuary
    Zemiazas - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sorry if I'm not online when you guys are...
    I'm going to be online from 6:50-8:50 (US Mountain Time) today.
    If anyone in the guild is online then, could you maybe message me?

  • Chantique - Sanctuary
    Chantique - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    In-Game Name(IGN): chantique
    Real Name: Diana
    Class: Mage Veno
    Level: 12. (It will change, just keep an eye on my avatar)
    Time zone/location: GMT+8
    Age: 20
    Languages: English

    Tell us something interesting about yourself:
    I find solitude in reading. Love to travel and eat. Yes, I may be spoiled at times (being an only child rules!). I'm generally happy and easy going but I will crush you as subtle as possible if you do get on my nerves (or nuke you like there's no tomorrow) 0=)

    Would you be loyal to our faction?: Yup. Unless you give me a reason not to... b:surrender

    Activity: I usually log on everyday. Granted, I don't play 10 hour stretches, but I'm fairly active. I have a tendency to log on for 1 or 2 hours, log off, and log on again half an hour later...

    What are your expectations of Aesthetic?: A fun guild with a tightly-knit community.

    Do you know anyone in Aesthetic? Nope.

    Playtime Experience: I started playing about a month ago in HT, and left my level 47 veno there, to start fresh here. I lean more towards PVE then PVP, but I think it's only because my toon was a mage veno and a total squishy when I duel with tanks and archers...

    Previous Guilds/Factions: They shall not be named...

    Pepsi or Coke: Coke!

    Circle or Square: Square! You never know what lies after each corner...

    PS. I will be away til next week, so I'll try to contact you when I come back or later before I leave for the airport. b:pleased
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Woot, keep recruiting guys! Make your way to the top! b:victory
  • Keilasaurus - Sanctuary
    Keilasaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks a lot for the kind words, Asch. b:victory

    We'll try to see you within a week, then, Chantique :D

    Guild Updates:
    We've recently acquired a guild website thanks to Serenityxx. It can be found at www.aesthetic.mmoguildsites.net. While it's open to browse, people who register and try to apply can only do so if they contact one of us in-game.

    Also, thanks to Majesticly/Bastagio, we now have a TeamSpeak (we tried acquiring a vent but we couldn't find a cheap server that all of us could afford). Info can be found on the website but, once again, registration to our server will only be allowed to guild members.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    So how's the faction going thus far?
  • Chantique - Sanctuary
    Chantique - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hey guys! Back from my trip! I tried contacting you guys but you were offline... =(

    I think that there's probably an 11 or 12 hour difference between where I am and most places in the US. So, whenever anyone in the guild is online, can someone PM me?

    Thank you! ^^
  • Keilasaurus - Sanctuary
    Keilasaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The faction is going pretty well, actually. While we give priority invites to people who reply here, the executors/marshalls have been going out and doing some recruiting of their own. :) We're still not in the range to get to level 3, but with a few more recruits, we'll hope to get there soon. Unfortunately, still no TT/TW. Lol, we'd get creamed. So it's just bosses/fb's for us right now. b:pleased

    Welcome back chantique! And more importantly, welcome to the guild! I'm so glad you actually got a hold of me (good thing I convinced Sith to let me keep PWI up while we were afk!)
  • Zhoelle - Sanctuary
    Zhoelle - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    In-Game Name(IGN): Zhoelle
    Real Name: Varsuvius
    Class: Blademaster (sword), Alts are 1 each of all the other classes
    Level: 39
    Time zone/location: Pacific west coast
    Age: slightly ripe
    Languages: English, drusku Latviski

    Tell us something interesting about yourself: I've jumped out of a perfectly good plane, been shot at by a pellet gun, and faint at the sight of needles.

    Would you be loyal to our faction?: most definitely
    Activity: 4-5x/week, short periods (~1hr) and the odd binge session
    What are your expectations of Aesthetic?: no "expectations" except camaraderie, and maybe help with FB's/bosses, I like helping others though.
    Do you know anyone in Aesthetic? no
    Playtime Experience: a fair bit, but I've been splitting time between too many characters to level up very fast.
    Previous Guilds/Factions: n/a
    Pepsi or Coke: wine!
    Circle or Square: triangle
  • Keilasaurus - Sanctuary
    Keilasaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sweet! Very first person I was able to invite on the very first day they replied to this thread. VICTOLEE! b:victory

    Welcome, Zhoelle!<3
  • Sithrisaurus - Sanctuary
    Sithrisaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The Census needs updating, love. :) Keep at it!

    - Sith
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Why not just ask her offline, and get me to Bump the thread for you? b:chuckle
  • Keilasaurus - Sanctuary
    Keilasaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hehe. x3 I asked him to because we were on page 3. b:surrender
  • Keilasaurus - Sanctuary
    Keilasaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    *Slips in slowly for a quick bump and rushes off* b:shutup
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    3 weeks later, still going good? =o
  • Caleene - Sanctuary
    Caleene - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    -pokes thread- 8D

    In-Game Name(IGN): Caleene
    Real Name: Camille
    Class: Cleric (Balanced build)
    Level: 31
    Time zone/location: Central/Texas
    Age: 20
    Languages: English

    Tell us something interesting about yourself: I'm a female that plays games mostly since I currently have nothing else to do. Along with that, I do roleplay (yaoi mostly). For those who are curious, I warn you about that term (yaoi) since some people don't like it - which I respect unlike those rapid fans... -shudders- I'm pretty witty (oh so pretty, and witty and ****~) and may crack a joke or something humorous. I'll even say some something things in chat that are completely random.

    Would you be loyal to our faction?: Of course. The first guild I was in was friendly but hardly anyone was online :/ The last one was a more serious guild that I accidently accepted because I thought it was a squad invite. I seriously need to read the pop ups more, haha.
    Activity: Depends really. Can go from the time I wake up (1 to 5 pm) till I go to bed (3 or maybe 5 am). I will warn you that I may take huge breaks but I'll be back!
    What are your expectations of Aesthetic?: Hmm, I don't expect much but I enjoy guilds that are more friendly and won't be like a wall. Having fun and crazy times is great too 8D Mature and taboo topics don't bug me at all, hurhur.
    Do you know anyone in Aesthetic? Sadly not :/
    Playtime Experience: World of Warcraft (Never. Again. Thank goodness it was a free trial). Luna Online, Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO, lvl 47 there), ZX Online (on and off), Runes of Magic, Fiesta, Maplestory (hated it), Flyff, Swords of the New World and so on XD
    Previous Guilds/Factions: Legionare and venomous (accidental).
    Pepsi or Coke: I'd rather have Sprite xD
    Circle or Square: Circle. It's fun running around in circles 8D
  • Keilasaurus - Sanctuary
    Keilasaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hi Asch! Grats on 90! :) We're doing alright. We reached our limit so we're trying to get the money to upgrade to level 3 right now. Had a bit of guild drama a while back, but we nipped it in the bud before anything drastic happened. Two executors left so there are two exec spots open. D: Other than that, every thing is peachy. :D

    Welcome to the faction, Camy<3
  • Caleene - Sanctuary
    Caleene - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Thanks Keil <3 You guys are very helpful and awesome.
  • Shirabelle - Sanctuary
    Shirabelle - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    In-Game Name(IGN): Shirabelle
    Real Name: Niky
    Class: Cleric
    Level: 11
    Time zone/location: Eastern, ON Canada
    Age: 19
    Languages: English

    Tell us something interesting about yourself: I'm an artist. >> Photoshop pro.. xD Or so I'd like to think so. I can draw/paint/color, make decent graphics, touch-ups, and do almost anything in photoshop. I've also done such things as design t-shirts, sculpting, made jewelery, and have done canvas painting and written poetry. I'd like to think I can do nearly anything artistic. Especially if I put my mind to it. I hope that doesn't sound braggy. D: Oh, and I'm pregnant. o__o With a baby girl. <33

    Would you be loyal to our faction?: Yes.. as long as I am welcomed and it is active, I will have no problem.
    Activity: I'm usually quite active as I barely do anything all day.. but this is a shared computer and I've been giving my boyfriend more time on it. But I could be on for 4+ hours at a time if not a lot more daily.
    What are your expectations of Aesthetic?: For it to be friendly, welcoming, fun, and active. To make some friends, and hopefully make the game more fun to me.
    Do you know anyone in Aesthetic? Nope. I don't really know anyone in game. o__o
    Playtime Experience: Not much on this game. Few years on Flyff, some time on Maplestory, a few days on WoW, Some time on Wonderland online, and a few years on Ragnarok.. and some other MMOs I can't remember. xD
    Previous Guilds/Factions: None.
    Pepsi or Coke: Dr Pepper. D:<
    Circle or Square: Circle.
  • Keilasaurus - Sanctuary
    Keilasaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    SQUEEE! Omg, sorry. I totally geek out when people have played games I know. (Yours, namely Flyff and Wonderland Online -- I've never heard of a SOUL knowing what Wonderland Online was XD)

    I'd love to invite but the server is going down so I'm going to sleep... Blegh. I'll try to reach you tomorrow. I also have a question for you, but that'll be for our meeting in game. b:bye
  • Shirabelle - Sanctuary
    Shirabelle - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    xD Okie.

    Yeah I played Wonderland for only a few weeks, but it was fun. x3
    I liked the whole housing and pet aspects. xD *Dork*
  • Corette - Sanctuary
    Corette - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    In-Game Name(IGN): Corette
    Real Name: Lauren
    Class: Archer
    Level: 16 and climbing.
    Time zone/location: EST, Pennsylvania
    Age: 17 (18 in a few days!)
    Languages: English

    Tell us something interesting about yourself: Finishing up my senior year in high school at the moment, not going to college until next year though. I enjoy art myself, but all I ever really do is pencil drawings. (: Also, I love science, history.. all that nerdy stuff. b:pleased I'm pretty laid back, and I hate drama.

    Would you be loyal to our faction?: To keep it simple, I'll stick to the guild like glue if I enjoy it!
    Activity: Depends, 2-5 hours on weekdays. More on the weekend. I am taking several vacations this summer though, so there will be a few weeks here and there that I won't play.
    What are your expectations of Aesthetic?: Friendly people that can take a joke. No more uptight drool bucket guilds, tyvm! Helpful would be nice too, and I will be happy to help back.
    Do you know anyone in Aesthetic? Nope. ):
    Playtime Experience: I played the Malaysian server a year or so ago, I leveled a priest/cleric to 40 then stopped because the lag was getting on my nerves. Got the urge to play the other day, so here I am. I've also played Ragnarok Online, WoW, Flyff, and L2.
    Previous Guilds/Factions: None on PW.
    Pepsi or Coke: Coke, but root beer is the best!
    Circle or Square: Circle, defiantly.
  • hamball
    hamball Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    In-Game Name(IGN):Hamalama
    Real Name:Kevin
    Class: (BM, Veno, Cleric, Mage, Archer, Barb?)Cleric
    Time zone/location:MST/Colorado
    Languages:I just speak crazy...and a small bit of english ;)

    Tell us something interesting about yourself: [;D]

    Would you be loyal to our faction?: Without a doubt...just leave my llama's alone!!
    Activity: (How active are you? 1-4 hours a week? 13-18? XD Let us know<3) Depends on the week really...average I would say 10ish
    What are your expectations of Aesthetic?:A friendly group that is helpful and take care of one another
    Do you know anyone in Aesthetic? (If so, who? Good feedback always speeds up the process =) ) Nope :(
    Playtime Experience: Been in PWI about 2 days now...but you name it and I have played it MMO wise
    Previous Guilds/Factions: Nadda
    Pepsi or Coke:Crown Royal :)
    Circle or Square:Square, no question
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yay for Aesthetic! *thumbs up*
  • DarKye - Sanctuary
    DarKye - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    In-Game Name(IGN): DarKye
    Real Name: Juan
    Class: Archer
    Level: 28
    Time zone/location: GMT-3 / Argentina
    Age: 23
    Languages: English, Spanish.

    Tell us something interesting about yourself: I'm an IT student, and quite a computer nerd. As such, you'll probably find me online an obscene amount of time, although chances are that I will not always be physically around/free.

    Would you be loyal to our faction?: Of course.
    Activity: I'd dare say I'll be actively playing at least two hours per day.
    What are your expectations of Aesthetic?: I expect a community. I've been invited to several random factions that seem to exist only to bulk up their numbers. If I'm going to be in a group, I'd rather it be people I can talk with during the countless hours of grinding that this game will provide in the future.
    Do you know anyone in Aesthetic? Nope
    Playtime Experience: Mu Online, Ragnarok Online, World of Warcraft, Trickster Online, FlyFF, Silkroad Online...
    Previous Guilds/Factions: Only random factions that seem to invite anyone they see running around the field. Lasted less than five minutes in those until I gave up accepting and decided to actively seek out a good one.
    Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
    Circle or Square: Circle.
  • Keilasaurus - Sanctuary
    Keilasaurus - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Wow, haha, how lucky was that? Three people in the span of a week. :D

    Welcomes all around to Shira, Corette, Hammy llama, and One. :)

    ** I had a complete guild census for a different guild and I thought about implementing one for this thread, so that people could know the range of our characters. I'll be implementing that soon. :D (The only reason I never got around to it was purely because we were so new before. Now I gotta crack down and be seeeeerious. >:D)
  • esrun
    esrun Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    In-Game Name(IGN): Esrun
    Real Name: Trey
    Class: Cleric
    Level: Currently level 5 but will be lvl 10 this weekend
    Time zone/location: CST San Antonio, TX
    Languages: English. Enough Thai, German, and Spanish to order a beer and food :)

    Tell us something interesting about yourself: I finished my BBA CIS after I got out of the army. While in the army I did Satellite Comm. which was really cool. Got to travel the world and experience quite a bit. I like long walks on the beach yada, yada, yada.:) Oh, and drama free. I have no problem discussing taboo subject matter and am mature when the occasion calls for it. I'm pretty laid back and joke around otherwise.

    Would you be loyal to our faction?: yes
    Activity: 2-5 hours a day on weekdays. about 5 hrs a day on weekends.
    What are your expectations of Aesthetic?: The same thing I expect of every Guild, Pinky, plan to take over the world. Seriously, just want to relax and have fun with like minded individuals. Do you know anyone in Aesthetic? No I don't.
    Playtime Experience: played PW-My for about 6 mths, CSS, DoD. PW is the first MMO I've played.
    Previous Guilds/Factions: None
    Pepsi or Coke: Coke
    Circle or Square: Circle
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Aesthetic! Best faction evah! Everyone should join! They're Sanctuary's titans!