Which guild do you hate the most?



  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Btw .CQ random pked my noobs pt again lols so funny corrupt police b:shutup

    they random pk u yet ur own kos? btw aren't u the self-proclaimed pker of everyone? why are u complaining that someone pked u?
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    Cant i vote all of them?

    I sort of hate them all some more then the others ( GZ ) but still i wane vote on all.

    Ill just vote CQ makes them look even more baddies b:chuckle

    Btw .CQ random pked my noobs pt again lols so funny corrupt police b:shutup

    dazels i tried to kill u with my +5 fists

    u crit me for 97 (is this possible?) then bled me and ran b:cry
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    my pc is broken not playing atm havent for the past 4 days..

    and crit u for 97? thats maybe possible when hitting u with wep but im prutty confident that u wouldve droped u if u came with fists maybe tankt u for a bit and lol alot
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    syl wrote: »
    they random pk u yet ur own kos? btw aren't u the self-proclaimed pker of everyone? why are u complaining that someone pked u?

    Oo i said noob account nooblet..

    no1 knows my mage and i got away they did however manage kill 4 pt members 2 9x vs 3x kind funny they stayed well hiden never saw the attackers nice trick b:thanks

    My party was cleuless 1 even shouted damn RQ how funny good thing i know all of CQs members to tell them it was 1 of CQs rogeu players a 9x ofcource 8x would get kickt for actions like that.

    1 of them even sent CQ marshal a msg only to get told he was on KOS haha KOSing 3x guildless mages now for reporting a 9x random pking how funny i like your stijle CQ
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Oo i said noob account nooblet..

    no1 knows my mage and i got away they did however manage kill 4 pt members 2 9x vs 3x kind funny they stayed well hiden never saw the attackers nice trick b:thanks

    My party was cleuless 1 even shouted damn RQ how funny good thing i know all of CQs members to tell them it was 1 of CQs rogeu players a 9x ofcource 8x would get kickt for actions like that.

    1 of them even sent CQ marshal a msg only to get told he was on KOS haha KOSing 3x guildless mages now for reporting a 9x random pking how funny i like your stijle CQ

    your propaganda could be effective if only people could understand your posts...
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Oo i said noob account nooblet..

    no1 knows my mage and i got away they did however manage kill 4 pt members 2 9x vs 3x kind funny they stayed well hiden never saw the attackers nice trick b:thanks

    My party was cleuless 1 even shouted damn RQ how funny good thing i know all of CQs members to tell them it was 1 of CQs rogeu players a 9x ofcource 8x would get kickt for actions like that.

    1 of them even sent CQ marshal a msg only to get told he was on KOS haha KOSing 3x guildless mages now for reporting a 9x random pking how funny i like your stijle CQ

    oh sry when u say noob account i assumed u were talking about this account. Specify next time by saying my noob alt account
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well writing isnt my best skill im beter at making love if u would like to test me b:kiss

    However enof poeple can read and understand my posts as can i read and understand there flamming followed b:chuckle

    but its oke only smart poeple can ready posts in any form.
    And its simple not ment for the poeple that cant read my shizle
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • XPapewaiox - Lost City
    XPapewaiox - Lost City Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    syl wrote: »
    oh sry when u say noob account i assumed u were talking about this account. Specify next time by saying my noob alt account

    You sir, just made my day. Ultimate win.
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    syl wrote: »
    oh sry when u say noob account i assumed u were talking about this account. Specify next time by saying my noob alt account

    Wow do i know u?

    u seem a non-factor trying to talk like he something wich ur most likly not b:chuckle

    Maybe i do know and you me then u calling me a noob is no offense at all even most of my enemys respect me in world pvp as i them just.

    The butthurt 1s that seem to not ever give any credit no matter how good the fight was but thats oke.
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Wow do i know u?

    u seem a non-factor trying to talk like he something wich ur most likly not b:chuckle

    Maybe i do know and you me then u calling me a noob is no offense at all even most of my enemys respect me in world pvp as i them just.

    The butthurt 1s that seem to not ever give any credit no matter how good the fight was but thats oke.

    how can i give u credit when u always die, or run away and eventually die cuz ur too dumb to realize that kiting a veno won't work when they have phenix.

    U, MeLoveYou, vixxin, and korren are the reason why venos get a bad rep of pushing the flesh ream button and running away.

    Anyways the only time i ever meet u is when i get to volume 29, and u run away because u realize that i'm a better veno with a phenix that can own u. I actually haven't seen u lately though, nor do i really care.
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Wow do i know u?

    u seem a non-factor trying to talk like he something wich ur most likly not b:chuckle

    Maybe i do know and you me then u calling me a noob is no offense at all even most of my enemys respect me in world pvp as i them just.

    The butthurt 1s that seem to not ever give any credit no matter how good the fight was but thats oke.

    You know you would be more believable if u named ANYONE. You always say "a CQ" or "4v1 they know who they are".

    Name some names la

    If its true you would name people and if it is we can flame them in guild chat about it. Let us have some fun too pl0x.
    Official Guild History

  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    syl wrote: »
    how can i give u credit when u always die, or run away and eventually die cuz ur too dumb to realize that kiting a veno won't work when they have phenix.

    U, MeLoveYou, vixxin, and korren are the reason why venos get a bad rep of pushing the flesh ream button and running away.

    Anyways the only time i ever meet u is when i get to volume 29, and u run away because u realize that i'm a better veno with a phenix that can own u. I actually haven't seen u lately though, nor do i really care.

    thats means ur 9x and YES i fking **** my pants for 9x nix users 50% of time ill stay and fight depending on wat my invetory holds sins im 200 hours red and dont use dolls.

    and a veno vs veno both having nix comes down to lv and gears easy as it is send nix and hope i get away dusnt work very much but meh unless i got bramble or pots ill drop quickly so ur not really in a possition to say anything about me.

    PS: 9X nix bleed is 1 shot so requires no skills to kill me and u mist some names on that list of yours and MeLoveYou barly kites only when outnumberd wich is wat most of us do.

    u cant kill good 9x by kiting when ur 8x requires stun lock and nuking like alot ofCQ archers rip my face off and lol at it but ive managed to kill them on occasions not skill then?

    and i dont even run when nix dies unless its some 1 i really dislike and dont want to grant them the fun of killing me
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You know you would be more believable if u named ANYONE. You always say "a CQ" or "4v1 they know who they are".

    Name some names la

    If its true you would name people and if it is we can flame them in guild chat about it. Let us have some fun too pl0x.

    lol i stopt namming the poeple u might have noticed unless its on vid or pic it will be denied and lies will spawn turing it into a flame fest wich honestly CQ is alot beter at then me..

    and i sure the CQ members remember that pk on us and the flamming we all did from safe b:chuckle and i wouldnt want CQ to know my mage's name would make it rather hard to lv to 4x with trigger happy 9x la
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    thats means ur 9x and YES i fking **** my pants for 9x nix users 50% of time ill stay and fight depending on wat my invetory holds sins im 200 hours red and dont use dolls.

    and a veno vs veno both having nix comes down to lv and gears easy as it is send nix and hope i get away dusnt work very much but meh unless i got bramble or pots ill drop quickly so ur not really in a possition to say anything about me.

    PS: 9X nix bleed is 1 shot so requires no skills to kill me and u mist some names on that list of yours and MeLoveYou barly kites only when outnumberd wich is wat most of us do.

    u cant kill good 9x by kiting when ur 8x requires stun lock and nuking like alot ofCQ archers rip my face off and lol at it but ive managed to kill them on occasions not skill then?

    and i dont even run when nix dies unless its some 1 i really dislike and dont want to grant them the fun of killing me

    WTB....punctuation marks....pls

    and lol at the meloveyou "barely" kites, you never fought him have u?

    i'll bet 1 mil that meloveyou is kiting somebody right now as i'm typing this post
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    syl wrote: »
    WTB....punctuation marks....pls

    and lol at the meloveyou "barely" kites, you never fought him have u?

    i'll bet 1 mil that meloveyou is kiting somebody right now as i'm typing this post

    i actually did alot of pvp in my time with blt.. (5 days =p )

    and was always with MeL and havent really seen him kite only when outnumberd wich i would bet is wat u do.

    He uselly drops down and starts nuking wich the easyest way to kill 9x my nix alone cant do it unless there build is bad
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i actually did alot of pvp in my time with blt.. (5 days =p )

    and was always with MeL and havent really seen him kite only when outnumberd wich i would bet is wat u do.

    He uselly drops down and starts nuking wich the easyest way to kill 9x my nix alone cant do it unless there build is bad

    ok he doesn't kite u because he doesn't have to...what's the purpose of kiting a 1 shot? or 2 shot?

    let someone 9x come along see how fast he goes in kite mode
  • Chocooo - Lost City
    Chocooo - Lost City Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    syl wrote: »
    ok he doesn't kite u because he doesn't have to...what's the purpose of kiting a 1 shot? or 2 shot?

    let someone 9x come along see how fast he goes in kite mode

    I know its easy to misread his post... and I might have too.
    But what i think he meant was, he did a lot of pking alongside blt members, and during a few of his pk parties with Mel, he noticed Mel did not kite other people as often even if he was outnumbered.
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Lol dunno who u were pking with then maybe one of the "hackers" of Mel's acc. Every 9x knows the minute mel is so much as tickled by a single player he takes off running, if anyone uses anti-stun pot or skill hes gone in a flash. Only time he isnt running is when his pk pot is on and even then the majority of the time hes using it to run away. Oh and he never forgets to talk about peoples crappy damage while his pk pot is on or talk shiit cos every other class cant catch a 10.4m/s wf running to safe.
    Official Guild History

  • Schooled - Lost City
    Schooled - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My vote goes with Conqueror.

    Bottom line is the server balance, one guild supported by a large group of blind players who know no better can and will destroy a server and a game.

    When there is no TW, and you're paying 2-3,000,000 for a single charm you'll understand one thing; It's too late.

    When a guild can control bidding, and control the economy, the game is over. Period. Time, money, image - won't matter when the server is overrun. Not just overrun honestly, but taken over by corrupt, fraudulent gamers who will do ANYTHING from stealing accounts to fraudulent complaints to ban you.

    If you're not up to the challenge of saving the server, then you have no reason at all to even waste your time on the forum, or logging in.
  • cei98
    cei98 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My vote goes with Conqueror.
    Not just overrun honestly, but taken over by corrupt, fraudulent gamers who will do ANYTHING from stealing accounts to fraudulent complaints to ban you.

    You just went off topic and started talking about BL.
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I know its easy to misread his post... and I might have too.
    But what i think he meant was, he did a lot of pking alongside blt members, and during a few of his pk parties with Mel, he noticed Mel did not kite other people as often even if he was outnumbered.

    thnx choco exacly wat i ment b:victory
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Lol dunno who u were pking with then maybe one of the "hackers" of Mel's acc. Every 9x knows the minute mel is so much as tickled by a single player he takes off running, if anyone uses anti-stun pot or skill hes gone in a flash. Only time he isnt running is when his pk pot is on and even then the majority of the time hes using it to run away. Oh and he never forgets to talk about peoples crappy damage while his pk pot is on or talk shiit cos every other class cant catch a 10.4m/s wf running to safe.

    Meh Chaoticc werent u at the small CQ vs BLT fight at the 9x spider grind area?

    When we patrolled area ended up dying and being sh-it talkt while we rebuffed.

    So funny 6 vs 6 we had MeL and another teleport to other side and we came at you from 2 sides and whoopt your behinds i didnt see any kiting then ..wat i did see was alot and i mean alot of CQ poping up in safe because u coulndt take us 6 and to call backup again.

    or are these all lies again?
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • Isowen - Lost City
    Isowen - Lost City Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My vote goes with Conqueror.

    Bottom line is the server balance, one guild supported by a large group of blind players who know no better can and will destroy a server and a game.

    When there is no TW, and you're paying 2-3,000,000 for a single charm you'll understand one thing; It's too late.

    When a guild can control bidding, and control the economy, the game is over. Period. Time, money, image - won't matter when the server is overrun. Not just overrun honestly, but taken over by corrupt, fraudulent gamers who will do ANYTHING from stealing accounts to fraudulent complaints to ban you.

    If you're not up to the challenge of saving the server, then you have no reason at all to even waste your time on the forum, or logging in.

    Yes! Lets all support BLT in their struggle towards saving the server! By...attacking GZ instead of CQ? b:shocked b:bye

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yes! Lets all support BLT in their struggle towards saving the server! By...attacking GZ instead of CQ? b:shocked b:bye

    How about by jumping CQ like ur jumping blt hmm?

    blt is just making sure they dont lose there income Gz are easy pickings even small guilds like SG1OWNS stand a desent chance against them.

    and how funny u avoid GZ so much.
    Scared because such a bad guild actually **** RQ when GZ was created the entire server backt them up b:chuckle

    Guild created to destroy other guild they succeed only few RQ's left so many have left for numerous reasons and in end RQ/GZ are working together vs the the only guild that helpt RQ out ever hahaha good tactics GO pandora u can do it b:laugh
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You're an idiot. Try reading. There's a thread about this already.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Miss_Tika - Lost City
    Miss_Tika - Lost City Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My vote goes with Conqueror.

    Bottom line is the server balance, one guild supported by a large group of blind players who know no better can and will destroy a server and a game.

    When there is no TW, and you're paying 2-3,000,000 for a single charm you'll understand one thing; It's too late.

    When a guild can control bidding, and control the economy, the game is over. Period. Time, money, image - won't matter when the server is overrun. Not just overrun honestly, but taken over by corrupt, fraudulent gamers who will do ANYTHING from stealing accounts to fraudulent complaints to ban you.

    If you're not up to the challenge of saving the server, then you have no reason at all to even waste your time on the forum, or logging in.

    Schooled you are an idiot, of course your vote goes to CQ because you're currently getting your **** kicked by us.

    There's always going to be that guild thats "on top". Lets say CQ had a downfall just like BL did recently, and if BL was on top. Would you be saying the same thing? I actually joined CQ because in my opinion BLs officers are ****ing *******.

    Pandora's reasons are that BL must fall because BL can't be trusted. And even if people want to team up/assist BL in the war with CQ, it just woudln't work anyway.

    You can see from the poll here that people dont like BL. And its NOT because they're fighting against CQ. It's because they're all bleep bleep bleep etc =)
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    fu's are 2mil on my-en because of offgamers u fktard schooled.
  • Suiguintou - Lost City
    Suiguintou - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You can see from the poll here that people dont like BL. And its NOT because they're fighting against CQ. It's because they're all bleep bleep bleep etc =)
    Miss_Tika, nothing can be inferred from this poll. First, there are only 113 votes (i.e. too little to mean anything) and second, it's probably heavily biased considering many people don't even bother to check the forums.

    On a random note.. why are BM avatars so ugly.. =____=
  • ayako55
    ayako55 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My vote goes with Conqueror.

    Bottom line is the server balance, one guild supported by a large group of blind players who know no better can and will destroy a server and a game.

    When there is no TW, and you're paying 2-3,000,000 for a single charm you'll understand one thing; It's too late.

    When a guild can control bidding, and control the economy, the game is over. Period. Time, money, image - won't matter when the server is overrun. Not just overrun honestly, but taken over by corrupt, fraudulent gamers who will do ANYTHING from stealing accounts to fraudulent complaints to ban you.

    If you're not up to the challenge of saving the server, then you have no reason at all to even waste your time on the forum, or logging in.

    Lol, you're too ****. We steal accounts? Those members you're accusing used to be in your guild. b:chuckle

    We bot, ****, **** belial, steal accounts, and we pick flowers. Man, we sound like ****-holes don't we? You keep feeding yourself these lies you're going to choke on your own sht.

    Oh yeah and like devoted said, it was because of offgamers those servers became corrupted.

    P.S. Not even Inflamez was this ****
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I know I'd be more inclined to help BLT out if they didn't ****ing RUN from CQ. Saving your income isn't saving the server. Oh well, enjoy your money while you can. It's going bye bye.
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov