Problem - PK'ers !



  • Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear
    Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The definition of pk is as follows: Engaging in the act of Player Killing in a multiplayer game through legitimate OR illegitimate means.

    Unfortunately until PWI recognizes and creates punishment for grief playing it will continue. No one should have to endure the constant pk the illegitimate way. I find this only goes on with the USA servers of perfect World, the International servers you will find random people who choose to pk for no reason, but is extremely rare. This is why I won't play on a PW pvp server in the USA. A solution would be to start creating guilds that are against grief players who choose to pk the illegitimate way. Put a Price on their head and have your guildies and other guildies create alliances, and hunt them down and kill them over and over. Eventually, once these USA pk'rs realize you are serious and the guilds aren't going to tolerate it anymore, you will see a change. I also, the 3 times I have been pk'd the illegitimate way on the International servers I have sent them a love gift and a thank you for killing me and how it made me quiver with delight. I have made friends with each of them now. You need to also take screen shots of the harassment, chat and etc. and send in support tickets. I hope this helps.....

  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Okay I still cannot understand or figure it out how the heck we ended talking about REAL LIFE , CRIMES , **** and stuff that happens in REAL LIFE !
    I am shocked that people compare this game with REAL LIFE ! Well for me ( I don't know for others ) it doesn't affect at all my real life , I play this game cause I like it and that's it ! You cannot say that if a player PK's other player in game wants really to kill him in real life ! Maybe he is just having fun or he is mad or bored but I guess the last thing on his mind is to kill that person in real life!
    For all those who associate this game with real life , please make some friends , do some booze , drugs or something that is the bad thing....But at least its much more "normal" that saying the game affects your real life !
    I cannot believe that this is happening !

    It's because what you do in this game reflects who you are irl. This is what Loltank said :
    Thirdly, human beings DO have such a thing as self-control. Self-control means that they don't act on their impulses. The reason people are less reserved on online games such as perfect world is because they're anonymous, and the consequences of their actions are acceptable to them.

    So he's saying that when theres no consequences, humans should lose all self control. Thats stupid. Thats why I can't turn on the news without seeing some crazy **** that U.S soldiers are doing over in those foreign countries. It's because they feel like theres no consequences.

    So every hardcore pker/griefer needs to go kill themselves. You are a potential menace to society.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It's because what you do in this game reflects who you are irl.

    So he's saying that when theres no consequences, humans should lose all self control.

    That is not what he said. I don't know how you're skewing it to make it say that, but it's not there.

    Thats stupid. Thats why I can't turn on the news without seeing some crazy **** that U.S soldiers are doing over in those foreign countries. It's because they feel like theres no consequences.

    Do you believe everything that is on the news is 100% accurate with no spin at all?

    So every hardcore pker/griefer needs to go kill themselves. You are a potential menace to society.

    Know what's worse than someone PKing a toon repeatedly in a game?

    Telling them to go kill themselves because you cannot separate a virtual reality from the real world.
  • Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear
    Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You are so right about there being no consequences, until there are people who enjoy to pk the illegitimate way will continue to do so.

    I also whole heartedly agree the way one plays their character is a reflection of who they are in RL. The person who uses his/her keyboard to cause heart ache on another is absolutely RL. A stuffed doll or blow up doll can't sit at a computer and dish out the **** that is done negatively to others, its a RL person who breaths and eats causing others grief. It still goes back to until there are consequences for ones negative action grief playing will continue to happen, which is sad.

  • thevicker
    thevicker Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I am a regular player or Perfect World , on the server Lost City , me and my friends ( and I guess not just me or my friends ) got some problem with player killing. I know that Lost City is a PvP ( Player Vs Player ) but the problem is the following : Me and my friends got PK'ed like 1-5 times ( maybe more ) by one guy that allways come back to the place where he finds us , and we cannot leave the place because we got to do a quest there. This won't be a problem if he pk'ed us like 1 time and then he leave ! And this thing didn't happen only once , it happen a lot of times , is there any rule for pk'ers?
    Thanks , maybe there will be a solution.
    I will be back and post some more about this problem.

  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If there were no consequences (i.e. prison) to killing someone in real life, I can think of a few people I wouldn't mind seeing impaled, drawn and quartered, boiled in oil alive, etc. But there are RL consequences and while I might hate those MF's enough to toast them if there were none, I like my freedoms entirely too much to act on it so don't.

    Then again. I wouldn't mind if the entire human race died either so meh.

  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Then again. I wouldn't mind if the entire human race died either so meh.


    wtf? emo
  • thevicker
    thevicker Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    would be cool to go hunting shoot a animal an get gold drops a loot.Humm wounder what a deer or bear would drop. hahahab:laugh
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    wtf? emo
    Naw far from it. I just hate people in general and all of humanity specifically. Nothing new here. I've said the same a number of times. People are scum. And Earth would be better off w/o them on it.

  • Eaglesw - Lost City
    Eaglesw - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Okay that is the most stupid thing I've heard to compare PK'ing in this game with killing people in the real life , 2 separate and totally different things ! You cannot compare that !
    And yeah of course there is a human playing that character in the game but not always it reflects what type of person he is maybe its the opposite thing that it reflects the type of person he cannot be and cannot look , maybe in game he is a bad boy talking all dirty and stuff and in real life its just a normal regular guy !
    One more time this game doesn't reflect nothing about the person playing the game ! Because in the game you can be who you want , look how you like most and do the things you like most in the game not in real life !
    You will never fly alone!
  • Deathnote - Harshlands
    Deathnote - Harshlands Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You can die first. lol... one less person in the human race right? lol...I think that statement is funny.
    Bringing fear and widespread random deaths into the Harshlands, that is my goal..

    IGN: Shinigamii, WR

    Death Note Rule #18
    A god of death cannot be killed even if stabbed in his heart with a knife or shot in the head with a gun. However, there are ways to kill a god of death, which are not generally known to the gods of death.
  • Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear
    Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Naw far from it. I just hate people in general and all of humanity specifically. Nothing new here. I've said the same a number of times. People are scum. And Earth would be better off w/o them on it.

    Hmmm, Saitada: unless you are one of the blow up dolls or stuffed dolls I mentioned before, then I do believe you are human, therefore you have just classified yourself as scum, being you are a key person as everyone else in all of humanity. I have truly enjoyed many of your posts, but these responses are just funny as heck and show a complete lack of self respect for yourself and others, but of course you did say you hate people in general, so I guess we can't expect any better from you. I am truly sorry, to voice my opinion on this but seriously, this topic is about coming up with solutions to help alleviate the harrassment of illegitimate Pk'rs not to have this post closed.
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If there were no consequences (i.e. prison) to killing someone in real life, I can think of a few people I wouldn't mind seeing impaled, drawn and quartered, boiled in oil alive, etc. But there are RL consequences and while I might hate those MF's enough to toast them if there were none, I like my freedoms entirely too much to act on it so don't.

    Then again. I wouldn't mind if the entire human race died either so meh.


    Easier said then done, people talk about murder and killing people as if it's so easy even if you hate someone to the full extent of hatred. It is still easier said then done, so I think who ever claims that they would kill someone in real life should stop talking now unless you've done it before.

    - My opinion.
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • Brotherdave - Heavens Tear
    Brotherdave - Heavens Tear Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You know, the more I think about it, Zoe's right. Ever since I bought my first NES, I just cant stop punching the ceiling, trying to get shrooms to appear, and this incredible urge to jump on turtles...Damn you Mario for bringing out the real me!b:angry
    On topic, OP should just hire a high lvl mercenary to deal with the pk'er or just reroll on a PvE.
    "Nobody is that much better than anybody else at the big table. They have different styles, different ways of doing things. But everybody gets the same cards." - Robert Duvall in Lucky You
  • Pandaberr - Lost City
    Pandaberr - Lost City Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    This is JUST my OPINION on the matter at hand. It doesn't mean that you have to agree with me. My only request is that you fully read my post, before you decide to flame it.

    To the OP:
    Many others have posted good advice about how to avoid this, I suggest you follow their advice. Disregard posts that are flaming in nature.

    I also noticed that a lot of the posts that were actually somewhat helpful, came from players on the PvP servers, and alot of the flaming posts came from players on the PvE servers. Please, do not misread this as me saying the ONLY helpful posts came from PvP players, and ALL the flaming posts came from PvE players. Much respect to ALL players who actually tried to help the OP.

    About PvP/PK:
    PvP is competition oriented. You build a character to test your skills and strategy against other players, hence, player vs. player. PK'ing, I believe is another form of competition. You PK someone, they'll want to PK you back, its like tag. You PK me, I PK you. We say grats and part ways. Not to mention, PK is a form of motivation, someone higher lvl than you PK's you, it makes you want to get that next lvl, so you have a better chance at surviving. However, I don't agree with players more than 5 lvls higher than their target PKing them, without some legitimate reason (i.e.-the PKer PK'ed one of your faction mates a substantial amount of lvls below them). If your 90+, honestly, what satisfaction can you gain from PKing someone 60 lvls lower than yourself? It makes you look petty, and cowardly. But people will do what they do, I'll be as high lvl as you eventually, and the fight will be fair.

    Just a question, how would you gauge your skill if you don't kill the other player? Whack at each other until your fingers get tired? There has to be some way to be the victor. Yes that means someone loses. No that doesn't make them a noob, or any other derogatory name you can think of. It just means they'll have to try harder next time. We all start new in the game, you can't expect to win all the time from the beginning.

    About relating PK to real life murder:
    That is an extremist point of view. I don't believe the creators of this game, or any other game with PK implemented, actually advocate murder. They try to make the game enjoyable to all, its why they have PvE, and PvP servers, and blue names for the lowbies so the high lvls can't PK them from the start. I have met many, many helpful players in the game, on the LC server. And they PK as well as help people. Notable mention, FieryDevil, I watched her PK a lot of people in the secret passage, I just happened to be running behind her while she did this and we ended up in the same place. A boss, she actually partied me, and helped me to kill the boss. If she was as vicious and psychotic as some players have portrayed anybody who likes to PK, she would have turned on me and PK'ed me as well. I enjoy the PK aspect of the game. But in real life, I would never take someone else's life, unless it was to save my own, or someone I cared about. And only, ONLY if that was the only way to do it. If I could find a way to incapacitate whoever was trying to hurt us, rather than kill, I would take that option above all others.

    Those posts that basically said "GTFO":
    There is a better way to word it. The OP was respectful in his post, the least you could have done was show him the same respect.

    Please remember, this is just my opinion. Which I am entitled to. And you are entitled to yours.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    No matter HOW you try to rationalize it, you are all murderers that would not hesitate to kill irl if there were no concequences. You can escape them in a game by using a 30 cent cash shop item or just log off, however in real life you can't. Every one of you are a bunch of cowards. That is a FACT that will never change.
    Why so much contempt for humanity, Zoe? What happened to you that filled your heart with so much hate and venom that that's all you can see when you look at others?
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • Daibar - Heavens Tear
    Daibar - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Whoa, have read the entire thread. First to the OP: I agree with most of the advice given. I would suggest going to a PVE server if you don't already have too much invested in that world, and just switch on PVP mode when you want to PVP. You could talk to the person and try to get them to stop pk'ing you, but there are 2 types of people here.
    1. Those who are considerate enough to stop pk'ing you.
    2. Those who put their own pleasure above yours.

    If dealing with #2. All you can do is stop and do something else. Go to a completely different area, or try to find a higher lvl to help.

    For other conversations equating pk to rl murder. I can't tell if this was serious, or the posters are just really angry at being pk'ed.
    This 'if there was no consequences' is a stupid argument, because there are consequences for every action, even for pk'ing in game. There's no magical consequence switch that turns consequences on and off so why even consider that?

    For people saying pk'ers are scum. Pk'ing is a challenge. It's not always win and lose. If you get pk'ed, you learn what you did wrong so you can get better. Both players can get better from it. I don't understand what's wrong with scum, if all we're doing is trying to get better at playing the game. PVE gets boring for some people.

    Saitada, your response reminds me of my favourite Bizzarro strip, with subtext "We now believe the only hope for the Earth is mass suicide. Care to join us?"
  • Okamia - Lost City
    Okamia - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Iv'e never had problems being PK'd; it just never happens... to me
    War is hell...
    "This country will soon be consumed
    by the boiling turmoil that resides within"
  • Okamia - Lost City
    Okamia - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    [QUOTE=Zoe - I may decide to participate in TW again however I won't be taking it seriously so I'll still be arcane build. Feel free to 1 shot me archers.
    Also because I'm not being serious in TW, I'll use.......the bird. [/QUOTE]

    what is up with this!?!?! you post it every where and it doesn't even make any sense! The bird? come one!
    War is hell...
    "This country will soon be consumed
    by the boiling turmoil that resides within"
  • Shano - Lost City
    Shano - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Iv'e never had problems being PK'd; it just never happens... to me

    ^^ check your lv
  • Okamia - Lost City
    Okamia - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ^^ check your lv

    yeah, lvl fourteen. gotta problem with it?
    War is hell...
    "This country will soon be consumed
    by the boiling turmoil that resides within"
  • Shano - Lost City
    Shano - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    under 30 mean cant pk or be pkedb:laugh
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    GMs are highly unlikely to help you with this problem. the reasoning is-you chose that server, you must have wanted to be backshot every minute or so. thats why i left. when i first began playing PWI, i didnt know about PVP/PVE at all, and LC was the server on top of the list. once i learned, i left.

    I am a regular player or Perfect World , on the server Lost City , me and my friends ( and I guess not just me or my friends ) got some problem with player killing. I know that Lost City is a PvP ( Player Vs Player ) but the problem is the following : Me and my friends got PK'ed like 1-5 times ( maybe more ) by one guy that allways come back to the place where he finds us , and we cannot leave the place because we got to do a quest there. This won't be a problem if he pk'ed us like 1 time and then he leave ! And this thing didn't happen only once , it happen a lot of times , is there any rule for pk'ers?
    Thanks , maybe there will be a solution.
    I will be back and post some more about this problem.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Shano - Lost City
    Shano - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    GMs are highly unlikely to help you with this problem. the reasoning is-you chose that server, you must have wanted to be backshot every minute or so. thats why i left. when i first began playing PWI, i didnt know about PVP/PVE at all, and LC was the server on top of the list. once i learned, i left.

    ^^ gg carebearb:laughb:chuckle
    good choice left
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Police as we know it was invented some time during 19th century. From there on generations of civilians have learn to respond to violence by opening their mouth and call:
    1) infants: waaaa!
    2) kids: Mommy!
    3) youths: (umm let's skip that one)

    and here it comes:
    adults: Help, POLICE!

    violence has been around since beginning of the civilization but large part of PWI players have trained to think that they have rights for someone else (police, GM whatever) to deal their problems. Wake up- you don't!
    This game here pushes you back to the middle-ages. Your weapon is your only justice and your friends/guild is your only police.

    About setting up on posting for having better better rules is basically you try to write bible for this game. A universal set of rules everybody obey.

    But if people don't have respect for it they won't obey it. And middle ages rule here too- rules are for those who read them. Sword is for those who don't.
    That's it.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    under 30 mean cant pk or be pkedb:laugh

    Pwnd. b:chuckle
  • Eaglesw - Lost City
    Eaglesw - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Most of you guys are right its a PVP server , kill or be killed.
    First of all I will not move to a other server that is clear , I've invested some time on Lost City and I am in a nice guild there plus I know some nice friends.
    And once again I say that I don't mind beeing PK'ed by the same person once or twice , but when that person follows you or stays on a spot you got a quest especially for PK'ing ya that I don't really like ! And one more thing I don't like is that if I want to talk with the PK'er nicely he tells me that I can bribe him with stuff and he will no pk me or my friends/guild , and lets say I bribe him for how much time this will take? 1 day? and then the next day when he sees me on a spot where he is of course he will PK me , and yeah I don't mind if I can get any chance of fighting back but when that guy is twice my lvl I don't even stand a chance because its 1 hit K.O !
    I only want a GM or a official PW administrator to tell us exactly if this things that I've related are normal , and if those things are normal then its okay I will accept it !
    Thank you very much.
    You will never fly alone!
  • odb
    odb Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    among educators, it is a well known fact that games of all sorts teach skills. FPS video games were originally created by the military and law enforcment as a means of training recruits in overcoming the natural inhibition of killing another person. the problem is that today we have more than a full generation of children and young adults who have become hardened to the concept of killing others, and take delight in it. and we have the skyrocketing crime rate to go with it.

    not another one of you morons who think that video games/movies are the cause of violence in this world. maybe if parents would actually discipline their own children and not expect schools/daycare/whoever to raise and teach their kids morals you wouldnt have these issues. anime/most games originate in japan and they are HEAVILY censored before coming to the US. guess what...japanese who view these uncensored versions have extremely lower crime rates. WHY?...because they discipline their own children and teach them morals.

    in are not the cause of violence. its the poor parenting in this world and the lack of discipline which causing kids to grow up to do most of these things.
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    odb wrote: »
    not another one of you morons who think that video games/movies are the cause of violence in this world. maybe if parents would actually discipline their own children and not expect schools/daycare/whoever to raise and teach their kids morals you wouldnt have these issues. anime/most games originate in japan and they are HEAVILY censored before coming to the US. guess what...japanese who view these uncensored versions have extremely lower crime rates. WHY?...because they discipline their own children and teach them morals.

    in are not the cause of violence. its the poor parenting in this world and the lack of discipline which causing kids to grow up to do most of these things.

    I applaud this post. Thank you for being intelligent.

    The Jack Thompsons of the world frustrate me to no end.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I only want a GM or a official PW administrator to tell us exactly if this things that I've related are normal , and if those things are normal then its okay I will accept it !
    Thank you very much.

    You're true pilgrim in unholy land and I salute you for it if you really ment that you simply accept it. Because I surely would not.
This discussion has been closed.