Problem - PK'ers !



  • Eaglesw - Lost City
    Eaglesw - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Okay I will say thanks to all the nice people who is giving me advices I kinda knew that things but doesn't hurt to see them again.
    As for the people who didn't even READ the FULL thread and just assumed something like crying and whining about PK'ers and said a reply like go to other server or just quit the game I'm not even bothering with the kind like ya so please mind your own business thank you very much.
    And what can I say if there is no specific rule about being PK'ed consecutive times and disturbing the "normal" gameplay its okay I'm not fustrated like some of ya think.
    In conclusion I just wanted to see if something can be done about this but I understand its a PvP server and thats how it is , its fine.
    In conclusion I will not change the server or quit the game , I will just play nicely and for all ya PK'ers don't worry I will be a higher lvl and maybe I can deal with ya b:laugh
    I like this game and I do not regret playing it.
    You will never fly alone!
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Blah,blah, blah. You always talk about how its just a game and don't compare it to real life. However, YOU are the ones that put it in real life. When you get mad at a person, you kill them, for example.

    You are not trying to kill the character, you are mad at the person playing the character, so your real goal is to kill the person playing. When you kill someone and they complain, you come back to do it again. You come back because the person behind the character complained, therefore you are once again attacking the PLAYER.

    No matter HOW you try to rationalize it, you are all murderers that would not hesitate to kill irl if there were no concequences. You can escape them in a game by using a 30 cent cash shop item or just log off, however in real life you can't. Every one of you are a bunch of cowards. That is a FACT that will never change.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok.........and u're interpretation is important HOW?^^

    Btw you just decribed a i guess umm....Thanks?^^


    My post
    Your head
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hmm its not letting me quote...well.. @ZOE

    Killing someone in real life takes more then a few clicks, knowing your about to take that persons life and they will never speak..walk..or do anything on this earth ever again. You are playing the roll of what some people call 'God' choosing if that person lives or dies, So KILLING A PIXEL is different then A REAL PERSON..Punishment or not..It takes alot more to kill someone IRL then on a game..Your point was half wrong and half made up..For one..WHO GETS MAD ABOUT A GAME? LOL!!! Its a game, if someone taunts you then blacklist them..If someone camp PKs you..Log out come back later..If they do it..go to town find someone that will pk that person..for everyone noob killer theres a person killing the person killing noobs. For example when I cant PK someone and it turns out Im getting owned more then I am owning, I whisper someone and they come and own them. But luckly in HT I just hug SZ till timer is up when I dont wanna pk/get pkd any longer xD, So your point about KILLING IRL and PWI killing goes hand in hand with SANE AND INSANE b:bye

    - Time for me to go to sleep..Ill reply tomorrow.
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Blah,blah, blah. You always talk about how its just a game and don't compare it to real life. However, YOU are the ones that put it in real life. When you get mad at a person, you kill them, for example.

    You are not trying to kill the character, you are mad at the person playing the character, so your real goal is to kill the person playing. When you kill someone and they complain, you come back to do it again. You come back because the person behind the character complained, therefore you are once again attacking the PLAYER.

    No matter HOW you try to rationalize it, you are all murderers that would not hesitate to kill irl if there were no concequences. You can escape them in a game by using a 30 cent cash shop item or just log off, however in real life you can't. Every one of you are a bunch of cowards. That is a FACT that will never change.

    Zoe, please stop talking. Seriously, just stop.

    You don't seem to have a grasp on reality here on this subject.

    No one here would actually kill someone they were mad at. Well, I'm sure some do, we call them psychopaths.
    all murderers that would not hesitate to kill irl if there were no concequences

    I'm pretty sure they would hesitate unless they were psychopaths in which case, they don't usually have a sane reason.

    Are you saying that PKers in a video game are all psychopaths that want to kill me in real life?

    OMG, I'm scared to play now. b:shocked
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Blah,blah, blah. You always talk about how its just a game and don't compare it to real life. However, YOU are the ones that put it in real life. When you get mad at a person, you kill them, for example.

    You are not trying to kill the character, you are mad at the person playing the character, so your real goal is to kill the person playing. When you kill someone and they complain, you come back to do it again. You come back because the person behind the character complained, therefore you are once again attacking the PLAYER.

    No matter HOW you try to rationalize it, you are all murderers that would not hesitate to kill irl if there were no concequences. You can escape them in a game by using a 30 cent cash shop item or just log off, however in real life you can't. Every one of you are a bunch of cowards. That is a FACT that will never change.

    Holy ****.

    Jack Thompson, is that you?

    Seriously, whoop dee doo. You're attacking the "player" then. Does that change the fact that it's a game, no one dies, and everyone can choose whether or not to play?

    Seriously, let's look at your comments:

    If someone pisses you off in game, and you kill their character, then you're a murderer!

    Uhhh... No.

    You can't equate this to real life. First, you won't even know the majority of these people in real life. Second, they won't be able to perform the things that **** you off in real life. I'm pretty sure kill stealing is not an issue among the majority of high school students. Thirdly, human beings DO have such a thing as self-control. Self-control means that they don't act on their impulses. The reason people are less reserved on online games such as perfect world is because they're anonymous, and the consequences of their actions are acceptable to them.

    This does NOT hold true in real life, as you have a name, a social security number, etc. Not to mention the consequences.

    Human beings are inherently selfish, spiteful, evil creatures. It's only through self-control and fear of consequences that they follow any laws at all.

    I am a bit offended that you can cheapen the value of human life however, which is essentially what your argument does.

    Taking a human life has immeasurable consequences, and your comparing it to losing 5% exp, or the chance to drop some meaningless pixels is atrocious.

    So please, STFU about things you have no idea about. If you wish to continue your illogical bull****, please do so privately. Thanks.
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm leaning closer towards what Zoe said. =(

    What possible joy does a person get from killing somoene they KNOW they can beat over and over? And then you have the lvl 80+ that camp outside of town and target lvl 30's. How is that fun? It reflects who you are irl. Same with boss luring, ks'ing purely to grief, and the list goes on. It's just some sad little person trying to gain control because they feel helpless irl. I know it's not comparable to real life crimes (like someone becoming a rapist), but it's the same human thinking behind it all.

    And I have nothing against pk wars and stuff. Thats what I think a pvp server is should fight people who will give you some competition.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Blah,blah, blah. You always talk about how its just a game and don't compare it to real life. However, YOU are the ones that put it in real life. When you get mad at a person, you kill them, for example.

    You are not trying to kill the character, you are mad at the person playing the character, so your real goal is to kill the person playing. When you kill someone and they complain, you come back to do it again. You come back because the person behind the character complained, therefore you are once again attacking the PLAYER.

    No matter HOW you try to rationalize it, you are all murderers that would not hesitate to kill irl if there were no concequences. You can escape them in a game by using a 30 cent cash shop item or just log off, however in real life you can't. Every one of you are a bunch of cowards. That is a FACT that will never change.

    Were you dropped on the head as a baby? b:shocked
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    No Matter How You Try To Rationalize It, You Are All Murderers That Would Not Hesitate To Kill Irl If There Were No Concequences. .

    Omg. Ha Ha Ha
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm leaning closer towards what Zoe said. =(

    What possible joy does a person get from killing somoene they KNOW they can beat over and over? And then you have the lvl 80+ that camp outside of town and target lvl 30's. How is that fun? It reflects who you are irl. Same with boss luring, ks'ing purely to grief, and the list goes on. It's just some sad little person trying to gain control because they feel helpless irl. I know it's not comparable to real life crimes (like someone becoming a rapist), but it's the same human thinking behind it all.

    The assumption you are using is that the only reason to do something are the ones your give which isn't actually the case; sometimes it is mixed in with or excluded from other reasons as well.


    Build a rep for some reason.

    Gain enemies

    Instigate a PK war

    Bored and it's something to do

    A challenge

    Want to get banned

    They killed your alt (revenge)

    They KSed you. (revenge)

    AND sometimes it's because** they know that the other person is now screaming at their monitor because at one point the same exact thing happened to them which, I believe, is the main reason: what goes around, comes around.

    And I have nothing against pk wars and stuff. Thats what I think a pvp server is should fight people who will give you some competition.

    In a perfect world with perfect beings that could happen, but this isn't a perfect world with perfect beings.


    *Added because someone couldn't figure out what a list is when they see one.

    ** Edited because someone was unable to read the sentence.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm leaning closer towards what Zoe said. =(


    I'm leaning closer to believe that people with avatar similar to Zoe also agree with Zoe.

    Since you and foxrunning meet that criteria. LOL
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    OMGLAZERZ I would respond to your post but it's not worth it. It's obvious, from this and tons of other posts, that you don't even think before typing.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    OMGLAZERZ I would respond to your post but it's not worth it. It's obvious, from this and tons of other posts, that you don't even think before typing.

    Ad hom attacks are so yesterday.
  • monkeynuts
    monkeynuts Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You obviously do not know its a PK server or you wouldnt be whining about "fair play" strong survive on a PvP server.

    If you are not on a PvP server and choose to go white named, all bets are off, I dont care if you are doing quests or grinding, If I believe you need to be pk'd I will pk you.

    So instead of whining, dont go white named to begin with and that is the only way you can have "fair play" in your definition
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ad hom attacks are so yesterday.

    The way you type isn't even clear. I have to guess at what you are trying to say. Thats the truth and is a valid argument.
    AND sometimes it's because it's because they know that the other person is now screaming at their monitor because at one point the same exact thing happened to them which, I believe, is the main reason: what goes around, comes around.

    Wtf does this mean? I can't understand this part.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    monkeynuts wrote: »
    You obviously do not know its a PK server or you wouldnt be whining about "fair play" strong survive on a PvP server.

    If you are not on a PvP server and choose to go white named, all bets are off, I dont care if you are doing quests or grinding, If I believe you need to be pk'd I will pk you.

    So instead of whining, dont go white named to begin with and that is the only way you can have "fair play" in your definition

    Who are you talking to, anyway? I ask because the OP stated he knows it's a PvP server which means you didn't read any further than the title.
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Who are you talking to, anyway? I ask because the OP stated he knows it's a PvP server which means you didn't read any further than the title.

    WTF? What are you saying? Ofcourse I'm talking to you atm.

    I'm done with you. You're an idiot.
  • Dar_Malkier - Lost City
    Dar_Malkier - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Literature, then you are one of the few that doesn't understand that part of the post. To put that part of his post into something that you might understand, think of it as hazing in high school. When you were a freshman in high school, you got hazed by the upper classmen. Now that you are an upper classman, you participate in the hazing of the new incomming freshmen. Basically it's a "I went through it so now you have to go through it as a right of passage" sort of thing. I'm not saying that it's right, nor am I saying that his reason is correct, I'm just trying to translate it for you since you clearly are unable to understand what he said.

    As for the OP, I can appreciate your origional viewpoint, but as has been said and as you have agreed with, it is a PvP server and for better or worse, there are those out there who feel the need to stroke thier egos by killing others multiple levels below them. Do another quest and come back to that one at a different time.

    As for the villiage idiot (you know who you are), haven't you shown your idiocy enough times on these forums without bringing up the whole "PK is equivalent to r/l murder" thing again for everyone to laugh at you about?
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm leaning closer towards what Zoe said. =(

    What possible joy does a person get from killing somoene they KNOW they can beat over and over? And then you have the lvl 80+ that camp outside of town and target lvl 30's. How is that fun? It reflects who you are irl. Same with boss luring, ks'ing purely to grief, and the list goes on. It's just some sad little person trying to gain control because they feel helpless irl. I know it's not comparable to real life crimes (like someone becoming a rapist), but it's the same human thinking behind it all.

    And I have nothing against pk wars and stuff. Thats what I think a pvp server is should fight people who will give you some competition.

    You know, not everyone lures bosses because they feel helpless in real life, that's a broad overgeneralization. Hell, I lured bosses at the beginning of the Harshlands server to clear an area so I could kill some mobs. There were literally HUNDREDS of players killing mobs near West Arch, and I wasn't able to kill them before others as a barb. In addition, no one would party for exp reasons. Because I was blue-named, I couldn't kill them, either. So I came up with a creative solution: I lured Yansheng in, and just screamed "Help!" When someone else drew his aggro and died, more came to kill him. While they were busy dying, I got my mobs. I had no malicious intent, just a need to accomplish a goal, and I was pragmatic about achieving it.

    Other people, such as the ones you mentioned, lure bosses and kill people for reactions. Don't react, and they don't kill you anymore. Ultimately, yes, most people who kill are insecure and/or kids who laugh at you when you get pissed off, but by being the bigger person they'll leave eventually.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The way you type isn't even clear. I have to guess at what you are trying to say. Thats the truth and is a valid argument.

    No, that isn't what you said. What you said is that it wasn't worth responding to, not that it was hard to understand.

    And yes, it was an Ad hom attack.
    Wtf does this mean? I can't understand this part.

    I removed the duplicate words, and reworded it so you can better understand it.

    Sometimes people do something because they know, or believe, that the other person is now mad and/or unhappy. They believe this because the same thing happened to them before in the game, and that was their reaction: mad and/or unhappy.

    I hope that is clearer to you, and much more understandable.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    WTF? What are you saying? Ofcourse I'm talking to you atm.

    I'm done with you. You're an idiot.

    Originally Posted by monkeynuts

    Hi, that was in the post you responded to.

    Are you monkeynuts?
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I lured Yansheng in, and just screamed "Help!" When someone else drew his aggro and died, more came to kill him. While they were busy dying, I got my mobs. I had no malicious intent, just a need to accomplish a goal, and I was pragmatic about achieving it.

    Great, you have no malicious intention, just want to kill all players who are willing to help (save) you. How nice are people playing this game.
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    swgs wrote: »
    Great, you have no malicious intention, just want to kill all players who are willing to help (save) you. How nice are people playing this game.

    Yep! I had to kill a mob, there's others killing it faster than I can as a barb, thus KSing me.

    I figured a Yansheng nuke would keep them occupied. No hard feelings, eh?
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    swgs wrote: »
    Great, you have no malicious intention, just want to kill all players who are willing to help (save) you. How nice are people playing this game.

    Lol nice...I didn't even think of that. People are trying to help him and he's causing them to die for his own selfish reasons.

    So a person is either a selfish ******* or a griefer if they lure bosses. haha b:bored

    LoLtank Failed.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yep! I had to kill a mob, there's others killing it faster than I can as a barb, thus KSing me.

    I figured a Yansheng nuke would keep them occupied. No hard feelings, eh?

    OMG, that's really funny, and pragmatic, I guess.

    If all else fails, improvise!
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Lol nice...I didn't even think of that. People are trying to help him and he's causing them to die for his own selfish reasons.

    So a person is either a selfish ******* or a griefer if they lure bosses. haha b:bored

    LoLtank Failed.

    Failed? No, it worked. I didn't cause anyone to help either. It's their own fault for attacking a boss much stronger than them.

    As for being selfish, yeah, it was a **** move. I'm ok with that. b:pleased
  • Eaglesw - Lost City
    Eaglesw - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Okay I still cannot understand or figure it out how the heck we ended talking about REAL LIFE , CRIMES , **** and stuff that happens in REAL LIFE !
    I am shocked that people compare this game with REAL LIFE ! Well for me ( I don't know for others ) it doesn't affect at all my real life , I play this game cause I like it and that's it ! You cannot say that if a player PK's other player in game wants really to kill him in real life ! Maybe he is just having fun or he is mad or bored but I guess the last thing on his mind is to kill that person in real life!
    For all those who associate this game with real life , please make some friends , do some booze , drugs or something that is the bad thing....But at least its much more "normal" that saying the game affects your real life !
    I cannot believe that this is happening !
    You will never fly alone!
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Okay I still cannot understand or figure it out how the heck we ended talking about REAL LIFE , CRIMES , **** and stuff that happens in REAL LIFE !
    I am shocked that people compare this game with REAL LIFE ! Well for me ( I don't know for others ) it doesn't affect at all my real life , I play this game cause I like it and that's it ! You cannot say that if a player PK's other player in game wants really to kill him in real life ! Maybe he is just having fun or he is mad or bored but I guess the last thing on his mind is to kill that person in real life!
    For all those who associate this game with real life , please make some friends , do some booze , drugs or something that is the bad thing....But at least its much more "normal" that saying the game affects your real life !
    I cannot believe that this is happening !

    Post of the year.b:laugh

  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ^^ What he said.

    And I blame Zoe.
  • Renara - Heavens Tear
    Renara - Heavens Tear Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It's not too late to change servers and start over. My friends and I were in our 40's on the Malaysian English version of PW when PW International came out. We moved here partly because of less lag and better translations, but mostly because PWI has PvE servers.
    "Sorry, we don't need a barbarian. We have a frog."
This discussion has been closed.