Why Guilds Fall

Darknin - Lost City
Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Chronicles
Note I found this, I did not write it.


So I found this article on another forums listing several reason why some guilds in general FAIL and FALL

Let this serve as a guide line for those who are currently in a guild, or about to start a guild, to see what you can do to hopefully improve the unity of your guild


60% die off within 3 months.
90% die within 6 months.
Less than 5% last over a year.

Here are the ten most common reasons "WHY" guilds FAIL:

I. The LEADER is a power hungry ego-maniac:

-If- you are starting a guild simply to "be in charge" of it, I would suggest not bothering starting a guild at all, because that is the #1 reason so many guilds DIE: it's that their leader started the guild, simply to be "IN CHARGE" of 'a guild' and to boss people. The best guilds are ran by people that actually enjoy helping other people. Immature ego-maniacs usually have no idea how much work is involved with running a "SUCCESSFUL" guild, that LASTS any amount of time. If you have a "BAD", UNFAIR", "LAZY", or "power-hungry" leader, a guild WILL DIE.

To avoid this:
A guild should be run by several people that SHARE the work, -AND- SHARE the authority, AND ENJOY helping other people.

II. Too many of your MEMBERS are whiny lazy brats:

If you have a lot of immature and lazy members that demand everything from you, but NEVER give anything back (or do very little), eventually YOU will get tired of doing ALL (or almost all) of the work, THEN THE GUILD WILL DIE.

To avoid this:
Make sure EVERYone understands that they absolutely must help their guild weekly by giving 10% of their online gaming time BACK to their guild (they can help with: recruitment, help other members, help members on the guild message board, organize activities, etc). Make sure that they all understand that a guild is "not a magical refrigerator" on the internet. The people that help MORE, should get MORE authority (or "say") in the guild. Please be fair and give the "workers" their "EARNED AUTHORITY". Make sure EVERYone knows "what is expected OUT of them" and "what to expect FROM the guild", -BEFORE- they join your guild. Basically, each member should have a "guild job".
III. You let a troublemaker into the guild:

NEVER let a person into your guild JUST because he is a "very good player." EVERY person has to be a "friendly person" or you do NOT want them. You DO -NOT- WANT JERKS in your guild. Sometimes, some of the best players (not all), are the most arrogant self-centered asstards on the planet, and all they ever do is think about THEMSELVES, and not about the guild. A troublemaker will go on to KILL a guild, because of their rude uncompromising behavior, "lack of teamwork", and nasty attitude. Fun and FRIENDS, are ALWAYS more important than winning. It's better to play by yourself, then be in a guild that is a huge collection of troublemaking morons and/or powerhungry schemers.

To avoid this:
Simply talk to the people before you let them in your guild. Invite them to an 'interview' to see what they want out of a guild. You can tell them "what will be expected out of them" and "what to expect from your guild". Its always a lot easier to NOT let a troublemaker in, then it is to kick him/her out. You should give TRY OUTS to new guys, and screen the jerks. Note, not all great players are bad people, some are actually among the nicest people in the world.
IV. A FIGHT starts, that snowballs out of control:

NO ONE IS PERFECT, therefore EVERYone must COMPROMISE from time to time. If any group of people are to get along, people have to compromise once and a while. Any time you get a bunch of humans together, there is going to be "DISAGREEMENTS". If even loving "FAMILIES" have fights, you can guarantee that a guild, if it lives long enough and grows, will have a fight.

To avoid this:
Do NOT let a fight grow or "EXPLODE" and kill your guild. If a fight starts between two people, suggest that THOSE two people (and a moderator) discuss it face to face, do not start a flame war on forums. If the fight is getting REALLY BAD, suggest to EVERYONE fighting, to "just take a break" and "cool off" for a couple of hours, a couple of days, of if needed 3 weeks. Sometimes simply saying "Let's just all sit down and play" will stop the fighting and SAVE your guild, remember that. It has been demonstrated that overall, most people are more loyal to their friends than their guild, and will leave if they do. Losing one or two prominent members over a trifle gone unchecked can set off a terminal chain reaction of "X left because Y left because Z left".

By having regular guild meetings, misunderstandings can usually be avoided. Communication between the leaders, and between the members and leaders is very important. I would recommend having scheduled monthly guild meetings for the guild. It helps prevent misunderstandings, and is also a good time to discuss issues and for members to offer new ideas too. Also don't forget to reward the guild's hard workers and keep them happy and give them "earned authority". It is EVERY MEMBERS' guild, not just the leaders' guild. Everyone should work a little, the ones that work the most, should have the most authority or "say", but it is ALL the members' guild and everyone should recognize that.

V. You FAILED to recruit any new members:

"A guild is like a sack of sand with a hole in at the bottom that is slowly losing it's contents."

People have and will always LEAVE guilds, no matter how good they are.

People leave for just about any reason you can think about. Family issues, auto accidents, unemployment, technical difficulties, boredom, failing grades, new responsibilities, people moving, misunderstandings, and of course FIGHTS, just to name a few.

To avoid this:
You have to CONTINUALLY RECRUIT new QUALITY members if your guild is to survive. Make sure several LOYAL people in the guild spend some time recruiting each week. Be careful NOT to spam messages anywhere. Make someone responsible for this section of the guild, make sure that they are 100% loyal to your guild.
VI. Disloyal "guild-hoppers", backstabbers, and "Quit-a-thons":

One out of many ....."E Pluribus Unum".

Making a guild is the EASY part, holding a guild together is the HARD part.

Disloyal, bottom feeding, blood sucking, leeching "backstabbers", that go on to instigate "mutinies" or "quit-a-thons" can not be allowed around your guild at any time. Some backstabbers create disturbances simply so that they can recruit members away from their old guild once people start to quit. These "split-off guilds" always go on to be "flop-guilds". The reason is: people that are disloyal to your guild will also be disloyal to the "split-off" guild; mutineers NEVER stick together very long.

"Guild-hoppers" are people that join a guild, then leave it, then join another guild, then leave it, then join another guild, then leave it, etc, etc. "Guild-hoppers" never do any work and do not have any loyalty. "Guild-hoppers" are self-centered and only think of themselves. Usually they are whiners too. They seldom stay in a guild for more then two weeks, and often don't stay more than a couple of days.

To avoid this:
If someone leaves your guild, do NOT allow them to rejoin. Exceptions may be made for long-standing esteemed members taking a temporary leave of absence, but this is up to you. Make it clear your guild has a one-way exit, not a revolving door. It should take all the leaders' authorization to let someone in your guild, or to kick someone out of your guild. This will make your guild stable and prevent it from being too easy to get in. Do not make your guild TOO easy to get into, that way members will VALUE your guild's MEMBERSHIP. You should give interviews to new applicants, and a trial period before making someone a full member. Make getting into your guild a special time that is valued.

Do not let a guild-hopper in your guild; if someone says he has been in 16 guilds, you do NOT want him in your guild, he is a fickle guild-hopper. If someone is in another guild already and wants to jump ship, they have ZERO loyalty to your guild, do NOT let them in. Telling the low-lifes "NO" or "GO AWAY", is the job of the leaders. Be a STRONG and FAIR leader and everyone will respect you for it.
I have done quite a bit of guild hopping in the past in games. The description of Guild Hopper is false. I do it to find the right guild for me. I also put into what ever guild I'm in till I move on. I look for guilds that are full of freindly people and little drama. Once I find a guild like that and I'm enjoying myself in the guild my hopping quits. That don't make me self centered. I play games to have fun. You can't have fun in a guild if you don't connect with or have anything in common with the other members. You can ask my faction I'm not a whiner. Luckly I found the right guild for me on the first try in this game.

VII. Someone thinking the "GUILD" is a "GAME":

A "guild' is not a "game". A guild is made up of REAL people with REAL feelings. You might be looking at your monitor when you type or talk to a player a thousand miles away on the internet, but there actually is a REAL person on the other end of that conversation, typing and talking to you while looking at their monitor, they are both REAL PEOPLE. Just because you can't touch them, does not mean they are not real breathing people that should be treated with dignity and fairness, if possible.

To avoid this:
Act civil to people and respect all people, if they will let you. Play games for fun, but dont "play with people" by mistreating them.
IX. "Net-Mosquitoes" harassing and wasting too much time:

"Net-mosquitoes" are troublemaking morons that cause trouble simply to cause trouble (and for the lulz). They have NO life and have been known to hound guilds that they could not get in or were kicked out of, for months sometimes. "Net-mosquitoes" waste their life trying to ruin others' fun. They are a waste of life, a waste of time, a waste of fun, don't let them waste yours.

To handle this:
Report any harassment and file a ticket. If the net-mosquito just does one thing, simply ignore the buffoon and let him get his "attention" from his momma.

No guild ever died because of an ugly guild web page, but a LOT of guilds DIE because their leaders spent WAY TOO much time working on their guild web page, instead of using that time leading, or recruiting, or having guild meetings to promote good communication in their guild.

A web page is simply a TOOL, a "web page" is NOT the guild. A guild is about the people, a web page doesn't help you enjoy the game, but "guild members" do. A "web page" is simply a "piece of paper on the internet".

To avoid this:
Make a bare-bones web page and/or simple forum to serve your guild for the first 3 months, then, after 3+ months, if your guild is still alive, worry about "dressing up" the web page. Worry about a dot.com later still, if your guild survives 9+ months.

Player Added Issues/Comments
I would add that it helps a lot to make sure that a fair number of people share the same TIME ZONE...If you join a guild who is largely in another Time Zone and never on when you are they are not going to be helpful and you are going to leave pretty fast.
Maybe a few additional points. Train the people who recruit others for your guild. Tell them who to let into the guild and who not. I personally refuse anyone with a rubbish name, a sex name, a racist name, etc., and in such cases I always clearly communicate why they can't be part of our guild. Plus, they have to pass a trial period, and only after passing that trial period they're official members of the guild.

When there's a troublemaker in the guild and neither the leader nor the director are online, the marshals and executors should be allowed to take action, i.e. even kick the troublemaker from the guild at once. The marshal or executor should inform the leader and director later with chat screenshots about what happened, explaining why they had to kick the troublemaker.

And the point about the one-way exit is very, very important. Make it perfectly clear: Leaving the guild is a goodbye forever. There's no control about alts of course; you can never tell if the freshly recruited member isn't an alt of the bad guy who got kicked five days ago. In PW, you just can't know.

An important point of human psychology is: People's hearts are really only in things they support. Your members need to invest something for the guild, may this be events they hold, giving coins for a possible guild upgrade, helping others on the guild forum, whatever. Just do something. Be on the giving side as well, not only on the receiving side. There NEEDS to be balance between giving and receiving. If it's one-sided, a member will NEVER be content. Simple human psychology.
though some of what is written in the guide you found is useful tools there are a few mistakes by the original writer.

One being that sometimes people leave Guilds because either the Drama in the Guild is too much and/or that particular Guild did not live up to his/her expectations.

On the doing too little for the Guild the writer failed to menntion that sometimes these people just like having a Guild name over/under their char's name and/or expect a free ride..which can lead to the Guild hopping issue.

But most of all the main problem is the writer of this Guide is expecting EVERYONE to be honest in what they say and their intentions..Well, Not everyone is. It's an unreal expectation, there are some people who can play the nice person game to get what they want.

The web page...well depends on the game I guess, I've seen Guilds go for 3 years or more and not have one web page, it was all word of mouth in game. Therefore, I'd say toss up on whether it helps or not.

Another factor to consider is players new to the world of Online Game playing don't know what they are doing and fall into the "wrong" crowd..so to speak. But, really are decent people.
NOTE: Please read below carefully:

Add in how your Guild interacts with other Guilds is important too. And if a player left his/her Guild or was kicked out of his/her Guild it would be wise to contact that players old Guild and ask why they were kicked/left and tell them that you are asking because they wish to enter your Guild and ask the player's old Guild Leader if he would take issue with that player being in your Guild (Doesn't mean you have to do as they say, it's just being polite and improving your relations with other Guilds).Ask the same questions of the player who is asking to join your Guild. This gives you a good idea of the player and enhances your relationship with other Guilds.

Other then that it's really rather stating things well enough.

And I agree with BridgetF on her points as well
Ooooh Granrey, thanks, that's something VERY important. Let me add something most guilds forget:

Make your guild stand for something. 90% of all guilds are "fun" guilds. Join them or leave them, no difference. They don't stand for anything. They're replacable, they're basically irrelevant. But when your guild adds a special extra, something else but only fun, your members will be way more loyal (provided you have members that fit into the guild role). Your guild will be different. Not just one of the countless "fun guilds" out there.

There's many possibilities. You could have a guild that specializes in helping newbies. In holding serverwide events. In doing TW. In trading. In roleplaying. In making an open black list with killstealers and other wrongdoers. In promoting peace (yea, you CAN do that). In killing all bosses on a constant basis. In doing FBs. In holding special event days, like, the 20th of every month is your guild's serverwide event day, named after your guild. In spying. In performing theater plays, written for a Perfect World audience, performed in a nice spot. In artistry. In comedy. In PW machinima. In farming. In doing Dragon Quests.

I could go on ;)
But I think this will suffice. You get the idea. Make your guild special. There's too many meaningless guilds out there.
Post edited by Darknin - Lost City on


  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    lol +1 to everything you said, especially number 6. Theres SOOOO many of those type of people going around.
  • StaRofEnvY - Sanctuary
    StaRofEnvY - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    nice post very nice...
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks :P It was a nice find as wellb:chuckle
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • BridgetF - Heavens Tear
    BridgetF - Heavens Tear Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Useful post. I couldn't put it any better.

    Maybe a few additional points. Train the people who recruit others for your guild. Tell them who to let into the guild and who not. I personally refuse anyone with a rubbish name, a sex name, a racist name, etc., and in such cases I always clearly communicate why they can't be part of our guild. Plus, they have to pass a trial period, and only after passing that trial period they're official members of the guild.

    When there's a troublemaker in the guild and neither the leader nor the director are online, the marshals and executors should be allowed to take action, i.e. even kick the troublemaker from the guild at once. The marshal or executor should inform the leader and director later with chat screenshots about what happened, explaining why they had to kick the troublemaker.

    And the point about the one-way exit is very, very important. Make it perfectly clear: Leaving the guild is a goodbye forever. There's no control about alts of course; you can never tell if the freshly recruited member isn't an alt of the bad guy who got kicked five days ago. In PW, you just can't know.

    An important point of human psychology is: People's hearts are really only in things they support. Your members need to invest something for the guild, may this be events they hold, giving coins for a possible guild upgrade, helping others on the guild forum, whatever. Just do something. Be on the giving side as well, not only on the receiving side. There NEEDS to be balance between giving and receiving. If it's one-sided, a member will NEVER be content. Simple human psychology.
  • sekmetstouch
    sekmetstouch Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    though some of what is written in the guide you found is useful tools there are a few mistakes by the original writer.

    One being that sometimes people leave Guilds because either the Drama in the Guild is too much and/or that particular Guild did not live up to his/her expectations.

    On the doing too little for the Guild the writer failed to menntion that sometimes these people just like having a Guild name over/under their char's name and/or expect a free ride..which can lead to the Guild hopping issue.

    But most of all the main problem is the writer of this Guide is expecting EVERYONE to be honest in what they say and their intentions..Well, Not everyone is. It's an unreal expectation, there are some people who can play the nice person game to get what they want.

    The web page...well depends on the game I guess, I've seen Guilds go for 3 years or more and not have one web page, it was all word of mouth in game. Therefore, I'd say toss up on whether it helps or not.

    Another factor to consider is players new to the world of Online Game playing don't know what they are doing and fall into the "wrong" crowd..so to speak. But, really are decent people.
    NOTE: Please read below carefully:

    Add in how your Guild interacts with other Guilds is important too. And if a player left his/her Guild or was kicked out of his/her Guild it would be wise to contact that players old Guild and ask why they were kicked/left and tell them that you are asking because they wish to enter your Guild and ask the player's old Guild Leader if he would take issue with that player being in your Guild (Doesn't mean you have to do as they say, it's just being polite and improving your relations with other Guilds).Ask the same questions of the player who is asking to join your Guild. This gives you a good idea of the player and enhances your relationship with other Guilds.

    Other then that it's really rather stating things well enough.

    And I agree with BridgetF on her points as well
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    PERFECTLY describes what is happeing to our poor guild, and also perfectly describes what we need to do to heal it....THANK YOU!!
    Note I found this, I did not write it.

    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    now lets see you make a guild.

    edit: ah. forgot you didn't write this. whomever wrote this is naive.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    now lets see you make a guild.

    edit: ah. forgot you didn't write this. whomever wrote this is naive.

    :P I don't make guilds because it is a waste of my time to lead, rather just be in one and when **** goes down up and leave.
    PERFECTLY describes what is happeing to our poor guild, and also perfectly describes what we need to do to heal it....THANK YOU!!

    Lol well your welcome, I guessb:cute
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I agree with everything in that guild guide.

    I would add that it helps a lot to make sure that a fair number of people share the same TIME ZONE...If you join a guild who is largely in another Time Zone and never on when you are they are not going to be helpful and you are going to leave pretty fast.
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ^^ Added in your commentsb:bye
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have done quite a bit of guild hopping in the past in games. The description of Guild Hopper is false. I do it to find the right guild for me. I also put into what ever guild I'm in till I move on. I look for guilds that are full of freindly people and little drama. Once I find a guild like that and I'm enjoying myself in the guild my hopping quits. That don't make me self centered. I play games to have fun. You can't have fun in a guild if you don't connect with or have anything in common with the other members. You can ask my faction I'm not a whiner. Luckly I found the right guild for me on the first try in this game.

    So all in all that definition need rethinking.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Cheaper - Heavens Tear
    Cheaper - Heavens Tear Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    nice, everything there is true. no doubt
    omg im posting stuff.
  • Kealani - Heavens Tear
    Kealani - Heavens Tear Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah...........this stuff isn't completely accurate. Namely the guild hopper thing,going by that logic if I join a guild and end up not liking it,it suddenly becomes my duty to stay in the guild?

    No bloody way.I'm a guild hopper untill I find a guild I do like. And btw,I still help even though I might end up leaving,and there are others that do the same.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have done quite a bit of guild hopping in the past in games. The description of Guild Hopper is false. I do it to find the right guild for me. I also put into what ever guild I'm in till I move on. I look for guilds that are full of freindly people and little drama. Once I find a guild like that and I'm enjoying myself in the guild my hopping quits. That don't make me self centered. I play games to have fun. You can't have fun in a guild if you don't connect with or have anything in common with the other members. You can ask my faction I'm not a whiner. Luckly I found the right guild for me on the first try in this game.

    So all in all that definition need rethinking.

    There are such things as guild hoppers who only stay in guild for 1 hour or less.That is not a good amount of time to get use to guild it may take a month or so.

    I was wondering where did you get this info as I am leader of guild in another game it sounds like that one.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Elezara - Sanctuary
    Elezara - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I agree with everything in that guild guide.

    I would add that it helps a lot to make sure that a fair number of people share the same TIME ZONE...If you join a guild who is largely in another Time Zone and never on when you are they are not going to be helpful and you are going to leave pretty fast.

    I used to be in the Guild "Contagion", and at first it was really great and we helped each other, and did things together. The main problem, which only got worse over time, is just that: TIME ZONE differences; several of us live in Hawai'i, including Saitada who started that Guild, and some in New Zealand and Australia, and Eastern Europe. However the majority of players seemed to be located either on the East Coast or in the South and Central Zones of USA, and Central Canada, thus making it difficult for us to get together and organize things. Our intentions were good, however insomnia, illnesses, and school & job committments slowly devoured up our members to the point that we all seldom were in-game at the same time ~ Although both Saitada and myself made it clear (I hope) that if our old members needed a hand with anything, we would make an effort to be available to them ~

    Sometimes stuff like this happens, and it's sad, but it's life ya know; things are constantly changing, and trying to hold on to things is like trying to catch the tail of a kite in the middle of a tornado ~ (well that, and the electric shock part, tyvm, Ben Franklin!) lol ~ Cheers
    Go north.... NO Elezara! YOUR OTHER NORTH! Oh Gods you went South!
    Thanks Saitada for the great sig!
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    There are such things as guild hoppers who only stay in guild for 1 hour or less.That is not a good amount of time to get use to guild it may take a month or so.

    I was wondering where did you get this info as I am leader of guild in another game it sounds like that one.

    A month?? I'm sorry the shortest time I have spent in a guild is 2 days. I don't beleive you should have to get used to your guild. It should feel comfortible and natural from the beginning. Once I finally find the guild for me I'm comfortible from the time I join the guild.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    am I reading this right?

    Anyway, I think a good introduction to the guild would be great by explaining the goals of the guild as well as the guild culture and by sending them to a website where they can read in detail.

    I still think most guild fails for our game lacking reasons to make small guilds viable. No bank, no guild oriented economy, no politics, no alliances, no guild quests, no guild jobs, etc.

    At the same time, there are too many guilds.
  • BridgetF - Heavens Tear
    BridgetF - Heavens Tear Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ooooh Granrey, thanks, that's something VERY important. Let me add something most guilds forget:

    Make your guild stand for something. 90% of all guilds are "fun" guilds. Join them or leave them, no difference. They don't stand for anything. They're replacable, they're basically irrelevant. But when your guild adds a special extra, something else but only fun, your members will be way more loyal (provided you have members that fit into the guild role). Your guild will be different. Not just one of the countless "fun guilds" out there.

    There's many possibilities. You could have a guild that specializes in helping newbies. In holding serverwide events. In doing TW. In trading. In roleplaying. In making an open black list with killstealers and other wrongdoers. In promoting peace (yea, you CAN do that). In killing all bosses on a constant basis. In doing FBs. In holding special event days, like, the 20th of every month is your guild's serverwide event day, named after your guild. In spying. In performing theater plays, written for a Perfect World audience, performed in a nice spot. In artistry. In comedy. In PW machinima. In farming. In doing Dragon Quests.

    I could go on ;)
    But I think this will suffice. You get the idea. Make your guild special. There's too many meaningless guilds out there.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    A month?? I'm sorry the shortest time I have spent in a guild is 2 days. I don't beleive you should have to get used to your guild. It should feel comfortible and natural from the beginning. Once I finally find the guild for me I'm comfortible from the time I join the guild.

    That is not enough time to get to know everyone or even the leader and what the guild is about.I would say a month i have been guild leader coming up to 4 years in April 28th.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    That is not enough time to get to know everyone or even the leader and what the guild is about.I would say a month i have been guild leader coming up to 4 years in April 28th.

    Sometimes a 1/100 of a second is enough to get out of a guild. If I see comments that I don't agree and everybody LOL about them. That would tell me right there if I should stay or not.

    However, I do admit these are rare cases and I have not done it yet.
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    -edit- nm LOL
  • Varriana - Dreamweaver
    Varriana - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    That is not enough time to get to know everyone or even the leader and what the guild is about.I would say a month i have been guild leader coming up to 4 years in April 28th.
    You know, you don't need to know EVERYONE in a guild. If the leader and top officers themselves act like drama queens, two days is plenty to realize that the guild is not for you. I was in a guild like that in another game.
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Updated with comments >.< I usually stay in a guild if drama starts and try and break up the fight but if it doesn't ever seem to stop I'm out.

    And a week is a good time frame to figure out where you fit, and if you fit in the guild.
  • Kohlyka - Heavens Tear
    Kohlyka - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I liked many of the points this post brought up, so I went ahead and quoted it on my guild's forums so they can see it too. :3
  • Misspoppycok - Heavens Tear
    Misspoppycok - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    this is a great! i know points along this thread will help... i just started myguild 1 or 2 weeks ago and i would like to see it suceed along with the people in it...but one of the problems i have is i dont see half of the people on, no people=no guild, but i dont know how to figure out if they do get on...
    1how do i know when some1s ever on
    2are directors really an such powerful,important figure, when i hav a good marshal/executor? i know my director in person, she's a great to hav fun with, but im not sure she'd be the one to solve a problem when im not there..
    i'de appreciate it if at least one of my questions are answered...
    but again, thank you!
    Art page: [behrblud.deviantart.com]
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    That is not enough time to get to know everyone or even the leader and what the guild is about.I would say a month i have been guild leader coming up to 4 years in April 28th.

    Ok if fights break out more then once in two days I'm not sticking around. If nothing but cursing is comming from the guildmates I'm not sticking around. @2 days is plenty of time to know if it right or not. I also said that was the shortest time not the avarage time. That time was in fact when I joined a guild next thing I know I was surrounded by fricking perverts. One of which was talking about wanting to have sex with a dog. I ask everyone is two days enough to know you don't wanna be around that ****.

    Guild leader for 4 years. Ok and that means what exactly?? What game is it you been a guild leader in that long? Ive been a guild leader for long periods of time too. That don't make me an expert. I'm also 2nd in command of 8 guilds. That dont mean I know everything about helping my guild leader in keeping the guild together.

    I'm just saying there are time when you only need a few minuts to know you don't want to nor need to be around the sickos in a guild.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I was a guild leader before in another game.

    The guide u posted is true to some extent.

    But i realised one thing.COMMUNICATION is important.

    When i first started off my guild, we had the "same country only rule"

    it sounds racist(countryist?), but honestly i tell you, we were SO HAPPY,everyone was just a phone call away, we met up EVERY MONTH without fail, go to the beach, go for movies, go to the local bar and get pissed together.....it was a 80 ppl guild then. Imagine like 80 ppl meeting up and going out^^

    Kos got ROLLED AND ROLLED hard, cos we didn't have to WAIT for ppl to BE ONLINE, we could just MASS TEXT all our members and 5 misn later u have 80 ppl on the scene rolling YOU!!!

    The BAD TIMES started, when the game expanded and we HAD to ally up with different guilds blah blah, diff timezones,diff cultures, less understanding, can't be awake to watch the otehr ppl and what they need, what they do......

    I Dunno........In my honest opinion,a guild with comprises of ppl who u meet and greet in real life and are all contactable by phone, alls ame timezone....will OWN EVERY OTHER GUILD in any case.
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • redhawkpure
    redhawkpure Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ooooh Granrey, thanks, that's something VERY important. Let me add something most guilds forget:

    Make your guild stand for something. 90% of all guilds are "fun" guilds. Join them or leave them, no difference. They don't stand for anything. They're replacable, they're basically irrelevant. But when your guild adds a special extra, something else but only fun, your members will be way more loyal (provided you have members that fit into the guild role). Your guild will be different. Not just one of the countless "fun guilds" out there.

    There's many possibilities. You could have a guild that specializes in helping newbies. In holding serverwide events. In doing TW. In trading. In roleplaying. In making an open black list with killstealers and other wrongdoers. In promoting peace (yea, you CAN do that). In killing all bosses on a constant basis. In doing FBs. In holding special event days, like, the 20th of every month is your guild's serverwide event day, named after your guild. In spying. In performing theater plays, written for a Perfect World audience, performed in a nice spot. In artistry. In comedy. In PW machinima. In farming. In doing Dragon Quests.

    I could go on ;)
    But I think this will suffice. You get the idea. Make your guild special. There's too many meaningless guilds out there.

    well put. i agree with everything u said as well as the guide for the most part. and its true most guilds stand for nothing and thats why they fall. RH stands for something and that is prolly the only reason we r still alive even tho everyone and their mom hates us lol. We stand for a few things like Loyalty doin wdf u feel like and bowing to no one or guild and over comming impossible odds. i personaly like to keep the guild as honest as possible tho all most people see is we killed them. Long story short people need to make new guilds like that cleric guild that rez people for money in LC they stand for something and i respect that so good chance RH will leave dem be
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok if fights break out more then once in two days I'm not sticking around. If nothing but cursing is comming from the guildmates I'm not sticking around. @2 days is plenty of time to know if it right or not. I also said that was the shortest time not the avarage time. That time was in fact when I joined a guild next thing I know I was surrounded by fricking perverts. One of which was talking about wanting to have sex with a dog. I ask everyone is two days enough to know you don't wanna be around that ****.

    Guild leader for 4 years. Ok and that means what exactly?? What game is it you been a guild leader in that long? Ive been a guild leader for long periods of time too. That don't make me an expert. I'm also 2nd in command of 8 guilds. That dont mean I know everything about helping my guild leader in keeping the guild together.

    I'm just saying there are time when you only need a few minuts to know you don't want to nor need to be around the sickos in a guild.
    It all depends on the leadership of the guild if and if the leader is doing good.This includes the officers as well.I would say if they are fighting then pm the leader and talk to them about what you don't like about thier guild.I wouldn't leave untill meeting the leader and asking more about the guild and it rules.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
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