Surreal [Lost City] - The Heralds of Pure Ownage

Dimiter - Lost City
Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Guild Banter
Welcome to the official recruitment thread of the guild Surreal!

Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the tools, we have the technology. We can make it better than it was before.

A place for those who are not afraid to stand up against the moral restraints of our society. A place for people who are not afraid to challenge seemingly unlimited authorities. A place for everyone to find their true identity and develop their inner self in the way that would suit them best.

This is the Lost City guild Surreal. The spiritual successor to one of the guilds that had the most lasting and concussing effect on the server and its whole carebear attitude. From the people who made Ethereal the guild everyone loved to hate, we now give you Surreal!

Who are you?

We are a new guild in the sense that we made the faction just a week ago. However, we are an old guild in the sense that in our core we are all ex-members of the dead guild Ethereal and are determined not to let this one have such a miserable end.

Why are you here?

We are here to rock your world, plain and simple. We don't care about KOS-es, QQ-ing and the like. We care about one thing - Ownage. With us, you'll be sure to get a lot of that.

Can I join you?

Sure, if you're above lvl 20 and you think you can stand the heat. We don't want people who'll whine to us about being PK-ed and losing items or people accusing us of not helping them enough or whatever. We can't be in-game 24/7, but hey, we'll try our best to assist you. In the meantime, get to know the rest of your crew, kick some Dr3am **** and rock on.

How do I join?

Easy, you just fill in the application given below and post it here or you contact someone from the list in the next post.

~Member Application~
In-game name:
Reason why you want to join Surreal:
~End of Application~
Post edited by Dimiter - Lost City on


  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Guild Administration

    Surreal will be co-lead by me and my good friend and guildmate from Ethereal violer (who's also a kick **** PK-er). If you'd like to talk to us about anything, you can post here or PM us in-game (you can also PM me on forums).

    Leader - Dimiter
    Director - violer
    Marshal - Skinys
    Marshal - Wizzarski
    Marshal - Shylen
    Executor - Apens
    Executor - Risturo
    Executor - PhilipMat
    Executor - Lhsloth
    Executor - GunzTheDuel
    Executor - KillzNskillz
    Executor - WhiteDemon
  • Norgannon - Lost City
    Norgannon - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Good luck guys.

    I know you hate me, but as former Ethereal I give a **** about what people think, hehe, but I'm serious, good luck and hope to see your asses trying to PK mine.

  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thank you Norg.

    The truth is, we don't hate you (or at least I don't lol) and we don't hate CRAKO either. We just had some differences, we made some bad decisions and had some problems which were probably too big to handle as it were. Point is, me and violer, along with others, wanted to continue what we'd been doing thus far and you guys wanted to try out something different. So, I think what we did in the end was the most logical thing.

    I just hope every ex-Ethereal finds a good place where they can have fun. Wish you and CRAKO good luck too. b:victory

    P.S.: violer is actively levelling so she might want to PK you if she sees you, be careful. b:laugh
  • LightofNight - Lost City
    LightofNight - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sry, man I started to look at the post more closely andit seems that your are kind of like Infamous heavy on PK-ing (the reason I left on another of my many chars). Again Im really sorry but i dont think I will be joining you.

    EDIT: I can't spell. :D
    I am Your Light. Without me, You are nothing. Your Fate rests within My hands. Thus, You can never escape Me. So Be It.
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Your loss then. b:bye
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Still recruiting and nicely growing. b:pleased
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    In the past week we've been building up a strong presence within the guild and now have a stable and active core ready to help with most of our members' needs. We have also grown to a steady number that starts to give us ideas about upgrading the faction to lvl 2 in the near future. A very good piece of news is that our weekly activity sweep found out most of our members to be active and working hard on their characters.

    The special contribution of our marshal, Skinys, must be noted, as he made some new forums for us which we're now using to talk about all kinds of stuff and exchange ideas about the guild. We'll give out the URL to you, should you become a member of Surreal.
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Approaching the member limit...
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Only a few spots left, don't miss your chance to become part of this awesome faction!
  • Hobbitbeater - Lost City
    Hobbitbeater - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    In-game name: Hobbitbeater
    Class: Barbarian
    Level: 29
    Reason why you want to join Surreal: Ex UO player looking for fun pvp action. Active approximately 20-30 hours a week.
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hi Hobbit, I tried to contact you but you were offline. Since you've been officially accepted, just PM one of our ranked officers whenever you're on to receive your invite. b:victory
  • Hobbitbeater - Lost City
    Hobbitbeater - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I messaged a couple people yesterday when I was on. the only person online was violer and he had an instant message telling me where his cat was.
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It seems we're living in different time zones and can't catch each other online. You've gotten violer online because he leaves his afk shop all day.

    Hope I can catch you during the weekend.
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I heard you've joined another guild but if you're still interested, PM us. b:bye
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    Surreal's continuing to grow and become better organized as time passes. Soon our guild will be celebrating its 1-month anniversary as well as our very imminent guild upgrade that will allow us to welcome even more people to our guild.

    We've been working hard to help out each other and build up a nice community for our members. We've been utilizing our forums almost to their full potential and we're ready to face new tough challenges ahead.

    We're continuing to look for more like-minded players who will help us become the best guild on this server.
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Still recruiting fellow PK-ers and people who know what they want out of this game.
  • pwnyxpres
    pwnyxpres Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    ~Member Application~
    In-game name: PwnyXpress
    Class: Archer
    Level: 20
    Reason why you want to join Surreal: i used to play in pw-my, so i know what i'm doing and this seems like a gang i could actually stick with. not a big fan of carebears or guilds that ***** when i kill people. i just started back in pwi yesterday and made my archer. i started pwi in RageQuit, but i quit cuz cash shop prices were too much. now i'm back and looking for a pvp/pk friendly guild that isnt just a bunch of reckless noobs trying to act tough. seems like you bunch fit the bill. if u want me, drop me a line in game or mail me through here. i'll be around. take care.
    ~End of Application~
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Welcome to Surreal, Pwny!

    We definitely need more people like you here and from the sound of what you posted, seems like you've a lot of experience with both PW and PvP. We'll try to PM you in-game but in case we can't get to you soon enough, feel free to message me, violer and the rest of the officers from the first page cause you've been officially accepted.

    Hope to see you in guild! b:pleased
  • Pwnyxpress - Lost City
    Pwnyxpress - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    well i joined and i gotta say, i dont hate it. i'm pretty picky too. nobody is annoying and thats a big plus. also gotta love the freedom to do what i like to who i want. Surreal gets my thumbs up. give it a shot if you're looking for a guild.
  • Dimiter - Lost City
    Dimiter - Lost City Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    We're proud to announce that we've just completed another important phase in our guild development - the upgrade of our faction to lvl 2. Having taken voluntary donations comprising up to 85% of the total money needed for upgrade from our lower ranked members, we're happy to say that our guild's proven to be one of the most united and best loved by its own members on the server.

    With the upgrade of Surreal to lvl 2, we've achieved not only a great success as a community, but we've also made the guild something bigger than just a personal project - due to the fact that the guild can no longer be disbanded, it has now become an important and inseparable part of this server. Even if the leader has to go for whatever reason there might be, Surreal will live on because that is the way things should be.

    Satisfied though we are with our present results, this doesn't mean we'll stop here. On the contrary, our guild has just opened up a brand new field of possibilities. With the capacity to double our current member count and become even more tight-knit and organized, Surreal is looking for more and new kinds of challenges. We're ready to face the next level of our individual and cooperative development. Bring it on!