Lvl 19 FB Problem

achi113s Posts: 2 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
I did the quest with my squad and used townportal to get back. It said i completed the quest, but I did not get the special weapon that i was longing to get. Is there a problem with what I did?
Post edited by achi113s on


  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    What you finished was likely the Call to Duty quest, not the actual dungeon quest. Check your quest log for that quest, it should tell you to talk to the Elder/kill monsters. You can't miss it, it's the only Challenge quest at your lvl.
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009

    Level 19 Challenge Quest
    Gate to the Dark Lands
    Call of Duty

    Cultivation: Aware of Principle
    Dungeon Quest: Level 20+ monsters + Boss (Lvl 23)
    Average Time to completion: 1-4 hours (Level 20 Party)

    1. Speak to Elder (433, 887)
    1. Kill 8 Molten Chrysalis (Inside Dungeon)
    2. Kill 8 Molten Chilpod (Inside Dungeon)
    2. Kill Thromh the Mighty (Boss)
    [Level 23] Physical Attack
    Do it in this order (Quest mobs first, boss second) or your quest will fail.

    2. Report to Elder (433, 887)
    -Choice 1: Trial Wand*
    -Choice 2: Trial Trial Scythe
    -Celestone Fragment: 1
    -Reward (Gold: 190 Exp: 4606 SP: 2133 Rep: 12)

    Duty Calls: Xenobeast
    1. Talk to Elder (433, 887)
    -Recieve Call of Duty: Xenobeast

    Use this on the stone in the entrance hall of FB 19 or by the boss for extra exp to yourself and your squad members.


    Level 19 Challenge Quest
    The First Battle
    Call of Duty

    Cultivation: Aware of Principle
    Dungeon Quest: Level 20+ monsters + Boss (Lvl 23)
    Average Time to completion: 1-4 hours (Level 20 Party)

    1. Speak to Elder (327, 427)
    1. Kill 12 Stoneskin Undine (Inside Dungeon)
    2. Kill Poison Tail Occultist (Boss)*
    [Level 23] Physical Attack
    Do it in this order (Undine first, boss second) or your quest will fail.

    2. Report to Elder (327, 427)
    -Choice 1: Trial Wand
    -Choice 2: Trial Crossbow
    -Celestone Fragment: 1
    -Reward (Gold: 190 Exp: 4606 SP: 2133 Rep: 12)

    Duty Calls: Xenobeast
    1. Talk to Elder (327, 427)
    -Receive Call of Duty: Xenobeast

    Use this on the stone in the entrance hall of FB 19 or by the boss for extra exp to yourself and your squad members.


    Level 19 Challenge Quest
    Call of Duty

    Cultivation: Aware of Principle
    Dungeon Quest: Level 20+ monsters + Boss (Lvl 23)
    Average Time to completion: 1-4 hours (Level 20 Party)

    1. Speak to Elder (246, 646)
    - Kill 8 Blackhive Wolfkin Premier (Inside Dungeon)
    - Kill 8 Choude, the Blackhand (Inside Dungeon)
    - Kill Rend Razorjaw (Boss)
    [Level 23] Physical Attack
    Do it in this order (Quest mobs first, boss second) or your quest will fail.

    2. Report to Elder (246, 646)
    -Choice 1: Trial Poleaxe
    -Choice 2: Trial Pataka
    -Celestone Fragment: 1
    -Reward (Gold: 190 Exp: 4606 SP: 2133 Rep: 12)

    Duty Calls: Xenobeast
    1. Talk to Elder (246, 646)
    -Recieve Call of Duty: Xenobeast

    Use this on the stone in the entrance hall of FB 19 or by the boss for extra exp to yourself and your squad members.

    Did you do the questmobs first and I do mean all of them? Then the boss?
  • achi113s
    achi113s Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeah i did the call to duty quest. Now I have this other one where I have to kill 8 valcano magmites and 8 centipedes or something. Is that the quest where I get the weapon? And if so..I will probably need people to help me because I went i nthere and two volcano magmites chased me out of there with very low hp
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If you did not do the quest for the mobs before killing the boss it will be hard for you to find a party. After you kill the questmobs in the dungeon the quest will change to kill the boss and most people will want you to have a tab before they go in there. Normally just running through to the boss gets you enough mobkills for the quest so it changes to needing the boss kill.
  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    What server are you on, so people can help you?
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • mothergoose66
    mothergoose66 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I was logged onto my Archer and she was doing her "FB19" call of duty quest and I recruited my squad and they were up on thier levels, thought all was good when all of sudden upon entering the cave my "squad" took off. They started killing everything. I told them I needed a mob of undines killed and they killed the BOSS before the mob of undines. I was left high and dry after that, they dispersed and left me to figure out what went wrong?
    I asked for help in another quest to be included so I could get credit for the kill as I had the item I was returning, but they basically said tough **** and left me. But they sure got all thier blood and so forth they wanted, so I tell you BEWARE YOUR SQUAD CHOICES, NOT ALL ARE REPUTABLE AND MOST ARE OUT FOR THEMSELVES, NOT YOU!
    But I have had good expriences with other squads that do think of you and walk you through it for the game, not for themselves.
    But I am still out my reward and weapon! I am sooooo PO'd
    But life goes on and I need to redo this quest---if I can. I am still waiting to hear if it will count.
    Just had to post as I felt all needed to know that there are some out there that have big ego's so watch out!
    Good luck-
    Rainier b:angry
  • CyberMagix - Heavens Tear
    CyberMagix - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If you are in heaven's tear, you can find me(Cybermagix) as i offer to do fbs tab-less=)
  • Chanteus - Sanctuary
    Chanteus - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If you play on Sanctuary server, whisper to Chanteus (/Chanteus) and I can get you through it. No one who only wants the exp will be willing to help you now.

    You can also get two or three melee fighters from your guild who are able to kill an fb monster by themselves (lev 27+), and a cleric, and you should be able to clear the fb again. guild members are usually willing to give help for free.
  • missdominater
    missdominater Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    how do u even play this game uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuub:sad
  • HeLium - Lost City
    HeLium - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Average Time to completion: 1-4 hours (Level 20 Party)

    ^^ 5 mins with an average squad :P
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I had an identical experience. I did not get any special weapon and my squad took off and finish everything in less than 5 min.

    I was even lost inside the Dungeon since they left right away too (thanks mini map).

    It was not a good experience at all but as they say here that's how it is.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Sorry, I have to make a big correction I did get the weapon. but it was not dual blade.
  • Hakkacura - Sanctuary
    Hakkacura - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    idk why any1 would switch 2 WoW...PW is fun and i love it.
  • Boypoker - Heavens Tear
    Boypoker - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    what can i do since i didnt get all of my stoneskin undines first, cus i dont have my pendant to turn in to the elder to complete this quest and i dont think i can trash it and start again.
  • Vidalaire - Heavens Tear
    Vidalaire - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You can message me at Vidalaire or greedsever and I'll help you out, but I won't be on til later. If you don't want to wait, you can try shouting in Plume to find some people to help you out.
  • Hildeborg - Heavens Tear
    Hildeborg - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    That's why you must NEVER EVER validate the quest at the entry ... There's another column right before the boss, that way you can tell your party what to do and if they don't agree, well, too bad for THEM, bad dog, no biscuit.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    what can i do since i didnt get all of my stoneskin undines first, cus i dont have my pendant to turn in to the elder to complete this quest and i dont think i can trash it and start again.

    Now I understand why we had to do dungeon again since we killed the boss but not the undines.

    The player was in the same situation as you but we went right back in to do it.
  • Arkathos - Sanctuary
    Arkathos - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well, seems I should have read more of this threads before going to FB19...
    Similar situation, whispered on one of those World Chat advertises for FB help, got a squad (lv.70+), asked for guidance, did everything I was told and what happened? Quest unfinished. I did the pillar like they told me right in the start, followed them though and stayed back, and by the time boss died I still had like half of the enemies listed to kill. Then squad fled. One of the party did stay behind telling me he would help me killing the enemies, but there weren't enough left...
    Was adviced to find someone with a tab and tag along (a tab that I did had myself in the first place...).
    Great first experience.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well, seems I should have read more of this threads before going to FB19...
    Similar situation, whispered on one of those World Chat advertises for FB help, got a squad (lv.70+), asked for guidance, did everything I was told and what happened? Quest unfinished. I did the pillar like they told me right in the start, followed them though and stayed back, and by the time boss died I still had like half of the enemies listed to kill. Then squad fled. One of the party did stay behind telling me he would help me killing the enemies, but there weren't enough left...
    Was adviced to find someone with a tab and tag along (a tab that I did had myself in the first place...).
    Great first experience.

    My suggestion is to get friends and/or guild. Since, you will need them (and they need you too) for future quests anyways.

    No need to say you have more fun playing with friends.

    When you get your tab, don't go crazy to do the FB. Wait until your friends are available and if possible schedule your FB so they know when to show up and do it toguether.
  • Maliza - Heavens Tear
    Maliza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That's why you must NEVER EVER validate the quest at the entry ... There's another column right before the boss, that way you can tell your party what to do and if they don't agree, well, too bad for THEM, bad dog, no biscuit.

    To say something from a tabbed fb helpers perspective:
    I have helped many times, and often when the helping party doesn't know if the helper has a tab, we did the run for no xp and sp, ie. there was no tab.

    So from a helpers perspective, don't trust ppl who won't tab at the start (and for expample are only there for the bossdrops, or don't have the required 80 rep).

    To solve this, there are 2 solutions:
    1. (don't know if it works) show (don't trade) the tab in the trade window so the helpers know it's there (still: 80 reputation uncertain)
    2. Start the quest at the start, make it fail by switching leader and tab again at boss.

    Solution 2 has my preference as everyone in the group can see that the quest can be activated, with the safe gaurd in place that the quest has to be finished or the tab won't be activated at the boss. I think everyone in a group can live with it.
    Heavens Tear
    Maliza - 8x veno
    CriticalMary - 6x archer
    Maradishu - 5x cleric (only if needed)
    Makito - barb 4x (in rest)
  • Ihazacute - Sanctuary
    Ihazacute - Sanctuary Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've tried putting the tab in a trade window just to show it

    It won't let you.

    If you fail the quest in the instance, do you have to leave and reset it? Because if not, then your second suggestion is pretty good.
  • Maliza - Heavens Tear
    Maliza - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No, you don't have to leave the instance. The quest fails if you switch leader. When the one needing the fb has the lead back the quest can be taken again.

    Also when the squad leader has a discon and the tab is already in, the quest can be taken again without leaving the instance. I also used this when a friend of mine accidentaly tabbed the same boss in FB39 twice (the boss was of course already killed during the first tab), so we could proceed to the last boss.

    Also for everyones safety: ask to clean the boss room (or tab after all running mobs/agroeble mobs in the boss room are killed). It would be a shame if u (or anyone else for that matter) died from a mob, while the rest of the party is killing the boss and isn't paying attention to anyting else.
    Heavens Tear
    Maliza - 8x veno
    CriticalMary - 6x archer
    Maradishu - 5x cleric (only if needed)
    Makito - barb 4x (in rest)
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have also been in "call to duty" quests where our tab holder was confused and had not received any tab yet.

    I prefer my xenobeast tab holders using their tab in that initial pillar. If something happens so they fail (maybe someone gets disconnected? Or perhaps they trashed their quest? Or, anything else) they can use their tab again, later on.
  • Ganiju - Heavens Tear
    Ganiju - Heavens Tear Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i suggest you have poeple you know really well like if you are in a guild that you get them to help. i am having my brother to help so i know that we will do it right. people that are higher lvls and are in your guild that you know will not leave you should be your best option.
    probably one of the smartest in perfect world
    yet the lowest of level
  • Ruggedmonk - Harshlands
    Ruggedmonk - Harshlands Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I was logged onto my Archer and she was doing her "FB19" call of duty quest and I recruited my squad and they were up on thier levels, thought all was good when all of sudden upon entering the cave my "squad" took off. They started killing everything. I told them I needed a mob of undines killed and they killed the BOSS before the mob of undines. I was left high and dry after that, they dispersed and left me to figure out what went wrong?
    I asked for help in another quest to be included so I could get credit for the kill as I had the item I was returning, but they basically said tough **** and left me. But they sure got all thier blood and so forth they wanted, so I tell you BEWARE YOUR SQUAD CHOICES, NOT ALL ARE REPUTABLE AND MOST ARE OUT FOR THEMSELVES, NOT YOU!
    But I have had good expriences with other squads that do think of you and walk you through it for the game, not for themselves.
    But I am still out my reward and weapon! I am sooooo PO'd
    But life goes on and I need to redo this quest---if I can. I am still waiting to hear if it will count.
    Just had to post as I felt all needed to know that there are some out there that have big ego's so watch out!
    Good luck-
    Rainier b:angry

    The same thing happened to me & now I'm waiting to complete the kill of Thromh but cant get a squad cuz I have no tab anymore but just the quest. I want my weapon b4 I get too high lvl to use it.
  • Ufo - Dreamweaver
    Ufo - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    PWI fb is boring...
    I enjoy playing fb with similar lvl, but you will have very hard time to find such party...
  • d3citful
    d3citful Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    thanks for the info
    Respect is Earned not Given!
  • Thraxx - Heavens Tear
    Thraxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    To say something from a tabbed fb helpers perspective:
    I have helped many times, and often when the helping party doesn't know if the helper has a tab, we did the run for no xp and sp, ie. there was no tab.

    So from a helpers perspective, don't trust ppl who won't tab at the start (and for expample are only there for the bossdrops, or don't have the required 80 rep).

    To solve this, there are 2 solutions:
    1. (don't know if it works) show (don't trade) the tab in the trade window so the helpers know it's there (still: 80 reputation uncertain)
    2. Start the quest at the start, make it fail by switching leader and tab again at boss.

    Solution 2 has my preference as everyone in the group can see that the quest can be activated, with the safe gaurd in place that the quest has to be finished or the tab won't be activated at the boss. I think everyone in a group can live with it.

    of course..the exp at the end of a tabbed run is good but its not all about that, i lead a team that runs even with no tabs...its about havin a good time and meeting new peeps, you will get more respect if you are willing to run it even if it transpires that the tabber doesnt have tabs, plus they will more than likely ask you to run again with tabs.
    i have run countless fb's as 'fun runs' just so ppl can get the experiance of running one and it also solves the problem of ppl getting lost lol.

    my advice tho is to make sure you trust the person doing your fb and make sure they go at your stop them running off you can always transfer lead and fail the quest so they have to listen or like many have said, ask guildies to run for you :D
    My alarm tried to wake me this morning,Things escalated and now my alarms broken and im awake. . . Not quite sure who won . . . .
  • xiaoyanzi
    xiaoyanzi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I am on HT, and I will help you (and anyone else in similar situations who did their 19 with a bad squad that did not care about getting quests done for the tabber). PM me in the forums here, and we will setup a time for an untabbed 19.