Problem - PK'ers !



  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Most of you guys are right its a PVP server , kill or be killed.
    First of all I will not move to a other server that is clear , I've invested some time on Lost City and I am in a nice guild there plus I know some nice friends.
    And once again I say that I don't mind beeing PK'ed by the same person once or twice , but when that person follows you or stays on a spot you got a quest especially for PK'ing ya that I don't really like ! And one more thing I don't like is that if I want to talk with the PK'er nicely he tells me that I can bribe him with stuff and he will no pk me or my friends/guild , and lets say I bribe him for how much time this will take? 1 day? and then the next day when he sees me on a spot where he is of course he will PK me , and yeah I don't mind if I can get any chance of fighting back but when that guy is twice my lvl I don't even stand a chance because its 1 hit K.O !
    I only want a GM or a official PW administrator to tell us exactly if this things that I've related are normal , and if those things are normal then its okay I will accept it !
    Thank you very much.

    You can read these two treads but check the final post on each at least.

    Gm will not give you the answer the way you want it. they will give it you the way they can and they think likely.

    They can't make too visible boundaries since people will be playing on the edge and still not solve the problem. Also many people are fine to play above edge.
    How do you enforce all these rules in PVP server that is mean to be with no rules?
  • Krel - Heavens Tear
    Krel - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    WAAAAA i love these threads omg i love them HAHAHAHAHAHA
    I luv my luvsalotb:dirty

    Fear Me:I will and can unleash my true demon forum troll from at beware.

    Im A wizzie with godly looks and your all jealousb:bye
  • Okamia - Lost City
    Okamia - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    under 30 mean cant pk or be pkedb:laugh

    Yeah, didn't know that.
    War is hell...
    "This country will soon be consumed
    by the boiling turmoil that resides within"
  • Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear
    Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Daibar and Pandaberr,

    Great posts enjoyed the read. I have never understood why genuine feelings or need for help ends up becoming a giant flame session, tis sad. PKing has always been a touchy subject and most likely always will be. Like I stated before, I play both PVP(over-seas server) and PVE. I truly enjoy the PVP server I am on, there are never serious issues with illegitimate pk'ers, mainly because most all the guilds have created an alliance and don't tolerate it. A hit on the illegitimate pk'er is issued and they are killed on the spot every time they are seen. This has stopped the improper use of PK mode down to a minimal. However, on the over seas server there are consequences for negative behavior and harassment of another, which has greatly helped as well. Until PWI stands behind their player base and listens to them about the relentless harassment of the illegitimate PK'ers it will be a long and tedious battle, most will leave completely. I was harassed to a point of almost leaving PWI-PVE server completely, when I chose to play a white name. I sent in a support ticket and the response back was they don't do anything about it, and had I thought about sitting in a safe zone to change back into a blue name. I just shook my head, bit my lip and decided to play overseas on a PVP, where that kind of response won't happen and people play PVP-PK mode the legitimate way.

    I will be extremely surprised if a Dev of PWI responds with sincerity and concern about this issue. I would take all the good advice given and start putting it to use, it may take time, but in the end just think about the rewards and the new path you will be setting for youngling PVP'er to walk down. Hopefully, you can make their road less painful then the one you are having to endure.

  • Eaglesw - Lost City
    Eaglesw - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah the last things you all said got me thinking ! Because if there well be set any specific rule/limit about the PK'ing , every player that does repetitive PK'ing over one person will just stay a little bit low from the rule/limit so that they cannot be judged/stoped by the GM's or server limits.
    Yeah but at least that rule/limit will stop them for some time or will alert GM's about that person so that they can check on him.
    Maybe if they can make something like PK Report things will be much easy for them and especially for us the respectfull and honest players.
    Maybe a poll so that players can vote and see if every player wants this or they like it the way it is.
    You will never fly alone!
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    PK Report .

    That's funny, some guys might be proud of knowing of many PK reports with their names on it. It could make it worst.b:laugh
  • Eaglesw - Lost City
    Eaglesw - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah but that will not be funny when they will get warned by the GM's about PK'ing and if he does it again he will be banned/suspended or something.
    You will never fly alone!
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah but that will not be funny when they will get warned by the GM's about PK'ing and if he does it again he will be banned/suspended or something.

    many people enjoy playing on the edge.
  • Eaglesw - Lost City
    Eaglesw - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah but at least will not be above the edge and that will be just fine !
    You will never fly alone!
  • fedxd
    fedxd Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Lol PK is a guilty pleasure of mine b:chuckle

    I'm barely level 30 and already red xD

    You guys should join a good guild and simply send some high-level guildies to go kill him.
  • psychojo
    psychojo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I admit I am a noob. Never played a game like this before, mine were all text based so I learn as I go. When I signed up I didn't know there was a PVP or PVE server I was merely assigned to one which happened to be Lost City. I worked for a few weeks building up my character, finding a guild and making friends AND THEN i turned level 30. I was soooo looking forward to level 30 because then I could fly but i didn't know that as soon as I did, players that higher level could walk or fly up and whack me once and I would have to go back to town. It happened 3 times in 10 minutes and I didn't understand. Asked my faction and was told welcome to level 30. I almost quit and went to another server but I have made friends so I am stuck here. I am killed at least 10 times a day for no reason. I can't fight back since one minute I am alive and the next I am heading back to town. I lose experience and a lot of times they kill my pet too. The worst part is that they hang out in areas like the Secret Passage and down by the Spider King and wait. One (SoAsian) said he would allow people to pass into the secret passage for 50k coins. I am level 35 now, I don't have 50k coins most of the times since I spend it on armor and things. They hang out in Heavens Tear where it is not a safe zone and slice you down before you can finish that step of the quest. You can't yell, you can't cry, you cant say anything or they do it again and again and as mentioned before you can't complete a quest. We had a Call to Duty group and 5 of us were killed before we ever met the first monster/mob inside. It gets old. When I see a red name I imagine a 13yr old boy with too many hormones and a chip on their shoulder the size of Madagascar.. Its the kid in grade school that pulled a girl's pony tails. Its the bully that stole your lunch money. Attacking a white named player, to my knowledge, provides no experience, no reputation and no chance of a drop so WHY??? What the point other than to be an *ss.. If the name is pink or red then sure Pk em as there is a chance of a drop and you know they PK too. But flying from one town to another to be whacked midair for no reason seems a little cowardly to me, especially since they make one swipe and I am dead so are obviously way higher level. There should be penalties or restrictions limiting a player from Pk'ing a player 10 levels or more lower than them or better still 5 levels. Many of us made a mistake when we joined Lost City but should we HAVE to start over? Can't the powers that be allow players not wanting to be PK'd to turn off the option like they can in other servers. That way the bullies will have to fight among themselves and leave the lower ranks alone. Ok will get off my soap box now. Luckily I don't use the same name in game as I do on the boards so I wont be targeted more for having an opinion..
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hmmm anyone want to help lvl Tiggys LC character?
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    psychojo wrote: »
    I admit I am a noob. Never played a game like this before, mine were all text based so I learn as I go. When I signed up I didn't know there was a PVP or PVE server I was merely assigned to one which happened to be Lost City. I worked for a few weeks building up my character, finding a guild and making friends AND THEN i turned level 30. I was soooo looking forward to level 30 because then I could fly but i didn't know that as soon as I did, players that higher level could walk or fly up and whack me once and I would have to go back to town. It happened 3 times in 10 minutes and I didn't understand. Asked my faction and was told welcome to level 30. I almost quit and went to another server but I have made friends so I am stuck here. I am killed at least 10 times a day for no reason. I can't fight back since one minute I am alive and the next I am heading back to town. I lose experience and a lot of times they kill my pet too. The worst part is that they hang out in areas like the Secret Passage and down by the Spider King and wait. One (SoAsian) said he would allow people to pass into the secret passage for 50k coins. I am level 35 now, I don't have 50k coins most of the times since I spend it on armor and things. They hang out in Heavens Tear where it is not a safe zone and slice you down before you can finish that step of the quest. You can't yell, you can't cry, you cant say anything or they do it again and again and as mentioned before you can't complete a quest. We had a Call to Duty group and 5 of us were killed before we ever met the first monster/mob inside. It gets old. When I see a red name I imagine a 13yr old boy with too many hormones and a chip on their shoulder the size of Madagascar.. Its the kid in grade school that pulled a girl's pony tails. Its the bully that stole your lunch money. Attacking a white named player, to my knowledge, provides no experience, no reputation and no chance of a drop so WHY??? What the point other than to be an *ss.. If the name is pink or red then sure Pk em as there is a chance of a drop and you know they PK too. But flying from one town to another to be whacked midair for no reason seems a little cowardly to me, especially since they make one swipe and I am dead so are obviously way higher level. There should be penalties or restrictions limiting a player from Pk'ing a player 10 levels or more lower than them or better still 5 levels. Many of us made a mistake when we joined Lost City but should we HAVE to start over? Can't the powers that be allow players not wanting to be PK'd to turn off the option like they can in other servers. That way the bullies will have to fight among themselves and leave the lower ranks alone. Ok will get off my soap box now. Luckily I don't use the same name in game as I do on the boards so I wont be targeted more for having an opinion..

    Reading though this is a headache.

    But as long as you have a white name you do not loose EXP. Thus, being PK'ed I wouldn't take as seriously - although it is an inconvenience.

    However, if you really want the system to be fixed, just propose this to the PWI staff - a way to make more $$$$, and at the same time solve our problem (somewhat.)

    The proposal is simple:

    Make PK'er who have reached 200 hours Red named buy a new cash shop item. "Murderers Guardian Angel" Priced at 2 gold a piece. Furthermore make a "Murderers Binding Charm" priced at 10 gold a piece.

    At 200 hours red, simply make normally binded items drop, and normal guardian angels useless. Make them buy a specialized cash shop item just so they can PK without having to worry about dropping their precious Gold TT or legendary items...

    Its a win win scenario! PK lovers have to buy more from PWE! And those who dont will simply have to stop before a CQ party drops in to pillage them of their valuable items!
  • hiachisama
    hiachisama Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Now ppl im going to make this reaaalllllyy clear for the idiots out thereb:laugh
    Lost city=Pvp. Pvp=pking. If u dont like pking get the hell outa ma server foob:shutup Anyway dont complain about pking its a fact thats gonna happen again and again and agin so shut up and deal with it. I'm a lvl 34 archer and ive mastered the art of u know that lil thing called running away. I will fight back and join in the fun when my lvl goes up a bit

    Bye for now.
    Outcry - Lost City Server
    I shall be back b:cool
  • Jarl_erak - Lost City
    Jarl_erak - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I am a regular player or Perfect World , on the server Lost City , me and my friends ( and I guess not just me or my friends ) got some problem with player killing. I know that Lost City is a PvP ( Player Vs Player ) but the problem is the following : Me and my friends got PK'ed like 1-5 times ( maybe more ) by one guy that allways come back to the place where he finds us , and we cannot leave the place because we got to do a quest there. This won't be a problem if he pk'ed us like 1 time and then he leave ! And this thing didn't happen only once , it happen a lot of times , is there any rule for pk'ers?
    Thanks , maybe there will be a solution.
    I will be back and post some more about this problem.

    nope best think to do is move to a pve server but the only thing is you will have to start your char over which is a pain. either that or just deal
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    hiachisama wrote: »
    Now ppl im going to make this reaaalllllyy clear for the idiots out thereb:laugh
    Lost city=Pvp. Pvp=pking. If u dont like pking get the hell outa ma server foob:shutup Anyway dont complain about pking its a fact thats gonna happen again and again and agin so shut up and deal with it. I'm a lvl 34 archer and ive mastered the art of u know that lil thing called running away. I will fight back and join in the fun when my lvl goes up a bit

    Bye for now.
    Outcry - Lost City Server
    I shall be back b:cool
    why on earth were you in the back of the forums to even bump this topic with such insignificant posts?
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    why on earth were you in the back of the forums to even bump this topic with such insignificant posts?

    Necro FTLb:shutup
    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Okay I still cannot understand or figure it out how the heck we ended talking about REAL LIFE , CRIMES , **** and stuff that happens in REAL LIFE !
    I am shocked that people compare this game with REAL LIFE ! Well for me ( I don't know for others ) it doesn't affect at all my real life , I play this game cause I like it and that's it ! You cannot say that if a player PK's other player in game wants really to kill him in real life ! Maybe he is just having fun or he is mad or bored but I guess the last thing on his mind is to kill that person in real life!
    For all those who associate this game with real life , please make some friends , do some booze , drugs or something that is the bad thing....But at least its much more "normal" that saying the game affects your real life !
    I cannot believe that this is happening !

    People who play this game invest real time and real energy into their chars. They spend hours each day playing, and leveling, and working toward TT/TW/endgame "whatever".

    You can justify ganking all day long, and I'm sure you keyboard warriors *will*. But honestly - PKing lowbies/people on quests is the functional equiv of walking up to their PC and pushing the reset button.

    It's Cowardice.


    Yes, I know there is no exp loss (other than the $$ lost as their charm ticks a few times, and the damage to their armor/equip which costs actual ingame coin). And yet, it still forces you to return to the next town, your charm ticks again when you rez, and you have to slog back to the site of your quest to try again.


    Do you get a $$ reward for having the most newbie kills per week? Is Cowardice *that* rewarding? Are your skills so lacking that the only way to make yourself feel better is stomping on ants?

    PvP is fun, I'm sure - and one day when I get my level up high enough I will play also, but only against people my level. And with warning.

    'Cause I'm not afraid of a fair fight.

    \yes, I have several chars on LC
    \\no, I don't PvP now, cause my barb's 53 and I'm still leveling
    \\\Yes, if you attack me I will hand you your @ss
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Xenaaah - Heavens Tear
    Xenaaah - Heavens Tear Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I say get your friends and go after that guy! That's what the server is about right? Although I wonder where the game's rules apply to PvP servers when it comes to letting players play? Either way get your friends and or some faction members and gank him! b:bye
  • Miabi - Lost City
    Miabi - Lost City Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    In lost city, the lvl 6x to 7x is hell.

    Most pkers hang out of tusk town and swamps is a gigantic pk field. But once you passed those critical levels (i was pked, or pk attempt 4-5 times a day during my 6x) You will find little to no pker trying to kill you. I think i died at most four or five times by random pk since lvl 7x.

    The trick is to be paranoid. Check the mini map often for other players, then press T to see who it is, and if you see a visual, look if they have red name and wich guild they are (know your random pk guilds from other guilds)
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    necromancy is not allowed. Please check the post dates on threads before postings. Disciplinary action will be taken against repeat offenders.
This discussion has been closed.