Can anyone break down best pet to get at what lvl bracket?

cityspiderman Posts: 28 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Venomancer
For example, from lvl 1- lvl x, what pet should I tame?

From lvl x-y, what pet and so on

I am lvl 7 so far and wonder if I should invest on my wolf or replace it with a better pet, since feeding could be costly

Please advice

Post edited by cityspiderman on


  • cityspiderman
    cityspiderman Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Someone in the game recommend petite sawfly at lvl 8 and at lvl 17 crystaline magmite (best tank)

    What do you think?

    Also does your pet split exp with you from quest rewards and from mobs?
  • Dazels - Lost City
    Dazels - Lost City Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Phoenix and herc from lv1 on.

    There the best pets u can ever get and will make u epic
    Ooo I know lets roll pvp server so i can QQ about pking...

    Loving Cyprus the weather is Hot the women are Hot and the beer is cold b:victory
  • Ownt - Lost City
    Ownt - Lost City Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Phoenix and herc from lv1 on.

    There the best pets u can ever get and will make u epic

    Sure, if you give me the $200+ dollars needed.
  • Peritia - Lost City
    Peritia - Lost City Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    To the OP:

    You seem to be slightly mixed up.

    The pet system in this game is not like that of certain others (FFXI comes to mind), wherein pets are selected from the nearby fauna and used for a period.

    Rather, the pet system in PWI can be likened more to Pokemon; once tamed, a pet is yours forever (lest you discard it), and will level up and become stronger alongside you.

    The reason for the listed levels (ie. 8 for sawfly, etc) is because to tame a creature you must be the same level or higher than it.

    To elaborate on your other questions/comments:

    1. Sawfly is a great high-damage air pet. Great for PVP.

    2. The Magmite (Crystalline at 17, or Volcanic at 18) is an amazing physical tank, and with great damage to boot. For elaboration on which is better, use the search function within this forum, there are a number of threads on the issue. The Volcanic will have very very very slightly lower stats, but save you some money buying a particular skill, and is thus my reccommendation.

    3. Your pet gains a variable amount of exp based on the difference between its level and what you're fighting. If the target is same level or higher, it can gain a max of 10 exp. When the targets are lower, exp is proportionately lower until it gains no exp when the target is 10 levels below your pet.

    4. If you keep your pet fed and loyal (500+ loyalty), it will receive an attack and exp bonus boost (making max exp/kill 15, so keep it loyal!)

    5. Your pet cannot gain exp by any other means than defeating enemies with you.

    6. Having a pet has no effect on your exp gained.

    7. All pets except for Hercules and Phoenix can be kept fed through the use of Pure Water; which shouldn't cost you more than 600 coin pet hour, assuming you're not letting your pets die.
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Phoenix and herc from lv1 on.

    lmao b:chuckle
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    lmao b:chuckle

    Well, there are funded venos with that running around. Although it's usually Veno funding other characters, since they're the richest.

    In any case, the obligatory Magmite/Golem is all you need for general purpose on land throughout the entire game. Personally, I wouldn't bother with Petite Sawfly. Air pets get a penalty when grinding on land, and they sometimes get stuck/grounded on uneven terrain. It's a pain to keep air/water pets up to lvl. Might as well tame higher lvl versions of the same monster when needed. The stat deficit compared to lower starting lvl mobs trained up isn't really that noticeable anyway, around 1 lvl for every 20-30, depending on the pet.
  • cityspiderman
    cityspiderman Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think I want to ask what pets should I get that are worthy to lvl up with, due to their inherit skils/ability and stats.

    For example, down the road, pet A would be stronger in pve than pet B in the same lvl. Therefore it is better to get pet A even if it costs a little more or I have to wait for couple of more lvl to get it.

    I think I will get Magmite (Crystalline or Volcanic) later on since more than one person mentions it.


    Open to more suggestions.
  • Retna - Lost City
    Retna - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The best pet to get period is the dustwraiths the little ogre looking things with bows they do more damage at level 35 than a level 90 archer and they have more hp and def than fully buffed level 90 Barbarian. Nuff said >_>
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think I want to ask what pets should I get that are worthy to lvl up with, due to their inherit skils/ability and stats.

    For example, down the road, pet A would be stronger in pve than pet B in the same lvl. Therefore it is better to get pet A even if it costs a little more or I have to wait for couple of more lvl to get it.

    I think I will get Magmite (Crystalline or Volcanic) later on since more than one person mentions it.


    Open to more suggestions.

    Yep, that's what nearly everyone does, can't go wrong with Magmite. Crystalline is one lvl lower, and has very slightly higher stat than Volcanic when trained to the same lvl. If I remember correctly, Volcanic comes with Tough skill, which decrease dmg taken.
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The best pet to get period is the dustwraiths the little ogre looking things with bows they do more damage at level 35 than a level 90 archer and they have more hp and def than fully buffed level 90 Barbarian. Nuff said >_>

    They don't always catch aggro though. Could be troublesome if you're a robe veno.
  • cityspiderman
    cityspiderman Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I was looking at this website that compares stats of tamable mobs:

    For robe veno, are hp, defense, regeneration most important stats on pets, then it would be damage and speed.

    If this is the case, I think for land pets before lvl 17: Qingfu and Beetles are best tank pets with ok damage, right?
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I would say do not just jump on the bandwagen. Test out a few pets and make sure they are what you like. I for one would have died several times if I used one of those Golems because they do not hit hard enough or move fast enough. I have been using a Sharptooth Wolf for the longest time and he does a GREAT job for me and as a + he does not obstruct my vision.
  • Kotecek - Lost City
    Kotecek - Lost City Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I discarded my wolf, when I was like 30+, he died too many times if I remember corretly, then I replaced him on Volcanic. Don't understand ppl, golem is so sweet b:cute
    My chars: 97 barb, 87 cleric, 91 veno, 80 archer, 74 Blademaster, 34 Psychic, 30 Assasin, 20 Wizard, 44 Seeker, 20 Mistyc.

    ^ I have SO many personalities to play them all! b:cute

    And YAY for my Phoenix!(on THIS veno ^^) b:victory
  • angbryn
    angbryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well, I have a golem, and I think it works pretty well. It take agro and I kill. It used to loose agro a little when I bougth my wheel of fate, but I leveled up its bash once and I never took agro on it ever again.

    I plan to buy hercules later, but I think i'll keep my golem too cause I like it very much.
    One thing that I wonder is, how do people with Hercules manage to feed it as it only eats meat? o_O
  • Zhoelle - Sanctuary
    Zhoelle - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Magmites are very effective - there is general consensus on that. However, I don't use them because I like to be different. Plus, I don't like their looks. That's just a personal thing, some people love them.

    I like my pretty red scorpion. It's fragile, but hits very hard. I like my Redtail Minkii too. Small, so it doesn't obstruct your view, has decent speed, and fairly good physical defense.

    Really, any pet you choose needs to suit your style. And the best part is, you can try them all! Just get rid of a pet if it doesn't work for you.

    <edit: of course, if you have money to burn, see Dazel the Wealthy's post>
  • Lilacstar - Dreamweaver
    Lilacstar - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm lvl 8(on my venomancer forgot to change my avatar >.<) right now and I am using a Rinodrake Plainswalker...its working very well for me too...
  • xnrieya
    xnrieya Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I tamed a white-eyed wolfkin when my veno was level 20+ and it came with lvl 3 flesh ream and lvl 2 (or was it one?) howl. The former adds bleed damage, a DoT and the latter lowers a mob's mdef. Howl+Flesh ream+Veno nukes = dead mob in 2 secs! My veno is now level 39 and I still have the wolf. It's my best tanking pet so far (other then Alex my personal pet, a level 4x BM ^^) Overall, it actually depends on your personal preference I think. Most people will say get a Golem, I had one at level 17 and discarded it at... 17. It was huge (blocks my view and I can't target mobs properly) and SLOW... So, everything boils down to your personal style and flair, whether you want to be different and stand out or blend in with everyone else.

  • Flamingchill - Heavens Tear
    Flamingchill - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    They don't always catch aggro though. Could be troublesome if you're a robe veno.

    Uh where do i tame a dustwraith lol...I dont think they are tamable
    I curse you and my curse is that you be what you already are..!

  • Kotecek - Lost City
    Kotecek - Lost City Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Now I want to replace my bee(Insect Minstress or something, blue bee..) on 73 lvl Elysium Fowl, I hope that this will look better(what I saw this have less dmg, but more attack speed and Bash on 3 or 4 lvl for free). I saw today Baby Elysium and it looked nice.. I wonder if as battle pet will look nice too <_< cuz many mobs after catch look strange..

    I catched many pets, but most of them don't look atrractive and had unatracctive stats too. If we catched pet like in pokemons( x_X ) why they don't look so... cute? evil? amazing? dunno what I should write about poke.. @_@' except rare pets like bunny, froggy, kitty, pup...

    (srry for my grammatic, english isn't my motherland language) b:surrender
    My chars: 97 barb, 87 cleric, 91 veno, 80 archer, 74 Blademaster, 34 Psychic, 30 Assasin, 20 Wizard, 44 Seeker, 20 Mistyc.

    ^ I have SO many personalities to play them all! b:cute

    And YAY for my Phoenix!(on THIS veno ^^) b:victory
  • Corryx - Sanctuary
    Corryx - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My main is a a lvl 45 veno and has used a variety of pets from numerous wolves to beetles.

    I admit b:laugh to having a Crystalline Golem which I still use although due to its size I've been slow in getting it to my level so some of my faster & smaller pets can better it currently. Sadly I suspect I will have to stick with it as friend in my faction has one that rocks!!

    Still using starter wolf although my favourite wolf has to be lvl 20 Blackhive Wolfkin with Flesh Ream 2 and Howl 2 plus he is fast and holds aggro v well.

    However my real long-term favourite is the lvl 18 Giant Ant from near Etherblade (which I have tamed for friends too) - Bash lvl2 Pierce lvl 1. Have added Tough and its almost a mini-tank as well as being cute. Also have just tamed (near Etherblade) a lvl 20 Ant Soldier with Bash lvl 3 and Pierce lvl 1 to see if it is even better. ANTS RULE!! b:victory

    Very recently have got two new pets which look like becoming firm contenders for the favoured slots:

    - a lvl 40 Overclocked Mechrab which often survives Bosses where my friends Golem dies. (Bash 3 Pierce 2 Tough 1 and added Boost).

    - lvl 43 Mastiff of the Great Divide that has been named Fluffy as s/he has two heads (although Hagrid's has three!!!). Definite magic tank and as fast as a wolf with Flesh Ream 2 Roar 1 and Howl 3. V good mag res but have to be realistic and say that Carapest Terror (lvl 19) and the rare Shaodu Cub and Frogling are better. (Got Frogling that Im lvlg on my 2nd veno)

    (Air pet: used a lvl 8 Petite Sawfly until I could use a lvl 34 Pinnaer Foxwing; Water: used lvl 8 Highlands Turtle until I tamed a lvl 33 Undine Princess to farm for hay)

    See my pet comparisons at
  • Likairie - Sanctuary
    Likairie - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    What I did was I used my starter pet from 3-17. From 17-30 I used my Crystalline Magmite. And from 30-34 (When you have those annoying flying quests in heaven's tear) I used a petite sawfly, which I switched for a Pinnaer Foxwing at 34. And right now, I'm leveling my Snow Hare which is 22 right now,and doing pretty good. And so far, my pets have been working out well.. For normal grinding, I've kinda stopped using my Magmite because he's so big, and annoying, and use my Foxwing for just about everything. Foxwings are good because they hold aggro really well with their Flesh Ream. b:laugh
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Level 61 Sower of the Flame. Great Lure pet that you can use for fighting.

    Has 2 bash, 3 fireball and 3 howl.

    Not exactly a phys tank, but he has decent mag defense, and moves really fast. Plus, he's awesome for grinding, because his skills give you faster kill speed.

    In that same level area... Undine Tide Mistress.

    1 Icicle 4 Threaten 3 Tough.

    This is more of a tank pet. If you alternate Threaten, and Tough, she can survive things that even take out an unUpgraded Magmite. Not to mention that Threaten makes her a friend to Barbs. Just set her to auto use that so she doesn't pull aggro, and you have a happy tank.

    And, you can't go wrong with the lower Golems. Yes, they're huge, and yes everyone uses them, but everyone uses them for a reason. They tank GREAT. Beat by Herc, of course, but you give a Golem proper skills, and you don't really need anything else on land, except maybe a lure pet... But I've been known to lure SA mobs with a Golem from time to time... So, it's really up to you.

    Mechrabs are a good pet. They don't have the sheer beastly tanking ability of a Golem, but they are MUCH smaller, and faster.

    Now, as for water... I believe there are two general types of tactics for this.

    One: Catch and release. Get the biggest water pet you can, because water fighting sucks, and you won't be doing a lot of it.

    Two: Get a Turtle. Here's the catch. You think your golem gets in the way? You've never had a turtle on your screen. But they tank, and they do it well. If you can deal with the hassle and agony of building up a level 5 turtle, I'd suggest you do it. It'll pay off in the long run.

    That being said, I use an Undine and a Death Dealer... I hated the sheer size of my Turtle. I died meaninglessly simply because I couldn't see around him. Plus, I like the way they move faster and come with Boost.

    So, basically, here's the thing about pets. Pick one that fits your needs. We can give you a 100 page list of pets, and why we chose them, but if you hate the pet, all our talking has been useless. So, go out and get pets. You can tame pets for free. See a pet, tame a pet, test a pet. It's what I do, and I've got a bag that has pets for every occasion.
  • KirathCra - Heavens Tear
    KirathCra - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    The best pet to get period is the dustwraiths the little ogre looking things with bows they do more damage at level 35 than a level 90 archer and they have more hp and def than fully buffed level 90 Barbarian. Nuff said >_>

    In the real of possibilities, duskwraith don't exist. They're not tamable lol...
  • Kotecek - Lost City
    Kotecek - Lost City Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Woot I was lvling my Snow Hare to 68 lvl O_O

    (was funny when he tanked Krixx ... tiny bunny b:chuckle)
    My chars: 97 barb, 87 cleric, 91 veno, 80 archer, 74 Blademaster, 34 Psychic, 30 Assasin, 20 Wizard, 44 Seeker, 20 Mistyc.

    ^ I have SO many personalities to play them all! b:cute

    And YAY for my Phoenix!(on THIS veno ^^) b:victory
  • Antelope - Lost City
    Antelope - Lost City Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Why not PWi adds a Food for Thought unlimited like they did in MY?

    And as for the Golem, not reccomended for PvP. Its more of a PvE pet. I reccomend a Sawfly or a Wasp as they are the best low leveled pets that can fly. Best used in PvP.
    Level 1x WF. Harshlands (PvP)