blademaster atributes

Jasili - Heavens Tear
Jasili - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Blademaster
Can u tell me guys, 2 str, 2 dex and 1 vit every lvl is ok for me?

Im new here, and i will play pve for now, and pvp later...

Dual swords or sing swords is the best... what stats on sword are the best for me...

what about MAGIC atrubit, I see I lose many mana at attack...

Post edited by Jasili - Heavens Tear on


  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    can U Tell Me Guys, 2 Str, 2 Dex And 1 Vit Every Lvl Is Ok For Me?

    Im New Here, And I Will Play Pve For Now, And Pvp Later...

    Dual Swords Or Sing Swords Is The Best... What Stats On Sword Are The Best For Me...

    What About Magic Atrubit, I See I Lose Many Mana At Attack...


    Dont Add Any Point On Mag.
  • Jasili - Heavens Tear
    Jasili - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok, what about str, dex and vit...?
  • Terrorplex - Heavens Tear
    Terrorplex - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Can u tell me guys, 2 str, 2 dex and 1 vit every lvl is ok for me?

    Im new here, and i will play pve for now, and pvp later...

    Dual swords or sing swords is the best... what stats on sword are the best for me...

    what about MAGIC atrubit, I see I lose many mana at attack...


    You can use this build for a while but i suggest for to Cap ur vit at 60 then follow then path of str:3 Dex:2 because there is a point in time were u need alot more str for different Due sw or sw. Also to the fact that alot of dex wont help u in much because u arent heading to fists and bm r not archers.
    b:shockedWARNING YOU MUST READ THIS!b:shocked
    The more you hate me the more I love you, the more you fight me the more frisky i get, you can not destroy someone u dont know cause that will make em nothing but if i know u and you know me then you know wat i know, that i would know and that you should know. So in the end u know nothing of wat u just read cause it doesnt matter right? or does it?
  • Jasili - Heavens Tear
    Jasili - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You can use this build for a while but i suggest for to Cap ur vit at 60 then follow then path of str:3 Dex:2 because there is a point in time were u need alot more str for different Due sw or sw. Also to the fact that alot of dex wont help u in much because u arent heading to fists and bm r not archers.

    Thanks for your answer, and I think u are right about dex.

    So I need 60 VIT for cap... after 60 vit, I can put 3 str and 2 dex every lvl...

    What about swords, wich one is the best? Dual or Single... and what is different in Dual and Single.

  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks for your answer, and I think u are right about dex.

    So I need 60 VIT for cap... after 60 vit, I can put 3 str and 2 dex every lvl...

    What about swords, wich one is the best? Dual or Single... and what is different in Dual and Single.


    First of all, 2/2/1 is not enough STR for equipment unless you plan to use light armor or use heavy armor that is below your level. You will feel this start to pinch at about level 20. At that point (and roughly for all the heavy armor pieces after that), you need to have averaged 2.5 STR per level. You can get this extra half point out of VIT or DEX. I would suggest VIT because I disagree with the argument that DEX is not particularly valuable, but it really is your choice (although, since you seem to be interested in swords, you also need to be aware of the average 1.5 DEX/level requirement for those weapons). The whole notion of capping VIT is also a bit too stark. It comes from the fact that VIT is particularly valuable early on as high HP is the best way you have to deal with magic attacks (until you get a wider array of skills) and you are moving through gear fast enough that it is not yet worth getting your HP through shards or refining. At the same time, in those early levels, the benefit of DEX is hard to see. Things like a high crit chance and a better hit % or evasion % accumulate slowly with DEX, so you won't observe a difference until later levels. When people tell you to cap VIT, what they really mean is to be aware of the fact that the tradeoffs between VIT and DEX (and STR, too, really) change as you level and as other possibilities kick in. Knowing those tradeoffs (rather than a rule of thumb) will let you make your own choice of how you want to spend what few discretionary points you have.

    As for the sword choices, you should not try to get new gear every 3 levels or so just because a new possibility is open. You will go broke fast that way. When you have a choice or when you can afford an upgrade, you should just choose the best gear currently available without worrying if it is a single or dual or is a sword or blade. The only real difference is that the singles work better with long stretches of normal attacks (where their increased speed makes up for a lower dmage per hit) while the duals work better with a lot of skill attacks (which have their own attack speeds and, therefore, are better based off the higher damage per hit of dual weapons).
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm actually rather surprised, at how people don't look at the other 100 new threads asked, each day, regarding the exact same thing.
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm actually rather surprised, at how people don't look at the other 100 new threads asked, each day, regarding the exact same thing.

    It is unfortunate that the stickied guide for the class is so one-sided on certain issues that I cannot in good conscience refer anyone interested in swords to it.
  • Jasili - Heavens Tear
    Jasili - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I know for threads at top. But I have morequestions... Sorry for spam then.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My only problem with all the guides on the forums is that they are very few (sometimes only 1). and all characters might become carbon copies or they just focus on certain weapons or certain playing style. In other words it makes the game look narrow.

    After being a while on the forums, I noticed different playing styles based on players preference, points atributes, skills. I have made my own by taking a piece from everything that I like.

    Even today I got some suggestions from a poster in another tread about strategies (which I'm gonna test tonight XD). However, all these things are not organized and neither on the same location.

    It would be good if there were 4 or 5 guides for each class based on what I mentioned above. So, players can pick what to do. Rather than saying this is the only way.

    Edit: some guides also get lost. There is a good guide for dual swords in this section of the forum which you have dig deep to find it too.